Author Topic: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 3, Update 2 (3/14/21)  (Read 46946 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 3 (12/17/20)
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2020, 02:02:10 PM »
Congrats to all the children! But face it, you really miss having toddlers and are looking forward to the next batch. Right?
I love the toddlers for toddler spam, but definitely prefer the lower maintenance of the children  :=)

The binge-skilling is going so well for the kiddos!
I'll be learning from you later as you alternate their life states as you move out.

Vendara has such integrity, building her fitness to get stronger for fighting vampires!
I tend to have a vampire do Vampire Family first, then use those weak, barely trained vampire offspring to smack down later for Master Vampire.
Looking forward to seeing more of the kids and a slimmer, buffer Vendara!

Before I forget, are the children's traits causing the difference in skilling progress between temporal "twins"?
Vendara has definitely toned up nicely  :=)
I'm not really sure what causes the skilling speed difference.  Some of my kids just seem to wear out and need sleep more often.  Seven was definitely a sleepy little one.  Not really sure why.
I definitely think I made a mistake in Vendara's aspiration choice, but so be it.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2020, 02:02:43 PM »
We return to a quaint little lot in Forgotten Hollow where...
Pippin:  Seven is just weird!

Vendara:  Insult my child one more time, Pippin.  I dare you.
Pippin:  ...
Seven:  (smiles)
And speaking of the lovely Vendara, she has been making great usage of the treadmill as well as the easel that is right beside it.

Pippin:  Are you seriously practicing magic in this direction so you can check out your wife?
Aravin:  Should I not?
Aravin:  Yeah she is!
Vendara:  Not sure what they said, but I accept the compliment.
And when she's not busy painting, working out, raising the children, or being eye candy for her husband, Vendara finds time to advance on her aspiration.

Lilith:  OWW!!  Wow, Ven, you've really made progress!  Your gals didn't even ask me to let you win this time!
Vendara:  Sorry, what?
Lilith:  Oh...I...said your...girls are...asking will be...time...
Vendara:  Real smooth, Lilith.
Lilith:  Sorry.
But Vendara wasn't the only one making progress.

Kacie:  Umm, you ok?
Nathaniel:  (cough cough) No, it's (cough cough) supposed to do that (cough cough)
Janae:  Yeah, that sounds sincere.  Let's draw more!
Kacie:  Ok!

Stayon:  Well, baby doll, I'm afraid you're out of network, so your HMO won't cover this operation. 
Pippin:  Oh no!  But she needs that operation!
Stayon:  I suppose there's one way we might be able to make this work, but it's risky...
Pippin:  What will they do!?!?!?
Stayon:  And cut to commercial!
Pippin:  ...are you angling for the acting career?
Stayon:  I mean, I would be a natural choice for it since I get my charm and good looks from my mom.
Vendara:  Very true.
And speaking of their mom, she took them out to volunteer.

Janae:  Are you excited to help out at the soup kitchen, Seven?
Seven:  (smiles and nods)
Raldo:  Well, not that it's a race to get there, but I'm winning.
Kacie:  Do you really want to challenge me to a race?
Raldo:  No.  I'm sorry.
Stayon:  Nate!  Where're you goin'?
Nathaniel:  Just saw Lily.  Have to go say hello to my beloved.
And what does their father do when he has the house to himself?

Aravin:  Boom!  Home repairs!
Aravin:  I mean, sure I could invite friends over, but all my friends are you guys and my family.
Aravin:  Oooo, we could go spouse hunting for the boys!

Aravin:  So yeah, they're all children or toddlers now, but they're gonna be really handsome young adults eventually!
Cute Redhead:  I've got to...go goldfish...
Aravin:  That seems legit.  I'll call you when they grow up!

Aravin:  Hi!  If we could fix your horrendous make-up choices you'd be a great spouse option for my boys!
Make-Up Lady:  How dare you!!

Aravin:  Ok, what I meant to say was that your bold and tasteful choices might be too daring for my sweet, humble boys and render them unable to speak due to the sheer intensity of your beauty.
Make-Up Lady:  Oh.  That's so sweet!  Ok, call me when they age up!
Aravin:  Voices, I'd high five you if you had hands!
But eventually, everyone returns home and Stayon proves he has more charisma than his father.

Stayon:  Would you care for some chips?  I opened the bag myself.
Nancy:  What a sweet and charming young man!  Can I be one of your adult friends to help you complete your aspiration?
Stayon:  Well, since you asked so nicely, sure!
Pippin:  Oooo, he's smooth!  Now back to the house for some school project binge work!

Alex Goth:  So, did you really just invite me over to read the instruction for your project to you?
Nathaniel:  Less ulterior motive guessing, more reading!
Pippin:  And eventually, aspiration and binge-skilling work lead to our first trip to the cake, which is taken by...

Pippin:  Kacie!
Kacie:  Really, Pippin?  You just get Seasons and you only manage this one shot of me in my cold weather outfit?
Pippin:  I mean, it's still one.  Everybody gets to see it!
And after the post birthday makeover...

Kacie:  Teen cold weather wear!  Of course, it's spring, so take a good, long look, everyone.  Might be the only cold day we have before I beat everyone to young adult and the third promotion to be the first kid out!
Aravin:  But...why do you want to leave me?
Kacie:  Actually, I have to leave right now.  Sudden urge to jog to clear my head.

Pippin:  And while we have our first teen, we still have five children trying not to fall behind.

Janae:  Just trying to show off more cold weather outfits since Kae called you out on it, Pippin?
Pippin:  ...maybe.
And our second age up is Nathaniel.

Nathaniel:  Lily, my love.  How delightful to see you.
Lily:  Yeah, you're still a teen, so...
Nathaniel:  I'll outgrow that really soon!
But before he does, Gerald, or Raldo as his mother calls him, has some cake time.

Raldo:  I feel this sudden urge to jog to clear my head.
Kacie:  Go for it.  I've already invested several hours in that exact activity.
And fourth age up honors go to Janae.

Janae:  Can't believe I'm a teen!  I have to journal about this right away!!
And after some journaling, jogging, teeth brushing, and dish washing, their mother takes them to do some volunteering.

Kacie:  We're kinda worn out, dad.  Got any more of those potions of plentiful needs?
Aravin:  Absolutely!
Pippin:  I mean, why sleep when there's skilling to be done, right?
Janae:  Apparently so.

Janae:  Isn't that about the third time you've brushed your teeth since we've been home?
Kacie:  Mmhmm.
Janae:  Dear diary, my penmanship is becoming exquisite and Kae's teeth shine so brightly you can see them from space.
Kacie:  Probably true.
And not only does their father help out by ensuring they'll never sleep, but he also helps ensure they'll have move out funds.

Aravin:  But why do they want to leave me?

Janae:  Hmm, sudden urge to leave to go volunteer.
Nathaniel:  MmmhHHMmmmmHHhmmmm.
Janae:  Ok, you have fun with that.
Pippin:  Indeed, lots of character trait building oddness was happening.

Kacie:  So, I build up my character traits by greeting people in friendly ways, so hi.  I'm smiling, see?  Friendly.  K, I'm gonna go jog now.  Later, losers.
Nathaniel:  And I also wanted to say a friendly hello to you ladies who are not nearly as lovely as Lily.
Pippin:  And speaking of Lily, she's doing all she can to avoid being a distraction to Nathaniel as he's working on hitting young adult.

Pippin:  And so, with four teens who are soon-to-be young adults and two children not far from their teen years, we bid farewell to the Flummux household.

*Watcher's Notes--I have definitely figured out some things that will help me with the next cluster.  The teen "years" can boil down to about a day or two depending on how well you do at building character values during the child years (and as long as you rack up some aspiration points along the way).  Since the doctor toy builds the mental skill and builds empathy, I'm going to have all future children use that as a nice two-for-one.  My first four kids hit their teen age up on a Friday and I think I've played through that Sunday afternoon and three of them will definitely age up without ever setting foot in high school, possibly all four.
Oh, and aspirations for the parents.  Totally should not have picked Master Vampire for Vendara's first aspiration!  The "survive 20 more days" thing likely will mean I'll already have at least the first four moved out and we'll still have more days to just sit and wait.  Ah well.  Live and learn.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2020, 04:42:30 PM »
Wow, Pippin, the household is constantly abuzz with activities! Like, constantly!
I love Aravin's foresight in seeking out spouse prospects for their sons in advance.

Aaaah, you now have seasons. What season did you start with?
Since you're planting dragonfruit unsheltered, I'm guessing....autumn?

Favorite screenshot: Vendara and the children, marching off en masse to the soup kitchen!

Question: Might Dr. Stayon be a lovechild of Dr. Gluon? (yes, terrible joke but I couldn't resist...)
And who can resist a man who opens a bag of chips himself then offers you the first one? *swoons

Offline reggikko

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2020, 12:32:45 AM »
Great job on your first batch of younguns! I like Kacie’s sass and Nathaniel’s adoration of Lily is so much fun. And what a star Vendara is! It’s too bad Aravin’s voices can’t help with childcare.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2020, 07:42:37 AM »
I didn't realize that you had just got Seasons. Have fun with the holidays! Kacie looks great in everything, including her cold weather wear.
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Offline Auranaris

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2020, 11:10:30 PM »
um.... hi. I don’t really comment, but I was just curious: what lot do they live on? Is it the empty lot in forgotten hollow? Ok well... bye.
Back to my cave of lurking-ness. (That’s totally a word.)
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 4 (12/25/20)
« Reply #51 on: December 30, 2020, 12:35:22 PM »
Wow, Pippin, the household is constantly abuzz with activities! Like, constantly!
I love Aravin's foresight in seeking out spouse prospects for their sons in advance.

Aaaah, you now have seasons. What season did you start with?
Since you're planting dragonfruit unsheltered, I'm guessing....autumn?

Favorite screenshot: Vendara and the children, marching off en masse to the soup kitchen!

Question: Might Dr. Stayon be a lovechild of Dr. Gluon? (yes, terrible joke but I couldn't resist...)
And who can resist a man who opens a bag of chips himself then offers you the first one? *swoons
I actually started in spring, so the dragonfruit will sprout eventually, but Vendara and Aravin have both maxed painting and are racking up heaps of wealth in the form of sellable paintings so the kids will have no trouble moving out and buying minimum value homes.
The soup kitchen shot was technically them returning, but I also just loved it!  Glad you did too  :=)
Dr. Gluon indeed.  Well played  ;=)
And yes, that Stayon is a charmer.  In fact, you'll see more of his charming nature in the next update!

Great job on your first batch of younguns! I like Kacie’s sass and Nathaniel’s adoration of Lily is so much fun. And what a star Vendara is! It’s too bad Aravin’s voices can’t help with childcare.
Thanks!  The Nathaniel and Lily thing was just a completely random happy accident.  He showed up from the well and Lily went walking by the house minutes later, so it was obviously meant to be  :=)
Vendara and Aravin's voices are really on top of things, and they're quite good at dragging the hapless spellcaster along with them  :=)

I didn't realize that you had just got Seasons. Have fun with the holidays! Kacie looks great in everything, including her cold weather wear.
Yeah, Seasons definitely has changed things up for me, including a bit of an unpleasant surprise you'll see in the next update!

um.... hi. I don’t really comment, but I was just curious: what lot do they live on? Is it the empty lot in forgotten hollow? Ok well... bye.
Back to my cave of lurking-ness. (That’s totally a word.)
I am super honored that your first ever forum post was on my goofy little story  :=)
And yes, you guessed correctly, they live on that empty lot in Forgotten Hollow.
Thanks for coming out of your cave of lurking-ness (which is totally a word!) to chime in  :=)  Hope to hear from you again and maybe get the chance to post comments on your stories if you decide to go that route (which is super fun, by the way).

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 5 (12/30/20)
« Reply #52 on: December 30, 2020, 12:36:12 PM »
We return to the Flummux household to find four teens who are rapidly nearing young adulthood, two children who are soon to be teens, and a matriarch who is stuck with double digit days left before she'll complete her next aspiration because her neglectful Watcher neglectfully neglected to check the requirements for the aspiration neglectfully.
Pippin:  Wow.  Just wow.

Stayon:  Hey, we should become good friends to help complete my social butterfly aspiration, mohawk child!
Mohawk Child:  Umm, my name's Kameron?
Stayon:  It sure is, my good friend!
Pippin:  And while he was finishing up those last bits of his aspiration in preparation to age up...

Pippin:  Seven was being very Seven.
Seven:  (smiles at the monkey bars)
Pippin:  (sigh) And while the more...unique twin was still a few skill points and friends away from age up time,

Pippin:  Stayon was becoming our fifth teen.
Stayon:  Teen time, here I come!
Pippin:  And because we believe in recycling, the cake was used in four more rapid succession age ups as each of our teens met their requirements.

Stayon:  So, are we just skipping over a shot showing my teen makeover?
Pippin:  Oh, right.  Should have done that.
Janae:  Did you use my child to teen picture in that collage?
Pippin:  I...might have...anyway, Stayon got his teen makeover!

Pippin:  See?  He's right there.  Behind the Bjergsen kid and the group indicator thing.
Stayon:  Umm, maybe a different angle would show off my outfit a bit better?
Pippin:  All over it!

Pippin:  Here's Seven getting that last friend in place so he can complete his aspiration and finally age up and there's our boy Stayon in the background doing lots of friendly introductions to get that last trait in place to age up to young adult.
Stayon:  You're sure I'm in this picture?
Pippin:  You're clearly standing right behind Mila Munch!
Stayon:  (sigh)
Pippin:  And we return home for cake and such and discover there is a horrible storm raging.
Janae:  K, I'm just gonna run outside to grab my journal.
Vendara:  NO!!!!

Pippin:  But...she was...I thought...she can't be...
Vendara:  Nate?
Nathaniel:  I'm on it!

Nathaniel:  Grim, great bastion of kindness, please forgive my sister's ignorance of the dangers of storms.  She was literally just a child days ago, and I mean, her Watcher only just got the Seasons expansion and really doesn't understand it yet.
Grim:  Oh, so this is a Pippin dynasty?  Yeah, I've seen him mess things up before.  I'm gonna let this slide this time.
Nathaniel:  Thank you, oh kind and merciful one.
Grim:  No problem, kid.

Grim:  Janae Flummux, I restore you to life.
Stayon:  Hey, Grim, can you come here for a minute?  You're good at math, right?

Grim:  I mean, I'm ok.  What are you working on.
Stayon:  Proofs.
Grim:  Oh, in that case, I have to go.  Pretty sure someone somewhere needs reaping.
Stayon:  You coward!
And after Nathaniel's incredible heroics, we move forward to the last child to teen birthday of this cluster.

Seven:  (blows out candles and fist pumps)
Pippin:  And after his makeover, we do a group shot of our young adults and teens...

Pippin:  and age up Stayon shortly thereafter.

Kacie:  Congrats on the birthday.  I made you grilled cheese.
Stayon:  You're at level 6 of cooking now and I don't think you've ever made anything other than grilled cheese.
Kacie:  Why mess with perfection?
Stayon:  Well, speaking of perfection, hello Becca Clarke!
Pippin:  He's so much smoother than his dad.
Kacie:  I mean, I made a cake once.
Stayon:  Maybe you'd like to chat outside where we could have a bit more private time?
Kacie:  No thanks.
Stayon:  I was talking to Becca?
Becca:  Oh!  Ok!

Stayon:  I'd compliment you, but your beauty is beyond words.
Becca:  Oh my!
Vendara:  Totally just over here painting.  Not chaperoning at all.  Just so you know.
Stayon:  I'm going to kiss you right in front of my mom.
Becca:  Wha...?

Becca:  Hmmmmm, wow!
Vendara:  Ok, little girl, just so you know, if you break my boy's heart, I break every one of your bones.
Becca:  (gulp) Yes, ma'am.
Vendara:  I will break each of them twice.
Becca:  ...
Stayon:  C'mere, let me give you a tour of the tent where I slept as a child.

Pippin:  Well, I suppose getting a head start on that Big, Happy Family aspiration by having grandkids in place is a good idea.
Vendara:  My kids are so practical and helpful...and if that little co-ed hurts Stayon, I will make her my own personal plasma sippy cup.
Pippin:  Vampire threats are weird.  Anyway, they finish tent time and Kacie plans an outing for the group.
Kacie:  So, you losers wanna go to the gym since we're all building the fitness skill?
Losers:  Ok.

Nathaniel:  Strange that we all picked fitness as a skill to max.
Raldo:  Not really since we all spent our day or two of being teens jogging to clear our heads.
Nathaniel:  That's fair.
And upstairs, another Flummux was working on fitness by shooting baskets.

Brant:  Oh my, your form is outstanding!
Janae:  Yeah, I'm not actually shooting right now.
Brant:  I didn't say shooting form.
Janae:  Awww, that's sweet, but aren't you married?  And gay?

Brant:  I am trying really hard to be both of those things right now, but you are really making that challenging!
Janae:  That's either really sweet or extremely creepy.  I'm choosing to go with sweet!
Brant  Whew, I lucked out.
And speaking of lucking out, Seven, who had aged up right before we left for the gym, was lucky enough to meet a charming mermaid.

Kalamainu'u:  What are you looking at, dork?
Seven:  (smiles and bats his eyes)
Kalamainu'u:  Stop batting your pretty eyes at me, reject!
Seven:  (winks)
Kalamainu'u:  Ugh, that's not better, you stupidly handsome brat!
Kacie:  Hey, mermaid, we were gonna head back to the house.  Wanna come with?
Kalamainu'u:  Ugh, fine.

Seven:  (gestures to his lips and then back and forth between them)
Kalamainu'u:  Ewww, are you seriously asking me to kiss you in your disgustingly cute silent way?  That is so lame!  I'm leaving. (stands to leave)

Seven:  (stands and kisses her)
Kalamainu'u:  I...I...I guess I could stay for a bit...I mean, you'd probably whine and annoy everyone if I left.  Wait, where are you going?

Kalamainu'u:  Ugh, fine, I guess I'll go into the stupid little tent with you, you obnoxiously cute weirdo.

Kalamainu'u:  Whoa, that was ama...I mean, that was ok.  I guess.  I suppose you could show me your other tents if you really wanted, dork.
Seven:  (smiles and takes her on a tour of every tent)
But the creation of grandchildren for Vendara and Aravin is not the only thing happening in these young adult years.  The young adult offspring have all started their careers.  Kacie has already gotten 2 promotions in the athletics career while Raldo also has 2 as a writer.  Meantime, Nathaniel has gotten 1 promotion in the retail career and Janae has gotten one promotion in the entertainer field.
Pippin:  But they're not the only ones who have gone to work.

Aravin:  Woot!  Level 2 in the science career!  Still, not quite sure why Vendara wanted me to get a job since we both make so much money from painting?
Aravin:  What?!?!  That sounds ridiculous.  Why would my wife want me to have a baby with some pollination technician?  Wouldn't that be cheating?  I mean, no member of the Flummux family would ever be part of a relationship that involves cheating on someone's spouse.
Janae:  (laughs in guilty)
And cluster one is making amazing progress and will probably all be finished with their requirements well in advance of Vendara finally finishing her aspiration since her neglectful Watcher neglectfully neglected to plan for it properly neglectfully.
Pippin:  Ouch.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 5 (12/30/20)
« Reply #53 on: December 30, 2020, 07:14:10 PM »
NaeNae was soooo lucky!
Nathaniel convinced Grim to revive NaeNae and he didn't even have to give him a Death Flower! 
Welcome back, NaeNae! Whew, that was a close call!

Lol, Stayon drooling all over the birthday cake while he's hitting on Becca!
I loved how you wrote that mean, obnoxious mermaid.  It's perfection!  Seven, you da man!
And Avarin sacrifices his body for, um, science!
Such an enjoyable update, Pippin!

P.S. I know it was Seven with the mermaid and not Nathaniel, but it got me to thinking.
Can there be such a thing as a pear-shaped mermaid?

Offline reggikko

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 5 (12/30/20)
« Reply #54 on: January 01, 2021, 02:23:54 AM »
Oh, this installment is great. I think Seven is my favorite. Gotta love the weird silent type! Good save on the lightning strike! I’ve had one Sim get struck by lightning, but he didn’t die. You make me want to play this dynasty.

@oshizu Pear shaped mermaid! Snort. :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 5 (12/30/20)
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2021, 08:47:55 AM »
Vampires do make weird threats. I loved "personal plasma sippy cup." I've had Sims die of lightning strikes, one that was under my control at the time, and one that wasn't.

About everyone maxing fitness. That's okay, but the rules say that the 3 maxed skills all have to be different, until you've run through all available skills. Of course, at the rate you're going (tries to do math in head and fails), well maybe, 2 of them could count fitness. Just figure out how many skills you have available.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 5 (12/30/20)
« Reply #56 on: January 05, 2021, 09:46:43 AM »
NaeNae was soooo lucky!
Nathaniel convinced Grim to revive NaeNae and he didn't even have to give him a Death Flower! 
Welcome back, NaeNae! Whew, that was a close call!

Lol, Stayon drooling all over the birthday cake while he's hitting on Becca!
I loved how you wrote that mean, obnoxious mermaid.  It's perfection!  Seven, you da man!
And Avarin sacrifices his body for, um, science!
Such an enjoyable update, Pippin!

P.S. I know it was Seven with the mermaid and not Nathaniel, but it got me to thinking.
Can there be such a thing as a pear-shaped mermaid?
Pear shaped mermaid should be the name of a band.
So glad you enjoyed the update!
I think Becca's a cutey and I was delighted when she wandered into Stayon's life.  I just might have to age up their babies to see how lovely they become  :=)
Yeah, the Seven and Kalamainu'u relationship is super fun to write.  Makes me kid of sad that he'll be moving out soon (already has in real game time) and I won't be able to write any more of their dialogue  :=(
I was so scared for Nae!!  After that mishap (and Nathaniel becoming the superstar), I made Aravin practice magic until he learned dedeathify.

Oh, this installment is great. I think Seven is my favorite. Gotta love the weird silent type! Good save on the lightning strike! I’ve had one Sim get struck by lightning, but he didn’t die. You make me want to play this dynasty.

@oshizu Pear shaped mermaid! Snort. :)
Yeah, Seven is delightfully weird  :=)
The lightning strike was so scary for me!  Of course, part of that is tied to just how much I adore Nae.  I literally had to pause the game for like 5 minutes while I tried to wrap my head around what just happened and what to do.  Fortunately, Nathaniel had built up some really solid charisma  :=)

Vampires do make weird threats. I loved "personal plasma sippy cup." I've had Sims die of lightning strikes, one that was under my control at the time, and one that wasn't.

About everyone maxing fitness. That's okay, but the rules say that the 3 maxed skills all have to be different, until you've run through all available skills. Of course, at the rate you're going (tries to do math in head and fails), well maybe, 2 of them could count fitness. Just figure out how many skills you have available.
Thanks, Marian!  Glad you enjoy the vamp threat  :=)
I actually got to the point that my first kiddo was going to move out and I went back to the rules to double check that I hadn't missed anything and realized the skilling error. 
I also haven't run the math fully, but it will either be in the second or third cluster that I start having the option of repeating.
Thanks for looking out for me  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 6 (1/5/21)
« Reply #57 on: January 05, 2021, 09:47:19 AM »
We rejoin a Flummux household where each of our young adults are hard at work on skilling, getting promotions, and making those 3 unique out-of-household good friends.  Some are taking creative routes to complete that last one.

Janae:  Hey, Kae, I'm gonna go have some snuggle time with my married secret boyfriend.  You wanna be my wingman and distract his husband for me?
Kacie:  You know this is a bad idea, right?
Janae:  Absolutely!
Kacie:  Ok, as long as you know, I'm in.

Janae:  K, I'm heading upstairs to see my sweetiepumpkins.  I think his loser husband is out back.
Kacie:  Divide and conquer mode activated.

Kacie: Hey there! I'm a random stranger who just walked into your house to socialize and totally not to distract you while my sister makes out with your husband.
Brent:  That was weirdly specific, but ok!  Want a hamburger?

Janae:  Hey, handsome!  Wanna cheat on your spouse?
Brant:  I shouldn't want to, but I really do!
Janae:  Well, if you don't want to, maybe you could just give me a tour of your house instead.
Brant:  Yeah, that seems safe.
Janae:  Great!  Let's start in the bedroom!
Brant:  I am not going to heaven.

Kacie:  So, these are hamburgers.
Brent:  They sure are!  Do you like them?
Kacie:  They're pretty garbage compared to my grilled cheese sammiches.
Brent:  Oh, so you're a bit of a chef, eh?  What else do you make?
Kacie:  ...other grilled cheese sammiches.  I made a cake once.

Janae:  Ooo, is this the bed where we'll conceive our children?
Brant:  Sooooo not going to heaven...
Janae:  I'm just kidding!
Brant:  Whew, you can't joke like...
Janae:  We'll use the tents at my house.
Brant:  ...I think I love you.
Janae:  Yeah you do!
And another happy couple was already having a baby.

Becca:  So, do you think I'm ugly now that I'm blowing up like a blimp?
Stavon:  Of course not!  I mean, you're still so shapely.
Becca:  Shut up!
Pippin:  And while those two enjoyed a love that was pure magic...

Pippin:  Aravin was just doing some literal magic.
Aravin:  So why are we doing copypasto on seeds?
Aravin:  Oh, money tree seeds!  It all makes sense now.  Kind of.
Pippin:  And not only was Stayon romantically making magic, but he was also making movies!

Stayon:  Wow, that seemed really forced.  There is such a thing as overusing a metaphor, Pippin.
Pippin:  Nonsense!

Stayon:  Umm, you know I just came in for a trim and some eye liner, right?
Hair Dresser:  You're not one of the background actors for the Slacks Pistols video?
Stayon:, but now I kinda want to be!
And after a restyling and some wardrobe work...
Director:  And...action!

Stayon:  Do you wish you could sail the seven seas?  Of course you do!  But if you're going to sail, you've gotta sail in style!

Stayon:  Oh no!  Stains off the port bough!

Stayon:  If you want to keep your pirate threads from looking they just came off a scurvy bilge rat, you need Seven Seas Suds!
Director:  And...cut!  That's pure gold, baby!
Pippin:  And promotion number one is in the books...too bad he fails the next few auditions.
Stayon:  But I've maxed acting!!
Pippin:  And speaking of maxed skills, I decided we'll have everyone have all three skills be unique skills!

Vendara:  You sure you don't mean you made a mistake and missed that requirement in the rules, Pippin?
Pippin:  Oh...ummm...I...
Wishing Well:  That makes me angry!  Hurry, someone wish for a child so I can give you another ghost kid!
Vendara:  Love the idea, but not right this moment.

Stayon:  You mean I went through these treadmill mishaps for nothing?!?!?
Pippin:  No!  Exercise is...good for you...or something!
As we draw closer to move out time, some of the kids set some things in place for their particular chosen destinations.

Nathaniel:  Hey, why don't you finally lose that deadbeat husband of yours and marry me instead?
Lily:  Well, I don't know...
Nathaniel:  I mean, I've loved you my whole life and built my world around you.
Lily:  That's so sweet, but I don't know if I can...
Nathaniel:  And you have that "hates children" trait and I can't have children because I'm a ghost!
Lily:  Sold!  I mean...I love you too.

Stayon:  Becca, will you make me the happiest man in the world?
Becca:  Oh.  I thought you were asking me to marry you, not just to woohoo.
Stayon:  I...well, we could do that too, but I was meaning that as asking you to marry me.
Becca:  Oh, well, yes to both then!

Kalamainu'u:  Don't blow that stupid adorable kissy stuff in my face!  Look what you did to my figure!
Seven:  (winks and nods towards the woohoo bush)
Kalamainu'u:  Ugh.  Fine!

Kalamainu'u:  But you're going in first!
Pippin:  They can't actually move in together since Kalamainu'u doesn't have a house, but they can enjoy some couples time, at least.
And those who will be moving out solo simply devote time to skilling.

Raldo:  What could possibly go better with maxing writing and video gaming than handiness.  Yep.  Things that involve me being at a computer and then I have to go get splinters.  Great logic, Pippin.
Pippin:  Nope, sorry.  You can't have logic.  Seven's doing that one.
Raldo:  That's not what know what?  Never mind.

Janae:  Piano as the third skill for the entertainer makes good sense, though.
Kacie:  Yeah, and wellness is fine for me.
Janae:  Cute cheerleading outfit, Kae!
Kacie:  Yeah, Pippin thought it was cute too, hence made it my athleticwear in addition to my work outfit.
Pippin:  Is it wrong that I have a great sense of fashion?  By the way, where did Stayon go?
Kacie:  He said something about seeing his newborn.
Pippin:  NOOBOO?!?!?!?

Pippin:  So cute!!
Stayon:  Right?!?!  She's amazing!
Pippin:  You know, I'll bet if you two had another one...
Stayon:  Way ahead of you!  Becca, we should go tell my folks the good news!
Becca:  Ok!

Stayon:  And since we're here anyway...
Becca:  Oh.  Ok!
And another Flummux boy is also in love with a beautiful lady.

Nathaniel:  Thanks for suggesting I make flower arrangements as gifts for Lily, Pippin, but do you really think she needs so many?
Pippin:  You haven't maxed the skill yet...I mean...since for her is...boundless, be too?
Nathaniel:  Oh, that makes sense!
And with that, we bid farewell to the Flummux household and their newly selected skills as their Watcher neglectfully neglected to read the rules closely enough neglectfully.

Pippin:  Yeah that was my bad.  Next time, Cluster 1 finish their requirements and move out!
Aravin:  But why do they want to leave me?!?!?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 6 (1/5/21)
« Reply #58 on: January 05, 2021, 02:59:45 PM »
Great save.  I'm so glad that Pippin realized the error of his ways before the Cluster 1 kiddos moved out!
Awww, I also know how sad Pippin feels, not being able to play all of the different households to watch the grandkids grow up!
But the house will soon be overflowing once again with the Cluster 2 mob.

Awwww, the poor Heckings. Will Janae be moving in with them?  :(

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 6 (1/5/21)
« Reply #59 on: January 06, 2021, 05:09:34 PM »
Great save.  I'm so glad that Pippin realized the error of his ways before the Cluster 1 kiddos moved out!
Awww, I also know how sad Pippin feels, not being able to play all of the different households to watch the grandkids grow up!
But the house will soon be overflowing once again with the Cluster 2 mob.

Awwww, the poor Heckings. Will Janae be moving in with them?  :(
Yeah, it was a pretty silly mistake on my part, and I'm glad I caught it.  I actually would have already played past it by the time that Marian jumped in to try to save me (in true heroic seven heroes fashion, I suppose).
Yeah, I'll be sad about not getting to play the other households and seeing those gorgeous grandbabies grow up, but I'll try to find chance to go visit some of the kids from time to time.
And you're about to find out where Janae goes right now!!

