Author Topic: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis - Updated 9/18/21 - Felicia and Final Summary  (Read 26663 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Aubrie's Heroes

Since I neglected to save the first post for links to each main post, I'll put those here:

Founder Aubrie is covered in this first post.
Second Hero - Celeste
Third Hero - Krista
Previous Heroes Update
Fashion Show
Fourth Hero - Sara
Fifth Hero - Jewel
Sixth Hero - Kyla
Seventh Hero - Felicia and Final Summary


Founder Aubrie Jansen moved into Lagoon Look in Sulani and immediately converted it to a Tiny Home. She removed the deck and part of the kitchen and bathroom to get the square footage under the 64-square max that would allow her faster skill gains and longer positive buffs.

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After several days of hard work along with nearly full-time needs management, she aged up to YA with the character traits of Good Manners, Responsible, and Emotional Control. She then completed the following 7 requirements:
  • Odd Jobs - Paid Beach-Cleaning Volunteer Work, Sea Shells for a business (not the real name, but forgot to write it down), Frogs for Research, Making Proof, LFG (Looking for Gamer), Needing Nom Noms, Looking for a Love Guru
  • Level 7 of an adult skill - Writing. This skill advanced quickly thanks to all the journal writing that helped with emotion management. As soon as she aged up to YA she took a job as a Freelance Writer to make some money. She wrote her first book at the local bar to earn enough to get her utilities turned back on.
  • Complete 7 Emotional Whims - Show off muscles to someone, Call the Sadness Hotline, Send a Sad Text, Call Someone on the Phone, Give Yourself a Pep Talk, Write in a Journal, Complain about Problems. All except the muscles one were Sad whims resulting from the death of a good friend. Leave it to Aubrie to profit from someone's timely demise - timely for Aubrie anyway.
  • Make 7 Good Friends- Keala Hoapili (future generator of sad whims), Lia Hauata, Makoa Kealoha (does he EVER take off that scuba mask?), Duane Talla (double helping of that please), Penny Pizzazz, Katrina Caliente, Lincoln Sinclair (he came uninvited to the first Kava party, so she snapped some photos of him and finished this one off)
  • Find 7 Collectibles - Ordinary Conch Shell (came in handy when she got that seashell odd job), Tulip Shell, Small Conch Shell, Scallop Shell, Citrine, Dirtsurfer Frog, Preshistoric Hoofprint (those last two were from the Oasis Springs park, where she went to get out of the rain and found it snowing there.)
  • Catch 7 fish of different species - Tilapia, Rainbow Fish, Discus, Perch, Butterfly fish (released this one since it's an endangered species), Trout, Goldfish
  • Throw 7 parties - 4 Kava Parties, House Party, Dance Party, Dinner Party. She didn't intend to have 4 Kava parties. In fact, she didn't intend to include party-throwing as one of the requirements. But she needed a gold Kava Party for her aspiration, and through a series of weird glitches, the Kava party repeatedly refused to recognize as gold. After 3 attempts, a reboot, and a repair game, she achieved the gold. Since she was then more than halfway to 7, she said "The heck with making stuff! Let's just party!"

Aubrie completed her final requirement (odd job - Looking for a Love Guru) on Wednesday of week 3. She knows she could have done it faster, but she chose not to utilize clubs (a staple of her watcher) or any other needs-filling shortcuts. She's living an Active "People-Person" lifestyle with a "Single and Lovin' It" lifestyle In Progress. She doesn't expect that second one to become permanent though, given her recent status as the girlfriend of Duane (hunka-hunka) Talla.

With her 7 requirements completed, Aubrie adopted Celeste, a darling child with a mean streak.

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Poor thing probably had a very challenging early childhood, given her complete lack of skills, her unfortunate wardrobe, and her Empathy rating halfway to "Insensitive". Aubrie has her work cut out for her with this one. She hopes to coax out Celeste's creativity to help her fulfill her Artistic Prodigy aspiration, and with high enough satisfaction, maybe Celeste will want to re-trait at some point. Aubrie thinks Celeste might even have a museum in her future.

Aubrie plans to spend a few more days in the very lucrative Freelancer career to save up some Simoleons before starting her project of cleaning up Sulani and maxing the conservationist career. She hopes to complete that around the time Celeste ages to YA, and then they will move to a bigger house in whatever town Celeste chooses.

Note: Since I rarely finish the stories I start (I did finish one; not sharing the count started) I decided to only post a synopsis each time a future hero ages to YA and completes the initial 7 requirements. In all future posts, the first part of each post will share the newest hero's accomplishments to date along with his/her future plans. The second part will be a summary of what the previous heroes have accomplished since the last update. In between playing and sharing these meager details, I will be eagerly reading the stories that those of you with more talent and perseverance are kind enough to share.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 12:44:40 AM »
Well done Aubrie and welcome to the family Celeste.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2020, 07:24:41 AM »
Congrats to Aubrie! And yes, Celeste (who doesn't sound heavenly at all) will need a re-traiting reward sometime to get rid of that mean streak.

I think you write very nicely, but if you just want to do summaries, I do understand.
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2020, 09:38:18 AM »
Celeste (who doesn't sound heavenly at all) will need a re-traiting reward sometime to get rid of that mean streak.

Thank you for clarifying that @MarianT. I saw that the Founder couldn't have that trait, but didn't realize that applies to all Heroes. Is there a specific time I need to do that? Like, before she ages to teen, or before she ages to YA, or before she starts on the 7 Requirements?

I think you write very nicely, but if you just want to do summaries, I do understand.
Thank you. The big problem for me is the time that it takes to write the stories and do the pictures - I'm hoping that by not putting time into that, that I will actually finish this dynasty.  ;)
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Offline MarianT

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2020, 10:58:54 AM »
I'd say before finishing the 7 requirements. I can't remember how much the re-trait potion is, or whether someone else can buy it for her.
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2020, 11:27:09 AM »
I'd say before finishing the 7 requirements. I can't remember how much the re-trait potion is, or whether someone else can buy it for her.

It's 5000 - I think that's very doable. Thanks!
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Offline reggikko

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2020, 09:31:59 PM »
Great start, GlazeyLady. During my trial run, I got an evil kid. Fortunately, I've been luckier in my official file so far. Weighing the slight advantage of adopting a toddler and being able to choose the first trait, I ultimately decided it probably isn't worth it.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2020, 11:07:43 PM »
GlazeyLady, I agree with MarianT. I've always enjoyed your writing. :)
You don't lack talent or perseverance (which you shower on other aspects of your non-gaming life), just time (as you mentioned.
Looking forward to your summaries.

Also, can I say how much I love how different everybody's approach to this challenge is so far?

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2020, 10:57:38 AM »
Nice summary of a successful first generation!
Best wishes for Celeste's leg of the journey :=)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2020, 09:53:15 PM »

Celeste joined the family the day before Harvestfest and was excited to participate in her first Grand Meal.

Before aging to teen, she earned 7 Scout Badges, caught 7 unique fish, and had a good start on a shell collection. She also completed Artistic Prodigy, Whiz Kid, and Social Butterfly, earning enough Satisfaction to get a re-traiting potion. She traded Mean for Maker, and added Creative when she aged up to teen.
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With three character values already in range for positive traits, she was tempted to age up to YA straight-away. But she aged up just after midnight, so no school that day. With three vacation days available, and a weekend in between those, she would have almost 6 full days to work on her requirements before she'd have to go to school, and even then, Aubrie could write her a note. And Aubrie needed more time to work on her project before they'd be ready to move. So she decided to stay a teen for awhile, and only age up quickly if her character values started dropping. She just had to try to avoid asking for advice - that always made something drop!

As it turned out, Celeste completed all 7 of her requirements before she ran out of vacation days, but she was so busy upgrading her bed that she forgot to take a vacation day on Tuesday. So she went to school that day, which meant she'd graduate with an A instead of a B. 

Her character traits were Responsible, Compassionate, and Good Manners, and her 7 fulfilled requirements were:
  • Scouting Badges: Arts and Crafts, Civic Responsibility, Scholarly Aptitude, Sociability,  Good Deeds, Young Scientist, Give Back
  • Fish: Celestial Grouper, Neon Angelfish, Angelfish, Guppy, Tuna, Exotic Goldfish, Butterfly Fish (released)
  • Collectibles: Sea Urchin Shell, Moon Snail Shell, The Heart of Sulani, Abalone shell, The Eyes of Sulani, The Fingers of Sulani, Scallop shell
  • Volunteer Activities: Beach Clean-up, Soup Kitchen, Nursing Home, Walk to Fight Disease, Bake Sale, Beach Clean-up,  Nursing Home
  • 7 Non-Skill Books: Crisis Barn, Orbital Pudding, Untamed Treachery of the Heart, The Glutton Spiel, Point Farmer No More, The First Unicorn, My Pizzi-Cat-o Polka
  • Level 7 of an adult skill: Handiness
  • Make 7 objects: Horse Sculpture, Knife Block, Mirror, Garden Planter, Wall hanging, End Table, Garden Pot

Aubrie was promoted to Environmental Ambassador on Tuesday morning, and then headed to the Wishing Well to hopefully get her to Level 10. She didn't get the immediate promotion she wanted, but she did get a promise of a promotion the next day if all her job requirements were met. So she quickly consulted on a Global Policy and then later enthused about conservation with Celeste. Wednesday morning, Aubrie was promoted to Level 10, Chief Sustainability Officer. She returned to Mua Pel'am to beachcomb for trash, and after picking up just one more spoiled tilapia, the island was fully restored and her project was complete!
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Celeste blew out her candles Wednesday and now that she was ready to adopt, a bigger house was in order. True to her word, Aubrie let Celeste choose their next home. After looking around, Celeste had her heart set on Springscape in Oasis Springs. She was used to the sand and warmth, and wasn't ready to move to a town that would have a lot of snow, so Oasis Springs seemed just the place. After sharing a bedroom with her mom through her childhood and teen years, Celeste really wanted a room of her own. And best of all, this house just happened to have a cute room perfect for the little girl who would soon join their family. The only problem was, they couldn't afford it. It cost over $65,000 and they had less than $20,000 plus their lot valued at just over $20,000. So they made a plan. Remembering how much faster she made money as a freelance writer, Aubrie quit her $340-per-hour job and went back to freelance writing. The unfortunate thing about this is that all her hard work to clean up Sulani locked in a "Workaholic" Lifestyle that doesn't recognize Freelancer as a job or the associated writing as work. So now, no matter how much she actually works, she gets negative moodlets for not having a job. She might just have to join the writer career at some point.

Celeste sold all the woodworking items she'd made and then updated the lot traits to provide faster skilling in painting and higher quality paintings. She embarked on her Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, selling everything she painted. By Friday evening they had enough money to afford the house Celeste wanted, with enough left over to adopt. But redecorating would have to wait.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2020, 10:40:16 PM »
Wow, you are soaring through this challenge!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2020, 04:57:34 PM »
Wow, you are soaring through this challenge!

Only because I had some days off work.  :D
My 6-year-old granddaughter chose the new adoptee, and now she wants to choose all her clothes, so that will slow me right down.  ;D
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2020, 05:09:14 PM »
I chose to clean up Sulani as the first project because I've never done that. After that was complete, I noticed butterflies inside, but thought it was because of the open windows in that house. But apparently, if you clean up Sulani, butterflies come to visit you in all your houses, even in other towns. These are in Springscape in Oasis Springs. Have you experienced this?
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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2020, 05:44:00 PM »
Wow, you are soaring through this!  I have a story idea floating around my head for this, so we shall see.  Did not know that about the butterflies, but it sounds cool.

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2020, 01:22:22 PM »
You are doing excellently on this and I just adore Celeste's smirk!  Such sass  :=)