Author Topic: My Sim Has an Unknown Child  (Read 25352 times)

Offline RockinRobin

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My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« on: December 14, 2009, 05:56:20 PM »
Currently, my Sim, Audrey, is visiting Egypt and she's single....never been married....never even had a boyfriend since I started playing her last week. She's never been pregnant and never had a baby. So how the heck does a kid show up in Egypt that is supposedly her son??????

There was a large group of people gathering, so I was having her take their pictures and in one of the group shots, it says something like, "You caught a new subject today MY CHILD".....and then another picture said FAMILY MEMBER. So I went through my friends panel and this kid with the hat is supposedly her son. How on earth does THAT happen?????

Here is a screen shot I just took.....

So I wonder what happens now? I wonder if I'll have to take him home with me??  I need to figure out who is father is. LOL My sim is named Audrey the kid even has her last name, so figuring out who the father is may not be easy.

Edit: I changed the subject line to make it more clear for people browsing the Forum. Please try to make topics as specific as possible. Thanks!  -Pam

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2009, 07:06:40 PM »
There's already a discussion about a similar situation here:
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Offline RockinRobin

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2009, 07:08:59 PM »
Sorry about that Pam.  8)

Well he's definitely her kid....he looks just like her including the red hair. I have no idea how this happened. It would make more sense if my Sim were a guy. LOL

When the kid ran home, I followed him to see where he went and he apparently lives in the Hawas household and it looks like Geb Hawas must be his dad and Nepthy Hawas is "step-mom" maybe? There are a couple of other kids living in the household too. It's just strange to see this little red-headed child living with an Egyptian family! I'm glad he has a home though.....Audrey isn't ready to be saddled with a child. LOL

Offline RockinRobin

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2009, 07:11:48 PM »
Yeah Pam, I read that post the other day and responded to it in fact. In that situation though, it's a little more understandable since there IS a mom and a dad who are married. My sim hasn't even dated anyone!! Plus, it doesn't make sense how she could have a child in Egypt and not know it. Very weird.

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2009, 07:17:28 PM »
Wow, thats really weird! Patches!!  >:( Patches are EVIL  >:( EEVVIILL

I would hate my sims to randomly have some kid. I would burn it.

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2009, 07:20:17 PM »
Well he IS a cute kid...but has a dumb name! Plus, my sim is like the female Indiana Jones...she definitely doesn't need to kid right now. LOL

Ya Cheese Buddy

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2009, 07:24:54 PM »
LOL! I know what you mean, my sims dont need kids... mainly because ones a toddler and ones still in his mums belly... but sometimes you just dont need to deal with kids! Sometimes they are SO fustrating! Other times they are SO AWESOME (and cute)!

This makes me want another sim kid... but i cant because i cant be bothered living with more than 4 sims at this point and time.

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Offline Bogie74

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2009, 07:54:38 PM »
I'm tellin ya, there is something in the water there in Egypt. This is the 3rd (mine included) time I have seen/heard about this. I just deleted that other weird alternate game. Everytime I send my new sims over to Egypt, I am constantly checking the family tree before I save. Something weird is definitely going on though. I have the latest version. Now, I am all of a sudden getting error 16 when I save. I lost 2 sim days worth of game time yesterday. Save and save as always worked before. Now, it's a crap shoot.

Having to save all the time now.  :-\

Very, very annoying. No freak offspring thus far. I did not like the game just randomly choosing my story. I get enough grief IRL - I dont need it when I'm trying to relax!
I will love him and squeeze him and pet him and call him George!!

Offline RockinRobin

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2009, 09:43:48 PM »
I know what you mean Bogie! Did you see my little message up there on that first screenshot? It says, "Have you tried to capture 'My Grandhcild' yet?  I thought to myself, "Good Lord...first an illegitimate child and next time I visit...I probably WILL have a grandchild that I didn't know about!"

She hasn't yet left Egypt....but since her son seems to have a home...I doubt he'll need to go home with her.. I honestly don't know. I hope she doesn't have to start being a mom now. LOL

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2009, 12:56:34 AM »
She hasn't yet left Egypt....but since her son seems to have a home...I doubt he'll need to go home with her.. I honestly don't know. I hope she doesn't have to start being a mom now. LOL

I really don't think he'll have to go home with her.  Even though he's her child, he's just like all the other Sims in town who go about their lives.  If you wanted him, I think you'd have to get friendly enough to "Ask To Move In" to even get him under your control.  This is such a bizarre thing and I hope EA gets it fixed!
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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 06:16:44 AM »
I know is strange. There must be a "magic kid spawner" located somewhere in Egypt. LOL The funny thing too is....she had gotten to be friends with the Hawas family because on her last trip to Egypt, she did a couple of adventures that involved them. I can't remember exactly what they were....I wish I could because it might have something to do with why she had a child show up in that family.

Offline Navaara6

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2013, 05:41:02 AM »
I might have a solution to this problem.

My sim, Snow is going to become an explorer. She is the only one living in my household. She has no romantic relationships with anyone.
 I was training her athletic skill when she suddenly ran outside and looked up.
She was then abducted and probed by aliens. Nothing happened after the 'probed' bluff went away so I didn't think anything of it.
I made her go to China to begin her career as an explorer. Everything went to plan the first time, but the second time I went, I
noticed that the was a little girl in the 'friends' tab. Her profile picture was lined in green symbolising that she was a fairy like my sim
but then I saw that she had a family icon in the bottom left hand corner.

She was my daughter??? At first I thought that maybe it was an agreement for an adventure that I just completed, but I noticed that she
looked exactly like me with the same colour and shape wings. She was a kid version of my sim!! My next thought was that maybe my game
was glitching, but then I thought about the alien abduction. I knew that aliens can probe men and make them pregnant so I kind of linked
these pieces together, thinking that perhaps it was the alien abduction that made my sim have a child that lived in China with the Hong household.

Perhaps this is the solution? Did any of your Sims get abducted by aliens? Think hard if you remember anything fishy like that.


Offline Navaara6

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2013, 05:50:23 AM »
I also know a way to get rid of the kid.

press SHIFT + CTRL + C to get the cheat bar up.

type in lowercase: testingcheatsenabled true

Note the space before the word 'true'

Next, hold down SHIFT and then left click on your so called child. It comes up a few options. Go to the one that is named 'Object' and then click on the option, 'delete it'

This method completely wipes the Sim from the game and every sim, pet, etc. has no recollection of the deleted sim, pet, etc. This does work with EVERY object/Sim/pet/food/dirty clothes/trees anything!! on your game. BE careful though! ONE YOU HAVE DELETED AN OBJECT, ETC YOU WILL NOT GET THEM BACK EVEN IF YOU UNDO!!


Offline KRae

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Re: My Sim Has an Unknown Child
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2013, 11:14:34 AM »
Have you time traveled and woohooed in the future? Surprise kids show up this way, or surprise elder children if in the past.