Just a general note to any Sims reading this: if you prank call the Grim Reaper, is it really surprising that you later die in a fire?
This has become quite the wall of text...
I only recently got Realm of Magic, and it really came in handy for this challenge. Especially because of the Necrocall spell, as noted above by SueDenim. (I found this spell after wondering how Nikitachi could have been so fast
One of the first things was to update my townie and aspirations spreadsheets (yes, I have those), and make a list of death types. I marked a couple of feasible deaths - more than 8, so if one failed, I could try another. (And sure enough, all my Sims refused to freeze to death.)
I knew I wanted to have at least a spellcaster and a vampire, because of their specific death types. I chose the rest of the household based on how easily they’d be able to complete an aspiration.
With regards to spellcasters, my initial idea was to get two of the mages. They have really high magic level, so it would be easy for them to complete both magic aspirations. But it turns out, you can’t ask them to join your household. You can move them in at marriage, but that was no option in this challenge.
Below is my list of Sims, aspirations, and death types. (I’m translating from my Dutch notes, so please excuse any mistakes.)
Memento Mori Incredibly rich Steam
Minerva Charm Spells and sorcery Overcharge
Vladislaus Straud Leader of the pack Sunlight
Judith Ward Mansion baron Pufferfish
Bjorn Bjergsen Bodybuilder Overexertion
Penny Pizzazz Friend of the World Drowning
Jacques Villareal Public enemy Scent of death
Baako Jang Joke StarGeoffrey Landgraab Chief of Mischief Fire (later addition)
Memento’s first order of business was to collect the household. The first was Penny, so she could then introduce herself to as many Sims as possible right away. All friendships were established using photography. Judith, Bjorn and Baako are generally in the options of Sims to add in a club, so Memento started a club and so gathered these Sims. Jacques was easily summoned by joining the club he’s in and starting a meeting. So only Vlad and Minerva needed a house call.
They moved in with Judith and everyone did most of Mansion Baron for points, and then she completed that. Memento completed Incredibly rich.
The family briefly visited the gym, so Bjorn could work out, and then went to the magic realm. Minerva worked on her aspiration, and Memento became a spellcaster (the idea being that he could learn necrocall to summon Minerva’s ghost). Minerva did not yet know the necrocall spell, but she learned when working on her aspiration. Someone also visited the store and bought a potion of reconfiguration.
The household then moved from Del Sol Valley to Brindleton Bay for the colder weather (it was winter), and build a tiny house (less tiny after I bought a sauna). Memento worked on his magic a bit, before the watcher unsuccessfully tried to freeze him. I bought a food stall, hired a worker, and had Judith order some pufferfish. When she knew the recipe, she cooked a bad batch of it. She survived the first plate she ate, but the second was fatal.
Everyone else worked on their aspirations. There was a main household club, mostly for Vlad’s aspiration. Minerva also started a small spellcaster club for her duels, and Penny started a club just to meet new friends (who could be instantly summoned to the lot).
Meanwhile, Vlad was also working on his flower arranging skills (which, to my chagrin, is not a possible club activity).
After midnight, there was another visit to the magic real. This time, the store had what I was after: death flowers.
Memento was gracious enough to die in the sauna, even though he stopped relaxing several times to check his phone. Minerva now knew the necrocall, so the ghosts of Judith and Memento were able to rejoin the household relatively easily.
I used moodlet solvers for needs (everybody had plenty of points at this points), and the crystal crown to get read of sad moodlets from all the deaths.
Soon, I was able to have Penny go for a long swim (with a fence around the pool).
Bjorn baked himself a cake, had a birthday, then invited his wife over for some exerting activities.
Baako was working hard on his comedy skill, and I wanted to buy him some reward traits to help. This is when I selected Incredibly rich, which autocompleted. That was a problem, because that was Memento’s aspiration. So Baako had to leave the household (he did complete his aspiration), and presumably lived happily ever after.
I decided at this point that Chief of Mischief was a good aspiration to pursue, and Geoffrey Landgraab already has mischief 6, so I moved him in.
Minerva drank the potion to get rid of the magic perks that allowed her to discharge. She then used the charge interaction and practiced spells, so that she died of overcharge.
Ghostly Memento had been working on his spells, eventually also learned the necrocall, and so was able to summon Minerva’s ghost.
Vlad completed his aspiration and reached level 9 of flower arranging at nearly the same time, so he made a nice bouquet using a death flower for Jacques, who immediately died.
Then Vlad could finally be out in the sun, where he died. (I actually had to put in an effort to keep him alive until this point.
Last to finish was Geoffrey – he was the one to prank call Grim. Minerva ‘helped’ him, by starting fires in the house. I did need to get the rest of the household of the lot to stop them from putting the fires out.
After he died, everyone came home to put the still burning fire out – the casters wouldn’t call his spirit otherwise. But then he was also straightforwardly added to the household.
So, that was my rather long account of this challenge.
It was so much fun to plan this out. It didn’t all go smoothly, but I guess the hiccups occurred at convenient times and didn’t cause much delay.
And I wonder: did anyone use the Murphy bed?