If you haven't, delete the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder in Documents. This helps remove any traces of the mods or cc that were previously installed.
I did find this report. I don't know if this is similar to the issue you're experiencing or not.
[NEEDS SAVES] [GF] Can't participate in Drama Club Performance/no award
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/NEEDS-SAVES-GF-Can-t-participate-in-Drama-Club-Performance-no/td-p/7273859If it's not, please go to the AHQ Sims 4 Bug Reports board and report it.
Sign in with your EA account, click the New Topic button, up near the top of the board, to make a new report.
There's a few reports on mermaids with missing tails. I am not sure which would help best. So you may want to search on that yourself if you find that none fit what you're experiencing, then report the issue.