Author Topic: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter 15 wedding  (Read 13041 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter six relationships
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2020, 10:17:02 PM »
 He is still Tons social worker so it's wrong for him to be romantically involved with Ton's mum while he is still working professionally with the family. He has some big decisions to make.
I hope everyone reading is okay with all the romantic drama I had intended Garrison to just be a friend but Sims write their own stories sometimes.  Although  having them sneak around has been fun.

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Offline reggikko

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter six relationships
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2020, 11:16:07 PM »
Aww, Sid and Garrison are meant to be. But, yeah, it’s still kind of sketchy! :) I hope they get their happy ending.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter six relationships
« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2020, 07:39:49 AM »
Oh, another little Landgraab on the way! Yeah, Garrison could get in a lot of trouble, especially if Sid gets mad at him.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter six relationships
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2020, 07:29:10 PM »
Chapter 7 Wishes

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Ton: Garrison can I go get a picture with Yamachan please go on say yes!
Garrison: You better ask your mu.. Sidney.
Sidney: Oh so I actually get to make a choice about my life for once.
Garrison: Sid lets not do this here.
Ton: Don't call her Sid!
Garrison: What?
Ton: She doesn't like it when you call her Sid remember.
Garrison: I don't think she likes me calling her anything right now.
Sidney: Hmmmm.
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Ton: I can't wait to show my friends this picture.
Ton: What do you mean this won't show up in my inventory.
Ton: Well that is just pointless then.
Ton: Are you just an actor in a suit.
Ton: Wait where are you going?
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Garrison: Sidney you can't just ignore me.
Sidney: I can and I am.
Garrison: Oh stop being childish.
Sidney: *Glares!*
Garrison: I didn't mean it like that. You said I could decide the right thing to do.
Sidney: What are you wishing for?
Garrison: That you will forgive me and that things could go back to how they were.
Sidney: Do you really want things to go back the way they were before?
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Garrison: What was that for?
Sidney: Just to say thank you for bringing us here. Ton is loving the fireworks and the bonfire.
Garrison: I am sorry about well you know.
Sidney: I don't want to talk about that right now.
Garrison: Maybe later?
Garrison: Maybe?
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Ton: Sid look at the fireworks they are so cool.
Sidney: I am looking at the fireworks.
Ton: No you are not you and Garrison keep looking at each other.
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Garrison and Sidney: No we don't!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter seven Wishes
« Reply #34 on: December 08, 2020, 08:21:27 PM »
Awwww, their hearts want what they want.
I don't understand why Garrison hesitates to refer to Sidney as "mum" when he's talking to Ton.
(I must have missed an important plot development. Sorry!)

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter seven Wishes
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2020, 09:15:18 PM »
I just decided that Garrison wouldn't want to use the word mum until Ton chose to call Sidney mum. He forgets sometimes.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter seven Wishes
« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2020, 08:23:16 PM »
Loving the complex relationships here.  Really adds to the narrative of the challenge!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter seven Wishes
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2020, 12:49:57 PM »
Chapter eight Birthdays.

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Dear diary life is moving on fast. Ton aged up to Teen a few days ago and our group pretty much took over the local burger joint. Mortimer and Geoffrey are probably used to much finer dining but we did what Ton wanted and he seemed to enjoy himself. He wasn't able to age up inside the restaurant so we had to take the cake home and let him age up in the garden. Now that Ton was a teenager and I could leave him alone I decided that I needed to go get things sorted out once and for all with Garrison. So after a few glasses of nectar and  at eleven thirty at night I went round to his house to tell him what was what.
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Garrison: Eat something it will make you feel less erm dazed.
Sidney: I am not that dazed!
Garrison: Sure. Where is Ton?
Sidney: He is at home in bed what kind of parent do you think I am?
Garrison: Sorry I asked but he is just a teenager.
Sidney: Excuse me I was just a teenager when you lot decided that I could go live on my own in a shack with no skills or money.
Garrison: Why do you take everything I say the wrong way.
Sidney: Because you are so confusing. One minute we are holding hands and kissing and the next you are back in social worker mode. I should go.
Garrison: Don't leave, please.
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Garrison: You are really tense.
Sidney: Oh I wonder why that is?
Garrison: Sidney?
Sidney: Yes?
Garrison: You make doing the right thing really difficult sometimes.
Sidney: Well maybe we try doing the wrong thing then.
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Authors note in other news we have two new additions to oasis springs.
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Kristina and Isais Landgraab the very adorable twins of Geoffrey and Nancy.


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Offline oshizu

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter eight Birthdays.
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2020, 02:33:01 PM »
Bbbut, how can it be wrong when it feels so right?
Pregnant Geoffrey was a ridiculous sight but his twins with Nancy are simply adorable. Awwww.

Looking forward to meeting Ton as a teen! Happy birthday!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter eight Birthdays.
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2020, 08:00:14 PM »
Ooh, naughty Sid! It's about time.

Don't let those toddlers fool you. Sure. they're cute now but Landgraab genes are lurking under the surface.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter eight Birthdays.
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2020, 08:10:20 PM »
I was all focused in on the relationship stuff, but then you threw in the adorable little Landgraabs and got me distracted.  Now I'm thinking about how if Ton finishes his obligations in time to adopt another boy while Christina's a child that could just be the cutest!  Yet.  Very distracted by toddler spam, but still loving the Sid & Gary show  :=)

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter eight Birthdays.
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2020, 02:40:54 PM »
Chapter nine Responsibility

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Sidney: Oh Geoffrey you really should stop giving me gift I don't deserve them.
Geoffrey: Nonsense its just a thank you for all the help with the twins.
Sidney: They are no bother I love having them round here.
Geoffrey: Promise me you will take care of them, you know, when I am gone.
Sidney: Geoffrey don't talk about going.
Geoffrey: Just promise me Sidney.
Sidney: I promise. They will be like part of the family.

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Garrison: How are you feeling?
Ton: I didn't think I would miss him so much.
Garrison: How is your erm Sidney holding up?
Ton: My Sidney is holding up okay I guess. But wouldn't you know you spend more time with her than I do.
Garrison: What?
Ton: You two are very loud you know.
Garrison: I whahh erm no thank you I don't!
Ton: Of course you don't know what I am talking about but let me just say one last thing.
Garrison: What is that?
Ton: My mother deserves better than a secret romance.
Garrison: Its not that easy.
Ton: I have said all I have to say. Now if you excuse me I have to go finish up my requirements.

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Authors note I have totally blanked on the name so yeah might not be right
Makori: Shouldn't you be at home.
Ton: Is there some law about sitting in a park at 3am?
Makori(maybe): Oooh the tiger cub bites.
Ton: Are you going to say anything helpful.
Makori: I saw you trying to catch a frog earlier. Never saw someone run for the bathroom so quick.
Ton: Squeamish trait.
Makori: So why put yourself through that.
Ton: Its a long story.
Makori: I am not going anywhere.
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Ton: I remember my mum, my birth mum, she had long brown hair or it might have been black its so long ago I can't be sure. We didn't have much money so my mum would ask the neighbour to look after me while she worked.
Makori: George?
Ton: Yeah Grandpa George.
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Ton: He wasn't my real Grandpa but he was the closest thing I had and when he died I..
Makori: I know. So what happens when you grow up?
Ton: I make things right.
Makori: Do you think it will be that easy.
Ton: I never said it was going to be easy.

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Birthday time!

Later that night.
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Garrison: Schnidney Powers you are lots  drunk.
Sidney: And you are lots handshum hamsome hunksome you know thingy now just get in the closet.
Garrison: Oh yes ma'am.
Sidney: *Giggles* I like it when you do as your told.
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Garrison: I don't think anyone heard us.
Sidney: Oh god!
Garrison: What?
Sidney: We didn't use anything!
Garrison: Any what... oh! I thought that you had?
Sidney: What because its my responsibility.
Garrison: We should be okay right.
Sidney: Right.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter nine responsibility
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2020, 04:18:39 PM »
Wow, Ton turned out really hunksome (our new word). Here's hoping that Sidney didn't have twins. Looking forward to seeing the young Landgraabs again. As for Makori, I don't remember her name either, but she's in my Sim's relationship panel so I'll look her up.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter nine responsibility
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2020, 05:32:59 PM »
I checked and her name is Kaori so I was close. Spoiler alert Sidney does not have twins.

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