Author Topic: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 3, Update 2 (3/14/21)  (Read 46987 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 6 (1/6/21)
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2021, 05:10:13 PM »
As we return to check in on the first cluster for the last time, there is one constant that has held true throughout this generation...

Janae:  My sis has got game!!
Pippin:  I mean, that's true, but I think the narrator was going to focus on something like how you all pull together when things get tough or how Vendara is always there for you or...
No, she's right, that's what I was going to say.
Pippin:  ...oh.  Well, anyway, we had to get rid of the basketball hoop since Vendara and Aravin kept leaving their easels to go shoot hoops.

Vendara:  I just wanted to play basketball.  Is that so wrong?
Kacie:  Apparently so.
Pippin:  Anyway, before we start into move out time, Kacie decides to help everyone out by changing her life state.

Kacie:  Why does the mermadic kelp look like a lemon?
Pippin:  ...I...I dont know...
Kacie:  Hey, I have a sudden urge to go to a beach and swim.
Janae:  Let's go!!
Pippin:  And they get to the beach only to discover...

Janae:  OOOOHHH!!  Look at your big pregnant belly!!
Kalamainu'u:  Your stupid handsome brother stuck this nasty parasite inside me.  Can you just rip it out?
Janae:  Your mommy's so funny.  Yes she is!  Yes she is!
Kalamainu'u:  ...stop talking to my grossly huge stomach.  The only thing that would make this worse is if some other really fit and attractive mermaid was swimming nearby.  That would really ruin my day.

Kacie:  Hey look, everybody!  I'm a really fit and attractive mermaid now!
Kalamainu'u:  ...I hate your stupid family.
Janae:  Your mommy is so silly!
Kalamainu'u:  Stop it!
Pippin:  And with that life state change done and a random CC skirt being worn over Kacie's fish body...
Kacie:  It's called fashion, Pippin.
Pippin:  ...we move out our first child, Raldo.

Raldo:  Not that it's a race, but if it was...
Kacie:  I won.  I had everything in place first, I just have to move out second so we don't have two humans in a row.
Raldo:  ...yeah.  That's true.  Can I have a house?

Raldo:  That'll do.
Pippin:  For our fairly solitary and computer focused kid, a modest home with the priciest computer seemed about right.

Pippin:  In fact, he barely spent over the $20K limit and had a decent amount of leftover cash from selling some paintings.
Raldo:  Thanks, Mom.
Vendara: You're welcome, sweetie!
Pippin:  And that meant it was time for everyone's favorite fit and attractive mermaid to move out.
Kalamainu'u:  I hate everything.

Kacie:  I, uh, got a slightly bigger house than Raldo.
Pippin:  Indeed, and an indoor full basketball court for our all-star!

Kacie:  And a punching bag in the entryway in case I come home in a bad mood.
Pippin:  That's just good planning.  And here's the upstairs.

Kacie:  Yeah, it's kind of empty and plain.
Pippin:  Oh, sorry about that.
Kacie:  No, I love it!
Pippin:  Ok, then.  And now for the big reason these two moved out first, Janae and Brant need to be able to try for baby before she got married and moved out.
Janae:  Do you think seven times was enough, or should we try once more?
Brant:  I'm so happy!
Janae:  Me too!

Janae:  I can't believe we're finally getting married!  I'm so nervously excited I've been feeling itchy all day!
Brant:  I...think you're sick, actually.
Janae:  You're so crazy!
Brant:  Hope it's not contagious.
Janae:  If it is, you're so toast!
Brant:  Yeah, that's true.
Pippin:  You may kiss your groom.
Janae:  Done!

Pippin:  Umm, why are you standing in front of the tents?
Vendara:  I'm attending the wedding.
Aravin:  The voices said it was the right place to go.
Pippin:  ...ok...anyway, this is where Janae lives now with her loving husband, their adorable dog...

Pippin:  and of course, Brant's ex-husband.
Janae:  He's my husband-in-law now!
Pippin:  That's not how that works.  That's not at all how that works!
And in a match that has been several lifestages in the making, Nathaniel finally marries his dream girl.

Nathaniel:  And with this ring, I thee wed!  I promise to love, honor, cherish, and serve you.
Lily:  And...?
Nathaniel:  And not to burden you with children.
Lily:  So romantic!
But the final two still had some work to do to finish their requirements.

Pippin:  Wait, requirements to finish.  Why are you on a date?
Stayon:  I've gotten everything but my promotions, I have a day before my next gig, and Seven's at work so he can't work on his skills now anyway.
Pippin:  Yeah, that's fair.
Becca:  And we used all the tents before we came here!
Stayon:  Yeah we did!
Becca:  And I'm so tired!
Stayon:  Let's go check out the goods in the shop!  What do you think, Bec?  Is this a good look for me?  Bec?  Honey?

Becca:  Zzzzz so tired zzzzz...
And back at the house...

Kalamainu'u:  So I finally shed that stupid parasite you stuck me with so I can pawn him off on day care now!
Seven:  (wiggles eyebrows and gives the "come here" gesture)
Kalamainu'u:  What now, you pathetically irresistible wretch?  (sees observatory)...something tells me this is a bad idea.
Seven:  (kissy face)
Kalamainu'u:  Ugh, I'm gonna regret this.  (and after) Gonna regret this too.

Kalamainu'u:  And this.
Pippin:  Wait, who's in the other tent?
Stayon:  Well, Becca caught a nap and since she's feeling all rested...
Pippin:  Aaaaaaanymay, Seven finishes his requirements and moves into...

Pippin:  a lovely one-story home with a covered porch.
Seven:  (shakes head)
Pippin:  Not a porch?

Pippin:  Oh!  Covered swimming pool since you're a vampire who's dating a mermaid.  That makes sense.
Seven:  (smiles and nods)
Pippin:  And after his gig gives him his second promotion, Stayon visits the well.
Stayon:  I mean, I hate to ask, and I hope this five thousand simoleans will help ease the burden that I'm...

Wishing Well:  Congratulations!  You're promoted!
Stayon:  Oh...thanks!
Pippin:  And that leads to...

Pippin:  confirmation of my suspicion that you can't move a Sim into college housing through marriage.
Stayon:  Dang it!

Stayon:  So I just have a modest home...

Stayon:  with a bedroom for each of the kids who can't live with me.
Pippin:  That's just good parenting right there.
And next time, we get through Vendara's final day of surviving as a vampire and start on Cluster 2!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 7 (1/6/21)
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2021, 05:47:05 PM »
Yay! Congratulations to the Flummox household and Pippin for moving out the first cluster of offspring!

Wonderful luck with Stayon's 3rd promotion but such sadness that he and Becca must be tragically separated!
Was she pregnant? What happens when she gives birth?
Since she can't keep a nooboo in the dorms, would the nooboo be taken away or would they both be evicted from the dorm?

Looking forward to meeting the kiddos of Cluster 2!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 7 (1/6/21)
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2021, 09:59:59 AM »
Here's hoping that Vendara is a Master Vampire now. And what aspiration was Aravin working on?

Your houses are all great. I love the way they're keyed to personalities. A punching bag in the entryway is a good idea!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 7 (1/6/21)
« Reply #63 on: January 12, 2021, 09:10:25 PM »
Yay! Congratulations to the Flummox household and Pippin for moving out the first cluster of offspring!

Wonderful luck with Stayon's 3rd promotion but such sadness that he and Becca must be tragically separated!
Was she pregnant? What happens when she gives birth?
Since she can't keep a nooboo in the dorms, would the nooboo be taken away or would they both be evicted from the dorm?

Looking forward to meeting the kiddos of Cluster 2!
Thanks!  I really enjoyed this first group.  Definitely some learning was done along the way that will make the next cluster run more smoothly, but they were really fun.
Becca's kids are at the dorm with her when school is in session and then are homeless townies with her when it's not.  Really weird.
Glad you're excited to meet cluster two, because that's about to happen!

Here's hoping that Vendara is a Master Vampire now. And what aspiration was Aravin working on?

Your houses are all great. I love the way they're keyed to personalities. A punching bag in the entryway is a good idea!
Thanks for the feedback on the houses!  I really tried to cater those to the kiddos and it's nice that you noticed  :=)
Vendara had a little over a day to go on her "survive 20 days as a vampire" requirement, but Aravin had finished the Purveyor of Potions aspiration while the kids were in the child stage.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 1 (1/12/21)
« Reply #64 on: January 12, 2021, 09:11:07 PM »
We return to a Flummux household that is far emptier than it had been...
Pippin:  Which was boring, so let's check in on the kids since we still have a day until Vendara's aspiration is finished!

Brent:  Hi!  Welcome!  My ex-husband and wife-in-law are inside, but I bet you're here to see that adorable baby, amirite?
Vendara:  You are weirdly pleasant, but also accurate.
Brent:  Thanks!

Vendara:  Hello, Baby Zander!
Pippin:  Awww, an adorable little grandson!!
And then the family has a get together at Seven's house.

Vendara:  Look, I brought a mermaid along.
Stayon  Umm, that's not Seven's girlfriend, Mom.
Vendara:  I know, but this one's actually nice.
Nalani:  Aww, thanks, Mrs. Flummux!
Vendara:  One day, I will have another son for you to marry.

And as the family time ends and our happy couple returns home,Vendara's aspiration finally completes.
Vendara:  And do you know why I got this observatory?
Aravin: observe?

Aravin:  OH MY!!!
Pippin:  Yeah, he figured it out.  Of course, it was also helpful to encourage alien abductions.  Yep.  They'll be here any minute.
Vendara:  Well, while we're waiting, let's see if the try for baby took.

Pippin:  Woot!  Pregnant!
Vendara:  When I said "let's," I really thought it would be just me...?
Pippin  Wow, you must not know me very well.
Vendara:  Ugh, well, at least the Well is never a disappointment like my Watcher.
Pippin:  Yeah.  Hey!

Vendara:  Oh good, you've already got the anger hoodie.  Can I have a ghost child?
Wishing Well:  I'm so angry and...I just...I miss the other kids!! (cries)
Vendara:  Umm, if you can't contribute to this cluster, that's...
Wishing Well:  No, no.  I'm fine.  Vendara Flummux, I bestow upon you...

Wishing Well:  this gift certificate for a free adoption!
Vendara:  Oh, well, that's unexpected, but thanks.
Wishing Well:  ...sorry.  Not a ghost child, I know.
Vendara:  No, this is great.  Thanks.  I'll go adopt that child right now.
Wishing Well:'re the best, Vendara!
Pippin:  She really is.

Pippin:  And one free and one paid adoption later, we add Anika and Anaya.
Vendara:  The names were just too cute together to refuse.
Pippin:  Solid logic!
And the parents rush to get in some good friend status before Aravin heads off to search for truth.

Pippin:  Yep.  Aliens will be here any minute!
And while Aravin was being ignored by aliens...

the nooboos become toddlers.
Pippin:  Looks like little Anika is refusing to leave the crib?
Vendara:  She's just waiting to leave her crib until Anaya leaves hers.  It's called being polite, Pippin.
Pippin:  ...well it looks weird, but ok.  Anyway, the kiddos begin learning all sorts of fun stuff like...

Pippin:  movement, with or without the falling over aspect, and...whatever Anaya's doing on her tablet.
Vendara:  (sigh) And I get to teach them to use the potty chair which means also cleaning it.
Pippin:  Can't Aravin just scruberoo it?
Vendara:  He's at work.
Pippin:  He has a job?!?!?
And at Aravin's workplace...

Aravin:  So, the voices are telling me I should invent a satellite.
Build-bot:  What.  Are.  Voices?
Aravin:  Listen.
Aravin:  See?
Build-bot:  I.  Like.  It.  Better.  When.  We.  Build.  Than.  When.  We.  Chat.
Aravin:  Well said!  Let's invent that satellite!
Pippin:  Oh, that's great!  I'm sure the aliens will be along any time now.
And after Aravin invents the satellite and returns home...

Vendara:  Ok, sweetie.  Say "thank you."
Anaya:  Taindoo!
Aravin:  Say you're sorry!
Anika:  Why?  Wha me do wong?
Pippin:  Yeah, Anika was a bit ahead of the game with communication.
And the former children of this household stop by from time to time to help out.

Raldo:  So, why do my little sisters trudge through snow to go set dishes on the robotics table instead of on any of the surfaces inside?
Pippin:  As long as they don't do it during thunderstorms, I'm fine with it.
Raldo:  Fair enough.
Pippin:  By the way, have you seen any aliens around?
Raldo:  Umm, no?
Pippin:  ...any minute now.  I'm sure of it.
But winter is not only a time of toddlers trudging through snow to lay dishes in odd places.  It's also the time for...

Anaya:  Ode man div dift!
Father Winter:  Didn't your mommy teach you to say please?
Anaya:  No wike peas!  I doe bed now.
Anika:  Fadder Windy!
Father Winter:  Actually, it's...

Father Winter:  Awwww!  Fadder Windy is just fine. 
Anika:  Can me have gif pees?
Father Winter:  I think I have something for you...

Anika:  Me get doddy!
Father Winter:  Yep, it's a little doctor dolly.  I hope you don't already have one.
Anika:  Nope!  No have un.  Have foe!
Vendara:  Yeah, we have four, but it's still sweet.  And on the subject of gifts...

Father Winter:  What?  For me?
Vendara:  Yep!  I figure you should get gifts too. 
Pippin:  Vendara is the best.
Father Winter:  You said it!
Pippin: haven't seen any aliens around?
Father Winter:  Umm, no?
Pippin:  Any minute now.

And even as Anaya and Anika are getting close to getting all their skills to 3 and getting that early age up...

Vendara is getting ready to give them another gift:  twin sisters.

Pippin:  Welcome to the family, Tyzora and Teyaveen!
And with a quartet  of kiddos in this cluster, we bid farewell to the Flummux family.
Pippin:  Those aliens will be along any minute.  I just know it.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 1 (1/12/21)
« Reply #65 on: January 12, 2021, 10:32:15 PM »
Ok I’m popping my head on again to give a bit of a warning: Seven and whatsherface reminded me of an alien mermaid sim couple that I had, and when they had kids those kids were SEVERELY glitched. You do not want to know what they looked like swimming. And so, if you want an alien to marry a merperson, please heed my warning and DONT LET THEM HAVE KIDS. Thank you for listening to my ted talk, and sorry for my rambling.
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 1 (1/12/21)
« Reply #66 on: January 12, 2021, 11:11:46 PM »
Awww, poor Aravin being neglected by the aliens despite all his combined efforts to appeal!
Crossing my fingers that he gets both abducted and probed real soon!

Vendara, Mother of the Year!
And congrats on completing Big Happy Family!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 1 (1/12/21)
« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2021, 10:15:48 AM »
Ok I’m popping my head on again to give a bit of a warning: Seven and whatsherface reminded me of an alien mermaid sim couple that I had, and when they had kids those kids were SEVERELY glitched. You do not want to know what they looked like swimming. And so, if you want an alien to marry a merperson, please heed my warning and DONT LET THEM HAVE KIDS. Thank you for listening to my ted talk, and sorry for my rambling.
Wow, thanks for the warning!  Of course, now I'm just morbidly curious about what they'd look like  ;=)  If you took screenshots and want to share, that would be cool!
And once again, I'm very appreciative that you've briefly left the cave of lurking-ness to comment  :=)

Awww, poor Aravin being neglected by the aliens despite all his combined efforts to appeal!
Crossing my fingers that he gets both abducted and probed real soon!

Vendara, Mother of the Year!
And congrats on completing Big Happy Family!
Yeah, it's super frustrating that I've done everything and more that I've done in previous files to ensure abductions, yet nothing!  I even intentionally only did a cluster of 4 this time to leave room for possible alien twins.  (sigh)
Yeah, Vendara is rather fantastic!  Of course, Aravin is also subtly spectacular since he mass produces those potions of plentiful needs  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 2 (1/16/21)
« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2021, 10:16:29 AM »
When we left the Flummux household, Vendara had just delivered an adorable set of twins.

Aravin:  Oh my gosh!  You're in labor?!?  I'm freaking out!!!!
Vendara:  Umm, do you not already see the babies and my small tummy?
Aravin:  I have no idea what those things mean!
Aravin  Oh.  Ok.  I'm calm now.
After after their calm father and wonderful mama do some quick work to get good friend status established...

it's age-up time!
Vendara:  Aww, look at little Tizzy!
Aravin:  Who's Tizzy?
Vendara:  Oh, it's a nickname I gave Tyzora.
Aravin:  Oh.  Who's Tyzora?
Pippin:  And next up for age up is Teyaveen.
Aravin:  Who?

Pippin:  Oh my gosh they're so cute!!!
Vendara:  Of course they are.  They take after their mama.
And for a short while, four toddlers were binge skilling together.

Vendara:  Sweetie, it would really be nice if you'd scootch just a smidge so mommy can clean the potty seat.
Anika:  But I paying wabby tabby!
Pippin:  And thanks to the wabby tabby and their attentive mother, the A team is ready for age-ups the same day that the twins are born.

Anika:  I bow da caddles!!
Aravin:  Yep!  Whatever that means, you sure did it!  Those cattle were...bowed...

Anika:  Woot!  Childhood time!
Pippin:  Awesome!  Time for binge skilling!
Anika:  ...but I'm sleepy.

Anaya:  I want take!
Aravin:  Well, it's on fire right now so...
Anaya:  Get mommy fix it?
Aravin:  You could maybe blow out the candles?
Anaya:  But fire dangyous, daddy!
Aravin:  ...she's got a point...
Vendara:  Can't eat the cake until the fire's out. 
Anaya:  Oh, otay.  (blows out candles)
Pippin:  Now that's just good parenting.

Anaya:  Woot!  Time to sleep!
Pippin:  Yes, so now you can...wait, what?
Vendara:  You did exhaust them to finish off the skilling.  Let them get a good night's sleep, Pippin.
Pippin:  Well, maybe they can sleep after they...
Vendara:  It wasn't a request.  Let.  Them.  Sleep.  Pippin.
Pippin  (gulp) Yes, ma'am.
And while the older gals sleep, the attentive mama teaches little Tizzy to say sorry.

Vendara:  Well, if she takes after her daddy at all, that will be a skill she'll need.
Aravin:  That's fair.
And after their good night's sleep, the eldest gals enjoy their first day at school.

Vendara:  How was school, sweetie?
Anika:  Ohmygosh, Mom!  Did you know boys exist?  They're like...there...and nice to look at...and stuff!
Vendara:  Ooooo, do you have a crush?
Anika:  Crush?  Why would I crush them?  Does violence indicate affection?
Vendara:  Oh, sweetie, we must have a chat about how girl talk works.
And outside, a far more socially aware child was setting things up for her aspiration.

Anaya:  Hey!  You two are adults who exist!  I'm giving you a friendly introduction to work on my aspiration and to build a positive trait, but let's not chat much more now.  I want to have you both as options for adult friends later on, k?  K!  Bye!
Adults:  Oh, umm, we'll...leave now?

Anika:  Alright, nurse dolly, hand me the stethoscope.  Stethoscope?  The heart listeny thing?  Fine, I'll get it myself.
Pippin:  It's so hard to find good help.
Anika:  Mmm, preach!
Pippin:  Ok, toddler spam time!

Pippin:  Tizzy is adorable!!
Tizzy:  No dorble!  Hungy!
Pippin:  Yeah, that too.
And while the youngest ones are working only on their skills and traits, the elder children had aspirations to focus on as well.

Aravin:  Umm, I thought we were going to play chess?
Anika:  We are, and not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty pretty awesome at chess!  (toot toot tooooooooooot)
Aravin:  ...but you are tooting your own horn...?
And in short order, Tizzy was ready for age up time.

Vendara:  Ok, sweetie.  Time to blow out the candles.
Tizzy:  Tandles?  When dey det dere?

Pippin:  Pink hair?!?
Vendara:  Yeah, my girls will not conform to your silly genetic expectations.
Pippin:  Green hair in cluster one and pink hair in cluster two?  This may be the coolest family ever!
Vendara:  May be?
Pippin: must have misheard.  I'm sure I said is, not may be.  You heard me say is, right Tizzy?
Tizzy:  Sorry, what?  I wasn't listening.
And child Tizzy got in some quality time with her still-toddler twin.

Teyaveen:  An den Pibbin may me mak skiww befowe me det to eat.
Tizzy:  I mean, I'm still looking when I close my eyes, so why can't I see the insides of my eyelids.  Oh.  What?  Did you say something?
And shortly thereafter, the red-haired twin had finished hitting level 3 in all of her toddler skills and it was finally cake time.

Vendara:  Ok, time to blow out the candles, little one.
Teyaveen:  Me know.  Dey tole me.
Vendara:  They?  You mean your sisters?
Teyaveen:  No, not da sizzers, dey tole me!

Pippin:  Wait, Tizzy went from auburn hair to pink hair and then Teyaveen goes from red hair to black?
Vendara:  My gals like to keep you on your toes.
Pippin:  ...but I'm sitting down.
Vendara:  (facepalm) Not literally on your toes, Pippin.
Teyaveen:  They suggested I should go skill now.
Vendara:  Ok, sweetie.  Wait, who suggested?

Anika:  Isn't this fun, Tizzy?
Tizzy:  I mean, yeah, but I really thought the bars would actually be made of monkeys.
Anika:  What?
Tizzy:  Monkey bars?  It's false advertising!

Anaya:  What do you think, Doctor Teya?  Is the patient going to make it?
Teya:  They seem to think a bypass could alleviate most of the issue, but I can't promise there won't be complications.
Anaya:  I...I don't know what that means.
Teya:  It's ok, I don't either.
And meantime, our resident supermom helps Anika with her aspiration.

Anika:  Wow, you're way better at this than dad is.
Vendara:  Well, sweetie, your dad's what we call arm candy.
Anika:  ...why would your arm need candy?
Vendara:  Again, we must work on your girl talk skills.
Anika:  Is it like a candy IV?  I mean, I guess you won't rot your teeth if you're only eating candy through your arm...
And the aforementioned arm candy is putting those arms to good use.

Tizzy:  Umm, are you mopping the grass?
Aravin:  Well, it can't mop itself, sweetie!
Tizzy:  Did you just call me sweetie because you don't know my name?
Aravin:  Yep!
Aravin:  Oh, I mean, of course I know your name, Tippy!
Aravin:  Tizzy.
And with that horrid example of parenting and four children having some great skilling and aspiration success, we bid farewell to the Flummux household.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 2 (1/16/21)
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2021, 12:21:35 PM »
TIL that Aravin is merely a trophy husband (Vendara refers to him as arm candy) and not actually considered a viable partner in the parenting process.  Poor Aravin!
Speaking of Aravin....Yo aliens!  Get with the program and abduct Aravin already! *shakes fist

So the unexpected hair colors of the twins. Is that because Vendara's white/gray hair is not a viable color for toddlers?
I'm enjoying how each biological-related toddler ages up with a surprise hair color!
Tizzy was especially beautiful as a toddler!

The Flummox household continues to proceed at dizzying speed.  It's mind-blowing, actually.
Spend the afternoon at a beach in Sulani with their doctor kits? Lol!

At this point, what aspect of this challenge are you finding most enjoyable?
Oh, I see grass in that last screenshot! Has spring arrived?

Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 2 (1/16/21)
« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2021, 01:03:06 PM »
Ok sorry I can’t seem to figure out how to show a screenshot, but let’s just say my meraliens were lacking some facial features... like a face. Yeah.

they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 2 (1/16/21)
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2021, 09:19:44 AM »
TIL that Aravin is merely a trophy husband (Vendara refers to him as arm candy) and not actually considered a viable partner in the parenting process.  Poor Aravin!
Speaking of Aravin....Yo aliens!  Get with the program and abduct Aravin already! *shakes fist

So the unexpected hair colors of the twins. Is that because Vendara's white/gray hair is not a viable color for toddlers?
I'm enjoying how each biological-related toddler ages up with a surprise hair color!
Tizzy was especially beautiful as a toddler!

The Flummox household continues to proceed at dizzying speed.  It's mind-blowing, actually.
Spend the afternoon at a beach in Sulani with their doctor kits? Lol!

At this point, what aspect of this challenge are you finding most enjoyable?
Oh, I see grass in that last screenshot! Has spring arrived?
Yeah, the strange hair color thing is unexpected, but also kind of cool!  I mean, they're definitely making age-ups an interesting guessing game in terms of what hair color they'll have next  ;=)
I appreciate your comments about the speed the household is managing.  Given that this dynasty will require 45 kids, I figured moving quickly was a good plan.
And no, Aravin is actually far more than just Vendara's arm candy, but it's sure fun to write him that way  ;=)  Realistically, she's more impactful as a parent, but some of that is because she didn't need sleep from the beginning (while Aravin had to wait until he could make potions of plentiful needs), she maxed parenting first, and he is still doing that scientist career so she's home more often.
My favorite part of the challenge is easily the kids.  I enjoy developing the character ideas and looks and trying to figure out what skills each will learn and all of that.
As always, thanks for reading and commenting.  It's always very encouraging to have that feedback  :=)

Ok sorry I can’t seem to figure out how to show a screenshot, but let’s just say my meraliens were lacking some facial features... like a face. Yeah.

If you need help figuring out how to do screenshots and such, I'm pretty sure there are instructions somewhere on the forum, but to give you a quick "crash course," click the little Mona Lisa looking button under the button for bold.  This will insert "img" and "/img" with each of them surrounded by brackets (but I can't type it that way or you won't be able to see it and it will just give the little picture icon).  You then use imgur or some such site to copy the direct link and paste that between the "img" things.  And that's it.  Oh, and the mods prefer images to be posted as jpegs  :=)
Horrifying meraliens without faces definitely need to get some screentime!
Thanks again for commenting  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 3 (1/20/21)
« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2021, 09:20:24 AM »
We return to the Flummux household to find ourselves...not at the Flummux household...

Vendara:  Well, everyone's at school or work, so I thought I'd come see my grandson for a minute or two.

Janae:  It's great having you here, Mom, even if it is only for a minute or two!  You're going to feed him, bathe him, and teach him to talk while you're here, right?
Vendara:  I mean, of course!
And after significantly more than a minute or two of quality grandson time, Vendara rushed home in time to prepare some to-go snacks for the girls and took them to the park.

Teya:  I'm not sure Mom quite grasps how "to-go meal" is supposed to work.
Anika:  In her defense, it's probably hard to send a pancake breakfast in a brown paper bag.  I mean, the syrup would leak everywhere!
Teya:  Fair enough.  Hey, Tizzy, didn't your hair used to be pink?
Tizzy:  Oh!  Yes.  You do look nice today.
Teya:  ...weren't listening again?
Tizzy:  Nope!
Pippin:  And yes, Tizzy's CC hair is weirdly glitched and refuses to be pink for the first hour or so after I load up the game and then suddenly accepts it.

Anaya:  I am greeting you respectfully since you're my elder.
Green-Haired Lady:  Oh, that's so...wait...did you just call me old?
Anaya:  Oh, I think my Mom's calling me!

Anika:  Oh my gosh, you guys!  Cute mohawk boy is walking this way!
Teya:  He probably has a name...
Anika:  I'm gonna talk to him NO!  I'm gonna play coy.  Everybody be aloof!
Teya:  A doof?
Anika:  Ok, that'll work too.  Seriously, though.  Not gonna talk.  Gonna let him come over to me.  Playing it cool.  Just letting him pass.

Cute Mohawk Boy:  I mean, thanks I guess.
Teya:  Really smooth.  Nice job of letting him come to you.
Anika:  Well, I don't hear Tizzy criticizing me.  Thank you for being supportive, Tizzy.
Tizzy:  ...sorry, what?  I wasn't listening.

Anaya:  Lucas, my man!  Have I ever mentioned what a great friend you are?
Lucas:  Working on child-aged friends for your aspiration, eh?
Anaya:  Well, I'm also preventing you from having my sister awkwardly and uncomfortably try to flirt with you.
Lucas:  That's true.  Let's cloudgaze or whatever.
And when the group got home, they found they had a visitor.

Hard Hat Guy:  Ma'am, did you realize that the terrain paint for your sidewalk actually extends two full tiles under your house?  I'm afraid I'll have to condemn your home as unliveable.
Vendara:  (glares)
Hard Hat Guy:  I mean...I would have done that in most cases, but I'm just gonna let you off with a warning.
Vendara:  Oh, that's so nice of you.  Goodbye.
Hard Hat Guy:  Yeah, I should probably get going now.  With my plasma.

Julia:  Wow, this game is not going your way, little one.
Anika:  Yeah, I'm just distracted by my frustration at not being able to talk to boys.
Bjorn:  You've been talking to me just fine.
Anika:  Yeah, but you're not attractive WAIT!  That's it!!  I just need to flirt with unattractive guys!!  Thanks, Bjorn, you're the best!
Bjorn:  ...and apparently unattractive.
Julia:  I think there might be a flaw in this plan...?
Anika:  Nonsense!  It's foolproof!
Bjorn: wife thinks I'm handsome.

Anaya:  Wow, you get weirdly tall when you're doing ballet, Alex!
Alex:  I'm practicing karate.
Anaya:  Hey, as long as I get to count you as a friend, we can call your ballet moves karate.
Alex:  ...ok, I'll take it.

Red-Haired Girl:  Wasn't your hair black earlier today?
Tizzy:  ...what? Is it my turn again?
Red-Haired Girl:  Yes, but I was saying your hair was black at school today.
Tizzy:  Oh, yeah, my Mom just went to the dresser.  No biggie.
Red-Haired Girl:  ...yeah, maybe we could just play and not talk.

Anaya:  Whew!  Gets a little chilly in the evening, doesn't it, Mrs. Landgraab? 
Nancy:  ...
Anaya:  Mrs. Landgraab?
Nancy:  ...
Anaya:  Nancy?  K, we'll talk later.
Nancy:  ...

Vendara:  "...and they all lived happily ever after.  The end."  Did you like the story, Tizzy?
Tizzy:  Huh?  Oh.  Sorry.  I was just looking at the cover of the book and got distracted.  Can we start the story now?
Vendara:  Of course, sweetie.  "Once upon a time..."

Teya:  Oh my gosh!  It's my super cool big sister, Kacie!!
Kacie:  You can call me Kae, sis.
Bess:  Wow, fangirl much?
Teya:  Only when my super cool older sister Kaesis comes over!!
Bess:  K, you do you, small fry.

Kae:  Hey, dad, how are things going?
Aravin:  Well, the girls all seem to be doing well.  I've learned most of their names.  Your Mom is apparently frustrated that no aliens are coming by?
Kae:  Yeah, Mom mentioned that.  Said something about calling a friend for help.
Aravin:  Oh, well, thats good, I guess.
And sure enough, later that night...

Anika:  Woot!  Dance party!!
Well, I mean, that happened too, but what I meant was this!

Vendara:  Bye, honey!  Have fun!  See you soon!
Aravin:  Wait, what?  Umm, I'm floating?  This seems bad...?

Aravin:  Umm, hello?
Green Alien:  Huh, I actually got you up here all in one piece!  First timer's luck, I guess!
Aravin:  First timer's...?
Green Alien:  Welp, captain wants to see you.  Through those doors, down the hall, hang a right.
Aravin:  K, if you say so.
Green Alien:  I do say so!
Aravin:  Oh, I was talking to the voices.
Green Alien:  Yes, that's usually how conversation works is with voices.

Aravin:  So, I'm here to see the captain?
Captain:  Really, Aravin?  So formal with an old friend?

Aravin:  Vaznya?
Captain Vaznya:  That would be Senior Pollinator Vaznya now!
Aravin:  Wow, that's so cool!  I think!  I actually have no idea what that means.
Captain Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  Yep!  Apparently they saw that I tried for the Life States Dynasty and decided that those baby making ambitions I had could be weaponized!
Blue Alien:  Umm, ma'am, they asked you not to...
Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  Oh, right.  They thought those ambitions could be useful.  My mistake.  Anyway, speaking of those ambitions, let's head to my private quarters.
Aravin:  Umm, ok, I guess.

Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  Number One, you have the helm!
Flagnorp:  See, guys?  I told you letting her watch Star Trek would make her sound more captainy.
Purple Alien:  Pretty sure that's not a word, so...

Senior Pollintor Vaznya:  So, you ready to make some babies?
Aravin:  Make babies?
Aravin:  OH!  No, I mean, I'm very committed to Vendara and I don't think we could...
Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  You are ridiculous.  I didn't mean doing that woohoo stuff...
Aravin:  Oh, that's good.

Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  I meant we'd use this!
Aravin:  Umm, could we maybe not?  Please no?
Senior Pollinator Vaznya:  Please yes!!
And a short while later...

Aravin:  OOF!!
Vendara:  Oh, hey, honey!  Did you have fun?
Aravin:  ...I don't want to talk about it.  If you need me, I'll be in the corner curled up in a ball.
Vendara:  That's my big, strong man.
And so, with the possibility of alienboos being introduced, we bid farewell to the Flummux household.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 3 (1/20/21)
« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2021, 07:22:42 PM »
Woooo, Aravin gets abducted in front of the observatory! Pippin must have been excited and jumping up and down (in hi shead).

How I loved that my favorite contender Vaznya reappeared as SPT #3!  Loved the spaceship!
And that's a very snazzy outfit that Vazna's wearing!

I was a tiny bit disappointed about the probe--was that to maintain Aravin's fidelity to Vendara?
I'd thought Vaznya would get him dazed with kava then overpower him, lol!
Flagnorp was reggikko's favorite, I believe. She'll be happy to see him again!

Weirdness about Tizzy hair's changing color like that!
Can't wait to find out the outcome of that abduction. *grips edges of seat

By the way, I'm shocked that Lucas Munch is still a child in your game. Has your dynasty lasted less than 2 weeks so far?
Then I remembered that Aging is set to "Active Household Only."  Haha, got myself going there for a few minutes!
Still, the Flummoxes are doing great!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 2, Update 3 (1/20/21)
« Reply #74 on: January 22, 2021, 09:50:18 PM »
Woooo, Aravin gets abducted in front of the observatory! Pippin must have been excited and jumping up and down (in hi shead).

How I loved that my favorite contender Vaznya reappeared as SPT #3!  Loved the spaceship!
And that's a very snazzy outfit that Vazna's wearing!

I was a tiny bit disappointed about the probe--was that to maintain Aravin's fidelity to Vendara?
I'd thought Vaznya would get him dazed with kava then overpower him, lol!
Flagnorp was reggikko's favorite, I believe. She'll be happy to see him again!

Weirdness about Tizzy hair's changing color like that!
Can't wait to find out the outcome of that abduction. *grips edges of seat

By the way, I'm shocked that Lucas Munch is still a child in your game. Has your dynasty lasted less than 2 weeks so far?
Then I remembered that Aging is set to "Active Household Only."  Haha, got myself going there for a few minutes!
Still, the Flummoxes are doing great!
Yes, I was ecstatic when the abduction finally happened and I'm so glad you liked the spaceship!  I spent way too much time working on it and staging way too many shots, so I'm glad it was a fun addition to the update  :=)
Yes, the hair thing was certainly weird, but after she aged up to teen, that problem went away (and she got a new hairstyle).
And yes, not canoodling between Vaznya and Aravin.  I mean, Vaznya wouldn't do that to Vendara, they're friends  :=)  Besides, the whole probe pose was a pretty fun screenshot to add  ;=)
Yeah, only my active household ages, so Lucas Munch just might be a child friend for just about every Flummux child working on the Social Butterfly aspiration.  That's right, he's likely to be permanently friend zoned  :=)