Author Topic: Can't get any Elements from Chemical Analyzer.....  (Read 5677 times)

Offline Rangervegas

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Can't get any Elements from Chemical Analyzer.....
« on: November 05, 2020, 09:26:24 PM »
I don't know why or when this happened. I did find one or two elements earlier in my game career as scientist. However now I am trying to get just 2 of ANY element so I can make my Electroflux Wormhole Generator and no matter what I do I cannot get an Element from analyzing any crystal or metal in my collection. Right now it usually gives me either another type of crystal or metal, saying that I found traces of another crystal/metal and separated it out, or it tells me I learned some useful information about the Crystal/Metal.

I run with only a few custom mods. MC Command Center, and an adult mod with some extra outfits and such. I have tried removing everything from my mods folder, deleting the thumbnails.cache, and telling Sims 4 to repair, and I still have the same problem. I am going to try sending something to the Geo Council and see if I can get any elements back that way but honestly with the scientist career that is a waste of time and money when I should be able to get elements myself from using the Chemical Analyzer.

Any ideas here?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Can't get any Elements from Chemical Analyzer.....
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2020, 09:48:22 PM »
I haven't seen any recent bug reports on it, but wanted to share this bit of information (even though it's older) just in case it still is an issue:

Practicing analysis will give you random elements. My scientist has 'found' all the elements he needs by doing this, including the 'new' ones that are linked directly to the science career etc. A good work around the mailbox glitch. I just placed one on his home lot and all the family members who weren't doing anything special would practice analysis. It increases logic as well, double bonus. If the sim using the chemical analyzer is very focused the elements will be found/discovered quite easily.

Re: Elements for Scientist Career
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Offline Rangervegas

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Re: Can't get any Elements from Chemical Analyzer.....
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2020, 12:06:49 AM »
Thanks MrsFlynn for the reply. I read that also when I searched thru here. The problem I am having with that is that Carl himself said in the Scientist career guide and in the elements guide that you can get them from using the Chemical Analyzer. However I may have been reading too much into that because in neither one does it say using "Analyze Collection" is what does this. Perhaps it is only thru the method from that post way back that you do get them. I'll have to test this out.

Thank You