Author Topic: The Loveland Random Town Jump  (Read 128938 times)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2020, 12:39:54 PM »
Chapter 6 - A Bit of Disco

Benjamin and Gracie opt for a peaceful country wedding with just the two of them (and Felicity). There's a beautiful little empty pasture next to their lot, and they head there at sunset to tie the knot.

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Well...first they make out fiercely. They do that a lot.

Then they exchange rings.

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"Do you, Benjamin Schmidt, take me, Gracie Loveland, to be your only love, in spite of your inclinations to have as many as ten?"

"I do."

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"And do you, Gracie Loveland, take me, Benjamin Schmidt, to be your only love, in spite of--"

"Just put the ring on before I freak out, please."

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And with that, Ben and Gracie are man and wife. (Felicity quietly plays with her toy boat a few yards away, oblivious to her parents being adorable.)

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Back home, the newlyweds seal the deal in the shower, because it's easier than trying to wrangle them onto the bed when the family pets keep hogging the duvet.

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Ahhh, we're finally a family! This feels good. The Loveland-Schmidts are now just the Lovelands (well, technically they're the Schmidts because Benjamin is the one who proposed...but we'll be fixing that at City Hall soon enough). With a few days off from work after the wedding, Benjamin gets down to business teaching his daughter to walk and talk.

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I'm really eager to see what Felicity's personality ends up being like. The girl is a little two-faced bean. She goes from disinterested to fake-interested with the ease of a true pathological liar. :D

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Gracie hasn't been feeling well since her wedding night. She throws up four times the day after. Four. Times. I've never had a sim get such severe morning sickness (or look so cute when nauseous).

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Ta-da! She's pregnant with her second child. And she has succumbed to the curse of the shower switcheroo (in which she spins into the wrong outfit and hairdo after taking a shower).

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Lots of growing up is soon to happen for the Lovelands. Felicity is almost ready to age up to child, believe it or not. As such, it is time for some toddler spam.

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She's still clumsy, and she always will be clumsy.

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Someone else is getting older. It's Babycakes! Her elder birthday comes along, and Gracie celebrates her with lots of cuddles. (These two have finally become friends after weeks of cautious sniffs and brief nuzzles.)

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Babycakes becomes an old lady cat as Gracie and Ralston cheer her on.

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Ralston is only a few days behind her kitty sibling and will soon be an old lady herself. Gracie takes time to walk her down to the beach nearby.

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...and also play-chases her. Have you ever seen a very pregnant woman playfully chase a dog? It's more disturbing than I anticipated.

On Felicity's birthday, the whole family gathers. Eventually.

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Benjamin: "Honey? Our daughter's about to age up...don't you want to come watch?"

Gracie: "Be right there! I have to clean this countertop for the fourth time today!"

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Ahh, there we go. Even Estevan, the maid, joins in.

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I don't know if I've ever had a father and daughter look so alike in this game.

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Felicity does a bit of disco...

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...and becomes a child.

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She's a beauty! You may have noticed in the previous picture that Felicity aged up with a weird notch in her chin. I went in and fixed that in CAS, because it was creeping me out. Now she looks normal--and stunning! And it's a good thing, too, because she picks up the Snob trait. She's going to be looking in mirrors a lot...

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2020, 05:36:18 PM »
Such good chapters! I laughed out loud several times!

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2020, 11:35:57 AM »
Very entertaining. Thank you for the fun read.

Such good chapters! I laughed out loud several times!

Thank you both so much!

A general note: I've played pretty far ahead (almost to generation two) in this story, so I've got a lot of chapters to post in the next few days. Sorry for the onslaught of chapters. But also, yay onslaught of chapters?

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2020, 11:43:25 AM »
Glad you're on Gen 2 or close to it because that meteor would have killed my will to go on. :P
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2020, 11:53:49 AM »
Chapter 7 - New Species

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I must say, Felicity starts displaying leadership qualities from the moment she becomes old enough to do things autonomously. She dresses up like a queen immediately, and then goes around standing on chairs and turning up her nose at the furniture. (For example: she pops a wish to get a blocks table. When one magically appears in the living room that very evening, she goes over, sneers down at it, and makes THIS FACE. That was a third of our household funds, young lady!)

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But at least she also takes initiative to scold the dog for eating Gracie's grapes. (Okay, I make her do that.)

It's a good thing she's there when Gracie goes into labor, then!

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Gracie: "Quick! *pant pant* Felicity! Help me get inside! I'm about to give birth--aaarrrghh!!"

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Felicity: "Yeah, no thanks. I'm just gonna go get Dad."

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In the end, Gracie has to take herself to the hospital, because Benjamin somehow doesn't get the memo. I can't imagine whose fault that must be.

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"*sigh* I've done this once before...I guess it won't be so bad a second time."

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Benjamin: "Gracie! Gracie, I'm coming! I'm sorry! Our daughter failed to inform me of your dire situation!"

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Just as Benjamin disappears into the building, Gracie comes back out. It's another girl! Everybody, meet Diana Loveland.

Benjamin catches up with Gracie once again and this time succeeds in driving her home.

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Benjamin: "We're back, Felicity! Come meet your new baby sister!"

Felicity: "Mmhmm."

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I don't think Felicity's really the lovey-dovey type. She's focused on her own things. Like baking perfect brownies and pies to fill the fridge with, please and thank you.

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In other news, some new species are spotted on and around the Loveland house. First is this strange new type of horse with a nearly-vertical mane. I wonder if it's native to the area?

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Second is this ADORABLE DOG GNOME that I've never seen in the game before. I don't really like the gnomes in general, but this is a rare exception.

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One afternoon, Benjamin gets a phone call from his boss. No, she's not calling to fill him in on the work he's missing--she's calling to ask if Felicity wants to have a playdate with her son, Francisco. (Remember that day in the dog park when Benjamin suggested that very thing? This woman follows through!)

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So Cheyenne comes over, bringing the younger and blonder of her two sons. Francisco and Felicity introduce themselves. Isn't he a cutie? :)

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The two of them play tag for the rest of the day, pretty much. By dusk, they're already best friends.

Meanwhile, Benjamin is attending a party he was invited to. Knowing he's going to have to start campaigning soon, Benjamin is trying to expand his contacts in Appaloosa Plains. (It's not a political's an Appal-itical Cam-plain! Ha ha! Sorry.)

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This party is only eventful in that he has a very intense moment with Alouette Bird. Before they even know each other, Alouette walks right up and simultaneously shows her attraction...

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...and slaps Benjamin firmly around the face.

"THIS is for being so handsome! Hya-hya-hya!"

Now, there's a heart that would have been easy to break. I actually have to restrain Benjamin from flirting (and yelling) right back at Alouette. You're a married man now, sir!

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The next day, Felicity goes off to her first day of school.

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And our dear sweet Ralston ages up into an elder. 'Tis truly a bittersweet moment.

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Gracie is much more confident as a mother now than she was at first. Look at that facial expression! She can raise two daughters, no problemo.

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With Benjamin home for another day or two to care for Diana, Gracie is free to go out and find some special seeds. Things are going just fine for the Loveland family, except for one thing--money. As in, we have none of it. I built an additional bedroom on the second floor when Felicity became a child, and I accidentally spent all our money in doing so. Gracie's garden needs a major boost. So off she goes to track down some seeds that will actually make some money.

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Along the way, she finds an Amazonian parrot! Of course, we can't afford a bird tree, so this little guy is just going to live in Gracie's inventory for a while. Maybe he'll make a reappearance once we get to the next town.

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I just love this screenshot. I'm not always a big collector in The Sims 3, but something about sending my sims out into the vast world just gives me the warm & fuzzies. Or the chills of adventure. Or both.

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With some special seeds planted, it's time to age up little Diana.

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We have another Benjamin clone...but boooy, is she cute! I can't quite see a difference between the two sisters at this point...and yet, somehow I think Diana is cuter. This little lady is a Friendly Virtuoso (that's two musicians in the family!), and she likes Chinese music, cobbler, and white.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2020, 11:58:49 AM »
Glad you're on Gen 2 or close to it because that meteor would have killed my will to go on. :P

Haha! :( If the meteor had killed one or both of my sims, I probably would have given up. But they survived against all odds, so I just had to keep going.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2020, 12:05:29 PM »
Chapter 8 - Cake

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Little Diana brings a lot of joy to the Loveland house. She's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

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And the smiliest! This baby girl never stops grinning. Excuse me whilst I melt over here.

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Okay, she stops grinning while gnashing her teeth on her blocks. But that's about it.

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She gets most of her learnin' from Mom, since Gracie is home gardening all the time now.

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And since she's a Virtuoso like her big sister, she practices on the xylophone every chance she gets.

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Benjamin spends a lot of his spare time in the company of Ralston.

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Speaking of the pets, how are our furry friends doing? Answer: They're as weird and cute as always. Ralston has the adorable habit of guarding her own dog house. Just in case, you know?

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And elderly Babycakes is starting to live up to her name. The cake part, I mean. Or maybe it's just the angle?

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Gracie's adult birthday comes along in due time. She celebrates over a plate of normal-quality Autumn Salad which has been in the fridge since week 1 and somehow hasn't rotted yet.

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Gracie gets the rare gift of no midlife crisis. Instead, she calmly adds a couple of slightly more mature outfits to her wardrobe and goes on her merry way.

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Gracie has been steadily improving her cooking skill as well as her gardening skill. I took her crisis-free adult birthday as a sign of newfound confidence in her abilities, but actually, she just lights the kitchen on fire. Even Benjamin hasn't done that yet.

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Felicity has had a pretty typical childhood. She has an A in school, she's maxed out her cooking skill on the kid oven, and she still plays tag regularly with her friend Francisco.

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And she willingly keeps an eye on her little sister, keeping her entertained with the occasional game of peek-a-boo.

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When it's time to become a teenager, Felicity is ready.

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She doesn't quite do the disco this time around. Maybe it'll come back at a later life stage.

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And a beautiful teen she becomes.

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Felicity takes on the Green Thumb trait, to add to her Clumsy, Virtuoso, and Snob traits. Apparently growing up in the countryside has made its mark on her.

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Gracie: "I see you're trying the food processor for the first time! If you'd like, I can show you how to--"

Felicity: "Mom, you almost burned down the kitchen this afternoon just trying to make spaghetti. No thanks. Besides, I'm already level 3 from all those perfect brownies I made."

Aww. I love our little snob.

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Offline Trip

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2020, 06:55:13 PM »
I see some Gracie in Felicity (maybe the mouth?) but at least Ben makes great daughters. As much as I liked Gracie's transparent undies (EA can we talk???) her new pajamas make scrolling through this story less awkward in public for now.
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2020, 03:17:19 PM »
I see some Gracie in Felicity (maybe the mouth?) but at least Ben makes great daughters. As much as I liked Gracie's transparent undies (EA can we talk???) her new pajamas make scrolling through this story less awkward in public for now.

Ooh, I think you're right about Felicity! I was sad neither of the girls got any of Gracie's coloring or distinctive features, but I think I missed some similarities.

And...yeah. A few of EA's outfits here and there really push the boundaries of raunchy. Some of the Bridgeport outfits in particular make use of the sheer effect also. It's certainly creative, if a little...overdone at times.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2020, 03:27:04 PM »
Chapter 9 - Man Hunt

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Felicity has one very important job as a teenager: find a spouse. I know, it's early, but Story Progression waits for no one. And anyway, her rotten attitude (she gets almost daily mood swings) means she needs to get out of the house. Off she goes to house-hop and meet all the eligible teen boys she can.

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"Hi there. I'm Felicity. Do you have any older brothers?"

Jasmine Parrott: "Oh-ho-ho, do I."

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"So, Jasmine. What should my plan of attack be?"

"Well, Ethan, the dark-haired one, is wayyyy too old for you. He's, like, basically a grown up. But Giovanni just started high school, and he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Probably because he's butt ugly. Hah hah."

"Um, thanks."

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Ignoring that last comment from her quarry's little sister, Felicity introduces herself to Giovanni. He is indeed about her age, and single, and he's definitely not butt ugly. Also, he's a Virtuoso, like Felicity. The two of them get along fine, but there aren't really any sparks between them.

Felicity moves on to the next household. And already appears tired of meeting boys.

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"Uhhgggh. Do I have to?"

Yes you do, young lady. Ring that door bell!

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Oh look! It's Francisco Fox, Felicity's childhood best friend. He's a teenager now too, and whoa, he grew out his hair!

"I've been wondering when you were going to show up, Lissy."

I've had my eye on Francisco for a long time, as you've probably gathered. He comes from a great family, he's attractive, he's got beautiful hair...

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"So, Felicity, an update. I've acquired a new trait since aging up. I am now Evil. I know you probably won't approve, since you're a Snob and all..."

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"Honestly, your Insane trait was always more concerning to me. I can handle Evil. So anyway, prom is this Tuesday, do you want to go with m--"

"Oh, I can't. I have a girlfriend."

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"You WHAT?"

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"I'm dating Hayley Pelly. Is that a problem?"

"Um, no. What makes you think it's a problem? Jerk."

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"Lissy, darling, as much as I'm flattered by your rapidly-rescinded request, Hayley asked me out the moment I became old enough to date, and I just had to accept. I'm Easily Impressed, you see."

"And crazy."

"True. You've grown into quite a beauty, love. If only this world would allow me, I'd date the both of you."


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"Besides, prom night isn't exactly known for its virtue--and neither am I. Maybe when Hayley slips away to the ladies' room between dances on Tuesday night, you and I could--"

"Francisco, who's that?"

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"Who's who? Dakota?"

"Is that your brother?"

"Yes, but--"


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Dakota is the older of the two boys. By a week, actually--he's almost out of Felicity's age range, but not quite. He and Felicity meet under the watchful eye of the boys' father Shawnee. Dakota is simply delighted to meet his younger brother's pretty best friend for the first time.

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Granted, Dakota is also Easily Impressed, which conflicts with Felicity's Snob trait.

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But after that brief disagreement, these two start flirting and get along nicely. Dakota really seems interested in Felicity. He's definitely the calmer, saner one of the two brothers. But we have to address the elephant in the room here: Dakota's hair. He's clearly inherited his mother Cheyenne's rockin' hair color, and the fact that the game gave him Plant Sim hair on top of that only makes it better. He is the literal embodiment of a featherbrain. I mean, come on.

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While Dakota and Felicity are talking, Francisco sneaks around behind them, trying to give Felicity a jump-scare. The action keeps canceling, apparently, because he never does it. Maybe the boy has something of a conscience beneath that handsome, cruel exterior?

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There's just one more stop on the marry-go-round (heh) before curfew, and that's the Bedlington household. The Bedlingtons have one son, Cyriaque. (Which is a great name because it makes me think of Cyrio de Bergerac.) Cyriaque isn't exactly bad looking, but...he does have a permanent look of fury on his face, which is kind of alarming.

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Even when he's expressing delight over Felicity's introduction, he looks moderately terrifying. Yikes. Also, as soon as she meets Cyriaque, Felicity pops a wish to snub him. Yes, she's having a mood swing, but I mean, I can take a hint.

Those are all the contenders for right now. No decisions have been made, but I'll tell you my thoughts.

Giovanni Parrott is a nice kid, but he wasn't a standout for me or for Felicity.

Felicity is already best friends with Francisco Fox, which is a big advantage--they already know each other, so romance would be a natural next step. Of course, now that he's both Evil AND Insane...I can't decide if we should run in the other direction, or run full speed straight into his beautiful, twisty-souled face. :D

Dakota is also a very attractive possibility. I love his hair, and he's much nicer than his brother. I get the sense that he would treat Felicity well, whilst Francisco is a bit of a loose cannon. But Dakota and Felicity don't really have much in common, do they? And does she really want to be with someone so normal?

Cyriaque Bedlington is pretty much out of the running for me. I don't like his face. Sorry, Cyriaque.

As for how Felicity herself's not super clear at this point. I had her flirt with all the contenders, and she was happy to do so. She didn't pop any romantic wishes for any of them (except to go to prom, a wish she popped while talking to Francisco...). She isn't specifically attracted to any of them. But there is one very important factor--I was casually looking through Felicity's relationship panel, and found that she strongly dislikes Hayley Pelly! I have no idea how that happened, but there it is. The only conclusion I can draw is that she resents Hayley for dating her best friend. A clue? A glaring spotlight of duh? Only time will tell.

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2020, 04:02:39 PM »
Cyriaque looks like he inherited the pink/red skintone slider from his dad too...and that's up to YOU for deciding if that's a bullet dodged or not. Her new enemy is much more interesting. Acquired while never even appearing in the chapter...
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2020, 09:48:12 AM »
Cyriaque looks like he inherited the pink/red skintone slider from his dad too...and that's up to YOU for deciding if that's a bullet dodged or not. Her new enemy is much more interesting. Acquired while never even appearing in the chapter...

Felicity and Hayley might have "met" while at school as children, but other than that, I have no clue how they got to be enemies. Felicity just seems to hate her on principle. She'll be making an appearance shortly!

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2020, 10:05:42 AM »
Yeah it's not like the game has a "Bully Classmates" option while kids are in school. Very interesting I guess!
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Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2020, 10:08:35 AM »
Chapter 10 - It's Getting Positively Shakespearean In Here

After the "man hunt" last chapter, Felicity is left with a decision to make. I mean, she's only just become a teen, so she has some time to choose a spouse...but as always, Story Progression is a needy lover, and it won't be long before all the teens in town are paired off.

Thankfully, it's pretty obvious who Felicity wants. Although she doesn't have any really romantic wishes for any of the guys she met, she consistently wishes to hang out with and talk to Francisco. Like, pretty much on the daily, she pops a wish related to him. There's also the fact that she hates his girlfriend (and Hayley happens to be snubbing her right back). ALSO, there's the fact that I really like Francisco. Who can resist an Evil, Insane sim with fabulous hair? Certainly not me!

As such, Felicity tracks down Francisco (see, their names are even alliterative! how cute!) at Varg's Tavern one evening, where Francisco is playing darts with his brother and father. Felicity essentially grabs him and drags him out to the parking lot out back for a private talk.

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"Hey, Francisco. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for being kind of a jerk the other day. I shouldn't have given you the cold shoulder just because you have a girlfriend. That you think you could break up with your girlfriend? You know, for me."

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Francisco: "No apology needed, Lissy. You know what you want and you go after it, just like me. You want me to kick Hayley to the curb like a bag of trash? I'll do it!"

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"Truth is, I'd do anything for you, Lissy. Even...and especially...if it involves seeing other people suffer."

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Felicity can't handle such a romantic proclamation. She goes in for the kill--I mean, the kiss.

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Francisco: "You do remember that I'm Evil and Insane, right?"

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Felicity: "I don't care. You're the one I want, Francisco. It's always been you."

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Back they go to kissing.

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Felicity comes up for air for half a second, just to make sure--

"So you're gonna break up with Hayley, right?"

"Oh, totally."


After a nice long makeout session, Francisco bolts--he tends to do that. Felicity didn't get a chance to ask him to go steady, and her watcher she also forgot to ask him to prom. (Come on, Felicity, how could you?! You are so forgetful!) Since prom is just two days away, I figure we can wait and see what happens at the dance. Maybe an epic fight will go down, resulting in Francisco declaring his heroic love for Felicity! One can dream, eh?

A fight does go down. But not at prom.

After school the next day, Felicity wants to go over to Hayley Pelly's house. Yes, Hayley, the girl she just got Francisco to break up with. This turn of events makes zero sense, but I decide to let Felicity have her way, because hello, drama!

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Felicity: "Come on, let's just get this over with."

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Felicity: "I hate you."
Hayley: "I hate you more."

Seeing these two girls together is just about the most fun thing happening in Appaloosa Plains these days. They just hate each other SO MUCH.

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Um, you're the one who wanted to set up a playdate, Felicity. Don't act like you didn't ask for this.

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Hayley goes inside for a glass of water or something, and Felicity is left outside to get acquainted with Hayley's very cute pink dog, Pantoufle (pan-too-full? pan-too-fleh?), and her baby sister. You know, Hayley's got a pretty cute family--

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Hayley: "THERE you are. Are you coming inside to do homework or what?"

Felicity: "What makes you think I want to sit at YOUR kitchen table and do HOMEWORK with you?"

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Hayley: "I don't know! YOU wanted to come over here! I didn't invite you!"

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Felicity: "I can't control my own wishes sometimes, okay?! I just wanted to! I don't know why! It doesn't make any sense, because I hate your guts and you know it!"

Hayley: "Well, maybe you should LEAVE!"

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Felicity: "Fine! I will! But I can't until YOU get out of my WAY!"

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Hayley: *sniffle* "Ohh, Francisco...Francisco..."

Okay, I feel sorta bad now. Poor Hayley just got dumped, and it IS Felicity's fault.

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Unfortunately, Felicity doesn't feel bad. (Yes, she did have a wish to egg Hayley's house.)

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She gets five or six eggs thrown against those gigantic glass windows before realizing that Hayley is behind her.

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Felicity: "Oh. Uh, hi."

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Hayley: "You know what, forget it. I'm just going to do my homework."

Hayley is plain worn out from all this fighting. Her little brother Juan, however, is properly infuriated.

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Juan: "You DARE attack my kingdom with weapons of culinary destruction?! I shall have you FORCIBLY REMOV--"

Felicity: "Don't bother, I'm going."

Phew. If I didn't know better, I'd say Felicity has some negative traits hiding somewhere. The truth is, she's just a Snob who's had to suffer through a mood swing every day of her teenhood thus far. Also, she's trying to secure an Evil and Insane sim as her future spouse, which is challenging work. Also, Hayley (I discover in the course of the day's events) is Mean-Spirited, which might explain why she's been snubbing Felicity since day one. And also...okay, I don't have any more excuses.

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Egging Hayley's house does seem to have let off some steam for Felicity, though. She is noticeably less tense when she gets home. The first thing she does is scoop up her little sister for some giggles and cuddles.

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Maybe our girl will turn out all right after all.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Loveland Random Town Jump
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2020, 10:19:39 AM »
Chapter 11 - Life Goals

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In contrast to Felicity's high-drama activities, things are nice and calm around the house lately. Diana finishes up her toddler skills a day or so before her birthday, with lots of help from Daddy.

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She also maxes out the xylophone. She might be even more of a natural than her sister was--heck, she looks like a little orchestra conductor already!

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Gracie and Benjamin have both earned enough reward points to change their Lifetime Wishes. Benjamin now wishes to be Super Popular and have twenty friends (so much more wholesome than breaking twenty hearts!) (plus he's already halfway there); Gracie wishes to be Swimming in Cash and possess $50,000 (we're, like, not even a tenth of the way there).

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Benjamin: "So, Felicity! With my own new life goal ahead of me, I've been thinking. Have you thought about what you'd like to do with your life? You'll be in charge of the household in the next town, you know."

Felicity: "Yeah...not really. I like to look at myself in the mirror, but that's not really a job...I have a Green Thumb, so I guess I could garden, but that's, like, MOM'S thing..."

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Benjamin: "'re a Virtuoso! You were a natural at that xylophone when you were a toddler. Why don't you try music?"

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Felicity: "Honestly, I'd love to, Dad, but we have like 600 simoleons in our bank account right now. You'd have to empty it out to buy me a guitar, and the bills for this property are ridiculous--"

Benjamin: "You might want to check that account balance again, sweetie. It's definitely a lot closer to zero now. While you're at it, go take a look in your bedroom, why don't you?"

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Confused, Felicity obliges. And there, waiting for her in the corner of her room, is her very own guitar!

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The family is indeed completely broke now, but that's nothing new. Felicity runs out of the house right away and takes her gift outside to practice. Just like her dad predicted, the instrument comes naturally to her. She jumps up to level 3 in seconds and makes it to level 4 by dinnertime.

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That evening is prom. Felicity puts on her new dress (thank goodness clothes don't cost money in this game) and goes off alone. She's still just romantic interests with Francisco, but I'm hoping that the dance will work its magic and seal the deal for her.

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On the way, she of course runs into her favorite person, Hayley Pelly. Felicity angry-zombie's her way into the school building in protest.

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Felicity: "It's one of the many reasons high school is terrible. Nice prom dress, by the way."

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Ahhh, the full lineup of spouse possibilities! Minus Dakota, Francisco's brother, who I believe showed up early. (Typical Dakota.)

Felicity actually has one of the worst proms I've ever witnessed. After getting crowned prom queen (and giving a speech about how all she wants is world peace...uh huh, sure), Felicity gets rejected for multiple dances, breaks the prom backdrop, gets in trouble with the principal, gets into at least two fights, and falls flat on her face while dancing. At least she ends the night by "tearing up the dance floor woooo". There's no word from Francisco--only from Ethan, the poor kid who's at every prom and is always "a joke". (Anyone else notice that?)

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While Felicity is at prom, a different kind of excitement is happening back home. It's Diana's birthday!

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I regret not getting more pictures of this adorable peanut as a toddler. Ah well.

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Diana becomes a child in a shower of sparkles.

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Does she look more or less like Benjamin than Felicity did? It's hard to say. Diana becomes a Daredevil this time around, adding on to her Friendly and Virtuoso traits.

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Diana is old enough to actually say hi to her sister when she gets home from prom later that evening.

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Diana: "Tell me all about prom, Felicity! Were there many cute boys there?"

Felicity: "Oh, there were cute boys. Of course, none of them wanted to dance with me. I got a stupid crown that's too small for my head. The punch was sour, the backdrop ripped when I crashed into it by accident..."

Diana: "Wow, sounds amazing!"

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Looks like we'll have to take things into our own hands in terms of nabbing Francisco. One day, it'll happen. In the meantime, Diana is already proving to be a foil to her sister's plans. Her first school friend is none other than Juan Pelly, Hayley's younger brother and defender of the Pelly castle from Felicity's thrown eggs.

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In other news, both our pets are getting old. Ralston is feeble enough that she eats her food lying down now. :( At least she has sweet Honeycakes to keep her company.

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These two are almost really friends, after all this time. Ralston faithfully guards the food dish while Babycakes eats, just to make sure none of the humans get suddenly peckish? I guess?

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You may have caught wind earlier in the chapter of this family's money problems. It's true--with the rather massive bills we've been paying from the start, and with Benjamin's not-great politician paycheck and Gracie's smallish garden, we're really strapped for cash. Some luck finally appears in the form of a single money tree, which Gracie tends and fertilizes like nobody's business. It's not much, but it's something. With a move to another town not too far in the future, we're going to have to start making big bucks somehow. (A big boost is also provided when I remember to check the mail for the first time all game, and discover a treasure trove of wedding gifts worth about $15,000 altogether. Score!)

Next time, we' some stuff. I dunno yet. See ya then!

