Unfortunately, no matter if family members are brave or not, they all continue to drop their actions and wave away ghosts, family or not, every. single. time.
I guess it's a hard coded game mechanic, though maybe it could be stopped with the NRaas Retuner mod---I never thought to check that to see if it could stop that annoying behavior.
But...coward sims faint 99% of the time upon seeing a ghost, though I've never had an active one in the family, to see if that behavior mechanic is different.
In fact, my 1st gen founder spouse Sam, not only fainted upon seeing family ghosts, but even when he became a ghost himself, he still passed out at the sight of the others!
it's actually funny and something I kept writing in, especially since Founder Jared was mean spirited and inappropriate and laughed every time poor Sam fainted.
So...it will be interesting to see how poor Archie reacts to family ghosts, active ghosts, ghosts kittens or ghost babies!
I must admit, the thought of possible ghost fairy babies is even more intriguing that ghost kittens!
Maybe one of each!