Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128861 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #360 on: January 02, 2021, 03:39:29 PM »
Chapter 136 - Fairy Cop

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Penelope goes off to her first day as a scientist. This is her work uniform. At first I think it's a glitch, but then I see one of her coworkers wearing the same thing. Clearly, this your typical science center. :o

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Ada and Nico are both due to age up to elder, believe it or not. Even though their lives have been long in terms of real-life play time, I still feel like they're my brand new baby young adults who just got married. To celebrate their impending oldness, Ada and Nico decide to have a romantic outing, just the two of them.

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They start by dancing at the Toadstool, an activity that Ada is VERY excited about.

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They take some romantic selfies.

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They have some drinks at the bar. (Again, Ada is very excited about this.)

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They visit the arboretum and enjoy some scandalous public woohoo.

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Then they have dinner at the restaurant across town. On the way out, Nico ends the date with a thoughtful surprise for his beloved. (Sometimes I forget that Nico is Evil. Then he reminds me. Very loudly.)

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Alas, the lovely couple doesn't quite make it home before the birthdays begin to strike. Ada is forced out of the limo to age up on the sidewalk. This poor woman has endured so many improper birthdays. Sorry, darling!

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Nico manages to make it to the front yard before he becomes an old man.

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Meanwhile, Quinn is also enjoying a romantic night out with her lover. Hank takes her to the museum, where they don't look at any of the art and instead just make out a whole bunch.

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For hours. It's well after midnight by the time the local fairy cop somehow deduces that two teenagers are breaking curfew.

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"Isn't it uncomfortable to have your wings sticking out the windows all the time?"
"Oh, it's the worst. Especially when some troublesome kid is trying to make small talk with me at the same time."

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Here's a quick update on the other branch of the Loveland family here in Moonlight Falls. Ophelia and Aubrey have two daughters together. This is the younger one, Brigitte.

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And this is the magnificent Kristi. :)

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Ophelia, our favorite Dog Person, has also gathered quite a host of dogs around her. Her original dog, Maya, went on to have three puppies, and all of them are grown up and still live with the family. It makes my heart happy.

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Speaking of animals, our cats are doing splendidly. Ikki and Meelo are best friends and spend almost all their time nuzzling each other. Soon after this, Ikki moves in with Ophelia's family in order to make room for future spouses. For some reason I forgot to take any screenshots of that. :-\ This only increases my guilt about separating these two, but they can still visit each other! It's fine! Everything's fine!

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Suki is an old cat now (though not as old as Mai, who's still going strong at almost 60 days old). Suki prefers to loll about on the kitchen counter while people are cooking, and occasionally steal a bite of food when no one is watching.

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Penny has to learn gardening for work, so she goes with her sister to the library on the weekend to read up on the basics. Quinn is busy with school and her boyfriend, but she still works on the occasional supernaturally-themed novel when she has the time.

(Author's Note: Upon rereading this chapter after posting it, I realized that these events are a little out of order. You'll notice that in the following photos, Ada and Nico are still adults. I'm not sure how I managed to screw that up. But aside from that, there's no difference to the story. Just pretend Ada and Nico are old people now. Because they are. Or they were. I don't know. My apologies.)

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Ada needs to start fundraising for her political campaign, so she throws her first party that weekend. Quinn introduces herself to Hank's mother and casually asks if Hank has any of those orangey-haired genes tucked away in his genetic back pocket. You know, for...future endeavors. (Since both Hank and Rachel are homeless townies, they aren't connected via a family tree. Which probably means no orangey-haired genes. Ah well.)

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Hey look, it's Maya! Yes, Ophelia and Aubrey are here and they brought their sweet oldest dog. Maya is only here for the food, obviously.

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Aubrey is just as weird as ever. The first thing he does is go right up to Ada and offer her flowers. This is the moment he gets rejected.

Ada: "Um...did your husband just..."
Ophelia: "Yeah. He does it a lot. It's fine..."

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The beautiful Cindy Hoppcraft is at this party, and apparently, Rory hasn't seen her since he was a child.

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And to my shock, Cindy flirts with Rory! I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend at this point, and Rory's definitely not available.

Rory: "Cindy, stop being weird. I have a girlfriend now."
Cindy: "Oh - sorry, Rory. I don't know what came over me."
Rory: "It's okay. Just donate a few thousand dollars to my mom's campaign and I'll forget this ever happened."
Cindy: "Really?! That's so nice of you, Rory."

Ada gets approximately TONS of money donated to her campaign, so the party is definitely a success. Even if, you know, the party itself was kind of an awkward mess.

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To finish this chapter, here's a pink and purple baby that I saw flailing around in the arms of its invisible parent at the park. Please enjoy. You're welcome.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #361 on: January 03, 2021, 03:57:02 PM »
Chapter 137 - Witches & Werewolves

It's been quite a while since we've had a fire in a Loveland house. (Remember when we had fires all the time, and sometimes they refused to go out, and sometimes they killed certain family members? Ahh, those were the days.) I guess it's about time we experienced some flame-y drama.

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So Nico lights the fireplace for the first time ever, cuz I'm like, "Oh hey, we have a fireplace!", and naturally the whole living room goes up in flames.

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Claude the maid: "Why hello, Mr. Loveland! Quite a fire you've got going there! May I watch?"

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"You useless--piece of--freaking--garbage--"

It's unclear whether Nico is talking to the fire extinguisher or the maid in this case. His subsequent wish to "See the fiery ghost of Claude" is rather telling, though.

No harm comes from the fire, thankfully. Life goes on as usual. I'm starting to get impatient with all these teenagers, and now that they all have partners, there isn't a lot to do except make sure they keep their grades up and start working on their skills.

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Rory works on his logic a bit. Here's a picture of him giggling at something he sees in the stars.

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Here's a picture of Penelope feeling content while surrounded by cats.

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Here's a picture of Ada going bananas over the sight of the library. She's there to work on her charisma for her Lifetime Wish, but she's also there because she LOVES THE LIBRARY.

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Here's a picture of Nico performing as an elderly acrobat with dreadlocks. I don't know why the game keeps changing his hairstyle when he's acrobatting. It's really quite annoying.

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Surprise, it's Quinn's birthday!

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Quinn blossoms into a stunning young lady, as I knew she would. Her last trait is Over-Emotional; her others are Evil, Loner, Supernatural Fan, and Friendly. She picks up Professional Author as her Lifetime Wish. She's going to write the next Twilight. Except it's going to be good. And probably about werewolves. 8) Wait, are there werewolves in Twilight? Never mind, I don't want to know.

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And so, Quinn starts up right away finishing the novel she started in high school. (It's about witches. I guessed wrong.) While she's at it, Quinn registers as a self-employed writer and settles in to spending her days alone in her bedroom wearing skimpy pajamas.

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Speaking of witches...a certain witch has finally aged up to young adult off-screen, and a certain Penelope is very excited about this. This particular witch is at work tonight, so Penny goes to wait outside the restaurant for her.

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Eventually, Maritza emerges from her first shift as a kitchen scullion and finds Penelope waiting for her...on one knee.

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Maritza agrees to marry Penelope, and they decide to tie the knot right then and there. I think I was really tired when I played this, because deciding to have this wedding in the dark outside the restaurant was really not a good idea. I am sorry.

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Ah, well. We have our first moonlit wedding of this generation! Congratulations, Mrs. and Mrs. Loveland!

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Maritza joins the household and gets a little bit of a makeover, though she doesn't need much - just a slightly less early-2000s hairstyle. Maritza's traits are Snob, Technophobe, Clumsy, Heavy Sleeper, and Eccentric. (Technophobe and Eccentric? Interesting.) Oh right, and she's a witch. Why do I feel like I forgot to mention that until this chapter? Maritza likes songwriter music, dim sum, and the color lilac, and her Lifetime Wish is Monster Maker.

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Apparently Maritza approves of my makeover, because she spends hours preening in the mirror afterwards. :) I'm flattered.

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Now that Quinn is a young adult with a homeless teengaer for a boyfriend...well, perhaps we should do something about that. She calls him up.

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Hank arrives first thing in the morning and finds a cake waiting for him on his girlfriend's kitchen table. (Ada is REALLY excited for...should I stop pointing this out? She's just so excited for EVERYTHING. ALL THE TIME.)

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What's that I see in those eerie yellow eyes...uncertainty? Hah! Tough.

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Hank ages up in all the ways except his arms. His arms are still stuck in the teenager position, too narrow for his adult body. It's creepy. Creepier than I could capture in a screenshot. Basically his hands are supposed to be on his hips here, and instead they're somewhere inside his intestinal region. Or elsewhere. You can imagine.

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Thankfully, the glitch straightens itself out just in time for Quinn to invite him to move in. (For a fun game, try and count how many Lovelands are trying and failing to get to the dishwasher in this screenshot.)

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Hank finally gets his makeover, although again, he doesn't need much help from me. That hairstyle is now the Hank hairstyle. He is beautiful. Hank's traits are Daredevil, Couch Potato, Vegetarian, Heavy Sleeper, and Irresistible. He likes kids music, some food I never wrote down oops, and the color turquoise, and his Lifetime Wish is to be an International Super Spy. Can you imagine getting pulled over by this sexy specimen? Phew! Welcome to the family, Hank. My first official werewolf. :D

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #362 on: January 04, 2021, 02:31:36 AM »
Oh, how exciting! Quinn and Hank are a great looking couple, so fingers crossed for some wereboos soon!

Offline Trip

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #363 on: January 04, 2021, 12:54:03 PM »
Congrats on getting Hank before he grew up on his own and joined the paparazzi army.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #364 on: January 04, 2021, 08:00:46 PM »
Oh, how exciting! Quinn and Hank are a great looking couple, so fingers crossed for some wereboos soon!

I am indeed hoping for wereboos! I've never had any before. I do seem to have terrible luck when it comes to supernatural offspring, though, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Congrats on getting Hank before he grew up on his own and joined the paparazzi army.

Thank you! I was so relieved that nothing went wrong in the course of moving him in.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #365 on: January 04, 2021, 08:07:07 PM »
Chapter 138 - Howly Matrimony

Quinn wastes no time. It's the weekend, which means any...big events...that are happening...need to happen ASAP!

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She brings Hank to the graveyard, the scene of their first date and first kiss. Ophelia is here with her daughter Kristi and some of her dogs! Hey, Ophelia!

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The effect of this is that little plant-sim-haired Kristi keeps giving the loving couple the side-eye.

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Then she goes and mourns random gravestones, which for some reason makes me laugh really hard. The poor dear!

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Well, after whispering a few sweet nothings and trying to ignore her young cousin weeping several yards away, Quinn kneels down in the mist.

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Hank agrees to marry her, of course. It really looks like they're all standing in a shallow ghostly swimming pool here, doesn't it?

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Kristi moves along to a new deceased person (respectably named "Remains") as her cousin and cousin-in-law-to-be embrace.

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She doesn't stay sad for long, though. She then proceeds to go for a joyride on the bench outside the mausoleum, whilst Hank plays chase with one of the dogs. Everything about this cracks me up.

It's a funny little engagement date. Let's turn it into a funny little wedding!

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The rest of the family arrives in the limo while I pop into buy mode and arrange a ceremony spot amid the graves.

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Darkness begins to fall over the town...

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"You look gorgeous, babe. How could I ever match your radiance?"
" could transform into your supernatural form for me? Just an idea."

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I was hoping to get these two married BEFORE the full moon rose forebodingly into the sky...but I failed.

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But I mean, come on. If this isn't a Moonlight Falls wedding, I don't know what is.

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Hank's howls rip through the night, thrilling his soon-to-be-bride to her very bones. I'm pretty sure Quinn is experiencing her ultimate fantasy wedding right now.

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Hank collects himself after that terrifying transformation. Freshly wolfified, he places the ring on Quinn's trembling finger.

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Kristi, still be-helmeted from her joyride, is learning SO much about love today. And blocking all my screenshots.

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It's around this exact moment that Quinn rolls a wish to acquire a Bottled Curse of the Lycan elixir. Yeah, I don't know about that, honey. I know you're a Supernatural Fan, but...

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Anyway, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Loveland! Kristi, PLEASE move! You too, dog-whose-name-I-forgot!

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That's better.

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The newlyweds turn to the applauding crowd. Quinn gives a rare Evil cackle to display her glee, and Hank lets his eerie glowing eyes work their magic.

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It's a wedding for the ages. Our werewolf and his Evil bride take off for Quinn's attic bedroom, where all of Quinn's fantasies of woohooing with a supernatural are fulfilled.

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Oh, and Hank makes use of his new Irresistible trait for the first time. Quinn's like, "Oh. My. God. I hit the JACKPOT."

Things are wrapping up quickly here in Moonlight Falls. We've got two out of three kiddos married; only one remains, and he's a day away from aging up to young adult.

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In the early hours of the next morning, Rory is struck by a sudden onset of sparkles.

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There's no time for cake today, people. We've got so much to do! (Side note: I'm much more okay with cheating here and there now that it's almost the end of the story. Sorry not sorry.)

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I just love him. And with his final trait, I love him even more. Rory's last trait is Shy. Shy! He's already Socially Awkward, Athletic, Never Nude, and a Genius. My poor baby is officially the dorkiest, most adorable Sim I have ever laid eyes on.

Anyhoo, Rory picks Perfect Mind, Perfect Body as his Lifetime Wish. He also decides to acquire some facial hair. I couldn't resist. :)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #366 on: January 05, 2021, 02:06:16 PM »
I'd almost call the wedding perfect, especially because we don't have that many more (sigh!)

Now the real question is if we have to leave anyone behind. I like all the couples in this generation a lot.
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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #367 on: January 05, 2021, 06:42:01 PM »
Wow, I had a lot of catching up to do and I loved it! The graveyard wedding was probably the best  combination of creepy and hillarious one could hope for.
 I have no idea how you've managed to pick the heir for this generation, I can't decide who I adore the most.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #368 on: January 07, 2021, 07:18:52 PM »
I'd almost call the wedding perfect, especially because we don't have that many more (sigh!)

Now the real question is if we have to leave anyone behind. I like all the couples in this generation a lot.

Wow, I had a lot of catching up to do and I loved it! The graveyard wedding was probably the best  combination of creepy and hillarious one could hope for.
 I have no idea how you've managed to pick the heir for this generation, I can't decide who I adore the most.

Thank you both! I was pretty darn pleased with that wedding. I don't know why I was all like "We have to do the ceremony before Hank has to turn into a werewolf!". It was so much better that he did.

I'm glad all the kids are so well loved this generation <3 Thankfully this is the last generation in which I have to select an heir, which means I'm more inclined to break with tradition than usual... :D

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #369 on: January 07, 2021, 07:29:11 PM »
Chapter 139 - Laser Love (Part 1)

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The glow of the full moon is still apparent when Rory hops into his mother's too-big hearse and zips across town.

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Before we can proceed with things, though...we must address something rather difficult. Our darling Mai is a very ancient cat now. She is 60 days old and shows no signs of slowing down. As dearly as I love her, I have to admit I was kind of counting on her passing away before the end of our time in Moonlight Falls. We need one more spot in the household if Rory is going to bring his spouse to the next town.

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After much pondering, I decide that the sensible thing to do is move Mai in with Ophelia's family. Ikki is already there (she moved out to make room for Hank), and there are at least three dogs and two children and plenty of love for Mai. Sweet Mai says goodbye to Nico, the family member she's known the longest. :'(

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Farewell, Mai. Don't worry - she's surrounded by animals and humans here, all Lovelands. (Look up at the porch and you can see her granddaughter Ikki on the left, and one of the many dogs on the right. They're waiting to greet her!) I also take the liberty of going into Master Controller and returning Mai to the start of the elder life stage. She'll have many happy years here, I know it.

Okay! Now that that's dealt with and I'm crying, let's return to Rory on his trip across town.

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Can you guess where he's going? Yeah, Krystal's house! How'd you know?! (That's Krystal's dad, Malcolm Harris, giving Rory the googly eyes as he asks Krystal to move in.)

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Krystal's parents are very intent upon making sure she's making the right choice here. Side note, look how nearly-identical Krystal and her mom's facial features are!

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Of course Krystal agrees to join the household, and I finally get to give this girl a makeover. I had way too much fun with this one, and I think the result is both ridiculous and great. (In retrospect, she's kind of got an 80% mod / 20% hippie thing going on here, which is kind of an abomination? But oh well.) Anyway, Krystal's traits are Artistic, Couch Potato, Light Sleeper, Loser, and Handy. She likes kids music, key lime pie, and the color red, and her Lifetime Wish is...Master Mixologist?! Cool! And perfect for where we're going next...

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The moment Krystal is moved in and makeover'd, Rory proposes. Krystal gives a high-flying affirmative.

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And I capture this hilariously awkward picture of them about to hug. Rory's so haaaappy!

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It's still the weekend, and weekday weddings tend to suck in my experience, so we need to throw a wedding RIGHT NOW.

Ada: "Never have I seen so many townspeople donning formalwear! I think I might faint!"

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The exception, as always, is Penelope. However, there is no one more ready to watch this wedding happen than her.

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The ceremony begins in an extremely flowery corner of the front yard.

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If these two don't make violently blue- and red-haired babies...I'm going to sue someone.

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It's a surprisingly well-attended wedding, even though only three people make use of all the chairs I laid out. I'm going to miss the sight of fairy wings when we leave this town. :(

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Congratulations to our final Mr. and Mrs. Loveland! And to Penelope's butt.

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Yes, it did just occur to me that this is our last wedding of the Loveland Random Town Jump. Well, probably. I have no idea what's going to happen next generation. But I take a bunch of scenic screenshots of the happy couple just for sentimentality's sake.

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We must make this wedding a truly memorable one, then. Starting with cake!

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Cake is followed by everybody gettin' down on the dance floor. The Lovelands even break out one of those smoky, sparkly effects machines. (One last glimpse here of Krystal's resemblance to her mother.)

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The lasers don't exactly fit with the vibe of Moonlight Falls. But it's a fitting send-off...and maaaaybe a taste of what's to come. (I know, I'm being so subtle! Good job, self!)

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Ada and Hank end up having a bit of a smustle contest. I don't know who wins, because they dance for literal hours and never seem to feel like stopping until I force them.

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The party goes late and everybody's having the time of their lives. Except the paparazzi, of course, who stomps around expressing his feelings most eloquently.

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You know who else is having the time of his life? Rory. (Look, he has slight buck teeth! This has never showed up in a screenshot before! It's so cute!)

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Rory and Krystal steal away from the party to enjoy their wedding night in a brand-new, ridiculously-colored vibration bed (whose vibration appears to be broken because the action canceled whenever I tried to do it...sigh).

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The party ends around four in the morning. The effects machine is still going, but the guests have gone home. And Meelo finally enjoys some peace and quiet on the precarious edge of a table. <3

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Rory collapses into bed with his one true lo...WAIT A HOT SECOND.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #370 on: January 07, 2021, 07:43:40 PM »
Chapter 139 - Laser Love (Part 2)

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I lied about the party ending around 4 a.m. The truth is, the paparazzi finally gets into the party spirit and sings karaoke well into daylight. I'm glad you managed to come around, sir.

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Krystal doesn't go to bed when I expect her to. Instead, I find her downstairs working on her first painting since becoming a member of the family. And it's the most perfect, however abridged, painting I could have imagined for her. I mean. Come on. No matter that I normally hate this painting; this one is coming with us to the next town, thank you very much.

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Rory wakes up a few hours later feeling a bit foggy in the head. Something Did he really get married last night? Was it all a dream? Did he eat too much cake?

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"Wh...Where am I??"


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We're going to politely ignore this and check on some other family members. Oh look, Quinn is singing with the paparazzi in her underwear. I would also categorize this as "fine".

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Worry not, dear reader. She pauses periodically to gaze pointedly at her (invisible) ring, just to remind her singing partner that she's unavailable to do anything but sing with him.

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I come back later to find that Penelope has replaced her sister and is having WAY too much fun with this.

Ada: "I have come to pass judgment on you both for the impropriety of this activity."

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Penelope: *monkey noises*

Everyone's exhausted from the wedding last night, but that's too bad, because now everyone has to graduate!

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I know, Rory. I felt the same way when I had to walk at graduation.

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Evidently the entire population of Moonlight Falls is graduating today. Ada, sporting her new, most proper cane, leads the pack into City Hall to begin the ceremony.

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It takes absolutely forever, but eventually, the Lovelands start reappearing. Quinn wins Valedictorian and is voted Most Popular, an admirable accomplishment for an Evil Loner. Krystal (who somehow managed to escape her robes and cap and wear her wedding dress instead) graduates with honor and is voted Most Likely to Never Leave the House.

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The boys emerge soon after. Rory graduates with Highest Honors and is voted...Most Likely to Take Over the World? All right then. And Hank, who is gazing at his brother-in-law with a little too much affection for my liking, graduates with Merit and is voted Most Likely to SAVE the World. You guys, stop it. We do not have time for a villain-and-superhero-love-story plot twist. ALSO YOU GUYS ARE MARRIED. AND NOT TO EACH OTHER.


What a weird note to end on. Is it really that time already? I guess it is.

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The Lovelands' time in Moonlight Falls is complete. The next town is the final town, which means that as soon as the next generation of children ages up to young adult, the challenge will be over. (Also, please excuse everyone's awkward posing. I moved everybody to the photo op mid-action and left them as is because I just can't be bothered.)

So, here's the deal regarding heirship. Because we're so close to the end, and because I have found selecting an heir this generation to be literally impossible...surprise! We have two heirs. Quinn and Rory will be shouldering the burden together. Penelope and Maritza will come to the next town and live nearby. And everybody will be happy and everything will be lovely and I will not be sad.

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Quinn, being the older of the two heirs, does the honors and checks the mailbox to discover the family's final destination.

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Quinn: "Rory, come here. You're the heir too. Don't you want to know where we're going next?"
Rory: "No, thanks. I'm going to sit over here with a book and pretend this isn't happening."

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Poor awkward Rory. Well, Quinn's happy to do the job. And she seems pretty excited about where the Lovelands are headed.

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Goodbye, Moonlight Falls. We'll see you again one day.

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #371 on: January 08, 2021, 08:51:46 AM »
I'm super excited and sad at the same time. Loving the fact we have two heirs as well, especially to see what will happen between Hank and Rory.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #372 on: January 08, 2021, 04:21:48 PM »
Yeah---Hank and Rory, what is up between those two!!!???!!! Sharing a bed on Rory's wedding night, that LOOK Hank gave him after graduation!!! There's a definite connection/attraction between the two of them.

With that in mind, monitoring actions will be paramount, at least until the next gen is born. I am having the devil of a time in my TJ game, with insane Jonas flirting with other family members other than his wife!!! Luckily, though family has been upset by it, it doesn't seem to have caused much decay in family relationships. Yet.

But LAST town---no, no, no!!! Are you sure you haven't overlooked one? An expansion or store world that you have but that's not downloaded? I do not want the Loveland's story to come to an end!

Maybe you've got plans for another game/story soon with a beloved favorite character? Please say yes! :)


Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #373 on: January 10, 2021, 08:22:08 AM »
Whew!  Quite a lot to catch up with.  Loved Quinn and Hank's wedding - so ridiculous but wonderful at the same time :).

What the heck is going on with Rory and Hank?!  Looking forward to more mayhem in Bridgeport  ;D.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #374 on: January 10, 2021, 12:08:40 PM »
I'm super excited and sad at the same time. Loving the fact we have two heirs as well, especially to see what will happen between Hank and Rory.

That's exactly how I feel too. I can't promise that anything too exciting will happen between Hank and Rory...but I can tell you that so far, in the next town, they play a lot of autonomous chess together. Make of that what you will!

Yeah---Hank and Rory, what is up between those two!!!???!!! Sharing a bed on Rory's wedding night, that LOOK Hank gave him after graduation!!! There's a definite connection/attraction between the two of them.

With that in mind, monitoring actions will be paramount, at least until the next gen is born. I am having the devil of a time in my TJ game, with insane Jonas flirting with other family members other than his wife!!! Luckily, though family has been upset by it, it doesn't seem to have caused much decay in family relationships. Yet.

But LAST town---no, no, no!!! Are you sure you haven't overlooked one? An expansion or store world that you have but that's not downloaded? I do not want the Loveland's story to come to an end!

Maybe you've got plans for another game/story soon with a beloved favorite character? Please say yes! :)

I know, right?! I laughed for about ten minutes when I discovered Rory in Hank's bed. It doesn't seem to have caused any jealousy issues, though. If any autonomous flirts happen in the future, THEN we'll have a bit of a crisis on our hands.

Awww, I'm thrilled that you've loved the Lovelands so much! :) This story is indeed coming to an end, but I do have plans in the works for another story after this one. Perhaps a more challenging...challenge. And I wouldn't be surprised if I end up doing yet another RTJ sometime in the future. They're just so fun!

Whew!  Quite a lot to catch up with.  Loved Quinn and Hank's wedding - so ridiculous but wonderful at the same time :).

What the heck is going on with Rory and Hank?!  Looking forward to more mayhem in Bridgeport  ;D.

Yes, I've been going at a bit of a sprint in posting chapters recently. Trying to squeeze them in while I have some free time! I'm glad you loved that wedding. It was truly a magical one.

What on earth makes you think we're going to Bridgeport next?! ;)

