Chapter 124 - Spooky
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The Lovelands make the journey to Moonlight Falls, that misty, spooky land that is so perfect for this time of year. I couldn't have timed it better. Except I definitely wanted some magical blood in the family ages ago. But anyway!
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Here's the house for this generation, located at 114 Wood Street. It's Victorian as heck (such that it's called Victoria's Victorian Home), and also cute as heck.
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Aside from a few furniture adjustments, I left the house pretty much as-is. Here's the ground floor, with plenty of proper-looking seating areas (Ada will appreciate those), a smallish kitchen, a dining room, and a nice light-filled porchy thing that I'm calling the Conservatory.
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Upstairs are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and yet another seating area, this one with a TV, foosball table, and rocking chairs. (Spoiler alert: the elders of the family will hang out here. And nowhere else.)
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Finally, the topmost floor has a couple more bedrooms and, wow, two more bathrooms. This house looks cozy and a little smooshed, but it is more than spacious enough for this big family.
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First things first: the lovely Ophelia must find a place of her own. She's ready to start married life with Aubrey and start adopting dogs. (I'll be watching closely to make sure she does.)
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Nico helps get Ophelia out the door by scaring her half to death. Sorry, Ophelia. Please come back to visit, okay?
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The couple ends up moving to a farmhouse-type-place just down the road. Bye, guys! We'll see you soon!
The family starts settling into their new home under the chilly grey skies. Because this is Moonlight Falls, we of course have to bring back Bonehilda.
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"I'm ready to start cleaning!"
I've never seen such an excited Bonehilda before.
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Nico and Ada continue to be adorable. Nico's blown kisses never fail to send Ada swooning.
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In preparation for furthering his acrobatic career, Nico starts jogging. It's also a nice way to explore the town and almost get run over by werewolves and deer (not pictured).
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He also starts performing for tips in various downtown areas. This is extra exciting on the night of the first full moon. Fortunately, instead attacking the bendy boy right in front of her, this particular zombie ends up watching him, entranced, before plopping down on a picnic blanket nearby and stuffing her face with sandwiches. Nice lady! I wish her the best.
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Josie settles comfortably into elder life. I was particularly sad to see her age up, but somehow old age suits her really well. She can be a recluse all she wants now. And check the newspaper for any magical babies being born. You know. The usual stuff.
Back home, Suki is finally becoming a grown-up cat.
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Gyahh! I know Halloween is coming up, but jeez, Suki! Do you have to scare me like that??
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That's much better.
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Possibly because of the full moon or something, Ada wakes up that night feeling sick to her stomach.
She gets introduced to the new paparazzi when she runs outside to puke over the side of the porch.
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Paparazzi: "Ooh, ooh! I have the perfect headline for this--Mysterious Woman In Silk Pajamas Projectile Vomits Under Ghastly Glow of--"
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The next day, the real reason is discovered. I must say, I'm shocked. Aren't you shocked?
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Nico's pretty excited to hear that he's going to be a dad.
Ada's excited, too. I mean, she gets excited about everything. But now she gets to go out into town and scope out other pregnant mamas, because she can't go to work anymore and has nothing else to do! When she runs into Marigold Maldano, she does a "Proper Introduction" for the first time ever and oh my god she curtsies.
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"Greetings, future mother-of-a-young-fairy. I am a future mother also, but of the human kind. Mayhap, oughtn't we to become acquaintances for the good of our children?"
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Josie and Nico team up a lot of the time, working off each other's ability to draw a crowd. Moonlight Falls has a much more active townie population than Monte Vista did. And what an interesting population it is! Fairies, vampires, werewolves, witches, everywhere!
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Ida starts working as the Empress of Evil of the new town. It must be going pretty well for her, because she always comes home and wants to prank everybody with the megaphone.
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Sorry, Josie. (I just love Ida's face in this picture.)
I have two delightfully random screenshots for you, to end the chapter with.
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First, here's Nico looking confused amid a small circus of cats.
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And finally, here's Ophelia, caught in the act of dumpster diving somewhere downtown. I guess being in Moonlight Falls means you just get warped all the time. Because, you know...spooky.