Author Topic: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 3, Update 2 (3/14/21)  (Read 46968 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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I'm so glad Aravin won. His voices will be much fun to have along in this journey. I was pulling for Venusia but Vendara does seem to have better mother instincts. And she did make adorable daughters. Looking forward to the growth of their dynasty.

Offline oshizu

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Ariel got a lot of face time in that update, haha!
Yay, Aravin!  Alien offspring are much harder to come by than vampire offspring, but Vendara is lovely and will make a great mother!
Bring on the main challenge!  :)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Glad to see that Vendara has good parenting skills even if she is a vampire. And Aravin with his voices will continue!
Vendara was just weirdly good at everything throughout this challenge.  It kind of caught me off guard.
And yes, the voices will definitely be a continued presence  :=)

I'm so glad Aravin won. His voices will be much fun to have along in this journey. I was pulling for Venusia but Vendara does seem to have better mother instincts. And she did make adorable daughters. Looking forward to the growth of their dynasty.
I was also quite pleased with how pretty Vendara's daughters were!  Can't wait to see if she and Aravin end up cloning another Ariel  :=)

Ariel got a lot of face time in that update, haha!
Yay, Aravin!  Alien offspring are much harder to come by than vampire offspring, but Vendara is lovely and will make a great mother!
Bring on the main challenge!  :)
Yeah, Ariel is a cutie pie!  I'd also planned to spotlight Eve more since she was so cute, but I did the traits randomly and clingy Ariel created more screentime moments than independent Eve.
Yeah, I think I'll have to install a satellite at some point to see if I can encourage the aliens to abduct Aravin  :=)

Thanks, everyone, for reading and posting through the prequel.  Now that we have out founders, let the dynasty begin!!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 1 (12/11/20)
« Reply #33 on: December 11, 2020, 08:36:43 AM »
What was once an empty field in Forgotten Hollow now becomes the starting point for a new dynasty where the hopes and dreams of the Watcher rest on the erratic shoulders of a spellcaster and the anti-social shoulders of a vampire.

Pippin:  And since you're a vampire, I had you two start off in Forgotten Hollow so you wouldn't burn, Vendara!
Vendara:  Ow!!  Burning and dying!!  Must get inside!!
Pippin:  You're welcome.  And speaking of the inside, let's get a nice top-down shot of the house!
Vendara:  Still burning and dying!

Pippin:  And yes, the house is small.  One might even call it...tiny.  You're welcome for the skilling boost!  And you've both got the soulmate aspiration, so go get her, tiger!
Vendara:  And for the love of goodness let's get inside!
Forgotten Hollow is apparently not vamp-safe during the daytime.  Pippin was mistaken.

Aravin:  So, the voices say I should get your number which I assume is so that, if one of us has an emergency, we can call for help.
Vendara:  Do you have emergencies often?
Aravin:  Sometimes.  Like, my foot got stuck in a toilet once and I was trapped in the bathroom for three hours.
Aravin:  Oh.  The voices say I shouldn't have told you that.
Vendara:  That's ridiculous, but cute in a hopeless way, I suppose.
Aravin:  Wait, they're saying something else...

Aravin:  Oh.  Ummm, hey there!  You're cute.
Vendara:  Thanks.  So, did the voices tell you to say that?
Aravin:  Yep!
Vendara:  So, they think I'm cute.  What do you think?
Aravin:  Oh, I think you're gorgeous!
Vendara:  Awww!

Vendara:  And you are a ridiculous and hopeless child, but a ridiculous and hopeless child I like.
Aravin:  That's probably sweet.
Aravin:  Oh, umm, ok!

Aravin:  Sorry.  Was that too forward?
Vendara:  No, I was just kind of confused since you missed my lips.
Aravin:  I've...never done that before.
Vendara:  Alright, my turn!

Aravin:  Oh!  This isn't one of those vampire biting things, is it?
Vendara:  I'll only bite you if you have it coming.
Aravin:  Oh, do I have...?

Pippin:  And that is how kissing works!
Vendara:  Stay out of our moment, Pippin.
Pippin:  Sorry.
And so, our happy couple establishes a relationship since their neglectful Watcher neglected to set them up as a married couple neglectfully.
Pippin:  No!  It was a narrative choice to continue the prequel story!
And is that code for "you didn't think of doing that to make it easier until after you'd already started the file and hen came up with 'the narrative' as a weak excuse for making more work for your poor Sims?"
Pippin:  ...kinda.
Regardless, our happy couple get married with the wishing well as a witness.

Wishing Well:  This is so beautiful, you guys!
And shortly thereafter, they complete the soulmate aspiration leading to...

Vendara:  So, new husband, can I give you a tour of the tent?
Aravin:  I mean, it's not very big, so I don't know that a tour would be...
Aravin:  OH!  Yes!  Yes you may!
And after the "tour" they got some good news.

Vendara:  Yes!  Pregnant!  Wait, Pippin?  Are you seriously taking a picture of me on the toilet?
Pippin: was...because the...
Aravin:  Pregnant?  Are we going to have a little Ariel?!?!?
Vendara:  Well, I certainly hope so!  But let me go tell the well the good news first.

Wishing Well:  I'm so happy for you guys!
Vendara:  Thanks, but I'm really gonna need you to get angry now.
Wishing Well:  Oh. Ok!

Wishing Well:  I have donned the hoodie of anger!
Vendara:  Great!  So, can you grant us a child?
Wishing Well:  I will...IN ANGER!!!  Ghost child!  Boom!!
Ghost Child:  Mom?

Vendara:  Yes, sweetie, I'm your new mom.
Wishing Well:  This is such a sweet moment!
Pippin:  What good fortune on the screenshot!  I mean the moon and the sky and the well looking down and smiling at them.  Oh, and welcome to the household...ghost kid...
Ghost Kid:  I'm Nathaniel!
Vendara:  Of course you are, sweetie.  Just ignore Pippin.  He's bad with names.
Nathaniel:  K, thanks mom.
Vendara:  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go do things to run our household since you're father's lazy and irresponsible.
Nathaniel:  K!

Pippin:  Umm, shouldn't you be using that computer to adopt a child?
Vendara:  In a moment.  Just need to protect my big strong man from monsters under the bed.
Vendara is kind of the best.
Vendara:  This is true.
Pippin:  And while the responsible parent was off adopting a child, Nathaniel went out to talk to strangers.

Nathaniel:  Hi!  I'm Nathaniel!   You're so pretty!
Lily:  What a very observant young man you are.
Nathaniel:  Would you be willing to help me with my homework if for no reason other than so that I may bask in the glory of your radiance?
Lily:  Well, since you asked so politely, yes.

Nathaniel:  So, this question says, "If you and a friend get twelve apples and decide to divide them evenly, what do you have?"
Lily:  A missed opportunity for a hostile takeover of the business.
Nathaniel:  That's great!  I might get bonus points for an answer like that!  You're so smart and beautiful.
Lily:  This is true.
Pippin:  And finally, the responsible parent returned.

Vendara:  Welcome to the family, Kacie.
And since she was good friends with both parents, that meant early age-up time came quickly.

Pippin:  She's adorable!
Aravin:  Yeah, she's way cuter than Not-Ariel.
Vendara:  Who?
Aravin:  Our ghost son?
Vendara:  Nathaniel?
Aravin:  Well, if you squint really hard while you try to read it, it looks just like "Not Ariel."
Vendara:  That may be true, but if you call him that again, I'll have to feed on you.
Aravin:  Well, I'm off to adopt another child now.  Tell Nathaniel I said bye.
Vendara:  That's a good husband.
And the second adoption introduces...

Janae to the family!
Pippin:  Yeah, she's pretty cute too.  Now let's start learning some skills!
Vendara:  Already been doing that, Pippin.

And that leads us to the financial secret that has made out household a success.

The magic money machine!
Pippin:  Yep, I had the clever idea to take quick meal items from the fridge, since they're free, and immediately throw them away to make extra money.
Vendara:  Who had that idea?
Pippin:  ...Aravin's voices.
Vendara:  And who actually did all the work for that?
Pippin:  You since you never have to sleep.
Vendara:  Exactly.
And the children are adding to that income by using the potty chair making them more beneficial to this household than Pippin.
Pippin:  Hey!
And with one more adoption, we add Gerald to the household.

Pippin:  Two boys, two girls, and hopefully twins on the way.  Let the chaos begin!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 1 (12/11/20)
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2020, 07:04:37 PM »
Wow, that was fast! Soulmate done, successful try for baby, and two lovely adopted toddlers and a ghost child!
I'd extend my best wishes, Pippin, but I know all is in the hands of a Parenting pro!

Offline MarianT

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 1 (12/11/20)
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2020, 09:53:41 AM »
6 (or 5) toddlers and children -- have fun! And yes, the picture with the ghost child, the wishing well, and the moon was excellent.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 1 (12/11/20)
« Reply #36 on: December 12, 2020, 03:59:51 PM »
Quote: if you squint really hard while you try to read it, it looks just like "Not Ariel."
;D ;D ;D

Four littles and two on the way - what a brave soul you are Vendara is!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 1 (12/11/20)
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2020, 08:51:31 AM »
Wow, that was fast! Soulmate done, successful try for baby, and two lovely adopted toddlers and a ghost child!
I'd extend my best wishes, Pippin, but I know all is in the hands of a Parenting pro!
Yeah, I picked Soulmate for the first aspiration specifically to go quickly.  Wanted to get kids in the house as soon as I could  :=)
And thanks for the high praise, but I wouldn't say I'm a Parenting pro.  I'll limp my way through pretty decently with this first group and then sort out the wrinkles as we go forward  ;=)

6 (or 5) toddlers and children -- have fun! And yes, the picture with the ghost child, the wishing well, and the moon was excellent.
Thanks!  And yes, I was just really pleased with how that picture turned out!  It's Nathaniel's iconic moment  :=)

Quote: if you squint really hard while you try to read it, it looks just like "Not Ariel."
;D ;D ;D

Four littles and two on the way - what a brave soul you are Vendara is!
Hahaha, yeah, this particular dynasty is a bit of a crazy amount to take on, but I'm sure I Vendara can handle it  ;=)
Glad you enjoyed the "Not Ariel" moment  :=)  I'm letting all the adopted and Wishing Well kids just keep the names they come with and the chance to make that joke with Nathaniel's name was just too perfect to pass up!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 2 (12/14/20)
« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2020, 08:57:29 AM »
We rejoin our household to find them now housing the 4 children from their 24 hours of additions and with Vendara due to deliver in a few days.
Pippin:  And the parents are hard at work skill-building with their little ones.

Kacie:  Is teef!  Mama pokey teef!
Vendara:  Yes, sweetie, mommy's teeth are very pokey.
Janae:  Pay game!  Moob moob moob!!
Aravin  Huh?  Wha?  Oh, yes.  Good girl.  Zzzzzzzzz
Pippin:  They don't put in quite the same amount of effort, perhaps.
And meantime, outside...

Nathaniel:  Checkmate.
Lily:  My queen can still be protected, so this is just check.
Nathaniel:  No, I meant that as in it's check, but you are my soul mate.
Lily:  You are such a smooth talker!  And a child.
Nathaniel:  Yes, but I'm certain I'll outgrow that.
Pippin:  He's so much smoother than his father!

Kacie:  Naenae need go nie nie!
Janae:  No want!  Want stay (yawn) wake!
Kacie:  Zzzzzzz
Janae:  Kessy?  Kessy you be seep?
Kacie:  ZZzzzzzz
Janae:  ...K.  I go seep too.
Kacie:  (ornery smile)
The "twins," as Pippin's taken to thinking of Kae and Nae, are rather adorably inseparable throughout their toddlerhood.

Janae:  Am eat fuit sabby!!
Kacie:  No, Naenae, is cawwed foop sadad.
Janae:  Dat what I say!
Kacie:  Look!  I hode sadad wit one han...oops!
Vendara:  (sigh) I'll just get the mop now.
Vendara is, indeed, rather amazing at taking care of her little family.  In fact, as Aravin traveled to the Magic Realm to get moving with his next aspiration, Vendara brought the kids along to keep skilling.

Vendara:  Alright, Raldo, the girls are settled in with their tablets, so let's teach you to talk.
Gerald/Raldo:  Badibuboo
Vendara:  Excellent start!
Magic People:  When did they set up a day care here?

Aravin:  Ok, I'll ask.  The voices want to know if you'll teach me a potion recipe.
L Faba:  That depends.  Do you think I'm pretty?
Aravin:  I mean, I'll try that.  So, the voices said you look Faba-lous.
L Faba:  Ooooo, that's smooth!  Ok, I'll teach you a potion.
Pippin:  Yeah, the voices and his ghost son are both far smoother than Aravin has ever been, yet somehow, he managed to convince Vendara to marry him.

Pippin:  Awwww, she's so great!
Vendara:  You are not wrong.
And so, to speed Aravin along towards his next aspiration, we spend more of the magic trash can money to buy a cauldron.

Aravin:  Umm, is this supposed to be on fire?  I mean, this doesn't seem safe.
And of course your wonderfully logical Watcher put it on the back porch by the toddler beds.
Pippin:  How could that possibly go wrong?
And in an effort to help Aravin be more consistently helpful to the dynasty...

Vendara plants apple trees.
Vendara:  Once he has an endless supply of potions of plentiful needs, he and our teen and young adult kids will never need to waste time sleeping or eating.
Pippin:  That seems efficient...and possibly cruel.  But when she's not cruelly plotting to ban sleep in her household...

Pippin:  she's busy being a wondrously attentive parent.
Vendara:  Excellent job washing those dishes, Nathaniel!
Pippin:  I assume you're working on that super parent aspiration?
Vendara:  No, I'm just a super parent.  Since Aravin's doing a spellcaster aspiration, I figured I should do a vampire one.
Pippin:  Oh, that makes sense.  But someone else also needs to work on an aspiration.

Nathaniel:  Woot!  Building up my muscles to impress my future wife, Lily!
Other Child:  Oh, so we're not here to vandalize the park?
Nathaniel:  Well, I mean, since my mom's not here we can probably do that too.
Indeed, Vendara had to stay home because of the sunlight, so it was Aravin on traveling day care duty today.

Nathaniel:  Hey dad, can my friend and I go vandalize the park?
Aravin:  Ok, but look both ways before crossing the street.
Nathaniel:  Umm, don't need to cross the street, but thanks!
Raldo:  Adoobudabudabuda!
Aravin:  Oh, umm, well, then maybe we just won't tell her?
Raldo:  Gerbdunapto!
Aravin:  Fine.  Sorry, Nathaniel, but your mother would probably not approve of vandalism, so I guess you may not.
Nathaniel:  Ok, that's fair.
Pippin: speak baby babble?
Aravin:  It's the native language of one of the voices.
And as we return to the house, Vendara has a gentleman caller.

Caleb:  You want to leave that loser and come be with me.
Vendara:  Huh, mind-control really isn't your strong suit, pal.  Thanks for the training, though.
Caleb:  Dang it.
Vendara:  Though, since you're here, could you clean out the potty chair for me?
Caleb: want me to...I mean...ok.

Vendara:  Great!  Thanks, Caleb.  I'll just potty train Radlo now.  Feel free to stick around for a bit.
Kacie:  Unta Taweb!  Pay dowws wi me!!

Caleb:  ...and then there was a mighty earthquake that shook their house violently!
Kacie:  Wun!!  Wun fo yo wife!
Vendara:  And I certainly hope you're going to fix that?
Caleb:  yes ma'am.  Sorry ma'am.

Vendara:  You kids are doing such a great job on your skills and I'm so proud of you!
Pippin:  Looks like they'll be ready to age up soon.
Vendara:  And even though you'll be getting older, just remember, kids, I love you all just the way you are.
Pippin:  Except that we'll probably have to change life states for at least one of you.
Vendara:  Love them just the way they are, Pippin.
Pippin:  Oh.  Sentimental, not practical.  My mistake.  Sorry.
And as our wonderful mama prepares the cake for the imminent age-ups...

Kacie spends some time binge-skilling.

Kacie:  Woot!  I luva pay on da wabby tabby!!
Pippin:  But soon, the "wabby tabby" had done its job and our first child finished getting toddler skills to level three which led to...

Kacie:  Dabby!  Da take is on fidre!
Aravin:  Only you can save us, Kacie!  Use your mighty powers to put out the fire!
Kacie:  (blowing and spitting noises)
Caleb:  I am not eating that.
And after going outside since that's the trendy way to age up...

Kacie:  Woot!  I'm taller!  Ok, Nae, time to head to the cake!
Pippin:  And indeed, the younger twin tackled the toddler training shortly after big sis and...

Janae:  Why am I outside?
Kacie:  Woot!  Go sis!  Still in here cheering you on!!
Pippin:  And yet another short while later...

Kacie:  Wait, did you just age up inside?
Gerald/Raldo:  Yes, but mom brought me to the cake and she is a bit better at things than dad.
Kacie:  That's fair.
Aravin:  I'd object, but it's true.
Vendara:  You're so smooth!
Pippin:  No!  He's not!
And now that they're child-aged, the kids can do amazing things like...

Kacie:  Cut him some slack, narrator.  He really had to binge skill to catch up with Nae and I because we're awesome like mom!
Vendara:  My sweet girls.

Janae:  Yeah, girl power for the win!
But speaking of our gals, something very significant was happening for the eldest female in our home.

Vendara:  AAAHHHH!!  It's looking like it's about that time.
Pippin:  But it looks like we're at our 25 images.  Next update, new nooboos!!

Offline MarianT

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 2 (12/14/20)
« Reply #39 on: December 14, 2020, 09:57:49 AM »
Great chapter! Much as I loved Venusia, I have to admit that Vendara is doing a great job. She even has Caleb whipped into shape.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 2 (12/14/20)
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2020, 01:23:32 PM »
Bad Janae!  You made me go watch "that" Youtube video! (Watch me whip, watch me nae nae!)

Excellent job with the binge-skilling (our new word, love it!) and ageing not just one but three toddlers, all in close succession!
Wow, the green-haired toddler Kacie aged up into a green-haired child!  How did you do that?

Crossing my fingers that Vendara gives birth to twins! :)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 2 (12/14/20)
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2020, 08:03:44 AM »
Great chapter! Much as I loved Venusia, I have to admit that Vendara is doing a great job. She even has Caleb whipped into shape.
Yeah, Venusia was pretty great, but Vendara is proving to be absolutely phenomenal in this challenge.

Bad Janae!  You made me go watch "that" Youtube video! (Watch me whip, watch me nae nae!)

Excellent job with the binge-skilling (our new word, love it!) and ageing not just one but three toddlers, all in close succession!
Wow, the green-haired toddler Kacie aged up into a green-haired child!  How did you do that?

Crossing my fingers that Vendara gives birth to twins! :)
Oh my gosh!  Had not even thought of that song reference when I typed that!
Yeah, my happy little household is all about cranking out those skills, so binge skilling is the theme for sure  :=)
Kacie just lucked into getting some CC hair I'd downloaded that has toddler through elder versions, so I'm guessing she'll have it until she hits teen and I can try a different style and actually make it green.  Love that Venusia's hair color showed up even though she's not one of our founders  :=)
Well, let's go find out if she did, in fact, have twins  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 3 (12/17/20)
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2020, 08:04:20 AM »
We rejoin the Flummux household where Vendara, the backbone of this dynasty, was experiencing the wondrous joy and excruciating pain that is childbirth.
Pippin:  Hurry, Aravin!  Get in there and freak out!
Aravin:  Ah!!  Baby!!  Babies!!!  Two of them!!  AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Vendara:  So, in case you didn't catch that, we had twins.
And with a quick achieving of good friends status, we age them up.

Aravin:  Awww, honey, he looks just like you!
Vendara:  So, did you seriously just say that I look like a male toddler?
Aravin:  I...yes...but I didn't...what I meant...
Vendara:  I know what you meant, I just enjoy seeing you squirm.
And while young Stayon may have his mother's complexion, he gets the power of magic from his papa.  Meantime, mama goes over to age up the vampire twin brother, Seven.

Pippin:  Wait, Seven?  Did you miscount?  He's your sixth child...
Vendara:  When you were counting the children I'm raising, I think you left out Aravin.
Pippin:  Yeah, that's fair.
Aravin:  Yeah, they don't disagree.
And the toddler skilling begins with young Stayon asking that most significant toddler question, "what's that?"

Stayon:  Brbdpptthhhhh
Pippin:  Eh, he'd probably ask that question if he knew how to talk.  Speaking of talking, Seven went out front to talk to a stranger.

Elder Vampire:  You there, small child, I seek the mistress of this domicile.  I am informed she is seeking a fight.
Seven:  ...(blinks)
Indeed, Vendara needed to defeat three vampires to move to the next stage of her aspiration.

Elder Vampire:  So, think you can take advantage of a feeble old lady, eh, you young whipper snapper?  Well, I'll teach you to underestimate the elderly!
Vendara:  I'm sorry!  I'm so so sorry!
Pippin:  Yeah, this didn't go well, but other gals in this household were having success with aspirations.

Nae:  If you could hold still that would make it easier for me to draw a picture of you, Kae.
Kae:  Not a chance!  I mean, I have to move to boost that motor skill, and besides, you know how awkward things get when I just try to hang on the monkey bars.

Nae:  Yeah, that's true.
And while the "twins" are busy working on the Artistic Prodigy and Rambunctious Scamp aspirations, young Raldo was near the statue of Count Vlad working on his Whiz Kid aspiration.

Raldo:  So yeah, my ghost brother found his soulmate near here and they played chess, but I have no intentions of marrying you because you're really old.
Elder Lady:  I'll really old you, ya young whipper snapper!
Pippin:  Hmm, lots of whipper snapping happening this update.  Anyway, not far from the Count Vlad statue...

Pippin:  Count Vlad was not proving an easy target for Vendara.
Count Vlad:  How do you like that?!?
Vendara:  Not at all!  Not even a little!
Fortunately, aspiration work was going a little better for her spouse.

Aravin:  Woot!  Learned a new potion recipe!
Pippin:  Did you just heel click?
Aravin:  ...should I not have?
And speaking of learning, our child-aged household members return from another glorious day at Forgotten Hollow Elementary.

Kae:  Really fashionable skirt, bro!
Radlo:  Thanks!
Nathaniel:  Umm, aren't you going to correct her that it's a kilt or something?
Raldo:  Nope!
Nathaniel:  You're so weird.
Nae:  Hey, he's got the legs to make that look work.
Raldo:  Thanks!
And when they aren't busy being fashion icons, the kid crew is busy binge skilling.

Raldo:  So, you have issue with me wearing a skirt, but you're fine with playing dolls?
Nathaniel:  I'm just preparing for when Lily and I have a child of our own.
Raldo:  Yeah, that makes sense.  What does her husband think of all this?
Nathaniel:  I'm sure he'll be on board.  And if he's not, I'll have Kae and Nae intimidate him.
Kae:  We got you, bro!
And since Vendara was struggling so much in her sparring matches, she decided she would also increase a skill.  Specifically, athletics.

Vendara:  Totally just doing this to win fights and not to work on my figure.
Pippin:  So you chose the treadmill rather than the punching bag, but it wasn't to slim down?
Vendara:  ...not entirely to slim down.  Kind of.

Lilith:  Hey, kids!  What are you up to?
Kae:  Oh hey, Aunt Lilith!  We're working on our binge skilling.
Nae:  Yeah, but mom's struggling with her vampire aspiration.  Could you let her win a sparring match against you?
Lilith:  Aww, you two are so sweet.  Ok, I'll throw the match for you adorable angels.
Kae:  Great!  Now let's go bet the boys that mom's gonna win!
Nae:  That's devious, but if we bet them for their dessert, I'm in!
Pippin:  And while they might be devious, Seven is...

Pippin:  weird. 
Pretty sure that's just a glitch.
Pippin:  He's a weird kid that's glitched.
And as our boys enjoy more time with their dolls...

the "twins" work on their motor skill.
Nae:  This is awesome!!
Kae:  Now you understand why I picked this aspiration!
And while they tended to skilling at home, their father went to the Magical Realm to fast forward through learning some more recipes...

and to spouse hint for his boys.
Aravin:  Wait!  Come back!  Sure he's just a toddler now, but he'll be so handsome when he grows up!  Let me show you a picture of his mom...
Pippin:  And strangely, no restraining orders were issued.
And back at the house...

Nathaniel:  Nothing better than some lovely background music while experimenting.
Raldo:  He called our music lovely!
Nathaneil:  Sorry, I was apparently unclear.  It would sure be better to have lovely music than whatever you're doing.  Nae's rather good though.
Nae:  Well, with 8 levels of creativity, I'd better be!
Pippin:  And speaking of successful skilling, Stayon was significantly better at it than Seven.

Vendara:  Yeah, Seven just doesn't want to learn to talk!  But happy cake day to you, Stayon!
And after a post-birthday makeover, the littlest spellcaster was out working on his social butterfly aspiration.

Stayon:  Vladislaus Straud, the man, the myth, the legend!  How's it going, my dude?
Count Vlad:  Normally I would not abide the usage of such slang, but you seem really cool and I think I increase my street cred simply by associating with you.
Stayon:  That is extremely true!
And Stayon quickly joins the other children in binge skilling.

Stayon:  So, since this is green, it's probably lime.  Should I taste it?
Raldo:  Nah, mom and dad already have one ghost child, so probably not.
Stayon:  That's fair.
Pippin:  But after another day of binge skilling, young Seven got to join his siblings in childhood.

Aravin:  Alright, Sev, it's cake time!
Seven:  ...
And as all his siblings did before him, Seven got a post-cake makeover.

Pippin:  What a sharp-looking dude!
Seven:  (thumbs up)
Pippin:  So, Seven, you've finally hit the child age, what are you gonna do now?
Seven:  (shrugs)
Kae:  Well that's easy.  He's gonna pose for a group shot with his siblings!
Seven:  (Nods emphatically)

And so, with six children in place, one child aspiration finished, one child skill maxed, and seven other skills at 5 or above, we bid farewell to ou productive little family.  next time, we'll discover who hits the teen years first.

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 3 (12/17/20)
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2020, 11:50:54 AM »
Congrats to all the children! But face it, you really miss having toddlers and are looking forward to the next batch. Right?
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Random Selection HMLSIYW Dynasty: Cluster 1, Update 3 (12/17/20)
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2020, 12:42:54 PM »
The binge-skilling is going so well for the kiddos!
I'll be learning from you later as you alternate their life states as you move out.

Vendara has such integrity, building her fitness to get stronger for fighting vampires!
I tend to have a vampire do Vampire Family first, then use those weak, barely trained vampire offspring to smack down later for Master Vampire.
Looking forward to seeing more of the kids and a slimmer, buffer Vendara!

Before I forget, are the children's traits causing the difference in skilling progress between temporal "twins"?

