Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128893 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #75 on: May 31, 2020, 04:02:30 PM »
Wonderful chapters, beautiful wedding, and a honeymoon filled with extras! Nicely done. :)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #76 on: May 31, 2020, 06:25:33 PM »
Wonderful chapters, beautiful wedding, and a honeymoon filled with extras! Nicely done. :)

Thank you so much deedee!

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #77 on: June 01, 2020, 10:29:14 AM »
Chapter 38 - Dusks & Departures

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Mckenna wakes up Monday morning expecting to go to one last day of high school. Surprise! You get to age up immediately! Quick, before the bus comes!

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It's apparently a big day, because the ghosts are particularly active. We haven't seen Babycakes in a while, but there she is, sprawled out like a furry red ghoul on Diana's bed.

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And our beloved Gracie attends the birthday party. What an honor! I'd pretty much decided on Colin being heir at this point, but Gracie's appearance here almost made me reconsider. Like, was she trying to tell me something...?

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Whatever the case, sparkles happen.

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That helmet hair is almost as frightening as Mckenna's outfit, which has been partially obscured because it is horrifying.

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Mckenna becomes an Animal Lover, solidifying her position as Definitely Cute Enough To Be Heir, But Not Quiiiite Exciting Enough. She has a lovely combination of traits (her other four are Good, Neurotic, Light Sleeper, and Eccentric), and she's got a smoking hot boyfriend and everything, but...I think Mckenna is destined for other things. As such, she picks up the first Lifetime Wish that appears for her: The Fairy-Tale Finder. You can do whatever you want now, honey!

(Full disclosure: I also hesitated to make Mckenna the heir because I'm afraid that she will only give birth to more Felicity clones. As beautiful as my four clones are...I think it's time we see some new faces in this family.)

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Gracie stays around for cake. Again...if Mckenna were heir, wouldn't this be a nice full-circle picture?

With our youngest Loveland now a young adult, it's almost time to move towns! Just a few more things need doing before we go.

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No, this isn't one of them. Colin and Shantell are just chilling at the moment--and autonomously woohooing. Seriously. They're so in love since they're wedding, they've just been all over each other. I think it's the "Be Frisky" action that allows them to woohoo autonomously, but still! Even the maid is confused!

Anyway, the number one thing that needs to happen is acquiring Mckenna's extremely hot boyfriend future spouse. She meets him at Recurve Strand, just like old times, where Bella is once again sticking her nose into the Loveland romances.

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Wait, that's not Bella. That's Bella's daughter! Her mother has taught her well...

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"So, Rory, what do you say we make this official and--"

Uh...Rory? You need to marry into the family now. Please and thank you.

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As the most beautiful and picturesque dusk descends on the beach, Mckenna tries and fails to get Rory far enough into flirty interactions to let her propose to him. He lets her hold his hands and embrace him, but if she goes for the mouth he freaks out. This goes on for a while before I think to have Mckenna ask Rory about his day. Sure enough, he's having a bad one. I don't think that should merit this kind of behavior, young man! We could have had the most beautiful impromptu wedding here if you'd just cooperated!

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Mckenna does manage to calm him down and Brighten his Day, but it's still not enough to get him to sign on the dotted line or whatever. *sigh* They share a not-quite-physically-lined-up shy kiss and depart for the night, agreeing to meet again the next day.

I need to interrupt this story for a brief side-story.


The Mystery of the Disappearing Dog

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For weeks and weeks in-game, I spotted an unfamiliar white dog appearing and disappearing on one corner of the Lovelands' home lot. I often saw it appear out of the corner of my eye when one of my Sims was leaving or arriving. But whenever I tried to move the camera over to see it, the dog would disappear. I even saw it take off running down the road toward town once, but again, it vanished before I could catch up to it. Anyway, this happened numerous times over the course of our stay here in Sunset Valley, and it wasn't until the very last night that I managed to pause the game while the dog was in view. I was able to zoom in and capture a photo at long last. This is just a stray dog--no name, no backstory, no nothing--but he's adorable as heck, and he's been faithfully haunting our lot since the twins were born, and I'm very glad I got to sort of meet him before it was too late. The end.

Thank you. Okay, back to the Lovelands.

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Mckenna graduates the following morning. She graduates with Highest Honors, but does not get a superlative award. :( I wonder what it would have been. Probably Most Likely to Burn Down Her Own House or something.

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On this, our last day in this town, Ladybug's life bar is officially full. Felicity gives her best friend lots of cuddles and hopes she makes it to the next town, at least. (Spoiler alert to alleviate your fears: she does.)

And as soon as graduation ends, Mckenna zips over to Recurve Strand to try, once again, to nab her man.

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"So, Rory. Are you ready to accept my romantic advances now? Please say yes, because if you don't I might have to just leave you here in Sunset Valley, where you will remain single and loveless your whole life because all our friends are already married."

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Okay, we might've moved too fast there. *deep breath* I'm so impatient, I have Mckenna jump to the most intense interactions at the first opportunity, and apparently, that's too much for our Mr. Jolina-McGraw to handle.

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Many hours of incredibly slow wooing later...Mckenna finally gets to pop the question.

And to my actual shock, Rory accepts!

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"I can't believe I said yes!"

I almost can't either, bro.

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You know, maybe Rory was just stalling because he wanted to have that beach-at-dusk wedding after all. Whatever the case, he and Mckenna tie the knot in a private little ceremony right there on Recurve Strand. I would have thrown a more official wedding, but we need to seal the deal before Rory can escape get a move on to the next town. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Loveland!

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What. A handsome. Dude. And with eyebrows...he's positively smoldering! Ahem. Anyway, Rory's traits are Proper, Couch Potato, Excitable, Easily Impressed, and Hates the Outdoors. He likes Dark Wave music, Tri-Tip Tofu Steak, and the color purple. His LTW is to be a Master Mixologist.

With Rory part of the household, I must give some unfortunate pet news. I was going to adopt one of Obi's descendents into the family to bring along with us to the new town, but there wasn't enough room in the household. :( For some reason I thought we could have a lot more pets than we're actually allowed. So we'll have to adopt a new kitty after the move. (Shantell is holding onto a wish to adopt a cat, so hopefully I won't forget).

Other unfortunate pet news: does anyone remember Ekac the parrot? Probably not...but anyway, he apparently died or something, because he disappeared off the bird tree ages ago and has not reappeared. I suspect Obi ate him. If that's even a thing. So RIP, Ekac. I'm sorry I forgot about you.

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Once he's a part of the household, Rory seems to get over his weirdness a little bit. He and Mckenna even have their own little post-wedding dance party in the kitchen.

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And with that...we're finally ready to say goodbye to this town and hello to a new one. We've got a packed household to travel with and an all-too-bright future ahead.

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As the family begins to pile into various vehicles, Colin, our new heir, checks the mailbox one last time to see where the family's headed to next.

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Wherever it is, it isn't here. Farewell, Sunset Valley!

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #78 on: June 01, 2020, 02:25:26 PM »
Congrats to the newlyweds, Rory cleaned up very nicely! So I guess he was worth all the work! lol

FYI: You can have up to 8 sims or 6 pets in a household, but not more than 10 total. Unless you use mods to allow for more, and then you still have to use the mod to add them, no try for baby, or ask to move in, but MC>add sim, or adopt, or Instant baby, will work.

And all these tips I'm sharing with you? Not because I know what I'm doing at all, rather that I've messed it up enough to want to help others avoid my mistakes!

Can barely wait to find out the new town!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #79 on: June 02, 2020, 02:18:08 PM »
Congrats to the newlyweds, Rory cleaned up very nicely! So I guess he was worth all the work! lol

FYI: You can have up to 8 sims or 6 pets in a household, but not more than 10 total. Unless you use mods to allow for more, and then you still have to use the mod to add them, no try for baby, or ask to move in, but MC>add sim, or adopt, or Instant baby, will work.

And all these tips I'm sharing with you? Not because I know what I'm doing at all, rather that I've messed it up enough to want to help others avoid my mistakes!

Can barely wait to find out the new town!

Thanks as always, deedee! I love your tips--I've learned so much from you. :) New town coming right up!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #80 on: June 02, 2020, 02:28:52 PM »
Chapter 39 - A New Flame

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Welcome to Twinbrook, a foggy, muggy world of swamps and smokestacks and weird-looking townies.

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The Lovelands arrive at the edge of their new home lot. After the warmth and sun of Sunset Valley, Twinbrook feels eerie, chilly, and damp.

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Good thing they have this massively beautiful house to move into, then. The Lovelands move into Willow Manor, one of approximately two houses in this entire town big enough for a family of eight (or anything greater than two). Twinbrook is really lacking in family houses, it turns out.

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The ground floor. Very few adjustments were made here--just arches instead of doors for the kitchen, and some added furniture here and there.

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The middle floor comes with four bedrooms; I turned the one in the lower right corner into a sort of studio / skilling room.

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And the upper floor has been modified to include what I like to call the Home Gym Plus Also Random Junk Room. The nursery on the right has been upgraded to a room for kids, not babies (although I'm just realizing I left the potty and toddler toys there...); the crib has been moved downstairs to where the parents will actually be able to get to it easily.

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The family starts settling into their new digs. Some of them are especially eager to try out the new video game system that's been gathering dust in the family inventory for 2.5 generations.

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Felicity breaks in the new kitchen with a nice little home concert. This is one of the weirdest kitchens I've ever seen, but it's also strangely pretty. It seems to be perfect for playing instruments, though. Spoiler alert: Felicity plays guitar here about 97 more times.

My first priority in this new town is to get Cathleen in a relationship. She's been lonely for too long. There's got to be somebody perfect for her, but if we don't hurry, Story Progression will pair everybody off. Off she goes to find the love of her life!

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Fortunately, there's a particular household with two single women just around the corner. :)

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Okay, I promise I didn't plan this. I had a list of single female townies for Cathleen to meet, and Blaise Kindle and Alma Drill were simply next on the list of options (after Sofia Carlton, who is pretty and all but kind of an awful person). Turns out Blaise and Cathleen have a lot in common. They're both Slobs who like to work out and take unnecessary risks (fighting fires and stealing things, respectively).

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Alma doesn't like this new situation very much, though. While attraction is strong between Cathleen and Blaise, Alma goes out of her way to argue with the newcomer and doesn't respond well to any friendly or flirty interactions. Oh dear. I'm a little afraid that Cathleen is interrupting something that was already happening between Alma and Blaise.

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But Blaise so obviously likes Cathleen, I can't help but let things develop. (Alma quickly gives up the fight and plunks down with her laptop. Maybe she's making an online dating profile? I hope so. She deserves to find love, especially after getting pushed to the sidelines two legacies in a row. Sorry about that, Alma.)

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Yep...I think this is meant to be. This romance blooms so quickly and naturally that I hardly have to do a thing.

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Cathleen and Blaise have their first kiss and go steady. Did I expect Cathleen to end up with the founder of my first random town jump? Nope. Am I happy about it? Youuu betcha.

Cathleen can officially move out of the household now. I consider moving her in with Blaise and Alma, but in the end I choose an empty cottage nearby. Blaise and Alma are best friends forever, and I fear that having Cathleen join their household would result in unnecessary drama. Hopefully Blaise and Alma can remain best friends (and if the game wants to move the new lovers in together eventually, it certainly may).

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Goodbye, Cathleen! Look how happy she is to be leaving. :) We'll be keeping an eye on this lady, but I'm sure she's in for an exciting new life on her own.

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Phew! Now that Cathleen is settled, I can sort of relax. That is, until 5 am the next morning, when Twinbrook welcomes us with the arrival of our first burglar. Why is it always the first night in a new town? I didn't think Sims burglars had the brains required to be strategic like that.

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Alas, this burglar is buggy just like the one in Sunset Valley. Although he doesn't wander around in the countryside for an hour before starting his robbery, he does glitch out on the doorstep, and all the awakening family members glitch out too. Nobody can freak out or fight him until the cops show up.

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"Mmm. Not the best form I've seen, rookie."

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The cop does manage to arrest the burglar, in spite of Diana's criticisms. Mckenna celebrates the safety of her family's stuff by positively attacking her husband on the front porch as the cop leaves.

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"What a weird family."

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I think it's time to let Mckenna and Rory get their wiggles out. With Cathleen gone, there's one free space in the household, and you all know what that means.

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Everyone starts work that day. Felicity goes to meet her new symphony; Diana inspects her new inferiors at the police station. Francisco stays home and watches TV because I forgot to put a gypsy wagon in town before the move and now he's unemployed. Oopsies. And Colin goes off to the LLAMA Corp. warehouse where he, as usual, gets arrested. He also loses his shoes, I notice. Interesting. Maybe he was smuggling some sort of dangerous object in his socks?

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Shantell begins her new career as a self-employed painter. She's only level one and her paintings are far from avant-garde, but she has plenty of time to improve. She also gets to spend time with the pets, which she loves.

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That evening, Grim comes for Ladybug. :(

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Ah, my little Ladybug. What can I say about you? You were a delightfully derpy doodle, the derpiest there ever was, and you will be dearly missed. Rest in peace.

Offline deedee_828

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #81 on: June 02, 2020, 09:58:32 PM »
Whew! Twinbrook! I hope you have better luck in that town than I did with the swamps and all the lag! One thing that helped was using NRaas>register>animal control>set all to zero, as that stopped all the wild animals and strays from trying to route through the swamps.  But I'm currently wanting to start another game in Twinbrook, so I'm checking at the Nraas site to see if they have anything else that might help with lag. I'm seriously considering moving the families and deleting the homes from that area to see if that will help even more.

Oh, as far as Story Progression pairing up your sims too fast, I've recently been playing with the partner liking gate setting, and since I've increased it to 55 instead of 40, it does seem to have slowed things down a bit.

And if you really want to be able to choose specific partners for your sim, NRaas SP Relationship does have an 'arranged marriage' feature, though I haven't tried it yet.
But...I ended up turning 'allow break up' to false as it seemed to break couples up faster than it was partnering them!
And I set some of the other parameters very low or turned them off also, like red haired baby---um, no!
It really helped to try it out in a test game before playing in one of challenge games, so I knew which features I didn't like or needed to tweak.

As far as Cathleen and Blaise----whoop!!! Nice to see her back in your game! :)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #82 on: June 03, 2020, 12:16:44 PM »
Chapter 40 - Cat Antics

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The loss of Ladybug hits Felicity especially hard. She's off at the theatre when her best friend passes away. :(

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Everyone is heartbroken, really. Even our two Evil men, who haven't been getting along recently, come together in their shared pain.

Or so I thought.

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"Hahaha, I FOOLED you, Father! I am not sad! I am merely manipulating you into feeling sorry for me!"
"To what end, Colin?"
"I...don't know. I thought you said messing with people was the work of a true villain?"
"Only if it makes them suffer. And I'm fine."

It doesn't take long for Ladybug to make her first appearance as a ghost.

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Diana: "Oh, how I miss our Ladybug! If only I could sense her presence just one more time..."

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I don't realize that Obi has taken to sleeping in Ladybug's doghouse until Ladybug tries to return there herself. :'(

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With a baby successfully tried for, Mckenna and Rory head out on their own. I'm sad to see them go, but this household is full to overflowing and we need to bring in the next generation soon.

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They move into a little house not far from Cathleen. We'll be visiting them often. Good luck, you guys!

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In the wake of their grief, the Lovelands focus on moving ahead with their goals. Diana is just a couple levels away from maxing athletic and completing her Lifetime Wish. She goes hard at the weight machine when she's not running the local law enforcement squad.

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Felicity has completed her LTW, so she just goes to work in the evenings and cuddles with the cat during the day.

Speaking of cats...remember how Shantell has been wishing to adopt another cat? Well, after Ladybug dies, I can't stand the idea of Obi being alone without another animal friend. So in comes a brand-new member of the family.

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Everyone, meet Satine. She's an absolute darling, a tiny beauty who is Adventurous, Hyperactive, and Proud. (Don't mind Francisco's weirdly blurred stomach. I don't know why the game selected him to go get the kitten, but it did.)

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Satine and Obi get along well after a brief adjustment period. I think Obi is glad to have a new friend.

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If nothing else, though, he always has his fish. (Cathleen caught that goldfish way back in her scouting days, and it's still kicking! Which is amazing, because I never remember to feed it!)

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Now that there's finally room in the household, Colin and Shantell get started on a baby.

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Maybe it's just those pajamas, but Shantell already seems to have a bit of a baby bump there.

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Once her pregnancy is confirmed, Shantell eagerly goes to find Colin upstairs in the Home Gym Plus Also Random Junk Room, where she breaks the news.

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Colin is pretty excited. :D

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Felicity and Francisco both have tasks to complete downtown. Felicity is assigned the job of meeting some Twinbrook townies. With a few hours of playing for tips, she should be able to make lots of friends. And Francisco, you may remember because I do not, still has to use about 30 elixirs to complete his Lifetime Wish.

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Who better to throw elixirs at than total strangers? Sorry, Buddy Bailey. You picked a bad day to wear a shirt with holes in it.

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Felicity succeeds in making a couple dozen new friends (and spotting some pregnant ladies, too). She picked a great spot for crowd control. Such a nice line of fans!

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Felicity's other assignment is to check up on the other members of the family. When she visits Mckenna at her new house, she discovers that she's going to be a grandmother twice over--Mckenna is pregnant too! (Not that I planned this or anything.)

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Mckenna and Rory have also adopted a kitten. This strange-looking little guy is named Bodica.

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Felicity also visits Cathleen. She arrives just as Cathleen is going out, so she doesn't get to say hi, but she does get to meet Cathleen's new puppy, Biscuit. She plays a song for the pup before heading home. :)

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Shantell spends her pregnancy painting and relaxing at the spa. Her painting skill is going up slowly, and none of her finished works are worth more than a hundred simoleons. Thank goodness we still have an International Super Spy in the family bringing in some much-needed funds.

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Felicity's so excited to be a grandmother, she nearly melds her face with Shantell's belly.

"Is it a boy or a girl, dear?"
"I Shantell!"

(I've been waiting to make that joke forever.)

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To finish, here's a picture of Obi and Satine romping around on the kitchen floor. They're always pouncing on each other, which mostly results in Obi just sort of hugging Satine aggressively because she's so tiny. :) I die of cuteness every time.

Stay tuned for nooboos!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2020, 12:37:27 PM »
Chapter 41 - Blondies

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Shantell goes into labor at home and has to endure more than her own screams, the poor thing.

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Francisco and Colin go back and forth for literal hours with the "Speak Madness" interaction. Francisco's like "Wheee, I'm craaaazy!" and Colin's like "Stop it, you're freaking me out!" and Francisco's like "Haha, I got you!", and on and on and on. There is no recognition that a woman is having a baby next to them. None at all.

Not until Felicity arrives home from work does something click in Francisco's mind.

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Francisco: "Ooh, yay, a baby!"
Felicity: "Why has no one taken her to the hospital? Why?"

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Shantell powers through and brings a baby girl into the world. Welcome to the family, Georgiana!

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Ooh. You weren't prepared for the stink of dirty diaper, were you, Shantell?

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I think she'll adjust. Colin, for his part, falls right in love with his new daughter.

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Unexpectedly, Francisco does, too. He's the most active caretaker and usually beats everyone else to the crib when Georgiana needs something.

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Perhaps it's because he's finally done with his Lifetime Wish. Francisco uses his 50th elixir on his son and officially becomes a full-time grandpa. Congrats, Francisco! I'm sorry you had to ingest 27 Vials of Bliss in a row.

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Yeah, sorry about that, Colin. Unfortunately for him, his faces are so hilarious that I can't help but torture him now and then.

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Colin and Shantell decide to try for another baby. For some reason, Colin's hair disappears if, and only if, he woohoos in the shower.

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And just like that, it's time for Georgie to be a toddler! Shantell is...still adjusting to motherhood, I guess.

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It's a blondie! So far, Georgiana seems to have inherited most things from her father, minus the cheekbones. There's no mistaking those cheekbones. Little Georgie is a Loner and a Heavy Sleeper, and she likes Geek Rock music (fun!), Hamburgers, and sea foam.

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Yup, she's all Colin. Although her hair is more of a buttery yellow than Colin's icy blond (which he inherited from Gracie). I might adjust Georgiana's color in the future so it matches.

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Francisco takes over toddler duty, for the most part. Georgiana enjoys watching him play video games...

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...and happily strides into his arms as he teaches her to walk.

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This leaves Shantell free to paint and work on her new Lifetime Wish. With enough reward points, she switched to the Culinary Librarian, which makes much more sense for her. (She joined the family with level 6 cooking skill!)

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Soon, Shantell discovers that she's pregnant again.

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Satine ages up to an adult cat.

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She's so beautiful I want to cry.

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Shantell's pregnancy goes well. She spends her time cooking and painting while Diana plays aggressive drums in the background. Thanks, Diana.

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Hilariously, when Shantell is out in town one day, she encounters not one, but two townies going into labor. She takes Julianne Knack to the hospital herself (scoring that nice +80 moodlet in the process), and spots Molly Coddle going in afterwards.

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Mckenna and Rory visit that evening. I'd hoped that they'd bring their new daughter, Kristen, but alas, they just wanted to get out of the house and play video games. Whatever, guys.

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After work that night, Colin ages up to adult.

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With his midlife crisis comes an opportunity for facial hair. I never thought I'd want it for him, but somehow it fits. :)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2020, 03:48:41 PM »
It's so nice to see Blaise again, and a side of her that she never really revealed in the first town jump (sims themselves are blank canvases but a bedroom that is two single beds smooshed together tells a pre-determined story) Alma usually gets paired off first in my games but always to Juan Darer somehow, so maybe she should just stay single. :P

Are there any Sargeant babies in town? So Georgiana won't feel alone with them cheekbones. In all seriousness the rest of the pregnant townies have me thinking!
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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #85 on: June 04, 2020, 01:11:37 PM »
It's so nice to see Blaise again, and a side of her that she never really revealed in the first town jump (sims themselves are blank canvases but a bedroom that is two single beds smooshed together tells a pre-determined story) Alma usually gets paired off first in my games but always to Juan Darer somehow, so maybe she should just stay single. :P

Are there any Sargeant babies in town? So Georgiana won't feel alone with them cheekbones. In all seriousness the rest of the pregnant townies have me thinking!

Yes, I was glad to see that side of Blaise reveal itself fully! (I remember seeing the two beds pushed together in the first town jump and feeling bad about moving Alma out...) Currently in my game, Alma is single and has nobody in her family tree, but there is a teen in town whose name is Jacqueline Drill-Clay. I looked at Jacqueline's family tree, and she's the daughter of Harwood Clay (now deceased) and Gala Ball. Harwood's last name in the family tree is Drill-Clay, so maybe Alma and Harwood were together briefly before Harwood died? That still doesn't explain why his teen daughter's last name is Drill-Clay, though, since her siblings both have the last name Ball-Keane (Gala has since remarried Wei Keane). That probably made very little sense, but in any case, I suspect that Alma had a brief romance, at least.

There are no Sargeant kiddos in town, unfortunately :( There hasn't been quite as big a baby boom as I was hoping. However, the Sargeants are proud parents in their own way...

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The game has bequeathed them FIVE DOGS???

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #86 on: June 04, 2020, 01:31:30 PM »
Chapter 42 - Deny Until We Die

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Georgiana is an adorable toddler, in spite of her slightly scary cheekbones.

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(Note to self: you ain't seen nothin' yet.)

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She especially seems to like books.

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She doesn't like having her lollipop stolen. I'm not even sure where toddlers get these lollipops. And why do we never see them until Evil sims enter the picture?

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Shantell goes into labor just as she's about to start a still-life painting that took me lots of camera wiggling to set up properly. *sigh*

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As usual, the family's pretty nonchalant about what's going down.

"I'm off to the hospital. Don't wait up for me."
"You got it."

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This time, however, Colin manages to make it to the hospital before the birth. Of course he arrives in style. :D

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It's another girl! My goodness, this family is just a bursting, blooming garden of women. I haven't used fruit at all thus far. We might need to get ourselves some apples next generation to balance things out! Anyway, this is Ellinor.

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Diana welcomes her grand-niece to the family with a lengthy drum solo. Diana, darling, that was okay for Georgiana because she's a Heavy Sleeper,, never mind.

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Speaking of that Satine is an adult and Obi is mysteriously still alive (he's pushing 60 days at this point), I decide to let them try for kittens. They're best friends anyway, and while the age difference is whopping...they're cats? So it's okay? Maybe?

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Success! I'm excited to see what kinds of cuties these two create.

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Because babies are boring, let's skip ahead to Ellinor's birthday!

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Ellinor takes after her mother for sure, although that's the Schmidt brown hair--she didn't get her mother's grey tips. Also, you know how we've had a lot of (a) musicians and (b) Evil sims in the family? Well, it's not over yet. Ellinor is an Evil Virtuoso. GAH. The TWO TRAITS I'm most tired of! Ellinor likes pop music, vegetarian lobster thermidor, and the color blue.

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As the girls start growing up, I start to wonder about our elders. We now have four Sims--three human, one cat--who are past due for a visit from Grim. I keep them home as much as possible and take lots of pictures of them doing boring things because I'm like "but what if this is the last screenshot I take before they die!!!". Anyway, so far, so good. The elders are happy and thriving.

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And still in love, thank goodness.

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Diana copes with elderliness by playing drums all. the. time. And in every. possible. location. Even the maid gets sick of the noise now and again (but then again, Anne T. Septik's never been the cheery sort).

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Because the elders don't have a lot to do these days, I purchase a ping pong table for them to try. I thought that this ping pong table would be for, y'know, ping pong, but nope. It's only for juice pong. I should have known.

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At least I get a kick out of Diana acting like a nineteen-year-old jock when she wins a round. :)

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Shantell comes face to face with her own age with a nice little midlife crisis after her adult birthday. She wishes to divorce Colin three separate times. I choose not to read into this. Let us deny until we die!

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Colin ranks up in the criminal career and finally gets to wear the elusive mask. Underneath his glasses. Because he still needs to be able to see, obviously.

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It's around this time that Colin's career contracts some serious bugs. His days off don't fully register as days off; the game sends him to work anyway, and if it doesn't prompt him to go automatically, he starts losing performance rapidly. Also, when these "shifts" end, Colin remains inside the building and doesn't leave unless I cancel the work action from his queue. (The above picture is of Colin finally leaving work at 5 am, starving and exhausted. Sorry, dude!) In the end, an adjustment to his performance level (which didn't move at all for a few days) in Master Controller seems to reset things and get the bar moving again.

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Satine gives birth to a litter of kittens a few days after conceiving with Obi. Oh's just one kitten.

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But that's okay, because he's a beautiful combination of his parents. Everyone, this is Chewie, and he loves music. :)

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For a brief moment in time, Georgiana and Ellinor can play together as toddlers. But not for long--it's almost Georgiana's birthday. Will she get an actually exciting trait? Who the heck knows.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #87 on: June 04, 2020, 01:57:57 PM »
Chapter 43 - It's In the Moodlets

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After a highly successful toddlerhood in which she skills for all she's worth, Georgiana is ready to become a child.

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Georgiana ages up and gets my least favorite trait in the entire game: Mooch. :( I know, I know, it's not that bad, but I personally think the trait is stupid and useless and boring. I'm starting to wonder if anybody is going to get an interesting trait this generation.

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Still, let's give Georgie the benefit of the doubt. Her first wish is to learn logic, so off she goes to play with her Evil, calculating father. (Actually, Colin is just adorably excited that his daughter wants to play with him. Such a charmer.)

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Great-Aunt Diana is the most enthusiastic great-aunt the world has ever seen. This is the first time she pinches Georgiana's cheeks. She will go on to do this about 1,000 more times. I think Diana might be going a little bit senile.

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Ellinor, meanwhile, gets started on her own toddler skills. Naturally, she gravitates towards the xylophone.

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She also gravitates towards the inside of the potty. That pouty face is worth it to me. :)

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Georgiana goes off to school and starts meeting some new friends. After school, she comes home, does her homework, and quietly smashes her dolls' heads together. (I tried to get a picture, but she only did it once.)

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She also gets regularly pounced on by the cats of the household. I'm choosing to believe it's out of love.

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It's a suspiciously calm evening in the Loveland house when our first elder bites the dust.

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See that look of sadness and...dare I say...LONGING on Diana's face? Remember that. It will be important later.

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Oh, Francisco. My Insane, Evil fake fortune teller. You were all sorts of things--frustrating and delightful, hilarious and cruel. May you enjoy wreaking havoc in the afterlife. Rest in peace.

Of course, Francisco can't depart this life without instigating chaos one last time.

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"Hey Felicity...I'm gonna getchya! I'm comin' after ya!"

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Felicity shows her strength in this time of mourning. She was in the middle of cooking dinner when her husband passed away; afterwards, she goes right back to work and makes sure the meal doesn't burn. I can't tell if she's just responsible, or in denial of what's just happened.

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Later that night, she takes to dramatic sobs. In front of the mirror. You know, for a while I kind of forgot that Felicity is a Snob. Not anymore.

Okay, remember Diana's face from a few screenshots ago? Get a load of this.

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After Francisco's death, Diana doesn't get the regular mourning moodlet. She gets the "Heart Broken" moodlet. You know, the one reserved for spouses and lovers of the departed? I'm staring blankly at this, trying to make sense of it, when I notice another weird moodlet. See it yet? Bottom row, in the middle. Know what that is?


Now, we all know that Francisco and Diana had a few unfortunate flirty encounters as young adults. But it was never more than the occasional "Compliment Appearance". Diana has never actually had a lover of any kind. UNTIL NOW, APPARENTLY.

So, my theory? Somehow, in some sneaky way, Francisco and Diana kissed each other in the last 24 hours before he died. I don't know how. I don't know when. And I have no way of proving it. But the moodlets are there, people. IT'S IN THE MOODLETS. You just can't make this stuff up.

Of course, Felicity doesn't know about this, and as far as I can help it, she never will. The two sisters actually grow closer than ever after the death of Francisco. At first I thought this was sweet. Now I wonder if Diana is just trying to make up for the fact that she had an affair with her brother-in-law just hours before he died.

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BUT ANYWAY. What can we do but move on from this horrifying knowledge? Felicity and Diana go out on the town for a nice jam session the next day. They cheer right up out in the fresh air, playing music together.

Other cheering up happens via the "Cheer Up" interaction, which several of my sims do autonomously. I've never seen an adult "Cheer Up" a child before. And it's...awkward.

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Colin: "There, there, daughter...all of us will die eventually, even you, although your youth is such that you can't--"
Georgiana: "You really don't need to try and comfort me, Dad."

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I send Shantell to check up on Mckenna and Rory, and she gets to meet their second child--a little blond boy named Maurice.

While she's there, she also experiences the reverse of the awkward adult-child Cheer Up interaction at the hands of her niece, Kristen.

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Shantell: "Wow,, can stop now."

 :o I don't know about you, but my eyes need a bath after seeing that.

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A couple of days later, Colin goes over and discovers that Mckenna and Rory have had twins! That's four kids in total for them. The boy is Dameon and the girl is Sarah. (Don't worry, you'll be seeing more of Mckenna's and Rory's kids scattered throughout future chapters.)

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Here's a token photo of an Evil parent teaching their Evil child to talk. This is becoming a multi-generational thing. What is this, the third one in a row?

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Felicity makes sure to reverse any indoctrination that happens by instilling her granddaughter with love and cheesy grins.

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As you can see, Shantell has greatly improved her painting skill since we last saw her work. I think she's a bit nostalgic for her hometown--she paints this particular image pretty regularly. One of them gets framed and hung in the upstairs hallway, because I too like to remember Sunset Valley.

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To close out the chapter, here's a sneak peek at Georgiana's best friend from school. Isn't he beautiful? :)

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2020, 02:27:36 PM »
Hey thanks for the townie updates! Usually I go a little mad when people hit Twinbrook in a town jump because I'm obsessed with those genes and always shall be. We'll see if that family mystery gets solved but for now...uh...looks like the Lovelands have their own awful secret that would've gotten taken to the grave if not for Diana's moodlets. Yikes!
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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2020, 02:33:35 PM »
Hey thanks for the townie updates! Usually I go a little mad when people hit Twinbrook in a town jump because I'm obsessed with those genes and always shall be. We'll see if that family mystery gets solved but for now...uh...looks like the Lovelands have their own awful secret that would've gotten taken to the grave if not for Diana's moodlets. Yikes!

No problem! I'm fascinated by these genetics too. I'm also trying to collect some pictures of townie offspring to share in the "Children of Original Townies" thread at some point.

I know...and if it weren't for those moodlets, I would never have known.