Author Topic: University Professors ~ Where are they?  (Read 19501 times)

Offline Savuti6

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University Professors ~ Where are they?
« on: August 25, 2020, 06:36:39 PM »
I am sorry to start a new post if this has already been covered, but just cannot seem to find the professors?

Trolled around the Forum (this and others) There was definitely reference in the launch and initial promos, Q &A sessions with the Guru's regarding having a "relationship" with your Prof. (wink)
I have been playing the game for a couple of days now and on "catch up" with Sims4 and feeling very much the Newbie on the block but cannot seem to find the professors anywhere..
Been to the Robotic and Debate events over the week-ends , hung about in the Commons and Library . Attended Art Club events etc., Cannot find any Professors to establish a relationship with?

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2020, 06:49:37 PM »
I generally run into them in the Commons.  Sometimes you might see them at Pepper's Pub, but the Commons is your best bet.  Also, if your sim started as a Teen, the 2 professors who start as Elders are probably dead by the time you start university, they'll be replaced by random generated sims.
I started placing a "sim me" in my games.  I never play as him, I just put him in an available lot and leave him alone, and see what he gets up to.  In my current save, he married Lana McKinnon.

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Offline Savuti6

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2020, 07:35:34 PM »
Thank you @ Brian Z ..Do they have professor hovering over their name?
 Glad your "sim me" made it OK ..
I started a relationship with Angela Pleasant with one of the "dormies" and by the time I could invite him to "move in" he was already on Probation and I only had two days to up his grades..He got an A for his main subject in Economics and despite handing in a normal presentation for his second subject  obviously did not make it to the exam on time ..Result an "F" and suspension! ( he has the "erratic" trait and wanders off and does his own thing )
I am finding you have to micro manage these students and hate that Foxbury takes so long to get to class on time..
Still learning the ropes but am trying a form of "rotational play"  between 4 students in the Pleasant House and 2 in the other ..Cassandra Goth and her Boyfriend in the other townhouse, (Luckily the Goth house started on a Wednesday. So have different Exam days)
Lillith doing extremely well (I did remove the klepto trait and put in Athletic instead  - she loves her soccer ball) Angela depite producing "masterpieces" that keep them in the lifestyle they inherited is only a B+ ..
The Goth lot on their second term and waiting for the Dragon fruit to come in so they can update their furnishings (her piano takes up a lot of room) She has kept her level 4 "Opening Act" job to boot but has 4 vacation days if her times clash with exams..
~Mmm think maybe I have bitten off more than I can chew

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2020, 09:11:09 PM »
I think so?  At least I'm pretty sure if you're currently enrolled, they will have "Professor" at the top of their name box.  They come and go, so it's a bit random when or if you'll run into them.  And if you use MCCC, the female ones might have different last names because they got married.

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2020, 09:24:21 PM »
Oh, and I thought I had quite a juggling act, I had 3 sims going to uni and 1 as an actress.  And having different exam days wasn't the best idea either, because then I had to keep it straight, who was on which schedule.  One had the perfect schedule, Thursday to Wednesday- all the time in the world to do presentations and term papers.  The other 2 had the worst, Tuesday to Monday.  So all presentations and term papers had to be finished and turned in before class Thursday, or you got extra homework...

Offline Savuti6

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2020, 05:12:56 AM »
Definitely worth noting when to start them off to Uni.
@ Brian Z Thanks for the replies. I am off to find the professors!
Will revert back when I have checked out the Pub but honestly haven't found any so far.~
 An aside ..My Cassandra's Beau has your avatar!  Sans hat but including the same hair,beard and glasses (lol)

Offline Savuti6

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2020, 10:54:37 AM »
I found a Professor in the Pub...
He looked a unlikely candidate at first, (an Oriental Elder by the name of Jing Fen; Evil,Mean and Hates Children)
FYI You have to ask what their Career is.."A Professor at the University of Britechester"
Wrong uni methinks, he should be teaching Villianery at Foxbury..No wonder he was extremely angry!
Gotta Love it !

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Offline Brian_Z

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2020, 12:06:19 PM »
Well, since your game isn't old enough for the Elder professors to have died off, check out the topic 6 or 7 down from this one, Britechester Residents and Lot Info.  When you get down to the homeless premade sims, the professors are there, so you know their names and what they look like.  Serena Bhamra, I run into in the Foxbury Commons pretty often.  And I'm pretty sure, if it's one of YOUR professors, they will be tagged above their name.  Also, if it's one of your professors, you'll have a couple of special interactions to ask them about your grades.
Also, if there's an Adult or Elder hanging out in the Commons, pretty good chance it's one of the professors.  Not guaranteed though, townies from all over will make appearances.  They WON'T be tending the cafeteria station though.  And if you know their name from elsewhere, not a professor- the townies from Island Living turn up a LOT on campus.

Lol and my avatar, that's sim me.  I didn't put a lot of time into getting his face just right, so he's basically one of the stock premade faces, a Maxis goatee, I think the hair is CC but not a whole lot different from a Maxis one.  One of the Maxis glasses turned out to be pretty darn close to my real ones.  So the game kicking out a sim me randomly wouldn't be terribly surprising lol.

Offline Savuti6

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Re: University Professors ~ Where are they?
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2020, 03:43:23 PM »
@Brian_Z  (sorry I left the hyphen out previously!)
Many thanks for your prompt replies. This site is so user friendly. Love "hanging around" Found you all have been so helpful.
MrsFlynn's guides on building have helped a whole lot too (very confusing on building balconies etc. to start with - having been used to previous Sims games)
In the meantime I am enjoying playing with your avatar!
 (Well Casandra is ..he came in with a jealous streak though which I had to change, he is a model student, straight A's) ~ Savuti6

