Author Topic: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 3, Update 2 (3/14/21)  (Read 46945 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 7 (2/3/21)
« Reply #90 on: February 10, 2021, 04:13:44 PM »
How cute that both twins inherited Aravin's red locks!
You mentioned that they aren't aliens in disguise, but did they get the Bloodline trait?  Yes? No?
And, wow, Pippin, your second cluster is all girls, though I'm sure you don't mind, haha.
In my 7HD, my sims get hysterical often, especially the founder.
When I've forced the founder to meditate, she's on a meditation stool faaaar from the rest of the family, so she doesn't get overly playful for sentiment-related moodlets. *sighs
So glad you noticed Anaya's hysteria in time!

It seems that you are to move out the girls, even when they're ready, until you can more or less move in Cluster 3 all at once?
Looking forward to a return trip to Batuu!
Yeah, weird how they both took after Aravin even though they're clearly Tizzy's babies  ;=)
The twins are not aliens, not spellcasters, just regular humans with the weak bloodline trait.  Of course, a quick trip to Magic Town or a mermadic kelp could change that once they hit the teen and YA years. 
I'll likely move out the older four in advance and just have the twins there when Cluster 3 starts rather than waiting for all six to be out.  I mean, having a spot or three for abduction babies might not be a bad plan  ;=)  I mean, who wouldn't want more Vaznya cameos?  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 8 (2/10/21)
« Reply #91 on: February 10, 2021, 04:14:16 PM »
We return to the Flummux household to find the girls hard at work on their requirements...

Tizzy:  (singing) Boogie wonderlaaaaaaand!!
except for when they aren't.
Pippin:  Umm, shouldn't everyone be working on skilling?
Anaya:  Great idea, Tizzy!  We should all go to a dance club!
Pippin:  No, absolutely not!
Anika:  And I might meet more unattractive guys!
Pippin:  I absolutely forbid!!
Anaya:  Formal wear, everyone!

Anaya:  What was that?!?!?
Pippin:  It's just thund...I mean, it's my wrath!  You'd better get home and start skil...
Teya:  Let's just go in the dance club where it's safe.
Anika:  Great plan!
Pippin:  ...I'm scary.

Janae:  Woot!  My little sisters are joining me for a night out on the town!
Anika:  Oh, is your husband watching the baby?
Janae:  Nah, just having my husband-in-law keep an eye on him.
Pippin:  That's so not ok.
Anika:  I need a husband-in-law!!
Pippin:  No more breaking up marriages!!  I forbid it!!

Tizzy:  Hi!  Are you an alien?
Mila:  Shh!  It's a secret!  And how did you know?  My disguise was foolproof!
Tizzy:  Eh, my twin daughters are aliens.
Mila:  Oh, really?
Tizzy:  Yeah, unless they aren't.
Mila:  ...ok?

Anika:  Ooooo, you mistakenly think you're handsome!
Rex:  Why thank y...wait...
Anika:  So, you know what I like better than flowers?
Rex:  Uh...

Anika:  Two lips!  Get it?  Tulips?  Two lips?
Rex:  Wow!  Wait, aren't tulips still just flowers?
Anika:  No, no.  Don't beg me to stay.  I know we've had a glorious moment of passion, but that's in the past now.
Rex: just...
Anika:  I'm going to be walking out that door and you need to be strong.
Rex:  Walking just got here.
Anika:  Our love was a fire that burned too bright and too quick.
Rex:  Love?!?!?
Anika:  Please, begging me to stay only cheapens the moment.  I'll always remember you...what was your name again?
Rex:  Rex.
Anika:  Right.  I'll always remember you, Ron.
Rex:  Rex.
Pippin:  Wait, did Teya take over the DJ booth?

Teya:  I'm going to share some of my favorite show tunes with you, you young whipper snappers!
Pippin:  Umm, that doesn't sound very DJ-like?
Teya:  Mom kinda forbade me to be hip, so...yeah.
Pippin:  But what happened to the actual DJ?

Actual DJ:  So, I should probably get back to DJing...
Anaya:  No, my sister's fine with filling in for you.  Why don't you regale me with another story about your cross-stitching club.
Actual DJ:  Well, I mean, I do have another really good one.  Ethel was trying to do a scarf, but she actually ended up stitching it to the doily that was under her yarn when she picked it up after we took a break to play bridge!  Can you believe it?!?!?
Anaya:  Truly hilarious!
Pippin:  Well, at least they all seem to be making friends.  I mean, that's a requirement, right?  So, yes.  This outing was now my idea.  But it's gone on long enough.  Time to return home.

Pippin:  Does no one listen to me?
Alvendra:  Thanks for inviting us along, Mom!
Tizzy:  Of course, Allie!
Cecilania:  Ooo, can I have a cute nickname too, Mom?
Tizzy:  You shall be called Cessy!
Cecilania Cessy:  Thanks, Mom!!
Tizzy:  That mother of the year award is in the bag!  Oh, a blue friend!

Tizzy:  Blue can mean sad!  You're sad!
Ken:  Is your lack of respect for personal space a human gesture to remove said sadness?
Tizzy:  I don't know!  I'm a vampire.
Ken:  Interesting.
Tizzy:  But don't worry.  My Dad made magic bottles of not-hungriness, so I won't bite you.
Ken:  Hmm, it would, perhaps, be interesting data to receive a bite.
Tizzy:  Ok, maybe later.
Pippin:  Why do none of them know how to socialize normally?

Teya:  He's so shockingly handsome, amirite?
Supriya:  Oh, I think so!

Cessy:  Hey, married loser, you aren't trying to put the moves on my auntie, are you?!?!?
Married Loser:  I feel threatened.  Very threatened.
Anaya:  It's ok.  She'll probably stop threatening you once you and I become good friends so I have one more requirement met.
Married Loser:  (gulp) Scary child.  Scary, scary child.
Allie:  Sis!  C'mere!!

Allie:  Look at the cute little fluffers!!
Cessy:  Awww!!
Allie:  Who's a cutie?  Who's just the cutest little thing?
Cessy:  Mom is!
Allie:  So true!  Speaking of Mom, (yelling) Mom, can we keep it?
Tizzy:  Of course, dear!!

Ken:  What are you permitting them to keep?
Tizzy:  Oh.  Didn't ask.  Was that important?
Ken:  Perhaps.  Anyway, if you hang a left at that nebula and go about half a light year, my house will be on the left.
Tizzy:  After I leave, I've left!
Ken  ...yes.  That is true.
But soon enough, the gals return home and Anika remains consistent.

Anika:  Mwah!  You're so not handsome!
Naoki:  I'm going to ignore the "not."
Anika:  What?  Tie the knot?  So forward!
Naoki:  No, I said...

Anika:  I know, it's so sudden and unexpected, but fortunately I had already hired an artist to capture this glorious moment.
Milo:  I only know how to draw cats.
Anika:  Make the cat me look really hot!
Milo:  Ok.
Naoki:  This is...weird?

Naoki:  Weird is good!  I like weird!
Anika:  I know we're soulmates and all, but there comes a time when people need to just go their separate ways.
Milo:  Umm, I'm not done with the drawing yet.
Anika:  (sigh) Fine, I guess we can make out for a while.
Naoki:  Weird is amazing!!
And speaking of amazing...

an elder Aravin causing the dynasty to fail would be the exact opposite of amazing.
Aravin:  So, I just have to drink one of these every few weeks?
Pippin:  I mean, that's what Vendara said, so I guess it's true.
Aravin:  Wow, I feel so the same age I already was!
Pippin:  Does that mean it worked?
Aravin:  I...I don't know.

Tizzy:  Woot!  KP-OP and I had a baby!
Pippin:  Not how having a baby works.
Tizzy:  Oh, should I have posed differently?
Pippin:  No, it's...what?
And elsewhere in the yard...

Teya:  RAWR!!
Teya:  Hahaha!  Oh man!  You should have seen your face!  I got you so good!
Knox:  Wowza!  That was pretty great!
Teya:  Wait, you found that funny?
Knox:  Sure!  I enjoy a bit of mischief.
Teya:  In that case, I dare you to streak around the neighborhood with nothing but an umbrella!

Knox:  I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!
Teya:  What a man!
Pippin:  A man that you just sent away.
Teya:  Oh.  Yeah.  I didn't think that through.

Enele:  Excuse me, miss, I...
Anika: Sorry, no time to OH MY!  This candle can wait!  You're so not attractive!
Enele:  Well, there's no need to be rude about it.
Anika:  Am I in love at first sight, or should I walk across you again?
Enele:  Wait, you're going to walk on me?
Anika:  You smooth talker, of course I'll kiss you!
Enele:  ...k...
And as Anika continued doing harmless flirting, the twins worked on some school projects.

Vendara:  Need help with your project, sweetie?
Allie:  Oh, thanks, Grandma V!
Vendara:  Of course!  Not like anything else important is happening that would demand my attention.

Allie:  So, it was supposed to be a diorama of a castle, but I think part of Cessy's volcano project got mixed up with my project.
Vendara:  I think we can fix this...

Vendara:  See?  A lava moat around the castle.
Allie:  You're a genius, Grandma!
Vendara:  True.  Very true.
Anaya:  So, is no one going to talk about the train wreck happening over here?
Vendara:  That's weird, the "have a child get married" requirement for my aspiration just completed.
Anaya:  Yeah, wonder why that is.
Vendara:  It probably finally recognized that Janae, Stayon, and Nathaniel are all married.
Anaya:  Yeah, ok.
And with the older gals creeping ever closer to finishing those requirements, Vendara nearly finished with her next aspiration, and a younger Aravin in place, we bid farewell to the Flummux household.
Anaya:  So, no one noticed this?  No one?  Not at all?  Not even a little?

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 8 (2/10/21)
« Reply #92 on: February 10, 2021, 07:20:40 PM »
Yeah, weird how they both took after Aravin even though they're clearly Tizzy's babies  ;=)
The twins are not aliens, not spellcasters, just regular humans with the weak bloodline trait.  Of course, a quick trip to Magic Town or a mermadic kelp could change that once they hit the teen and YA years. 
I'll likely move out the older four in advance and just have the twins there when Cluster 3 starts rather than waiting for all six to be out.  I mean, having a spot or three for abduction babies might not be a bad plan  ;=)  I mean, who wouldn't want more Vaznya cameos?  ;=)

If the twins were born with the Weak Bloodline trait, they are both spellcasters, not humans.
They probably won't get the special Magic spellbook and stuff until they're teens. I can't remember.

In your latest update, one of the twins called Vendara Grandma V. Wouldn't she be more of a stepmother?
Or do you suggest that the twins have bought into the notion that they are Tizzy's kids? Oh okay, I see.

Yay, glad that Vendara finally completed her BHF aspiration!
Does Anika getting married mean she's ready to move out?
Btw, do your Age-Away serums always work? Tetsuya made a bunch of tested Age-Away serums but my sims still occasionally need to drink 2 or 3 before their age bars retract.
Not every time, but some times.

That "moving kids within 24 hours of both parents finishing their aspirations" seems like extremely tricky timing to me!
I'm glad you let the kids have a night out. It was fun for your readers, too!  ;)

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 8 (2/10/21)
« Reply #93 on: February 10, 2021, 10:29:50 PM »
The “I’m Mary Poppins Y’all!” thing made me laugh probably a little too hard...
great chapter as usual!
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 8 (2/10/21)
« Reply #94 on: February 17, 2021, 05:25:23 PM »
If the twins were born with the Weak Bloodline trait, they are both spellcasters, not humans.
They probably won't get the special Magic spellbook and stuff until they're teens. I can't remember.

In your latest update, one of the twins called Vendara Grandma V. Wouldn't she be more of a stepmother?
Or do you suggest that the twins have bought into the notion that they are Tizzy's kids? Oh okay, I see.

Yay, glad that Vendara finally completed her BHF aspiration!
Does Anika getting married mean she's ready to move out?
Btw, do your Age-Away serums always work? Tetsuya made a bunch of tested Age-Away serums but my sims still occasionally need to drink 2 or 3 before their age bars retract.
Not every time, but some times.

That "moving kids within 24 hours of both parents finishing their aspirations" seems like extremely tricky timing to me!
I'm glad you let the kids have a night out. It was fun for your readers, too!  ;)
Yeah "Grandma V" is not accurate, but the girls totally believe Tizzy is their does Tizzy, actually.

I've had no age away issues in any of my games that I can recall.

Tizzy and Anaya got all of their requirements finished, and you're about to see Teya and Anika finish theirs, but I decided to wait for the whole group to finish so they could go out in style  ;=)

And yeah, the 24 hour time frame is interesting, but the rules give freedom to start it whenever you want after the Founders finish those aspirations, so I won't be starting it immediately after these first four move out since I'll still have the twins around.

The “I’m Mary Poppins Y’all!” thing made me laugh probably a little too hard...
great chapter as usual!
Aww, thanks!  Yeah, he didn't pull out an umbrella at all until she dared him to streak and that line popped immediately into my head, so I decided it was too good to pass up  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 9 (2/17/21)
« Reply #95 on: February 17, 2021, 05:25:58 PM »
We rejoin the Flummux household to find peaceful playing and skilling happening on one side of the property...

Allie:  Remember when this was fun right at first, but now it seems like tedious skill building?
Pippin:  Less whining!  More mankeybarring!
Cessy:  That's not even a word, Pippin, and if you make us keep doing this, I'm going to tell mom.
Pippin:  Psh, as if that scares me.
Allie:  And she'll tell grandma.
Pippin:  You can take a little break now.  You've earned it.
but in another section of the yard, danger was lurking.
Naoki:  Hi, I'm the...inspector guy who...comes around to inspect...and you're going to be written up unless someone bribes me with kisses.

Anika:  Okay.  You're ugly enough.  MWAH!
Naoki:  Well, I suppose we can let you off with a warning.
Anika:  Wait, aren't you that blue-haired guy I already kissed and sent away after that long make out session so the artist could capture the moment?
Naoki:  No, I'm....someone else.
Anika:  Oh, ok!  But alas, someone else, our love has burned like too bright of a flame, and we, the starstruck lovers, have gone like a moth to that flame only to find ourselves extinguished with its heat.
Naoki:  Wow, that's really poetic.
Anika:  No no, don't try to convince me to stay.  I'm going to walk out that door and nothing you say can change that.
Naoki:  Door?  We're outside.
Anika:  Nothing you can say will change that.  Good day sir.
Naoki:  Umm, ok...
But in more sane areas of the property...
Teya:  Time to go, ladies.

Tizzy:  Where are we going?
Anaya:  Batuu.
Tizzy:  Gesundheit!
Anaya:  ...thanks!
And with Anaya and Teya each simply needing some more good friends in place before all four gals have completed all of their requirements, they arrive with purpose, with focus, and with determination.

Anika:  Ugly guys, here I come!!
Tizzy:  KP-OP!!  Let's face the music and dance!!
Pippin:  Yeah, some were a little less focused.

Hondo:  Alright, I've got a secret mission for you.
Anaya:  So you decided to yell it to me from way over there instead of telling me while I was standing six inches away from you?
Hondo: in mysterious ways to...throw people off...
Anaya:  K, bro, whatever helps you sleep at night.  What's the job?
Hondo:  I want you to find insider information that we might be able to sell later.
Anaya:  K.  Hey barkeeper?  You got any of that information he was just talking about?

Barkeeper:  Oh yeah, absolutely!  One of those First Order guys left his schedule for all their supply runs through the end of this week when he was in here earlier today.
Hondo:  Why didn't you tell me this?!?!?
Barkeeper didn't ask.

Teya:  There's my beautiful hunk of junk!!
Tizzy:  Don't worry, KP-OP, she probably doesn't mean you.
KP-OP:  Beep beep beep.
Tizzy:  Yeah, I mean, that's fair.
Pippin:  What did he say?
Tizzy:  He said "beep beep beep."
Pippin:  ...yeah, that was my fault for asking.

Anaya:  (smooch smooch smooch)
Purple-Haired Lady:  Ok!!  I'll tell you anything you want to know!!
Hondo:  Ugh!  I've had a crush on that gal for weeks!!
And with information gathered, the group heads deep into First Order territory for Anaya's next mission.

Tizzy:  C'mon, KP-OP!!!
KP-OP:  Beep beep beep!
Tizzy:  You said it!
Pippin:  Not even gonna ask.  Not gonna fool me again.

Teya:  Agnon, my old pal!  How you doing?  Did you trim up the goatee?  Looks nice!
Lt. Agnon:  Oh, umm, hi.  No, I didn't.  Wait, you aren't trying to distract me while some Scoundrel friend of yours steals from our cargo containers, are you?
Teya:  Psh, of course not!  Paranoid much?
Lt. Agnon:  Yeah, that oddly specific question was entirely unnecessary.  My bad.

Anaya:  Well, that's one crate emptied, time to move on to the next one!

KP-OP:  Beep beep...beep beep beep!
Tizzy:  HAHAHA!! You are so funny!!!
Pippin:  Really?  What did he say?
Tizy:  He said, "Beep beep...beep beep beep!"  HAHAHAHAHA!
Pippin:  ...why are you like this?

Anika:  Good heavens, you are so unattractive!  And the way you try to hide your face behind that mustache!  I'm getting weak in the knees!
Ugly Mustache Guy:  Ummm, hi?
Anika:  Do you live around here often?
Ugly Mustache Guy:  I...uh...this is my home?

Anika:  MWAH!
Ugly Mustache Guy:  Oh my!!
Anika:  No no, don't try to stop me.  I'm going to get on that plane, and when it takes off, you'll never see me again.
Ugly Mustache Guy:  What's a plane?
Anika:  Please, don't beg me to stay.  It only cheapens what we've shared.
Ugly Mustache Guy:  So, is a plane like a ship?
Anika:  I must leave you now.

Lady:  Harold!  What's this?  Are you out here smooching some random floosy?!?!?
Ugly Mustache Guy Apparently Harold:  Can I come with you?
Anika:  No no, I know I'm irresistible, but our love has come to its end.
Lady:  Oh, so now you love her?!?!? What about me?  And what about Harold Junior and Claudette?!?!?
Anika:  All good things must come to their end, and so has the passion we've shared.
Lady:  PASSION?!?!?  You get back in this house right now, Harold!  We're going to have a little talk.  Ugh, my mother warned me.  "Don't marry a man who lives in First Order territory," but did I listen?  NO!
Harold:  I...she was the one who...I didn't...

LS-7853:  Hey, you aren't stealing First Order supplies, are you?
Anaya:  C'mon, do I look like the type who would steal First Order supplies and take them back to Hondo at the secret Scoundrel headquarters in the cantina?
LS-7853:  Oh, well, I guess not.
Anaya:  Exactly!  Now let's talk about you and I becoming good friends!
LS-7853:  Oh, umm, I don't know if we're allowed to have friends.  I mean, in the academy they taught us...
Anaya:  You know, your attention to detail is one of the things I really like about you, friend.
LS-7853:  I...ok...thanks...(looks around to make sure no one is listening) friend.

First Order Lady:  You're not First Order!!  I'm taking you in!!
Teya:  You can try, loser!!

Lt. Agnon:  Hey, Teya!  Oh, I'm sorry, was she giving you trouble?
Teya:  Eh, nothing I couldn't handle.
Lt. Agnon:  Yeah, sorry.  That's just Susan.  She gets really jealous when I pay attention to other people.
Susan:  But...she doesn't have an ID!
Lt. Agnon:  Please!  Teya happens to be a very close friend of mine who absolutely never distracts me while her Scoundrel sister steals from us.
Teya:  That was weirdly specific in a very flattering way.
Lt. Agnon:  You are welcome!
And with friends in place and yet another mission accomplished, the gals head back to the cantina that is the secret base of the Scoundrels.

Teya:  So, shouldn't you report in to Hondo now so we can go home?
Anaya:  Eh, let him finish his dance.  We know he's a hopeless loser, but let's let him think he's being cool.
Hondo:  Sorry to make you wait.  Did you see my dance moves?  I'm so cool!
Anaya:  Absolutely!
And with the check in to complete the mission, our gals finish their last visit to Batuu and prepare to move home for move out time.  But that will have to wait for the next update.

For now, we leave this glorious quartet and the rest of the Flummuxes to more childhood binge skilling.

Cessy:  Grandma!!  He's doing it again!!!
Pippin:  Sorry!!!  You can take a break!!!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 9 (2/17/21)
« Reply #96 on: February 17, 2021, 08:21:35 PM »
Anaya's still my favorite girl!
I'm sad none of the girls will have an Agnonboo, lol.

Didn't you once make a Star  Wars themed restaurant for a Rival Dynasty Challenge?
Just think of what you could do with that now! :D

Hurry up and finish your stuff, twins! We need to find out if your father is capable of birthing an alienboo, hehe.

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Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 9 (2/17/21)
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2021, 10:09:46 PM »
Anika’s whole “I’m going to walk out that door/into that ship/leaving” speech gets me every single time. it’s just so accurate to when my sims do the serial romantic aspiration. “Ok I know we literally just met five seconds ago, but you are now dating me. Ok byeee be back when I need to break up with everyone!”

Sorry I keep posting the most random stuff. :P
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 9 (2/17/21)
« Reply #98 on: February 21, 2021, 10:09:42 AM »
Anaya's still my favorite girl!
I'm sad none of the girls will have an Agnonboo, lol.

Didn't you once make a Star  Wars themed restaurant for a Rival Dynasty Challenge?
Just think of what you could do with that now! :D

Hurry up and finish your stuff, twins! We need to find out if your father is capable of birthing an alienboo, hehe.
I'd actually forgotten about building the Starve Wars restaurant.  Excellent memory, my friend!

Yeah, Agnon is, sadly, off limits for romantic socials, so no Agnonboo  ;=)

And yes, hopefully one day Aravin can gift the household with a alienboo!!

Anika’s whole “I’m going to walk out that door/into that ship/leaving” speech gets me every single time. it’s just so accurate to when my sims do the serial romantic aspiration. “Ok I know we literally just met five seconds ago, but you are now dating me. Ok byeee be back when I need to break up with everyone!”

Sorry I keep posting the most random stuff. :P
You're so right!  The Serial Romantic aspiration and the Sims relational mechanics make for hilarious interactions  :=)  Glad you enjoyed Anika's running silliness throughout Cluster 2  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 10 (2/21/21)
« Reply #99 on: February 21, 2021, 10:10:18 AM »
We return to the Flummux household to find young Teya locking that last good friend in place.

Pippin:  Yeah, that's not how friend-making is supposed to work.
Teya:  No, Pippin, we're just shockingly good friends!
Pippin:  ...I want to be disappointed by the bad pun, but I just can't help feeling really, really proud.
And with all of the requirements completed, Teya and Tizzy celebrate with that most solemn and sacred of all practices...

the dance party.
Teya:  Woot!  Get it, Tizzy!
Tizzy:  Ok, but what do I do with it once I have it?
Teya:  I...I'm not sure.
Pippin:  But some other things needed to happen before our young ladies would be totally ready to move out.

Vendara:  Thanks for inviting us all over for the girls' going away party, Kae!
Kae:  ...I did?
Teya:  K, I'm going to invite over another guest.
Kae:'re welcome?

Teya:  Knox Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is, I've loved you since that day I dared you to streak through the neighborhood and you ran off with only an umbrella claiming that you were Mary Poppins.
Knox:  My last name is Greenberg.
Teya:  Don't interrupt.  I know it's sudden, but...will you be my husband, Knox Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is?
Knox:  Absolutely!!  And it's Greenberg.  I just told you that.
Teya:  I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs. Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is!
Knox:  ...apparently this is one of those "running gags" I've heard of.

Pippin:  What a beautiful ceremony!  But why is everyone watching from way far away?
Anika:  I don't want any of those nasty marriage cooties!  Do you know how hard it is to leave a guy if you've married him?
Pippin:  Yeah, speaking of that, how's your husband doing?
Anika:  Oh, no idea.  Haven't seen him since the wedding.
Pippin:  You are unique.  Anyway, our happy couple ties that knot and Mr. and Mrs. Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is...
Knox:  Yeah, it's a running gag.
Pippin:  head to their new home.

Knox:  Oh, did I not mention I live with two old ladies?
Teya:  Sunlight!  Too much sunlight!!
And even as that lovely vampire gal settles into her new home, another Flummux gal was preparing for her own move.

Anika:  Time to get a place of my own so I can have somewhere peaceful and quiet to go to every time I walk out on a guy who loves me.
Pippin:  Why are you like this?
Anika:  What?  Awesome?  Probably just because I take after Mom.
Pippin:  Yeah, that's solid logic.

Anika:  My quaint little cottage getaway where I can hide from all the obsessed boys I've led on.
Pippin:  I'm just really not sure if it's good or bad that you're so self-aware of how horrible you are relationally.
Anika:  Thanks!
And here's a view of the interior and her candle collection.

Anika:  Truly a chateau fit for a queen!
Pippin:  And with two gals moved out, we head on to a third.

Anaya:  So, I moved in next door to Anika because, well, someone needs to keep an eye on her.
Pippin:  That's very kind of you...and really accurate.

Pippin:  Anaya's humble home has plenty of space for her to continue pursuing her passion for gardening along with the help of Patchy.
Anaya:  Yep!
Pippin:  But unfortunately, I can't keep her as the active household to plant anything.
Anaya:  Oh.
Pippin:  But maybe a planting party will happen at some point.
Anaya:  Yay!!
And with that, we return to the Flummux household where we find some elaborate move-out preparations being made.

Vendara:  Drink this.
Tizzy:  Okay!
Pippin:  She's...not even remotely concerned about the noxious fumes coming off of it?
Vendara:  You're expecting her to be alert and aware?  Have you met Tizzy?
Pippin:  Fair enough.

Tizzy:  I feel so sparkly!  Am I becoming a rainbow?
Pippin:  You de-vamped her?
Vendara:  We have plans of visiting this little one a bit more often and I'd rather not see my flighty little girl burn up in the sun because she forgets she's a vampire.
Pippin:  That is really solid logic.  Wait, where did Tizzy go?

Ken:  You say it is called wahoo?
Tizzy:  Yep!  And it's another way of making babies, and since you're part of the crew for a senior pollinator and I'm a robot builder, I figure we're both gonna be pretty good at making babies!
Ken:  Your logic, while mildly juvenile, does seem decently sound.  Shall we commence the baby-making?
Tizzy:  Do let's!

Allie:  Oh, hey. Mom!  What's with the towels?  Is that just a new fashion trend?
Tizzy:  Nope!  We were making babies!
Allie:  You mean...I'm gonna be a big sister!!
Tizzy:  If you eat all of your vegetables and study really hard in school, I'm sure you can!
Pippin:  Wow, those parenting tips you found online were really impactful.  Wait, who are you calling?

Tizzy:  I'm having babies and I get to have puppies!
Adoption Guy:  I mean, "having puppies" can mean something else, but...
Puppies:  GrRRRRR!!

Adoption Guy:  AH!  AHHH!!!  HELP ME!!!!  THEY"RE TERRORS!!!!!
Tizzy:  Awwwww, they're so cute!!!

Tizzy:  I'll take both!!
Adoption Guy:  Done!!!  No charge!!!  I'm leaving!!!
And with those things in place, it was time for our pink-haired beauty to head out on her own.

Tizzy:  Hey!!  This looks just like my house!!
Pippin:  It is know what?  Never mind.  Let's just do the top down view.

Indeed, it is a lovely home-away-from-home for the dynasty household complete with childhood skilling objects, some skilling items for her twin "daughters," and a tiny house skilling boost.  It is also equipped to handle the realities of the half-alien(s) in her belly.
Tizzy:  I've got twin kids and tummy kids!!!
Pippin:  We'll be spending more time here for sure, but at the moment, we head back to Casa Flummux...which would technically also be the name of this place I guess.
Tizzy:  Flummux?  That's my name too!

Vendara:  You got that second wind now?
Cessy:  Pretty sure this is about my forty-second wind today, but yep!  Totally got it!
Pippin:  With the help and support of their "mom" when she lived in the household and the continued care from their "grandma," the twins quickly reach age up time.

First to age up is Cessy

Cessy:  Oh my gosh!!  I look just like Mom!!
And shortly thereafter, Allie.

Allie:  Oh look, some one pulled out these toys again.  Guess I'll responsibly put them away in a responsible way that shows responsibility.
Pippin:  Great idea!
Cessy:  No, Pippin, she's sassing you because you keep making messes and forcing her to clean them up to build that last trait she needs.
Pippin:  Oh, and do you need me to pull another dirty dish out of the household inventory for you to wash?
Cessy:  You are the literal worst.
Allie:  Ah well.  At least we have the excitement of new sibling to look forward to.

Cessy:  Yeah, and Mom made the baby with an alien, so we'll have a half-alien sibling!
Allie:  Right, how cool is that?!?!?
Cessy:  Weird that Grandma and Grandpa have never had an alien baby.
Allie:  I know, right?
And with that, we bid farewell to a far less full Flummux household.
Aravin:  Umm, help?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 10 (2/21/21)
« Reply #100 on: February 21, 2021, 01:04:17 PM »
Ohhh, brilliant idea to de-fangify your most beloved Tizzy before moving her out so you won't need to worry about death by sunlight!
Did she move to willow Creek? I think I might recognize that bit of fence, lol.
Have you had any issues so far with moved-out vampire kiddos and sunlight? 

And the twins are teens at least!
I no longer remember which aspirations V & A had been working on.  Master Vampire for Vendara and for Aravin?
Is it hard to time the completion of their aspirations to match when the kiddos are ready to move out?

Get your butts in gear and move out, twins, so V & A can usher in Cluster 3!
Crossing my fingers for alienboos, Aravin!

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 10 (2/21/21)
« Reply #101 on: February 21, 2021, 01:52:03 PM »
I just had a thought... imagine a conversation between Tessie Took and Tizzy. Oh and maybe Tessie’s Gnomeycakes too. (Yes I just finished reading the Took immortal dynasty.)
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 10 (2/21/21)
« Reply #102 on: March 06, 2021, 12:14:44 PM »
Ohhh, brilliant idea to de-fangify your most beloved Tizzy before moving her out so you won't need to worry about death by sunlight!
Did she move to willow Creek? I think I might recognize that bit of fence, lol.
Have you had any issues so far with moved-out vampire kiddos and sunlight? 

And the twins are teens at least!
I no longer remember which aspirations V & A had been working on.  Master Vampire for Vendara and for Aravin?
Is it hard to time the completion of their aspirations to match when the kiddos are ready to move out?

Get your butts in gear and move out, twins, so V & A can usher in Cluster 3!
Crossing my fingers for alienboos, Aravin!
Aravin did Painter Extraordinaire and Vendara went for Big, Happy Family this time around.  They did the Master Vampire and Purveyor of Potions to brig in Cluster 2.  Of course, I don't throw a lot of attention towards their aspirations, since the kiddos are just so much more interesting  :=)

Tizzy is loving in Newcrest as are several of the other young adult Flummuxes  :=)  The only ones who aren't are the ones who moved in with spouses.  Guess I should rename Newcrest to Flummuxville or something  ;=)

The twins actually are already moved out in-game and were the fastest to get to that point, but the convenient timing of New Skill Day and a heavy usage of wishing for promotions helped with that  :=)

I just had a thought... imagine a conversation between Tessie Took and Tizzy. Oh and maybe Tessie’s Gnomeycakes too. (Yes I just finished reading the Took immortal dynasty.)
Aww, I so appreciate you taking the time to slog through that whole long mess of an IDC  :=)  The Tooks were a super fun group for sure, and a Tizzy and Tessie conversation would be just about the most chaotic thing ever  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 11 (3/6/21)
« Reply #103 on: March 06, 2021, 12:15:39 PM »
We finally return to the neglected Flummox household whose neglectful Watcher has been neglecting them neglectfully.
Pippin:  Hey, I've just been too busy to write an update!  I've totally still played this household forward a bunch!! 
Pippin:  No, really!  Both twins hit their young adult years in almost no time as they each had two positive traits already in range by the time they hit teen...

Pippin:  And then they started right to work on skilling.

Cessy:  Who's a good puppy?  Who's a good puppy?!?!?
Tizzy:  I don't think she studied for this quiz.  Can you make it multiple choice?  I always thought those were easier.
Cessy:  Ummm...I guess?
Pippin:  Yep, dog trainer extraordinaire, Cessy!  And she also excels at...

Pippin:  gourmet cooking!
Vendara:  Umm, sweetie?  Did you really just put the bell pepper stem into the meal you're preparing?
Cessy:  ...should I not have?
Pippin:  And Allie took advantage of the built-in bowling alley on Tizzy's lot to max that skill.

Allie:  Thanks for letting me use your bowling alley, Mom!
Tizzy:  Sure thing, sweetie.  Sorry there aren't actually any bowls there, but I could bring you plates if that would help.
Pippin:  ...that's...that's not what doesn't need bowls...
Tizzy:  Then why would it be called "bowling," Pippin?
Allie:  You are so wise, Mom!!
Tizzy:  Indeed! Ow.  OWW.  OOOWWWW!!!!
Pippin:  OHMYGOSH!!!  She's in labor!!  Everyone stop panicking!!!

Vendara:  You're the only one panicking, Pippin.  And maybe we should head home so she can give birth since the lot is randomly spawning empty cribs.
Pippin:  Oh.  Yeah.  We should do that.
And after a short while, the Flummuxes returned to Tizzy's to discover...

Pippin:  Adorable blueboos!!!
Vendara:  Pippin, I'd like you to meet Fatima and Zoe.
Pippin:  Interesting name combination there.  I wonder what they'll look like as teens...?
Vendara:  Umm, are you already plotting possibly using one of them as the founder for your next dynasty when you aren't even halfway finished with this one?
Pippin:  No!  I mean, yes, but only if they're as lovely as their mother.  Otherwise, I'm thinking a Tizzy clone.
Vendara:  Not even halfway done with this one.
Pippin:  Oh, right.  Back to skilling!!!

Pippin:  Umm, I know you're lovely, but stop admiring yourself in the mirror, Cessy, you have skilling to do.
Cessy:  But I am skilling, Pippin.  I'm practicing my debating skills.
Pippin:'re debating yourself?
Cessy:  That way I always win!
Pippin:  I mean, I guess that's true...anyway, let's see how Allie's doing with the pipe organ.

Allie:  I should have paid more attention.
Pippin:  What do you mean?
Allie:  I heard "pie" and stopped listening.  Turns out it's pie-porgan, not just pie (sigh).
Pippin:  Wow, you really are Tizzy's daughter, aren't you?  However, Allie had other interests beyond pie.

Allie:  I will be the greatest veterinarian to ever science veterinarily!
Pippin:  Umm, odd phrasing, but ok.
Allie:  Oops, time to head to work at the vet clinic!
Pippin:  Oh, your job isn't...

Allie:  Weird that there aren't any animals here.  They must all be inside already.
Pippin:  It's not a pet hospital, actually, it's...
Allie:  A veterinary clinic, I know.

Allie:  So, should I start with the dogs or cats?
Receptionist:  We...there are only people here?  We don't...
Allie:  Cool, I'll go grab some coffee while we wait.
Receptionist:  ...k?

Allie:  Wow, they don't even have coffee already ready already?  What sort of second rate clinic is this?
Pippin:  That's just the thing, it's not a vet clinic, it's...
Allie:  You're right, Pippin, it is definitely not living up to its claims to be a vet clinic.  I'm going to go chat with some pet owners to see how we could fix this.
Pippin:  But they're patients...
Allie:  Hey, my patience is running out too, but we'll get through this.

Allie:  Hey, pal, I'm looking to make this a more effective pet clinic, so I thought I'd ask what you, the average pet owner, would be looking for in a clinic.
Pal:  Oh, ummm, I'm not sure I can really answer that...
Allie:  Oh, afraid to offend other staff members.  No worries, we'll go chat while we cloudgaze.  Sound good?
Pal:  Hmmm, I know my appendix does need to come out, but I guess cloudgazing with a lovely young nurse, I mean, veterinarian does sound far more appealing.

Allie:  So do you think The Flummux Furry Friends Vet Clinic would be a good name?  I mean, I can just see it on a big sign, up in lights.
Pal:  (groans in pain) Yeah, that sounds great!  You wanna (grunts) get a coffee later, maybe?
Allie:  I like coffee.
Pippin:  Somehow, Allie keeps managing to not get fired, and thanks to the wishing well...

Wishing Well:  A promotion?  Sure thing!  You can have one after your next shift!
Pippin:  the girls are on the fast track for those promotions.  Looks like that means we're also on the fast track to Cluster 3 getting started!
Vendara:  Yeah, we certainly are.  Have you seen my husband lately?
Pippin: No, why?

Pippin:  Oh good heavens!  All that gourmet cooking was supposed to be for skill-building, Aravin, not for binge-eating!
Aravin: Oh, ummm, I didn't...
Vendara:  He's pregnant, Pippin.
Pippin:  ...oh.  Ummm, congratulations!  Sorry about that lecture.
Aravin:  No worries.  Oof!  Feels like my insides are being trampled!
Pippin:  K, you have fun with that.  Let's check back in with the girls.

Cessy:  Can we be good friends even though it seems like I bear-ly know you?
Bear:  HAHAHAHHA!  Oh, that's a good one!  Absolutely! Best friend status for sure!

Allie:  Hey, Pal!  What are you doing here?
Pal:  Oof, well, I know I'm not supposed to be out of the hospital yet, but I did promise to get you a coffee.
Allie:  Aww, that's sweet.  Is your side bleeding?
Pal:  Psh, only a little.

Allie:  Wait a minute, Are you...Zander?
Yes, that's right, little curly-haired toddler Zander is weirdly glitched and even though no other members of inactive households are aging, he has aged up to teen...or young adult...depends on when this picture was taken and the neglectful Watcher neglectfully neglected to note that in a neglectful way!
Pippin:  Careful, you might throw your back out throwing that much shade around.  Anyway, our gals continue to make friends.

Cessy:  I made a furry friend!

Pippin:  I mean, this friend is kind of furry too.
Father Winter:  So, I hear you go for older men?
Allie:  No, but I do go for coffee.
Father Winter: I take you out for coffee?
Allie:  Done!

Cessy  Hey, congrats on the promotion, Grandpa!
Aravin: Thanks, baby girl.  So, do you need some help from your old gramps on your homework?
Cessy:  Umm, this isn't my homework.  I'm grading my students' homework.  I'm a teacher.  You know I'm not a teen anymore, right?
Aravin:  I do noOOOWWW!!  OOF!!
Cessy:  You ok, Grandpa?  Is it your old age acting up?
Aravin:  Baby!
Cessy:  Yes, Grandpa, I'm right here.
Aravin:  No, not you, baby girl, I mean OOWW!!! the baby's coming!
Cessy:  Get Allie to help!  She's a veterinarian.  She'll know what to do!

Aravin:  OOWW It's ok I AAAHHHH  know what  OOOHHOOWWWOOOWWWOOWWW to do!

Pippin:  And so, we welcome in Cluster 3 with the addition of our handsome lad, Vaughnagin...

Pippin:  and his sisters Leialia and Iree.
And so, with Cluster 2 extremely close to its completion and an abduction birth bringing in half of Cluster 3 in one fell swoop, we bid farewell to the Flummux household.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 11 (3/6/21)
« Reply #104 on: March 06, 2021, 12:21:08 PM »
Triplets! Yay!

(Tried to think of more things to say and fails)

um. Yay!

they/he pronouns please!

