Author Topic: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter 15 wedding  (Read 13043 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2020, 05:06:23 PM »
Chapter four

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Dear Diary it has been an eventful few days. It all started on Friday when I got fired from my job as a teacher. Who would have thought that a simple disagreement about implementing new ideas or keeping to the old tired tried and tested ways would lead to me losing my job. I was devastated I wanted to hide away from the rest of the world. Why did I ever think I could make a difference. Things were grim for awhile until Geoffrey came round to see how I was. He refused to put up with my excuses and told me quite bluntly that I had a child to think about now and moping about in bed was not getting me a new job. Now I see how right he was but at that moment in time I couldn't see past the failure. Garrison came round to talk to Washington.
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Washington: You know that you are cleaning grass right now.
Garrison: I know.
Washington: So what is the point then.
Garrison: It makes Sidney's life easier.
Washington: But she doesn't even know you are doing it.
Garrison: If you only do nice things when people know you have done it then you are not doing it to be nice you are doing it for yourself.
Washington: Is that a round about way of telling me to help clean up more.
Garrison: Yes, and I know you are squeamish but that just makes it mean more to Sid.
Washington: Don't call her..
Garrison: Sid!
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Washington: Sidney, are we going to be okay you know with you losing your job and everything.
Sidney: That is up to me to worry about not you.
Washington: But I want to worry I mean we should both worry isn't that what being a family is.
Sidney: Washington I oh..
Washington:Sidney Are you crying?
Sidney: I ah no I have a cold..
Washington: Sidney can you call me Ton its what my friend called me back at the place..
Sidney: Of course I can. You can call me Sid if you want.
Ton: Ha Garrison is gonna be so jealous.
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Sidney: Oh you shouldn't have.
Ton: Its nothing important its just a picture. I mean you don't need to even open it. Its okay if you don't like it.
Sidney: I will love it.
Ton: You haven't seen it yet.
Sidney: I will love it because you spent your time making it for me.
Ton: Adults are weird.
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And so dear diary its time for a new start I don't quite know what it will be but the main thing is that I have my family and my close knit friends around me.

Authors note. Sidney really did get fired both Geoffrey and Garrison came around to see her because she was feeling sad. The rainbow picture is just perfect and I love that the game has more consequences now. Sidney also got the single and loving it lifestyle and the close knit life style.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2020, 05:13:32 PM »
Awww, Ton (not Wash, as I'd taken to calling him) is such a sweetheart!  He and Sid (Don't call me Sid) are such a great little family!
Loved the usage of the random game moments to flesh out so much great story  :=)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2020, 05:35:04 PM »
Poor Washington! Good luck earning your character values, kiddo!
What a happy coincidence with the rainbow drawing!

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2020, 07:21:19 PM »
@PeregrineTook Ton Powers just sounded like a cool name.

@oshizu we improved Washingtons empathy quite a lot and I discovered that having him play with emotion helped with emotional control. Although you would have thought that I would already have known that.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2020, 01:18:31 AM »
The pictures on the desk are so great - I never think to put out the photographs. And I love the shot of Sidney and Washington hugging. The rainbow picture is really awesome - my granddaughter is constantly drawing rainbows. It's her favorite thing to draw right now.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2020, 02:05:57 PM »
Ton Powers is definitely a name for a hero. And I think it's sweet that Sidney has a picture of her and Garrison. I love the dialogue between him and Ton.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter four rainbows
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2020, 03:30:40 PM »
Chapter five fireworks.

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Dear diary I kissed Garrison and he kissed me back its all weird and awkward and I don't know how I feel. Or how he feels. Okay deep breaths Sidney. Lets just start at the beginning.  I was getting the house ready for Bonfire Night. When I heard a scream from outside.
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Garrison had only gone and set himself on fire so I leaped into action and extinguished him and the fire and that is when it happened. No not the kiss the moment!
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Sidney: Oh Garrison I thought I was going to lose you.
Garrison: Its alright Sid I am still here its all okay.
Sidney: But you could have died!
Garrison: Do you think you could get rid of me that easily.
Sidney: Oh shut up.
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Clare: So do you like him like him?
Sidney: I don't know. He has always just been Garrison.
Clare: Is he even allowed to like you?
Sidney: You are not helping matters.
Clare: I don't know what to tell you I just came on the lot to have a sit down. I didn't even know you until literally thirty seconds ago.
Sidney: Again not helpful.

So we had the bonfire night party and that is when the kiss happened. I still don't know how I feel and I especially don't know how he feels. In other weird news the crazy old guy who lives in Strangerville died and left his house to Ton. I have no clue why but Geoffrey suggested that we make the lot into a rental. Not sure who would want to take a vacation to strangerville but life and people are strange sometimes. I noticed that Ton took himself off to go play with his sparkler. I left him to deal with things in his own way although I didn't even know that he knew George.
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Ton: Goodnight Grandpa George I promise one day I will make things right.
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Garrison came around the next day and he wouldn't come in the house just sat by the unlit fire looking all moody and distant in the rain. I went outside to tell him that this was real life and not some teenage fantasy romance and that we needed to talk.
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Sidney: Ouch!
Garrison: Be careful its muddy.
Sidney: No durr.
Garrison: Do you need me to help you up.
Sidney: I can manage on my own thank you very much.
Garrison: Why can't you ever let anyone help you.
Sidney: And why can't you just come inside and talk to me instead of making me come outside in a blooming thunderstorm.
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Sidney: Stupid mud!
Garrison: Yesterday you let me call you Sid.
Sidney: Is that really important right now.
Garrison: Yes I think it is.
Sidney: I guess I was distracted with all the near flamey death that was going on.
Garrison: Is that the only reason?
Sidney: …….
Garrison: I think we need to talk.
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Offline reggikko

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2020, 06:07:23 PM »
Ooh, a romance! Little Ton is so sweet and I love how he and Garrison have a good relationship. Too bad about Sidney losing her job, though. I've never had a Sim get fired from a chance card. That last scene is priceless. I hate those stupid mud puddles!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2020, 07:53:43 PM »
That whole update was great, but I so enjoyed the silly bit with Clare being Sid's best friend and confidant and then saying that she'd just met her 30 seconds ago.  Great stuff!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2020, 08:41:28 PM »
An awkward kiss and broody Garrison!

P.S. Thanks for confirming that it's possible for a teen with a mood swing to age up and die an emotional death.
I just let my YA sim suffer out the remaining 5 hours of her mood swing. If that happens again, I'll give them a moodlet solver before aging up.

Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2020, 09:29:15 PM »
A few random screenshots that haven't made it into the story

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Makoa doing press ups in front of Sidney's house while naked. That just looks like an accident waiting to happen.
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The birthday that was only attended by the dead cow plant.
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Geoffrey falling over in the mud after being struck by lightning.
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More naked Makoa Note the other naked Sims in the background. The free love Nap is certainly interesting.
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2020, 01:23:55 PM »
So that's what happens with Free Love. . . . hmmm . . . maybe my Celeste should start voting. The mud puddle scenes are great! I never let my sims get in them, so I didn't realize they could offer up such fun screenshots.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2020, 02:12:04 PM »
I enjoyed the exchange between Clare and Sidney, too.  And I love how Sims are impervious to weather until all of a sudden they're not. I'm sure we'll learn more about George and Ton.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter five fireworks
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2020, 03:53:01 PM »
chapter six relationships

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Sidney: I thought you wanted to talk.
Garrison: I am talking.
Sidney: This is not talking this is looking. Talking involves more lips stuff..oh I didn't mean lip stuff as in kissing..
Garrison: You are adorable.
Sidney: What like a teenager. Is that how you still see me!
Garrison: No not at all I see you a grown woman and that's the problem.
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Garrison: You know this s wrong don't you. We can't..
Sidney: Don't you like me.
Garrison: That is not the point Sid and you know it.
Sidney: I know that you will do the right thing for all of us. Me you and Ton.
Garrison: I should go its getting late.
Sidney: It is pouring with rain you should sleep over.
Garrison: I don't know if that's appropriate.
Sidney: Its sleeping nothing else. Stop being silly. Besides its harvest fest tomorrow and I need help.
Garrison: Are you asking me for help.
Sidney: Don't let it go to your head.
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Ton: Wow you are here early.
Garrison: Oh yes, yes I am your mu.. Sidney needed help and I was coming here anyway you know later so erm..
Ton: Okay dude chill its just harvest fest.
Garrison: I am chill I am like totally the chilliest.
Ton: Okay whatever.
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Authors note no idea why Mortimer showed up for Harvest fest neither Sidney or Ton know him there you go.
Mortimer: You seem to have put a bit of weight on the there old boy.
Geoffrey: Darndest thing. I rang up Sidney there to ask if the wife and I should have a baby, bit daft seeing as the old girl is no spring chicken, and anyway here I am two days later looking a proper porker and no mistake.
Mortimer: Oh come on you cannot think that the telephone call had anything to do with it.
Geoffrey: Oh goodness me not at all.
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Garrison: Close your eyes and make a wish.
Sidney: Okay.
Garrison: What did you wish for?
Sidney: It won't come true if I tell you.
Garrison: Just tell me.
Sidney: Ton wants to go the festival of lights this Friday and I can't really afford it. But it seems really important to him since that George fella died.
Garrison: Open your eyes.
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Sidney: You got tickets!
Garrison: You can thank me later.
Garrison: I didn't mean it like that.

Authors note a lot of stuff happened at the festival of light so I wanted to make that its own chapter.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Be your own hero. A seven heroes Dynasty Chapter six relationships
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2020, 09:16:53 PM »
Nooooo, how can it be wrong for Sid and Garrison to become a couple?
Now that she's a young adult, he's no longer her social worker, is he?