Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128913 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #210 on: July 24, 2020, 04:52:14 PM »
Freya is autonomously scaring others because of her trait of...ghost. They do that thing when playable.

And a ban on magic is kind of stupid...PREGNANT SIMS CAN STILL DRINK HELLO-

Well now I know! Having a playable ghost in the family is coming with more difficulties than I anticipated. And I agree, it's ridiculous that pregnant sims can't do magic. She can't even practice a card trick! What the danger, that she drops a card and has to bend to pick it up?

Maybe I'm just easily amused today but this cracked me up:



It happened so suddenly, the moment Heather placed the Box of Mystery on the lot! I kind of assumed it was a common thing, but y'all are making me think I just got lucky to see it happen.

Yeah, NPCs don't let themselves be stopped by little things like walls and locked doors.  I remember trying out the social worker thing once (I was trying to get the photo).  I had to lock the baby in a doorless room so that my adult Sim wouldn't feed or change it.  The social worker just teleported into the room and teleported out again with the baby.  No photo :-\.

That's wild! I wonder if a pizza delivery person would teleport into the house if forced...

I found my playable ghosts tended to go around scaring people, unless they had the good trait.  I seem to remember that evil or rebellious ones were the worst (childish and mean-spirited ghosts would probably be as bad, but I'm pretty sure there weren't any in that game).

I'm so glad Freya doesn't have any worse traits! She's annoying enough already with neutral ones (except technophobe, which is annoying in a whole other way).

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #211 on: July 24, 2020, 05:04:12 PM »
Chapter 85 - Amid the Rosebushes

I have some very cute pictures of Moira and Nibs interacting. Here they are for your viewing pleasure.

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I also have this very sweet picture of Tink inspecting her son's newly solid face. I like it because it's such a Mom moment.

There's more cat action happening behind the scenes. Nibs needs to start meeting some potential kitten mamas. Fortunately, the game tells me whenever a family in town adopts a cat, and I usually right-click the notification image to zoom right over and inspect them. Am I creepy? Yes. But I'm also EFFECTIVE.

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Anyway, Bennie Dean adopted a kitten a while back, and she's grown up into a very gorgeous, beautifully spotty lady-cat. This is Ni'ele.

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She looks a little bit like a grumpy old man with that squashy face and little white mustache, but she's a GLAMOROUS grumpy old man. She and Nibs start building up their relationship just in case future opportunities arise.

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After telling Trevor he's going to be a father in the last chapter, Heather stays overnight at his house.

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In the morning, she starts feeling contractions.

She makes her way into the living room, where Trevor is watching TV.

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"What's up, darlin'? Oh, you're in labor?

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"BOOOO! Nobody wants to see your pain! BOOOOO!"

Trevor Shaw Loveland! You were just getting back into my good books! Stop this shameful behavior and take your wife to the hospital!

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"No thanks. I'm just gonna watch TV some more."

I don't think this could get any worse.

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BUT IT DOES. Next, Trevor stands up and laughs at Heather! Laughs at her! I don't even know what to...I don't even...what!

Once again, I don't think this could get any worse. But then it does.

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"Trev, I think I'm going to go home and have the baby there. It's closer than the hospital and my family will be there to help me. Will you come? We haven't chosen a name for--"
"Nah, I'm good. In fact, I'm overdue for a nap."

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"Oh, Heather? Text me a photo or something, will you?"
"Yeah. Sure. Whatever."

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Welp, that's about 97 miles past my limit when it comes to Men Being Awful. Poor Heather returns home alone--but she doesn't even make it into the house. Specifically, she makes it to a weirdly specific spot amid the rosebushes. A spot that is VERY difficult to get good screenshots of, because it's right next to the house and the camera keeps shooting up to the top floor.

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Despite all of these difficulties, Heather gives birth to a boy right there in the rosebushes. She names him Harley.

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The next day happens to be Killian's first birthday. Heather is so excited about her new baby, she just HAS to pick up THIS baby and take him to his cake. (He mostly just gets a faceful of bosom.)

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And again...Heather takes the baby outside, deposits him, and goes back in. At least the effort is there. For a brief moment.

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Killian's a cutie! (A virtual high-five to whoever can figure out where his particular shade of blond hair comes from. Because I can't. Unless it's just a random mutation of a color that I saved.) Killian inherited his Love the Outdoors trait from his mama and his Neurotic trait from his papa. He also likes Roots, Autumn Salad, and the color Lime.

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Killian and big sister Moira start playing together immediately.

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And Angela is REALLY excited about it.

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Angela has been busy, even during quarantine maternity leave. She's taken up the science skill and has started performing experiments on her harvestables. I have no idea how to do the science skill or what anything means, but it's something to keep her occupied.

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Angela is taking a rare break from her work for a solo game of foosball when middle age arrives.

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And downstairs, Freya is having her teen birthday. It certainly doesn't feel like she's been a kid for a week already.

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Before I can even give her a makeover, Freya makes a beeline for her aunt's sister-in-law's science machine and attempts to sabotage it. I think this girl is going to be a handful.

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Here's an aged-up (and makeover'd) Freya in the flesh. She gets the Lucky trait for her birthday. Yes, she is now a Clumsy, Lucky Technophobe. I guess her every interaction with technology is just going to be a roll of the dice?

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #212 on: July 25, 2020, 09:30:14 PM »
Chapter 86 - The Return of Tink

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We currently have two toddlers and a baby in the household, plus a teenager. It's chaos, but it's adorable chaos.

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Aaand it's about to change anyway. Moira is about to age up!

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Anastasia celebrates by stabbing her daughter-in-law straight through the armpit with a birthday horn. Very festive, Anastasia, thank you.

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Off she goes!

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Moira rolls the Perfectionist trait, which is interesting, because she's also a Slob. How does that work? If I had to guess, I'd say that Moira will be very serious and attentive in her Genius-related work, but will be sloppy with everything else. I can respect that because I am exactly like that.

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She therefore attacks her first slice of birthday cake with her face--but carefully, you know. With attention to detail.

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Now that she's old enough to play chess, Moira just wants to challenge her family members to games all day. It's a good way for her to bond with her grandmother--the two of them are almost strangers, for some reason.

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Tink is still visiting and seems to be perfectly happy. It's like she's part of the household again, except that I can't control her. I think she missed her son in particular.

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She returns to her favorite sleeping spot on top of the cat tower and sleepily supervises Killian as he learns to walk.

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When Grim comes for Tink a couple of days later, I'm almost emotionally ready for it...but no, actually I'm not. Not at all. :'(

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As Anastasia bawls her eyes out and Freya struggles to extricate herself from the food replicator in the corner, Grim tells Tink her time is up. And Tink goes willingly. She's ready now--now that she's home again.

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Yes, I hold fast to the theory that Tink came back because she wanted to die surrounded by family. She liked Trevor and seemed happy living with him, but this was her true home. I'm glad you came back, sweet girl. Mother of ghosts. Rest in peace.

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Life must go on for the Lovelands, even as I'm trying not to cry over here. (Interestingly, Anastasia is the only member of the family who gets a mourning moodlet when Tink dies--probably because they were best friends. Everybody else has bonded with Nibs but not many of them have much relationship with Tink.) Moira gets her very own big-girl bed in the nursery, because I forgot that sometimes babies cry at night. Sorry, Moira. This house doesn't have enough actual bedrooms, okay?

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The next day, Moira and Freya go off to school together. Freya takes her ghostly detour in which she zig-zags through the stone fence a couple of times before resuming her usual course toward the bus. #justghostythings

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That day happens to be a field trip day for Freya's class--to the mausoleum. She has a fantastic time and loves learning about other ghosts like herself. Maybe, one day, she'll get to meet some of them.

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With a house of eight sims, sometimes I miss stuff. Harley grows up on the floor of the nursery all by himself. Sorry, kiddo.

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But boy, is he cute! I had no idea that Trevor's hair had faint white tips. Our little Harley is Brave and Easily Impressed, and he likes Hip Hop, Stir Fry, and Yellow. He's pretty much the opposite of his cousin, except that their faces are very similar. (Those Franky genes just keep going and going!)

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Heather is doing fairly well in her magician career--she has good shows and bad shows, but the good shows are getting better, I think. Her audiences have started getting more involved and clapping along as she performs in front of backdrops she designed herself.

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As a result of all this performing, Heather has made a lot of friends around town. She even gets a little bit flirty with the proprietor at Flying V's Coffeehouse. Normally I would panic and stop this from happening at all costs...but after Trevor's disgraceful behavior during his son's birth, I realize I don't care so much. Besides, it's just harmless flirting, right?

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If you're curious to know what Sims look like while they're inside the Box of Mystery during the Swords of Destiny you go. During one of Heather's shows, the box glitches and disappears while George Dean is inside of it. He stands there, frozen in fear, as Heather merrily sticks fake swords through his body. At least, I assume they're fake. Otherwise, George would be dead. :o

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When Heather returns from this rather disturbing performance, she gets to meet her son as a toddler. It's mommy-baby love at first sight.

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Who better to teach a little boy to walk than...wait, I thought Heather was an acrobat for a second. Never mind. Intended caption does not apply.

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The kids of the household are busy and happy. Freya goes to school and sabotages electronics in her spare time; Moira goes to school and defeats her grandma at chess in her spare time.

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Killian and Harley become best friends over the dollhouse and set themselves up for a lifetime of being mistaken for brothers instead of cousins.

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And after almost two full weeks of maternity leave, Angela FINALLY gets to go back to work. She's missed her scientist uniform. She's more excited than she looks, trust me.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #213 on: July 25, 2020, 10:05:12 PM »
Aww I just noticed that Freya is still a bunny. I was gonna gush about all the ghosts buried in Riverview but the only teen is Cody Remington, at the Jones mansion and also having died in a fire. It's not a ship but I think she needs a kindred spirit to talk to. :P

And the fact that slob doesn't conflict with Neurotic or Perfectionist baffles me...what to do with like half your wishes then?
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #214 on: July 25, 2020, 10:19:57 PM »
Aww I just noticed that Freya is still a bunny. I was gonna gush about all the ghosts buried in Riverview but the only teen is Cody Remington, at the Jones mansion and also having died in a fire. It's not a ship but I think she needs a kindred spirit to talk to. :P

And the fact that slob doesn't conflict with Neurotic or Perfectionist baffles me...what to do with like half your wishes then?

 ;D I'm glad you noticed! I was going to show off her bunny pajamas in a previous chapter but I had too many screenshots. I've actually considered trying to get Cody and Freya together, but it's much harder to catch him since he's not in the town cemetery. I'd have to park myself outside the Jones house every night and, like, teleport Freya over the second he popped out, and I keep forgetting to do that. :P It's still a possibility (and I really like the idea), but I'm not sure it's practical. Freya will have more options once she's a young adult, so we'll see what happens. You're right in that she needs a kindred spirit. I think she's lonely and frustrated in her house full of humans.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #215 on: July 26, 2020, 03:45:49 AM »
And the fact that slob doesn't conflict with Neurotic or Perfectionist baffles me...what to do with like half your wishes then?
Make messes and wish to clean them up?
Lick plates and then wish to put them in the dishwasher?  (Only logical after all - the rest of the family wouldn't like dirty plates ;) )

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #216 on: July 26, 2020, 04:02:24 PM »
Chapter 87 - Lucky Girls

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Archie's adult birthday hits and he is surprisingly composed.

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...Never mind.

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Not so surprisingly, Archie goes into a midlife crisis and starts wishing to do all kinds of terrible things. I have to ignore most of them because I don't want to destroy this family, please and thank you, but I DO give the poor man a mustache, because I'm a good person. :D

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To distract himself from his desires to flirt with anything that breathes, Archie focuses on teaching Killian to talk.

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Killian and Harley are only a couple of days apart, so they spend lots of time toddler-ing side by side.

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Who better to teach a toddler to talk than a masterful magician?

"Okay, Harley, say 'Abracadabra!'"

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Killian's birthday sneaks up on everyone, including Archie, who looks deeply troubled.

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All of a sudden, Killian looks more like his mom than Moira does. Fancy that! Killian becomes a Daredevil. Yet somehow he's also Neurotic? Interesting. Such self-conflicting children this generation.

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Back he goes to playing with Moira for the one day they have together as kids.

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Heather continues to move up in the magician career, although she's still not the best magician there ever was. She can now do scary illusions like "Buried Alive!"...

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...which she apparently screws up, because she keeps ending the trick trying to unlock the box with a key or something. I mean, I guess it's better than dying. *stuffs Heather's inventory full of death flowers*

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Before long, Heather's hit with a midlife crisis of her own after a gig at Mick's Karaoke.

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Speaking of's a fun secret about Freya. She loves karaoke. She's constantly rolling wishes to sing karaoke, even though I'm pretty sure she's never encountered a karaoke machine in her life before. Eventually, I have to break down and let her have a taste.

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Of course, I come back to find her trying to sabotage the karaoke machine after she finishes singing...but I think she had a good time.

Freya hasn't been making a lot of friends at school. This is partly because she's older than most of the townie offspring, but I wonder if it's also because she doesn't know any other ghosts. So one night she goes out to the graveyard to try and meet some.

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Naturally, this ends before it begins with Freya getting picked up by the police, because I always forget that curfew is a thing. :( Sorry, Freya.

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She is scolded by a mysteriously singed Anastasia. Seriously, I have no idea how she got this way. Maybe she tried to repair the supermegatroniconductor that Freya keeps breaking?

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Well, since it's the crack of dawn, might as well celebrate a birthday. Moira's aging up before school today because she wants to go to prom with Freya that evening. (And don't ask me why Angela and Anastasia are BOTH deep fried, because I don't know.)

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Moira is less of a mini-Angela than I thought--she's actually quite a nice blend of her parents, I think. Moira gets the same trait as her aunt Freya: Lucky.

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And she IS lucky, because she gets to make her debut on the Riverview High School social scene at prom! (Dimitri Ivanov came home with Freya after school, so he ends up going to prom with them.)

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It's a successful prom for both girls. Moira apparently charms the entire student body by her mere presence and is voted prom queen despite the fact that nobody knows her yet. Dimitri actually proves to be more than just a homework buddy--he and Freya become romantic interests at the dance. I'm not sure how happy Freya will be with him, but for now, it's a cute match, I guess. And even Moira comes out with a romantic interest of her own--a young man named Lydell McDermott, younger brother of Maximus and Travis. Lucky girls indeed! Lydell is one of many potential spouses running around Riverview, so he's not set in stone. But it's nice to see Moira getting along with someone so early in her teen years.

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Anastasia gets back into her sculpting a little bit, and with this rather vicious-looking bunny statue, she completes not one, but TWO Lifetime Wishes--her own, to become a Renaissance Sim, and Archie's to Live in the Lap of Luxury. Anastasia has maxed sculpting, cooking, and fishing, and she's close to maxing gardening as well.

Heather invites Trevor up to the house a few days after Harley's birth. This time, somehow, Trevor manages to show up.

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"Hi, Trevor. Since you haven't met our son yet...well, I wanted to introduce you. This is Harley."

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It's a bit of an awkward meeting. (It doesn't help that the game provides no interactions through which sims can pass a toddler back and forth, or say hello to the toddler in another adult's arms, or anything.) After the disastrous day of Harley's birth, I can't tell if Trevor is remorseful or not. Ah well. At least he got to look at his son, if nothing else. :( Heather's midlife-crisis wish to divorce him is getting awfully tempting...

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #217 on: July 27, 2020, 01:26:07 PM »
I DO give the poor man a mustache, because I'm a good person. :D
And it really suits him :)

Moira apparently charms the entire student body by her mere presence and is voted prom queen despite the fact that nobody knows her yet.
Prom Queen without going to school even once is pretty impressive!  This girl obviously has a future in politics.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #218 on: July 27, 2020, 05:21:41 PM »
And it really suits him :)

I'm glad you think so! I like it too. He looks like he belongs in a spy movie or something.

Prom Queen without going to school even once is pretty impressive!  This girl obviously has a future in politics.

Ooh, could be. Right now I have medicine in mind for her because of that Genius trait (and we haven't had a Genius yet), but politics might be good for her too. We'll have to see what her final trait turns out to be.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #219 on: July 27, 2020, 05:41:58 PM »
Chapter 88 - Teenage Dreams

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The Lovelands' days here in Riverview are a weird mix of calming and chaotic. It's a little hectic with four kids of varying ages in the house, plus an elder and three adults, but for the most part, the kids just do their own things and get along well with each other. (The sprinkler is a nice opiate of the masses.)

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Anastasia is the last one to cuddle Harley as a toddler before he ages up to child.

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I don't know why I felt like dressing him like a bumblebee. Harley picks up the Photographer's Eye trait. I guess his layabout uncle inspired him somehow, despite the fact that he spends about 2% of his time photographing things. (Which is entirely my fault.)

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All four kids go to school now. What a weird and colorful household we have, eh? (Side note: apparently, I like stripes.)

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Heather finds even more weird and colorful, um, households when she goes out to perform for tips in the wee hours of the morning. She gets half the cemetery out on this particular night. They all scare each other out of tipping her much, but it's entertaining to watch.

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Trevor isn't much of a fixture in the household these days, but Heather will occasionally run into him when she's out in town. They still flirt and chat like the old days, although they have grown apart a little bit due to the passing of time. I guess I'm glad they still get along. It will be nice to have Trevor around occasionally as Harley grows up. I don't know if I'll ever forgive him for laughing at his pregnant wife and then taking a nap instead of attending his son's birth, but y'know. It's fine.

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Anastasia settles in for an early afternoon nap one day--her sleep schedule's gotten a bit funky--when she starts feeling the call of the eternal.

Don't worry, everyone. The maid is on the scene!

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"I'm here, Mrs. Loveland! I am at your service! Just tell me what you need!"

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Well, there's not much you can do now, Mr. Maid, but thank you. (If you can spot him in the back there, you can see he's just psyched to be included in this thrilling moment.)

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Anastasia Carlisle-Riverhawk Loveland lived to be 95. She was our beautiful Hidden Springs princess, the loving wife of our fire ghost fairy, and a kind matriarch to ghosts and non-ghosts alike. Rest in peace, Anastasia.

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"Say, Mr. Reaper? Hi. I was wondering, do you know of any single teen ghosts in Riverview? Like...have any people my age died tragic deaths recently...?"

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"I don't remember YOUR death, missy, which is making me highly suspicious. But fine. I do know of one young fellow. He's buried up at the old Remington estate. Good luck getting him to haunt you."

Grim disappears into the ether or whatever. Freya is left curious, but a little disappointed. She doesn't know any Remingtons in Riverview. She's never heard of any Remington estate. Plus, she can't even drive, and teens learning to drive is glitched. How is she supposed to find this teen ghost by herself?

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"I heard you talking with Grim, Freya, and I happen to know exactly who he's talking about. You want a ride to the Jones house, or what?"
"The Jones house? But--"
"Hannah Jones is descended from the Remingtons. Come on, we've got to be quick--it's almost midnight."

Angela is perfectly positioned to help Freya on her quest. Aiden Jones is her boss at the science center and a good friend--this couldn't be easier. Except for the ghost part...but anyway!

So Angela drives Freya across the river to the old Remington estate, where Freya meets Aiden and talks to him about the family ghosts.

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"Oh, Cody? Yes, he was my wife's cousin. He died in a fire when he was just a teenager. Really tragic. We have a lot of ghosts from Hannah's family here at the house. Cody doesn't appear very often, but you're welcome to stick around and try to catch him, if you like."

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"Thanks, Mr. Jones. I'm just...I'm just so lonely!"

Poor, sweet Freya. :(

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She waits around with Angela till very late, but there's no sign of Cody. Freya returns home before dawn to catch some sleep. She only has a few nights left as a teen--she'll have to get very lucky to even meet Cody during that time, let alone build a relationship with him.

Meanwhile, Moira is definitely having better luck. After getting together with Lydell McDermott at prom, she still needs to go on a proper date with him.

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So on Friday night, she calls and invites him out to the coffeehouse where Heather often performs. They meet on the stage in front of the cartoonish ice-cream set--and discover that they're attracted to one another. They also discover that they're both Geniuses! Oooh, I like this.

The date is cut short by silly game mechanics, but the next day is Saturday, so Moira invites Lydell over to the house to get to know him better.

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Here's a better look at him. Isn't he handsome? :) I appreciate that the game actually provided him with a nice hairstyle that complements his features really well.

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Moira is still in mourning over her grandmother, but Lydell isn't fazed a bit. He comforts her through her tears like he's done this a million times. (I hope he hasn't.)

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And then, he cheers her up by making her laugh. I think I like this guy a lot! I wasn't planning to have Moira pursue a guy just because she got together with him at prom (and since it's so early in her teen years), but Lydell might be changing my mind.

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Once again, Lydell has to run home before anything else can happen, but romance is happening elsewhere on the lot tonight. Angela kindly parks herself right in front of the action in order to play catch with Archie, but BEHIND her, you can spot Nibs emerging from the dog house with a newly pregnant Ni'ele out of sight behind him. We've got kittens on the way!

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To finish, here's a shot of Harley doing his favorite activity--riding the rocking horse. He loves it so much that he pauses periodically to clap and giggle with glee. :)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #220 on: July 27, 2020, 10:15:46 PM »
Oh, poor Freya, her ghostly loneliness is heart-breaking! I hope she finds Cody soon. Or someone.

I really like Moira and Lydell---they look cute together, but watch out for them leveling up in the nerd group ---berating each others ignorance and any one else they come across will soon follow!

Harley on the rocking horse reminds me so much of a couple of my sim children that spent every free moment on it.
I've had others not even look at it twice and it just collects dust in whatever room it's in!

OOOHHH---Kittens!!!! Can't wait to see them!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #221 on: July 27, 2020, 10:28:47 PM »
There is a trick for getting ghosts to come out of their graves (setting off fireworks!) BUT it only works in cemeteries! Cursed by the weird family that had to be buried at home I guess.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #222 on: July 28, 2020, 10:32:36 AM »
Oh, poor Freya, her ghostly loneliness is heart-breaking! I hope she finds Cody soon. Or someone.

I really like Moira and Lydell---they look cute together, but watch out for them leveling up in the nerd group ---berating each others ignorance and any one else they come across will soon follow!

Harley on the rocking horse reminds me so much of a couple of my sim children that spent every free moment on it.
I've had others not even look at it twice and it just collects dust in whatever room it's in!

OOOHHH---Kittens!!!! Can't wait to see them!

I don't think Freya will be lonely for long, don't worry. :)

I'm glad you like Moira and Lydell! There's been a lot of berating of ignorance in this household already (not Moira or Lydell yet, thankfully). Franky was the worst, surprisingly--he was such a nice guy otherwise, but he was a high enough level nerd that he was constantly ruining relationships with all his mockery. :( I wish there was a way to turn off the university social groups...I might have to look for a mod.

Harley just aged up to teen in-game, and he STILL pops wishes to ride the rocking horse, even though he's too old!

There is a trick for getting ghosts to come out of their graves (setting off fireworks!) BUT it only works in cemeteries! Cursed by the weird family that had to be buried at home I guess.

I never knew about the fireworks trick...BRILLIANT. I don't have Seasons installed, but now I kinda wish I did.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #223 on: July 28, 2020, 10:35:32 AM »
World Adventures has fireworks too. You can buy them in China or possibly from BuyDebug (I was about to check but I'm playing a game without WA right now)
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #224 on: July 28, 2020, 10:41:05 AM »
World Adventures has fireworks too. You can buy them in China or possibly from BuyDebug (I was about to check but I'm playing a game without WA right now)

Ooooh. Possibly absolutely definitely going to try this when I open my game next. :D (Even if I can't get them in BuyDebug, I still haven't taken Archie on a vacation to max his photography that could still happen.)

