Author Topic: GF Plants after the patch.  (Read 2237 times)

Offline Highlander

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GF Plants after the patch.
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:26:53 AM »
As I have written before, I am a habitual gardener. There is always a trip to Granite Falls no matter who I play. There isn't much about the place I don't know. But this latest patch keeps on giving unwanted gifts.

My latest sim took a vacation there in the spring. Usually, I wait until the summer because all the plants are available then. Wasn't thinking this time. Harvested the plants that were in bloom (Fireleafs and Morel Mushrooms) and took cuttings of the others. I couldn't find a Huckleberry, so I figured I'd go back and pick it up in the summer. It's harder to tell if you have taken cuttings of every plant. I guessed there was one I missed.

When I went back in the summer, all the plants were dormant except for the Fireleafs and Morel Mushrooms. I didn't save the game so I could go back and try different things. There was always the possibility that going there on Monday or Tuesday might have changed things, but it didn't. After a full day, the dirt mounds turned into sprouts. Eventually they turned into plants, but that was 3 days into the vacation. It was time enough to complete the bug collection, but I never found any Huckleberries.

This is the first time this has ever happened. And I've sent a lot of sims to GF. Pretty sure this is another bug from this patch.

So if you want to harvest the plants there, go in the Summer. Any other time of year may be problematic.

Offline Savuti6

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Re: GF Plants after the patch.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2020, 04:45:07 AM »
@ Highlander thanks for the "heads up".. Like you, I am too a "habitual" gardener in the game..Another reason not to buy Seasons
 I was late into Sims 4 as had been trolling around 'teh forums' and saw all the problems fans were having with the game and loving the game in Sims 3 despite all the routing issues having constantly having to move my main family, losing relationships and family trees once "master controller" was lost..
I have posted under yours re "fungal fertilizer" and the properties of ]Dragon Fruit which I believe is the best fertilizer ~

Maxis "dropped" a fully-fledged Alien into my Willow Springs, Daisy Hovel, who had the, "Freelance Botanist" Aspiration.

I got him married to my family's ex NPC nanny who came in with both Piano and Violin maxed out (go figure) and a level 6 Cooking skill (her name was a Wiki something and I was interested to see if perhaps she was a 'child of the Islands' ~ despite having an Island Surname was very Caucasian in looks, but walked like a gorilla (lol)- nothing that a trip to CAS couldn't fix.. hate that stupid gait .. (Have a whole dorm in uni that walk around like that, fix them all up with a shift-click and after some rotational play come back and they are back to their original orangutan ways). The new patch was meant to "fix " CAS  ..Mmm ..I digress

My Alien [Freelance Botanist couldn't /wouldn't catch fish or frogs threw a hissy fit every time he emptied the trash..(he was "squeamish")
Once he had completed his "Aspiration" of Free-lance Botanist and was a "Stay at Home Dad" to their blue-skinned daughter who transformed into a Child with black hair and a 'fro hairstyle (Mum is a natural blonde and he is Alien bald ?) ~ genetics ?
He had completed his plant collection thanks to my level 9 Astronaut next door and some surreptitious "pinching" and swapping between the two gardens (The advantages of "rotational play")

Poor Wiki was still at a level 4 line cook (despite level 9 cooking) but thanks to Dragon fruit early, he "arrived" with level 5 gardening, they are sitting pretty with a second floor fitness center sauna and yoga/mediation deck, a basement for the games and her cupcake baking and 200 000 + in the bank, she completed her Aspiration of Mansion Baron in Daisy Hovel!
He then rolled the dice to become a fisherman with his love of outdoors trait! Squeamish fisherman ..I don't think so. (lol) Maxis

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