Rule Changes:
We've added a tie-breaker to Scoring:
Start Time
To use as a tie breaker, please note the time that your 3rd Sim enrolls for the first term, e.g. Tuesday, 7:45 am.
Hopefully, this will encourage people to enroll their Sims early.
Another addition:
If your Sims start with more than $20,000, subtract the overage before you go into build mode.
CAS stories may give your 3 Sims more than the basic $20,000. If so, then subtract the excess before you start buying or changing furniture.
Clarifications on Build mode:
The footprint of the Honeydew house may not be changed. You may sell or use career rewards that were awarded by Story Mode.
Q:How do I get CAS Story mode for my 2nd and 3rd Sims?
A: When you click on the button to Add a Sim, a menu of icons appears. The book at the bottom is the icon for Story Mode.
Q:I saw that clubs are not allowed. What about groups?
A: Groups are okay.
Q: What if one of my Sims dies?
A: Continue with the others until their 3rd term is done. Your score can also include the grades of the Sim who died, if that Sim had earned any.