Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128860 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #330 on: October 26, 2020, 07:12:56 PM »
Oh, oh, Moonlight Falls for your last town!

It was my 2nd town and where the fairy genetics began in my TJ game with Sophie Rodgers becoming spouse to my heir.

My Sophie was proper too, but I didn't know a 'proper introduction' included a curtsy, she used it to 'properly' dress down Grim every chance she got! :)

And you picked the same house I did, though I ended up adding a 2nd floor to the garage for a work out and skilling space.

Congrats on the expected nooboo for Nico and Ada!

Congratulations on the final move :)

Oh such a perfect final town for the season. I'm hoping for the return of the fairies to the family, hopefully the ones who don't combust that easily

Thanks, all! This is actually the second to last town - although this would be a pretty perfect final town. Alas, you can't get rid of the Lovelands quite that easily. :D

And yeah, the exciting thing about this generation is, since we're so close to the end, it's totally fine if supernaturals join the family. People can live as long as they want and I won't even be annoyed about it! :)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #331 on: October 26, 2020, 07:31:59 PM »
Chapter 125 - Kisses & Smackdowns

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This is what the Loveland house looks like much of the time these days. Three elders, hanging out in the upstairs lounge like a bunch of lazy teenagers. At least it keeps them busy. Or...not busy.

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Ada's pregnancy goes smoothly. She and Nico are eager to become parents.

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"I can feel you kicking in there, little one! Your violent blows against my internal organs only increase my excitement!"

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Excitement turns to pain soon enough. Ada is rude enough to disrupt the elder sanctuary when she goes into labor. (You can tell it's the elder sanctuary because Ronny, being an elder, is looking in the wrong direction.)

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Ada drives herself to the hospital in the family's new hearse-like vehicle, which is apparently built for Slightly Larger People. (Did I leave all the family's vehicles, including several of the most expensive sportscars plus a Motive Mobile, in Monte Vista? Yes, yes I did.)

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Before Ada even gets to the hospital, though...tragedy strikes at home.

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Let's deal with the happy news first. It's a girl! Welcome to the family, Penelope Loveland.

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Okay, back to the sadness. Sweet old Zuko has reached the end of his days with us. He lived to be 56 days old, which is pretty up there for a cat.

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Rest in peace, darling boy.

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Well, at least we have a new baby to sort of slightly make up for it. Nico looks a bit bewildered by this phenomenon. Or maybe he's still in shock over losing Zuko. :(

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You know, "bewildered" might not even cover the extent of the problem here. Nico, that is...that is not correct. Nope. Please try again.

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Alas, life must resume at some point. Ada's LTW is Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers, so she picks up guitar and starts joining Josie on her outings around town.

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When she's not doing that, Ada is practicing her charisma in front of the bathroom mirror. I like to imagine she's reciting lines from Shakespeare, or something else Proper.

Speaking of drama, here's some!

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After performing for tips in the park one day, I catch Nico doing something horrifying. See that wild look in Miriam Hoppcraft's eyes? Does it look familiar? You know what causes that look in susceptible women, right?

Good thing Ada's right there, just finishing up a guitar sesh.

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"Nico, how DARE you! Those little blown kisses are reserved for me, your SWORN LIFELONG LOVER!"

(Notice Miriam cracking up in the background. For some reason.)

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At that moment, James Hoppcraft, Miriam's husband, walks by.

"Oooh, that little lady yelling at her husband for flirting with my wife is really something!"

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Then Miriam is like, "I want a picture of the wife of the acrobat who just flirted with me!" And poor Nico is like, "WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?"

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*sniff* "I j-just c-can't stand it, Nico! D-Don't you l-l-l-l-love me?"
"Of course I do, sweetheart. I'm sorry I blew a kiss at Miriam. There's no need to cry."
"Yes there is. You smell TERRIBLE." *sob*

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Yes, all is well and happy in the Loveland family. What's this? Oh, just Ronny and Ida having one of their daily smackdowns. (Like I said, they're just like teenagers hanging out in their teenage hangout.)

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Ida is doing well in her career, speaking of. It's not like she can get any better at it. The only problem occurs when I forget to make her sleep before work one night, and she actually gets out of the limo on the way home so she can pass out on the side of the street.

She's got a mind of her own, this one. She's also the only member of the family who insists on SPRINTING everywhere, even while carrying a tiny baby.

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Ronny: "Whoa! What's the hurry, woman?"

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Before long, it's time for Penelope to age up! Nico, that is still not how you hold a baby.

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Our first Moonlight Falls baby is growing up...

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...and she's going to look just like her daddy! Little Penny doesn't seem to have inherited a thing from her mother, but we'll have to see as she gets older. Penny is Clumsy and a Light Sleeper, and she likes Chinese music, Vegetarian Dim Sum, and Spice Brown. I think she'll make a fine addition to the family.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #332 on: October 27, 2020, 04:19:44 PM »
Thanks, all! This is actually the second to last town - although this would be a pretty perfect final town. Alas, you can't get rid of the Lovelands quite that easily. :D
Oops, sorry - lost track.  I'm pleased they'll be around for a bit longer than I thought - and that the Moonlight Falls genes get a chance to join the family.

Ada drives herself to the hospital in the family's new hearse-like vehicle, which is apparently built for Slightly Larger People.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #333 on: October 30, 2020, 08:22:18 PM »
Chapter 126 - Sparkly Beans & Other Terrors

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Penelope's toddler years are off to a strong start. Her father, being an acrobat, is very good at teaching her to walk.

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Also, surprise! Ada is pregnant again. (It might not be a surprise, if you noticed her nightgown last chapter.)

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Meanwhile, I've been wanting to find a lover for Ida since her relationship with Franco kind of fell apart in the last town. Turns out, I don't have to do much work. Ada's boss, Ayden Van Gould, pops over for a visit one morning.

Ida: "Ohhh, who is THAT?"

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It's a beautiful moment. In the same instant that they realize they have incompatible traits, Ayden and Ida also realize that they are very, very attracted to each other.

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The intensity of the moment causes Ayden to abruptly leave the lot ("You call that an outing?!") and Ida to mime throwing up. You know, I think it's meant to be.

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We don't often see Ida in her granny panties, but I'm starting to think there's some sort of correlation between Ida's granny panties and Ida's level of sass.

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Did Penny inherit her father's priceless facial expressions? Possibly. We'll need more evidence to be sure. :)

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Otherwise, the elders are doing well. Josie and Ida have remained best friends their whole lives, which is really impressive for an Evil sim and a Loner. (Ida, pull your skirt down, jeez! My apologies, everyone.)

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Nico the Sneako (as is his stage name) continues to rise through the acrobatic ranks. Now he can juggle fire and I take way too many screenshots of him doing so.

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While he's performing for tips in the park (accompanied by Josie on guitar), I catch a glimpse of a trash bandit playing chase with an actual bandit. :D Now if that isn't the cutest thing, I don't know what is.

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The allotted time passes, and Ada goes into labor.

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She opts for a home birth this time. Mostly because I want to see her do the rabbit face.

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It's another girl! Say hello to Quinn, everyone.

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In contrast to this picture, Ada is actually one of the least attentive mothers I've ever played. She loves her kids very much, but she seems to just kind of...forget that they exist a lot of the time. (And Nico's the Absent-Minded one. At least he has the excuse of being out of the house all day.)

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Even so, the birth of their second child brings upon Nico and Ada a violent wave of affection. You can probably guess where that leads.

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Meanwhile, Ida finds another potential lover at the vampire lounge. Ayden has been ignoring her phone calls, so when she meets the large-nosed Chauncey Grimm and learns that he's single, she goes in for the kill.

Josie: "No no, it's fine. You guys have your fun and I'll just stand here and wait for you to move so I can get a yogurt. It's fine."

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To my great surprise, after this first kiss with Chauncey, Ida gets the "First Kiss" moodlet. I'm 95% sure she kissed Franco back in Monte Vista (and I might even have a screenshot of it)...but maybe the game reset her kiss history after the move. Anyway, yay for Ida! (Of course, Chauncey gets engaged to someone else like 2 seconds after they part for the night. Thanks, Story Progression. You're the best!)

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That same night, under the full moon, Ada feels a new life stirring inside of her. That's right, there's a third baby on the way! Why I wanted to do this in such quick succession, I have no idea.

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Ada's been out of work for a while now, and she's not going back yet. She makes the most of her time by teaching Penelope her skills at my behest because she'd never do it on her own.

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It's an easy pregnancy, thanks to several factors: (1) Ada doesn't really have any exciting hobbies aside from playing with the cats; (2) the cats are needy little attention grabbers who don't let their humans do anything else; (3) why did I think I had three items to fill this list?

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Soon enough, it's time for Quinn to become a toddler and reveal herself to the world. *crosses fingers for something other than blonde hair*

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Awww, she has revealed herself to be a sparkly bean! Just kidding, just kidding.

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OMG YES DARK HAIR. Sorry. There have just been so few dark-haired Lovelands! Anyway, Quinn is an absolute beauty - she seems to have gotten most of her features from Mum, with her eye color and skin tone from Daddy. She also got her Evil trait from Daddy. That's three generations in a row, y'all! (Although, does it count if Nico's aunt was Evil, not his mum?) Quinn is also a Loner, like Great Aunt Josie, and she likes classical music, fish and chips, and the color pink.

And honor of Halloween tomorrow in the States, here are a couple of glitches for you!

The first is a cute one.

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This little fairy rides her bicycle side-saddle! She looks like she could be out trick-or-treating, doesn't she?

And now, for the most terrifying glitch that I have ever seen. Are you ready? (I don't think you are.)

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Yup. That is a floating werewolf head. I've seen invisible Sims many a time, but never just...a floating head. I legitimately screamed when I saw this. It still freaks me out when I look at the screenshot. I was just casually spying on various toddlers around town via Master Controller, and this particular toddler happens to have a parent that is JUST A HEAD.

I stayed in this house for a little while and watched the floating head, even though I was in an active state of terror the whole time. (Yes, I'm very brave, thank you.) I wanted to see what it would do. I guess it was fortunate that it was nighttime, because I didn't have to watch for long. Eventually, the floating head floated creepily up the stairs to a bedroom, where it paused beside the bed, then twirled...and its body reappeared. A fully functioning werewolf suddenly stood there, with hair and pajamas and everything, and went to bed like a normal...werewolf. And that was that.

Apparently it was just an outfit-related glitch. :o

You're welcome for the nightmares! And happy Halloween, everyone. 8)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #334 on: November 01, 2020, 11:42:28 AM »
I catch a glimpse of a trash bandit playing chase with an actual bandit. 

Aw!  They even have matching stripes :).

(3) why did I think I had three items to fill this list?


OMG, the floating head!  I think I'm traumatised :O.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #335 on: November 01, 2020, 12:07:57 PM »
That corrupted werewolf has definitely ruined my day but they're prone to the most bugs in terms of appearances. Fun life state if you marry one in though!

Quinn and Penny both have the big eyes in common if nothing else and they are CUTE!
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #336 on: November 02, 2020, 11:39:37 AM »
Aw!  They even have matching stripes :).

Right?! Cutest thing I've seen in the game in a long time.

OMG, the floating head!  I think I'm traumatised :O.

I'm terribly sorry! I hope you're recovered now. It was just too crazy not to share.

That corrupted werewolf has definitely ruined my day but they're prone to the most bugs in terms of appearances. Fun life state if you marry one in though!

Quinn and Penny both have the big eyes in common if nothing else and they are CUTE!

I've actually never played a werewolf before - I would love to get one in the family, if that works out. Although if the floating head glitch ever happens again I'm throwing my computer out the window.

The kids this generation really are adorable. And it's not over yet. :D

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #337 on: November 02, 2020, 02:36:14 PM »
Chapter 127 - As Is Proper

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It's toddler town in the Loveland house right now. Penelope and Quinn are the center of attention.

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And rightly so. They're just so darn cute!

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Ada continues to be a, er, questionable mother. Even the werewolf maid knows you're not supposed to teach your child to talk while sitting in a puddle of pee. The smell just isn't good for language development.

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Ada's third pregnancy flies by with lots of arguments with Ida.

Ada: "How dare you. An elderly woman in a mini-skirt? Never have I laid eyes upon a more preposterous and despicable fashion choice!"
Ida: "Well, you're wearing high heels while pregnant!"
Ada: "As is PROPER!"

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They're arguing yet again upstairs when Ada goes into labor. Perplexingly, this is the only photo I have of Ada giving birth. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal to her.

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It's probably because I was distracted by Nico's ring of fire tricks.

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A few hours later, just before midnight, Ada leaves the hospital with a newborn son named Rory.

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Back home, it's still just toddler stuff, really.

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Oh, and magic stuff. Our paparazzi is interesting for several reasons - because she's turquoise, because she dresses weird, and because she's a witch who likes to entice vulnerable old women out to the yard in the middle of the night in order to freeze them solid.

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It backfires most of the time.

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Here is a picture of Quinn being cute.

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Here is a picture of Penny being...well, cute.

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The elders of the house are rapidly approaching the ends of their life bars. Ida is making the most of her youth - she's still seeing Chauncey Grimm, and he seems truly smitten with her.

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So much so that he breaks off his engagement with Joanie MacDuff in order to become Ida's boyfriend. (That's Joanie's son selling baked goods. He overheard the whole exchange and is currently in a state of denial.)

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Josie continues to play music every moment. It'll be an awfully quiet house, and town, when know. (P.S. That's Ophelia's dog Maya in the background! Ophelia has indeed adopted a dog. More updates to come in the future.)

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The weekend comes around, and we all know what that means. It's birthday time!

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Which parent do you think Rory is going to resemble? Or will he be a mix of both?

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The answer is...none of the above! To my utter shock and delight, Rory inherits the old Lancaster red, as well as Grandma Josie's wildly purple eyes. I'm truly amazed. This beautiful boy is an Athletic Genius, and his favorite things are Latin music, Mushroom Omelettes, and the color Sea Foam.

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I love him already. He is so not putting up with any of Great Aunt Ida's nonsense.

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"Yayyyy, a redheaded babe, just like me!"

Whatever helps you sleep at night, dear.

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The birthdays aren't over yet. Penelope is also due to age up and Ada is NERVOUS.

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It's going to be okay, guys, really. Penelope has learned ALL her toddler skills and I desperately need one less toddler in the house. Let's do this!

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She's Nico in miniature! And she just got a whole lot more interesting. Our little Penny is now Insane. :D

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #338 on: November 04, 2020, 08:41:30 AM »
A house full of Evil and Insane sims will for sure result in more amusing chapters which I'm really looking forward to!
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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #339 on: November 04, 2020, 01:23:23 PM »
I do love the quirkiness and unpredictability of insane sims! :)
Here's to Penny as she continues to develop her own personal style and maybe even throw some curveballs into the Loveland family!

I like Quinn's dark-haired looks too, like you said, not many of them throughout the Loveland's journey.
And it's hard to resist her combination of traits, as much fun as it is to let Sims give in to their evil tendencies.

Frankly, I'd take Insane and Evil over Diva and Nerdy any day of the week!

And Rory bringing back the red hair and inheriting Josie's purple eyes was a very welcome surprise!
I've a feeling this little guy will go from adorable to irresistible with that combination of genetics.

With that said, it's already looking like a difficult choice for heir this gen!!!

But I'm sure one of the three will stand out as they age up and choose a partner from lovely Moonlight Falls.

Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and fairies, oh my!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #340 on: November 06, 2020, 07:02:02 PM »
A house full of Evil and Insane sims will for sure result in more amusing chapters which I'm really looking forward to!

Yes indeed! I'm looking forward to the chaos too. :D

I do love the quirkiness and unpredictability of insane sims! :)
Here's to Penny as she continues to develop her own personal style and maybe even throw some curveballs into the Loveland family!

I like Quinn's dark-haired looks too, like you said, not many of them throughout the Loveland's journey.
And it's hard to resist her combination of traits, as much fun as it is to let Sims give in to their evil tendencies.

Frankly, I'd take Insane and Evil over Diva and Nerdy any day of the week!

And Rory bringing back the red hair and inheriting Josie's purple eyes was a very welcome surprise!
I've a feeling this little guy will go from adorable to irresistible with that combination of genetics.

With that said, it's already looking like a difficult choice for heir this gen!!!

But I'm sure one of the three will stand out as they age up and choose a partner from lovely Moonlight Falls.

Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, and fairies, oh my!

You've pretty much summarized my thoughts about the kids this generation. They're all beautiful. And yes, I'm SO excited to start spouse hunting amongst all the magical creatures out there. It's going to be a fun generation!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #341 on: November 06, 2020, 07:20:00 PM »
Chapter 128 - The Princess & The Empress

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We haven't seen Ophelia in a while. Hey Ophelia! She regularly comes out to see her brother perform around town, and she reviews his shows like a fresh-eyed critic every time.

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She also stops by to see her mother and aunt on occasion. It's amazing that this house is still so full of redheads.

Aubrey tags along in order to have his propriety questioned by the resident Propriety Coordinator.

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"A vest with a pocket watch - and khakis? What on earth were you thinking, brother-in-law?! You look like a person in 2005 attempting to impersonate a doctor from 1890!"
"Is this a bad time to remind you that you're wearing pajamas right now? While hosting guests?"

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Nico is a level 9 acrobat now. And this is in Moonlight Falls, where Edit Town won't let me add any more performance lots so he can only do shows at the Performance Park! Performing for tips twelve hours a day really does wonders.

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Otherwise, it's still toddler town around here.

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There's always time for peek-a-boo.

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And hugs. (I think we all need one of those right now. Or several.)

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Ada has just one more day of maternity leave. She spends it finishing up Quinn's toddler skills.

I'm caught off guard by Ada's and Nico's adult birthdays. Didn't they just get married yesterday?

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"Oh, goodness me! This occasion calls for a formal party...but alas, I was not informed beforehand..."

Me either, girl. Be grateful you at least have the paparazzi to cheer you on.

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Nico, looking like he fell face-first into a tub of macaroni and cheese, follows suit at home.

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Penelope has started school and is struggling a bit academically. She's rare in that she doesn't just sit down and plow through her homework as soon as she gets home. She kind of procrastinates a lot. As such, she's had to spend her school days catching up on homework instead of meeting friends. Hopefully that will change by the time she's a teenager.

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Otherwise, though, Penny is doing well. She cheerfully tucks into bed every night wearing a different, unsuitable outfit.

And she gets along surprisingly well with her Evil great-aunt. They have a sort of...quiet bond.

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"How goes ruling the kingdom, Princess Penelope?"
"Quite well, thank you. How goes the...Evil stuff, Empress of Evil?"
"Very well, thank you."

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Ada finally gets to go to work for the first time since moving to Moonlight Falls. I didn't intend for her to spend her entire young adult life stage at home...but that's what happened. She looks a little peeved about having to wear jeans and a T-shirt to work every day. All the more reason to work for those promotions, dear!

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Mai's elder birthday catches me by surprise too. It hits her while she's out hunting in a nearby park, with a buxom Emile Van Gould as her only witness.

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Nico grows a mustache just in time to teach Quinn how to talk. (She's more interested in picking her nose at this point in time.)

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Quinn also gets some special time with daddy at the library. I'm actually remembering to have the kids read their toddler books this generation, mostly! Yay me!

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Nico gets to know another toddler from a townie family when he goes to a party at the Ivy house. He entertains their daughter, Layla, whilst literally everyone else at this party plucks on various guitars. Seriously, I look around the house and there are SIX PEOPLE playing guitar. It's a plucking party! And everyone is terrible.

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Penelope finally brings home a school friend one day. I forget this kid's name, but I do know that he's a homeless townie, which is interesting. There seem to be a lot of those in Moonlight Falls. This might disqualify him from marrying into the family, depending on how or if he ages up. But anyway, he's cute!

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Turns out he's also a werewolf. I don't see the transformation when the moon rises, but Penny does. It's enough to make her tremble in her flip flops...and pass out. :(

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I love this picture of Ida and Josie because it shows their weirdly wholesome relationship. Although Ida is Evil, she has hardly ever directed her Evilness at her sister. She mostly just takes out Ronny on a daily basis and leaves everybody else alone. What's more, she spends a lot of time watching Josie play music, and smiling admiringly the whole time. It's beautiful.

It's a touching last scene. A few hours later...

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*sniff* "Gross. What smells like death?"

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"Oh. Hah, it's me!"

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With one last creepy red glow hovering around her ghostly form, Ida leaves this world at the age of 93. After a long career as Empress of Evil and many years spent alternately terrorizing and showing true affection for her family, she's ready to take on the afterlife. You were a boss, Ida. We'll miss you dearly.

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After losing Keira to Monte Vista and Ida to, well, death, Josie is the only triplet left now. :( Thank goodness for cats, am I right?

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #342 on: November 09, 2020, 08:37:26 PM »
Chapter 129 - Beauty & Sandwiches

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Rory Loveland is just about the most charming little toddler ever. Doesn't he look like he wants to eat you? Isn't that just the sweetest thing?

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"What ith thith gawbage?"

He's not always sweet. I'm sorry, but I laughed at this screenshot for about ten minutes.

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In other news, Quinn is about to grow up into a child! (Please ignore the zombie eating the apple tree outside.)

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Quinn ages up and Nico promptly bursts into tears because his daughter is so beautiful.

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But like...really. She is GORGEOUS. Even Penelope walks by like, "Is this chick for real?" (Don't worry, Penelope, you're beautiful too. You look exactly like your dad...but you're beautiful!)

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Here she is with a new outfit and stuff. I'm floored by how pretty Quinn is. Like, I knew she would be...but wow. You can't really see it in this screenshot, or possibly any screenshot, but she also has very very slight buck teeth, which is just about the cutest thing imaginable. Anyway! Quinn gets the Supernatural Fan trait for her birthday.

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With her other traits being Evil and Loner, this girl is born to write scary novels about monsters and vampires and other supernatural delights. :D

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The rest of the family continues to do well. I live in constant fear of our next elder dying. As such, I spend a lot of time hovering around Josie and taking scenic photos of her playing her instruments. Of course, I've been doing that her whole life...but still.

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Penny's favorite thing to do is pretend she's the queen of everything, which is pretty cute.

"Attention, my subjects! All sandwiches under the jurisdiction of Princess Penelope must, from now on, always be grilled cheese!"

Josie Dislikes Children, so she doesn't bother to admit that she's eating a PB&J.

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Penny also plays with her siblings. Little Rory is just too adorable not to play peek-a-boo with.

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Ida makes her first appearance as a ghost and very kindly shows herself to Ronny first and foremost.

Ronny: "Gyahh! I thought I wasn't going to have to see you again!"
Ida: "You really thought I wouldn't take every opportunity to smash your face into the floor? Even when dead? You don't know me very well, Ronald."

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"Aunt Ida!"
"Quinn, dear! You've grown into such a lovely young lady. Frighteningly lovely, in fact."
"You're my first supernatural, Aunt Ida! I'm going to write books about ghosts and witches and vampires and werewolves!"

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Ida and Quinn continue to talk for the rest of the evening. Poor Ronny, stuck between the rocking chairs and unable to move, has to listen to the whole thing and pretend he's okay with it.

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He doesn't have to put up with much for long. The next day, Ronny leaves work for the last time.

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"I really would have liked to do an experiment in this state...ah, well..."

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"Ugh. Another Oh-My-Ghost opportunity escaped the labs. I thought the whole point of leaving work was to LEAVE WORK."

Farewell, Ronny Loveland. You sort of fell into the background in recent years, but you were loved, and your facial features live on enduringly in your descendents. Rest in peace.

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He was certainly loved by one person, at least. Josie wakes from a deep slumber just to mourn for her lost love. :(

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She subsequently throws herself even more passionately into her music.

"Is Grandma okay, Daddy?"
"I ask myself that question every day, Pen."

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"Jeez, Mom. Have you been out here all night?"
"Shhh. I've almost got this arpeggio up to tempo."

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It's a sad day for the Lovelands, but life must go on. Both girls are in school now. Off they go to meet some future spouses. Preferably supernatural ones. (I don't think Quinn's going to have a problem with that.)

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The cats are doing well also. I know I haven't shown much of them lately, but they're thriving just fine. Mai is an elder and Suki is well into her adult years. As our human numbers dwindle, it might be time for a new generation soon...but we're not there quite yet.

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They're getting to know the girls now, too.

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Josie does begin to heal, in time. She even voluntarily comforts Quinn in her sadness - though I think Josie regretted it instantly. :D

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Next time, it will be Rory's turn to grow up a bit. Things are moving fast in this house. (Also, look how much he looks like Ada!)

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #343 on: November 11, 2020, 06:11:20 AM »
RIP Ronny :(
All of those kids are super cute, I can't wait to see Rory when he ages up! Don't worry Penny, in my opinion, you're just as pretty as your sister, if not even prettier!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #344 on: November 13, 2020, 01:38:01 PM »
Nico gets to know another toddler from a townie family when he goes to a party at the Ivy house. He entertains their daughter, Layla, whilst literally everyone else at this party plucks on various guitars. Seriously, I look around the house and there are SIX PEOPLE playing guitar. It's a plucking party! And everyone is terrible.

Only in the Sims.  (At least, I hope so!)

