Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128891 times)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #120 on: June 17, 2020, 10:29:37 AM »
I think Gilbert is the cutest one yet! But Peter is "winning" for traits. At least there aren't any mooches to be seen.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #121 on: June 17, 2020, 03:04:27 PM »
Franky's beard FTW!

Can't decide on a favourite amongst the kids.  Gilbert, just maybe?

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #122 on: June 17, 2020, 03:43:48 PM »
I'm liking Theo, love the gray tipped hair! And his equestrian trait makes him pretty unique. But Gilbert is a cutie....just have to wait longer for the move if you choose the youngest.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #123 on: June 18, 2020, 10:47:03 AM »
I think Gilbert is the cutest one yet! But Peter is "winning" for traits. At least there aren't any mooches to be seen.

Peter's Supernatural Fan trait is actually a lot of fun, much more than I expected. But I agree that Gilbert is pretty adorable!

Franky's beard FTW!

Can't decide on a favourite amongst the kids.  Gilbert, just maybe?

Now that Franky has the beard, it's like he's always had it. He's a beard man. :D

I can't decide either! They're all teens now in-game and I'm still waffling. I've never had such a hard time picking the heir.

I'm liking Theo, love the gray tipped hair! And his equestrian trait makes him pretty unique. But Gilbert is a cutie....just have to wait longer for the move if you choose the youngest.

I like Theo too, especially with that curly hairstyle. And I've never actually played an equestrian, really, so that aspect is intriguing to me. Thankfully there's still time to choose and more traits to be revealed... :-X

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #124 on: June 18, 2020, 11:09:23 AM »
Chapter 55 - For Once

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Theo pops enough wishes to buy a lab station that, for once, I actually buy him one. Why do I never buy these? Because I always forget about them after the fact and they never get used more than once. Here before you, you see evidence. Theo uses this thing ONE TIME and never again. *sigh*

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Theo: "What are YOU looking at?"
Satine: "Nothing."

Can Theo communicate with animals now? Evidently.

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What else does he do in his childhood years? He throws a slumber party, of course. LOOK AT ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL TOWNIE CHILDREN. (Pigtails are all the rage here in Hidden Springs, apparently.)

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It's a pretty typical sleepover, as sleepovers go. Everybody plays tag under the sunset...

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...except for Anastasia Carlisle-Riverhawk, who contentedly sinks up to her ankles in the front porch and delves into a book. My kinda gal.

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There's some weird glitch with the sleepover resulting in half the guests going home before bedtime, but the few that remain cozy up in the living room and get a sound night's sleep.

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The next day, Peter and Theo head off to school together. I'm not quite sure how this happened, but somehow it's already Theo's last day of elementary school. Maybe I just didn't take a lot of screenshots.

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The newly-teenagered Peter can finally make use of that Athletic trait he's had since he was born. He starts working out in the living room every chance he gets. I expect to see MAJOR muscles when you age up to young adult, sir.

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He can also make use of his new Romantic social interactions! Hooray! His best friend from school, Christine Colby, is a teenager as well, and of course Peter has to meet up with her to test the waters.

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It doesn't go well. You might remember that Christine here is both Mean-Spirited and Grumpy. Well, it shows. It shows a lot. Even as Peter autonomously flirts with her, she shoots him down every time.

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"Christine, I LIKE you! I'm just trying to compliment your appearance!"
"What makes you think my appearance wants to be complimented?!"

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Let's switch over to Theo for a moment, who's about to become a teenager himself. I know, time flies, right?

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Aren't you pleased that I at least waited until sunrise for this birthday?

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Oh. Oh dear.

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Yeah, Theo loses pretty much all of his boyish handsomeness with this birthday. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Now he just looks like a slightly weirder, male version of Georgiana. *sigh* It doesn't help that that adorable curly hairstyle isn't available for teens and adults. Believe me, I scoured the Sims 3 store. Anyway, Theo ages up and becomes Mean-Spirited, making him officially Not My Favorite Sim Anymore. How could you, Theo? How COULD you?

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Well, at least he can go hang out with horses now. He obligingly pays a visit to the new equestrian center that has magically appeared down the road and takes his first riding lesson. I don't know if or when this kid will actually be able to sit on a horse (household space is pretty tight and I haven't seen any wild horses roaming around since we first got here), but at least he can start the skill a little bit.

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Why did we age Theo up at the break of dawn, you ask? Why, because it's prom tonight, of course!

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Both boys put on their smashingest getups and head out. They both have several friends at school already, but aside from Peter's failed attempts at wooing Christine Colby, no romance has been had yet. Maybe, just maybe, prom will help things along?

And for once--FOR ONCE--it does. Peter and Theo both get new Romantic Interests. Both girls are townies. Both girls are beautiful. Both girls were kind of already on my radar. Is this a dream??

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Peter hits it off with Anastasia Carlisle-Riverhawk while they're doing the chicken dance together. Anastasia is the daughter of the Hidden Springs equivalent of Cinderella, and she even has a princess name herself. So basically, this is a fairy tale match made in heaven. (She's also the girl who got stuck inside the front porch a few screenshots ago, so I liked her already.)

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Theo, meanwhile, makes a beeline for the only other Mean-Spirited soul in this town. That's right, he gets together with Christine Colby, the girl who was yelling at Peter just moments ago. Christine swaggers up to Theo, reveals that she likes him, and doesn't leave his side for the rest of the evening. I don't really want to know how long she's liked Theo, considering he just aged up today, but at any rate, this too seems like a match made (Between flirting sessions with Christine, Theo also wins Prom King. Not a bad night, I must say.)

Just as I'm reaching peak OMG-Prom-Actually-Worked mode, I'm brought back to earth by a family tragedy.

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This time, it's Satine.

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Satine lived well past her full age bar and is something like 60 days old at this point. Still, losing her is painful, especially for our resident Cat Person, who can't even look directly at Grim during the reaping.

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My beautiful little Satine. You were, in many ways, the matriarch of the Loveland household for so many years.

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Rest in peace, duchess, and say hello to Obi for me. :'(

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #125 on: June 18, 2020, 01:49:42 PM »
RIP Satine! It's hard to loose family pets.

I'm glad prom finally worked for you! I've only ever had it work to further already teens RI's to steadies.
Except for one time recently where it gave my teen a babysitter for a RI, which was actually okay for that particular game.
And pairing them up with eligible girls is amazing!
I've got my eyes on two greenie boys in HS, but it took some maneuvering to get them into my game.

As far as Theo's mean-spirited trait, it's not one of my favorites, but a recent heir of mine did get the trait as a child, and then got the Good trait at teen!
It helped that she was also a fairy with my favorite turquoise hair, both adding points for her heirship tally, and that her sister was involved with an active ghost, who don't travel well.
But I do have to keep her busy or she will destroy most relationships she has---good thing she's disciplined and loves breaking space rocks!

Can't wait to see how things work our for Peter and Theo and their new love interests.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #126 on: June 18, 2020, 04:28:36 PM »
RIP, Satine  :'(

Theo could always learn riding from books.  I've had several Sims who've maxed the skill without ever climbing on a horse.

I'm intrigued by the combination of Carlisle and Riverhawk genes.  Nicholas' kids often have scary chins but can be gorgeous.  Put that together with Ella's prettiness and the possibilities are fascinating.

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #127 on: June 18, 2020, 05:21:09 PM »
RIP Satine! It's hard to loose family pets.

I'm glad prom finally worked for you! I've only ever had it work to further already teens RI's to steadies.
Except for one time recently where it gave my teen a babysitter for a RI, which was actually okay for that particular game.
And pairing them up with eligible girls is amazing!
I've got my eyes on two greenie boys in HS, but it took some maneuvering to get them into my game.

As far as Theo's mean-spirited trait, it's not one of my favorites, but a recent heir of mine did get the trait as a child, and then got the Good trait at teen!
It helped that she was also a fairy with my favorite turquoise hair, both adding points for her heirship tally, and that her sister was involved with an active ghost, who don't travel well.
But I do have to keep her busy or she will destroy most relationships she has---good thing she's disciplined and loves breaking space rocks!

Can't wait to see how things work our for Peter and Theo and their new love interests.

I've never had such a good prom, and I don't think I'll ever have one like this again. I'm enjoying it while it lasts. :)

Yeah, Mean-Spirited isn't the woooorst, but you're right that you have to keep Sims busy in order to prevent disaster from occurring. If I leave Theo alone for too long he'll go from best friends to nothing at all with some of his closest family members. :( I guess horseback riding is as good a distraction as any.

RIP, Satine  :'(

Theo could always learn riding from books.  I've had several Sims who've maxed the skill without ever climbing on a horse.

I'm intrigued by the combination of Carlisle and Riverhawk genes.  Nicholas' kids often have scary chins but can be gorgeous.  Put that together with Ella's prettiness and the possibilities are fascinating.

Yes, Theo's gotten up to level 3 or so by reading books. Good to know it's max-able that way! I'd love to get him a horse at some point, but we'll have to see how things go in the next town (and who we keep in the household).

I'm excited for you all to see how Anastasia turned out! She'll be making an appearance very soon. :)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #128 on: June 19, 2020, 04:33:42 PM »
Chapter 56 - Networking

After Grim sweeps Satine away to the afterlife, he prepares to make his exit. Not so fast, Grim!

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"Hi, excuse me--Mr. Reaper? I'm Peter Loveland, an aspiring Supernatural. Might I borrow a few moments of your time?"

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"I'm hoping to break into the field, you see, and, well--you're the top dog, naturally--or should I say, SUPERnaturally. I imagine you have dealings with all the different life states, and an eternity of experience to boot. I'd love to know what advice you have for a newcomer. I've spoken to the family ghosts, but they don't know much. My great-grandfather was an alchemist, so I was thinking of going that route, but from what I understand it takes decades of practice and a number of rare ingredients before one can even attempt to brew one of the bottled Supernatural essences--"

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"Kid, I'm Death. You probably shouldn't be asking me for advice."

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"Now, how does he do THAT? Is there some kind of spell that allows one to vanish and leave only mist behind...?"

Poor, curious Peter. I'm serious, he makes a beeline for any non-human being that shows up on the lot, and none of them ever want to humor him.

But the death of Satine, old and overdue-for-death as she was, casts a pall on the family for days. For the teens in the house, this means lots of yelling.

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"Nyah nyahh, I'm Peeeeter! I wanna be a magical fluttery fairy!"

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"Oh yeah? Well I'm Theodork, and I wanna ride horseys!"

There's also a fair amount of crying.

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*sniffle* "I just wanted his advice, Theo! He should have been flattered! Why wouldn't he listen to me?"
"Maybe because you're a dumb teen trying to network with the devil?"
"You're so mean."

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Shantell, deep in mourning and going a bit Stir Crazy, pops a wish to paint a mural. Oh yeah, I forgot she used to do that! Off she goes to spray paint the abundant sidewalks outside the diner. Shantell also gets to say hello to Ellinor, who comes out after her lunch and generously tips her own mother ten simoleons.

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Soon enough, it's time for Gilbert to become a child.

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So I apparently forgot to take a CAS photo of Gilbert here, and it's, um, too late in my current game for me to go back and get one. But he rolls the Rebellious trait and ends up growing his hair out longer than this.

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Maid: "So you're Rebellious now, eh? I'm really good at breaking sinks if you want any pointers."

Now, it's been a couple days since prom, and Peter and Theo have both been busy enough with homework and whatever that they haven't spent any time with their new romantic interests. Luckily, Anastasia takes initative and invites Peter over after school one afternoon.

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Peter's pretty excited. You all haven't even gotten a look at her, have you?

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Well, she's lovely. She and Peter are still quite shy with each other, and there isn't much flirting. I'm trying to let things develop naturally between them (and I'm open to the possibility of it not working out).

But it isn't Anastasia who really captures Peter's attention at this afternoon homework date. It's her mother, the one and only Ella Carlisle (now Carlisle-Riverhawk).

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"Now now, young man. You look awfully downtrodden. What is it that's troubling you?"
"My grandma's cat died. And the Grim Reaper doesn't want to be my mentor."

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"Aww, it's all right. Why don't you go study with Anastasia? She's great at cheering people up."
"I, uh...I think y-YOU'RE great at cheering p-people up, M-Mrs. Carlisle-Riverhawk."

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Peter then proceeds to unleash his woes upon Ella's ample bosom. Poor Ella. That look in her eyes says it all.

We might need to work harder at focusing Peter's attention on his age-appropriate lady friend. Ah well.

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Back home, Gilbert has become the official family Muffin Burner.

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Theo is letting his new Mean-Spirited trait shine by scaring his mother half to death multiple times a day. (Wow, they DO look alike!)

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And the next day, we have THREE boys going off to school together. We're rapidly approaching a little contest called Who The Heck Is Going To Be The Heir. How am I going to pick?!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #129 on: June 20, 2020, 08:34:47 PM »
Chapter 57 - Love Doesn't Come in a Bottle

Gilbert meets a few lovely townies in his first days at school. But there's one girl he doesn't meet in school.

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Instead, he (meaning I) spots her serenely walking her dog downtown in the suburban streets of Hidden Springs.

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Her name is Lisette, and she's green. Gilbert snags her immediately and gets her to play tag with him for the rest of the day, running in and out of houses and dodging townies out for jogs. By dark, they're best friends.

Meanwhile, I think it's about time we start testing out the older boys' relationships for real. Both girls are miraculously still single even a few days after prom--meaning they're both still interested in their prom-allotted matches, apparently. My one concern is Peter, and the fact that he once appeared to have a crush on Christine Colby, who's been paired up with Theo. So I develop a plan: have the couples go on dates, and then do a switcheroo. :D

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Christine comes over to the Loveland home that weekend. She and Theo discover that they are indeed genuinely attracted to each other. Franky, do you HAVE to take this moment to gaze at your son lovingly?

"I'm just so proud of him..."

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Peter invites Anastasia out to Hidden Gardens for a little more privacy. Once again, Anastasia takes the lead and starts flirting with Peter right away. I like this girl!

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Never mind that she somehow managed to sneak her little brother along on the date. In any case, things go very well between Peter and Anastasia, even if most of the flirting comes from Anastasia's end.

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Back at the house, Theo and Christine are also doing well. They both autonomously flirt with each other.

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Christine seems truly obsessed smitten with this boy with the strange hair color.

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I'm curious to see how Peter will react to things, though. Does he still have a crush on Christine? He arrives home from his date with Anastasia and casts an unreadable glance in his brother's direction.

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Then he settles down to do his homework, um, right next to them.

Christine: "Bye, boys! Have fun fighting over me!"

Well, the first part of this experiment went fairly well. The next day, it's time for the switcheroo.

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Okay, why do both these girls go straight for Franky when they arrive on the lot? I mean, he is outside playing pool in his boxers, but still!

Franky: "I can't talk right now, your majesty, I have two teenage girls at my house and--no, no, gracious, they're here to see my SONS, but I--I don't know why, but I need to go!"

Franky is forcibly sent indoors, please and thank you. And when the boys come out to greet their visitors...the yelling starts.

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Christine: "Hey thanks for inviting me over, Peter. Remember that time you tried to KISS me and I totally rejected you? That was so embarrassing for you!"

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"YOU! You're heartless, making fun of a guy just for having a crush on you!"
"I can't help it when the guy is as goofy-looking as you! Haha!"

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Oh, dear. After about five seconds, Christine takes off for home, declaring the outing pathetic. Peter watches her go with a resentful glare. Riiiight. Let's see how Anastasia  and Theo are doing, shall we?

Surprise. It's not going well either.

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"I don't know why I'd EVER be interested in somebody like YOU. You're so nice it makes me sick!"

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Poor Anastasia is genuinely shocked at Theo's meanness. I'm a little surprised because these two are such good friends. On the other hand...things have become abundantly clear after this little switcheroo. Prom was right to match these kids up the way it did. Good job, prom. Now, on to the real, actual dates! (Just to confirm, you know.)

After Anastasia goes home, Theo calls Christine and meets her at the new horse ranch that just appeared in town.

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"It's a relief to see you again, Theo. Your brother makes me yawn. By the way, since when are there domesticated horses in Hidden Springs? Do they actually come here and jump and stuff?"

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"They will once I start bringing them here! I love horses more than anything in the world. Well, except for...except for you, Christine..."

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*passionate Mean-Spirited smooch*

After a successful first kiss...well, you can imagine.

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"How DARE you love horses almost as much as you love me!"
"But I haven't said 'I love you' yet!"
"Exactly, jerk!"

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Yeah, I don't know what Christine could be yelling about, because 85% of the time, she's crazy about Theo. These two alternate a bit between yelling and flirting, but the flirting wins in the end. Theo asks Christine to go steady and she agrees. I dunno--I guess these two kind of belong together, because they can put up with each other's meanness. I'd be afraid for anyone else's wellbeing if they were to date Theo.

Peter, meanwhile, invites Anastasia to come back one more time to tell her how he feels. After that disastrous encounter with the volatile Christine, someone peaceful and kind like Anastasia is going to be a breath of fresh air.

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"Thanks for coming back, Anastasia. I have something to tell you."
"Ooh, really?"

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"Well, you'll just have to tell me at school tomorrow. Bye!"

AGGHH! Anastasia keeps running off five seconds into her dates with Peter. I don't think it's her fault (I must have really bad timing or something), but it's definitely annoying. Peter remains technically single, but at least his heart seems set now. He's popping wishes for Anastasia and is down to just friends with Christine (as opposed to best friends). Hopefully Anastasia feels the same way and STOPS RUNNING AWAY SOON.

Still, Peter is stressed by the way things are progressing (or not progressing).

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"Hi, yes, I'm wondering if you have anything like--um--a love potion? Also a...a potiontoturnmeintoasupernaturalofsomesort..."
"Sorry, what was that last bit?"

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"Nothing. Um, just a love potion, please."
"Sorry, kid. You have to be a witch to cast love spells. Love doesn't come in a bottle."
"Do you have something that will, er, turn me into a witch then?"
*sigh* "Let me check in the back."

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #130 on: June 22, 2020, 11:17:57 AM »
Chapter 58 - Not Very Long Live the King

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Peter continues his quest to learn about Supernaturals, and the resident Supernaturals continue to either ignore him or antagonize him. :D

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Gilbert hangs out almost constantly with Lisette Earthsong-Mendoza. Look at her little cowgirl outfit! She's too adorable for words.

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Peter can finally dive into alchemy now that he's a teen. Yes, he's been a teen for a while, but I kept forgetting to have him start. (Don't mind Shantell. She's just inspecting the new porch light I installed. Clearly, it doesn't live up to her standards.)

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After several failed attempts at getting Anastasia to stay on the lot for longer than five seconds, she invites herself over and actually sticks around this time. Homework: it's a chick magnet!

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Peter takes the leap because who knows when he'll ever get this chance again.

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Success! These two have been alternately flirting and running away from each other for almost two weeks now. Finally, they share their first kiss right there in the front hallway.

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"So Anastasia...I've been meaning to ask you something..."

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*sigh* "I was WONDERING when you'd get around to asking."

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"That is...yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend."

As is typical for her, Anastasia takes off after this, but this time it doesn't matter, because she's ours now. And she is NEVER GETTING AWAY.

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Shantell and her eldest grandson haven't been getting along lately. Her Avant-Garde-ness and his Athleticism apparently conflict? She's always going up to Accuse him of Being a Sellout (???), and he's always trying to Express his Need for Exercise, which bores her.

For some reason, Peter asking Anastasia out is a catalyst for a fresh round of arguing.

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"How DARE you! Throwing yourself into the mainstream and getting yourself a girlfriend! You're disgusting!"

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"But...but Grandma, I might be the heir, and I need to find a wife! Plus I really like Anastasia. She's pretty, and smart, and--"
"See, there you go, chasing silly romances like a stereotypical legacy firstborn! What about being unique?! What about going against the flow?!"

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"That's why I'm going to become a SUPERNATURAL, Grandma."

That face is un-matchable. I've never seen anything like it. :D

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"Ugh, I feel so tense and restless right now. Probably because I haven't gone for a run today."

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*YAWN* "You're the most unoriginal grandson I've ever had."

Yep. These two have a pretty low relationship. Lovely!

It's at this point that something truly strange happens. It starts with a notification around dinnertime: Renauld Vanderburg, king of Hidden Springs and Franky's longtime boss at City Hall, has passed away.

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That night, after a long day at work, Franky goes out to the backyard to play some pool. And there, standing in the side yard, is Sebastian Vanderburg (son of Renauld). I have no idea how or why he got there. No one invited him. But there he is. Just...waiting.

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"Evening, Mr. Loveland. Sorry to bother you like this. You must have received the news already--about my father's death."
"Yes. My deepest condolences, Sebastian."

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"Thank you. I'm here to tell you that I'm abdicating. I'm the rightful heir to the throne of Hidden Springs, as you know, but--I have a life, you see. I have a family, and a career I love. I have no desire to rule, and anyway, I wouldn't know the first thing about running a municipality. But you--you've been the most promising politician in this town for years now. So I'm giving up the throne and passing on rulership to you, Franky. I know my father would've wanted it."

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"This document confirms my abdication. It just needs your signature, agreeing to assume political leadership over Hidden Springs. I can't make you king, since you're not part of our bloodline, but I can give you full authority over the town government, which gives you the power to abolish the monarchy if you wish."
"Oh, wow. This is everything I've ever wanted! Ahem, that is--wow. Thank you, Sebastian."

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"I look forward to seeing this town thrive under your guidance, Mr. Loveland."
"I'll do my very best."

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The two men part ways. Franky still has one more promotion to go before he's Leader of the Free World, but as soon as that happens, he'll be in charge of Hidden Springs for real. As for who's going to give him that promotion...

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...the game quickly fills that power vacuum. Did anyone else completely forget that Hidden Springs also has a queen? I know I did. :o The next morning, Catarina Vanderburg appears in Franky's work relationship panel, and passes him on the way out of City Hall. This is strange mostly because Catarina has never showed up in Franky's panel until now. I don't know, I guess I kind of assumed she was retired or something? In any case, I always thought Renauld was the political leader in the family, and Catarina...did something else?

(And yes, that is the face that Franky makes at her. Autonomously.)

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As Catarina heads toward the town square, she passes another familiar face. It's Sebastian, heading into City Hall. Now this is just weird. Why isn't Sebastian at the police station--you know, being the cop that he is? Why do he and his mother exchange glances as they pass on the steps? Why did he not mention his mother at all in the discussion with Franky last night?

Maybe Catarina was bitter that she was passed over when her husband died and the crown went directly to her son. Maybe she and Renauld had a falling out beforehand, causing him to somehow revoke her powers, and now she's trying to get them back. Or maybe the game mechanics are such that even with express permission from the rightful king of Hidden Springs, Franky can't truly be the boss of the political career. *sigh*

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In any case, Franky goes home that day feeling a little less certain about his future. One more day, and he'll be Leader of the Free World. Along with Catarina. Not sure how that's going to work out.

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In other news, Georgiana has finally reached the upper levels of the painting skill and is creating some truly gorgeous work. I've never seen this particular painting before. It might be my favorite.

We're slowly approaching the end of our time here in Hidden Springs. Will Franky stay long enough to turn it into the democracy it was always meant to be? You'll have to wait and see!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #131 on: June 22, 2020, 02:28:47 PM »
Lisette is just perfect for a TJ spouse, truly unique, whether she's the partner of an heir or a spare, with the Earthsong green skin and the Mendoza intensity!

Ooooh, the suspense, Monarchy if the town stays in the clutches of a Vanderburg, a true Free World if Franky becomes it's Leader!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #132 on: June 23, 2020, 10:34:07 AM »
Lisette is just perfect for a TJ spouse, truly unique, whether she's the partner of an heir or a spare, with the Earthsong green skin and the Mendoza intensity!

Ooooh, the suspense, Monarchy if the town stays in the clutches of a Vanderburg, a true Free World if Franky becomes it's Leader!

Isn't she though? I think she's the oldest green townie child in my game. I was starting to think I wasn't going to see any.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #133 on: June 23, 2020, 10:37:06 AM »
I think the possible green spouse made this heir choice a lot easier! If I was making it anyways. And breaking apart noble bloodlines usually involves war too so uh...Franky knows what needs to happen next.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #134 on: June 23, 2020, 10:52:55 AM »
Chapter 59 - Growing Up

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Shantell is officially a bored old lady who's way overdue for a visit from Grim. (Her age is glitchy, so I'm not sure exactly how old she is, but the game tells me she's like 108 at this point.) I try to keep her painting, but she's so fast that she usually finishes within a couple of hours and spends the rest of the day harrassing loving on the cats. In an attempt to keep her busy for even just a little bit longer at a time, I have her start doing street art all over the house. We're going to move soon anyway. It's fine.

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Gilbert doesn't show up here a whole lot, mostly because I'm focused on the older boys and kind of leave poor Gill in the dust. :( But he's happy to be on his own, for the most part. As a Loner, he gravitates towards quieter activites and doesn't really bother anybody.

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Chewie has been an elder for a while. So why am I surprised when Grim comes to collect him? Because I'm an idiot and can't do math. I thought he had a lot more time.

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The reason this is extra sad is because Chewie never got to have kittens with Snow White. I was planning on it this whole time, but I was waiting for a space in the household to open up (i.e. waiting for Shantell to die). And I also just thought Chewie was younger than he actually was. Now it's too late, and Obi's line of kitties is officially ended. :( Oopsies.

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Goodbye, Chewie my love. You would have made a wonderful father, but at least you were a good friend and companion to Snow White. Rest in peace.

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After that utter failure on my part, let's transition to something happy--Gilbert's teen birthday!

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I think Gill is the first kid to get a stomachache just by looking at cake. Maybe he's gonna grow up to be Neurotic or something.

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Ooooh, I like the hair! But not enough to keep it.

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Gilbert grows up into a blond version of Theo. I'm not even joking. They look exactly the same. But Gilbert does NOT become Neurotic--he becomes Childish. A cute trait, if a relatively useless one.

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See what I mean? They're the same person. Honestly, I was expecting Gilbert to look different. And...better. Like, where did those big sparkly eyes go? :(

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Anyway. Now we've got three teenage boys in the house. It's everyone's dream come true! Isn't that right, Peter? (He's just having a mood swing.)

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Actually, this is only the case for one full day, because somebody else is having a birthday after school.

Peter's birthday is a significant enough event to warrant a party, don't you think? It's been a while since we've gathered the townies of Hidden Springs.

First to arrive is Catarina Vanderburg, a.k.a. The One Thing Standing Between Franky And His Destiny.

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"I just want to make one teeny little thing clear, young Mr. Loveland. I have been in this town far longer than you have. I may not be royal by blood, but I am royal by marriage, which means that, at least in some sense, I am here because of my merit."

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"Just remember that when you get promoted tomorrow. Oh, yes, it's happening. But a title means very little in comparison to a lifetime of influence and power. As long as I'm alive, the monarchy still exists, if unofficially."

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Right, um, let's wrap up the political talk, guys. Peter's about to age up!

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Yikes. This party has a pretty lame turnout, actually. It's mostly just the Lovelands, the girlfriends, and Catarina.

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Ooh. Now THIS hair, I like.

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I like it a LOT.

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Guess what? I'm keeping it. Peter grows up into a stunningly handsome guy. I love how much he resembles his father, but with touches of Georgiana here and there. And Peter gets more than his hair color from his mother--he also inherits her final trait as his own. Yep, he's now Over-Emotional, in addition to being Athletic, a Heavy Sleeper, and a Supernatural Fan with Commitment Issues. Phew! I love him even more. For his Lifetime Wish, Peter wants to become a Renaissance Sim. An all-over-the-place LTW for an all-over-the-place Sim.

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Shantell celebrates her grandson's birthday with a musical tribute. I don't know how long she's had Felicity's guitar in her inventory, and she's definitely never touched it before. But out it comes on this special night, and she plays an extremely low-level plucky sort of tune for the guests. *gasp* Maybe it's the GUITAR that makes women in this family live so long!

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Chewie shows up to the party as well, if only to say hi to his beloved. (Can cats have ghost kittens? I don't think we'll have the household space to find out...)

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The next day, Peter graduates with Highest Honors and is declared Valedictorian and Most Likely to be a Sports Star. Well, I wasn't sure what to do for his career, but maybe the sports career will be a good fit. Congrats, Peter!

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And congrats to Franky on giving Snow White the most disturbing flea bath of all time. There are so many things wrong here. Franky dear, why can't you just kneel like a normal human? Why didn't you change out of your formal wear before giving your cat a bath that probably involves some weird-smelling anti-flea ingredient? And why, WHY, is Snow White UNDER THE WATER??

