Author Topic: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!  (Read 62892 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #270 on: June 15, 2020, 08:20:12 AM »
Firstly, congratulations Oshizu,

Secondly, for anyone interested, it was one of the teens from Sulani that I moved, thinking he was a young adult.

I got to the house I moved him into (The one that Caleb and Lilith live in) to play him and Lilith (get them to fall in love etc), and came across an option that said 'adopt as care recipient' or something similar. At that point I went oh golly oh gee oh darn it all, woops, so I counted up the babies ... the first couple I played, the same sex male couple from Brindelton Bay had one of their adopted children aged up to toddler by then.

I move done of the students from the uni world in with Vlad the Lad, but she kept on going to class, and expressing her extreme dislike for Vlad, and after a day I didn't want to muck around with them for another day.

I also decided to move all the Elderly that I could into a home so they weren't taking up space in other homes and they could die and mourn each other away from the sims I actually wanted to play.

Loved the fact that I didn't have to accumulate money or level careers or anything like that, but just focus on the baby production.

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #271 on: June 15, 2020, 08:58:51 AM »
Before starting I planned out all of the couples.  As I expected the elders to not live to the end, they were each paired up with someone younger.  The only couple I did not break up was the Elderberrys from University.  Then I started with the oldest - any couple with elder was in the first batch.  The second batch was couples that were already married.  Then it was newly formed couples.  By this time the teens had become Young Adults so they were moved into their new homes.  This is also when I played their parents.  In the end, there were 3 couples that didn't have time to pop out their babies and only were able to adopt, plus the Elderberrys who were long gone by now.  All other premade sims were able to participate.

My strategy for each house was to initially get the couple married - photos to best friends, then romance until proposal, then romance some more when the proposal was rejected, finally a quick elopement.  Lot traits were changed to On Ley Line, Convivial, and Romantic Aura for the not yet couples.  Once the couple was married, they would woohoo until pregancy was confirmed, then Mom would head off for the adoption.  Since I was playing under the impression that the second adoption couldn't happen until both parents were friends with the first adoptee, Mom would bring home A#1, become good friends, and then go sleep.  Then Dad would make be good friends with A#1, and then go out to pick up adoptee #2.  The minute he got home, I was off to the next house.  I missed the lot trait on one house, and there were two other houses that did not have room for twins.  Otherwise, all pregnancies gave me twins, except for two houses where I got triplets.  So almost every house adopted 2 babies and had twins - I had 51 couples since the Elderberrys didn't play.  None of the children aged up in time, and the last three couples could only adopt since they were within 3 days of the deadline, although they did get pregnant, they didn't deliver.

By the Numbers:
51 couples played
83 babies born
**37 twins
**2 triplets
**3 singles
**9 no births (same sex or out of time)
100 babies adopted
**49 pairs
**2 singles

On average I was in each house for about 12 hours, moving through 13-14 couples per week.  Oh, and each sim would take a day of vacation so they didn't slip off for work.

And yes, George lasted much longer than I expected.  He was the last of the original elders to pass.

The details of the couples will be posted to my blog today and tomorrow - if anyone is interested in who did what with whom.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #272 on: June 15, 2020, 01:53:36 PM »
Before leaping into planning, I updated my two info threads as far as the Discover University Pack:Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps and Sims 4 Premade Townie Info.
Vesper, I'm so happy to hear you found these threads useful. I created them expressly for simmers like us, who play this forum's tournament and dynasty challenges.

Regarding strategies, I don't think I did anything that different from the other players who scored in the same range.
The biggest difference is whether one did near-simultaneous adoptions or not. Apart from that, it all hinged on courtship speed and luck with multiple births.
By the way, in my partial practice run, I noticed that my sims didn't get an On Ley Line moodlet from Try for Baby in a bush.
The trickiest part of this challenge, imho, was keeping track of the ages of children/teens. Due to randomized age lengths, the age stage ranges 7-9 days for toddlers as well as 12-15 days for children/teens.
And a sim's age can vary from save to save; I noticed that Alex's child stage and Malcolm's teen stage differed in my practice and scoring files.
(As for George Cahill, I thought his longevity was because he's the only elder with the Active trait?)

*Planning phase: I rearranged my couples/households by age group then numbered them.
  The last Eating for Two's had to occur by Week 4  Sunday and Wednesday for qualifying births.
  While playing the households, I kept notes on the ages of all teens and children.
  At each stage, I started with established couples to gain a little momentum and enthusiasm.
*Lot traits: Convivial, Romantic Aura, On Ley Line
*Club: I used the same club throughout the challenge, passing it on from one couple to the next before removing the current household.
  Courtship choices (Club members only): Friendly, Romantic, Kiss, Woohoo; Flirty.
*Courtship: A few photos together, BFFs, woohoo in bush (if not elderly), first kiss, GF/BF, proposal, elope.
*Elder phase: Three elderly f/f couples moved into households that had both a child and a teen (Bergsen, Goth, Munch) to ensure continued child care.  Three male elders married YA females.
*Adult phase: Just to make sure I didn't wait too long to play any of the adult females.
 Exception: In my practice file, Jesmin Bheeda went into labor very early Wed (Week 1) so, in my scoring file, I switched to the Bheeda in time for a fertility massage. They were my first 2-pregnancy couple.
*Young adult phase: Since I would run out of YA couples before the teens aged up, I chose Diego Lobo/Ulrike Faust as my 2nd couple to have two pregnancies.
*Teen phase: Malcolm Landgraab/Becca Clarke kicked off the Teen phase with two pregnancies, giving the other teens time to age up.
  I couldn't move out Cass Goth, Sofia Bergsen, and Lucas Munch until their younger sibling aged up to teen.
*Adoption-only YAs: I saved these couples for the end since they wouldn't need time for a pregnancy.
*Child-to-Teen adoption only: Tracking their ages was a royal pain.

Like Vesper, I will share details on all my couples and their children under a spoiler. In fact, I basically copied Vesper's format because it's very clear.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Some Birth Stats
*Triplets x 4 couples
  Candy Behr/Joaquin Le Chine, Vlad/Lilith Vatore, Caleb Vatore/Jade Rosa, and Malcolm Landgraab/Becca Clarke
*Single births x 4 couples
 Bella/Mortimer Goth, Eliza/Bob Pancakes (with the Fertile trait!), Malcolm L/Becca C (due to a full house), and Morgan Fyres/Wolfgang Munch
*Second pregnancy x 4 couples
  Jesmin/Arjun Bheeda, Diago Lobo/Ulrike Faust, Malcolm L./Becca C, and Duane Talla/Luna Villareal
*Adoption Only x8 couples

This challenge was an exciting, engaging variation on the Challenge Team's usual Baby Boomer challenge.
Thanks so much, Challenge Team! (Still, I hope we don't have another four sim-week tournament challenge anytime soon…)

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #273 on: June 15, 2020, 02:09:43 PM »
Congrats to @oshizu for a fabulous win. And congratulations to everyone for entering. This was indeed a long challenge.

I didn't have two packs - Realm of Magic & Vampires; but all of my sims were played and matched, except one elder, Keala Hoapili, who was happy to be Grandma to Lei Huata's and Gunther Munch's offspring. I placed on Ley Line lot trait on all the households. I did fertility massages for the adult sims. Elders were played first, then Adult Marrieds, then Adults single, then YA's married, then YA's single, then teens who had aged up. I made detailed notes of all the sims, matches, and who was going to move where. I wanted the single sims to be compatibly matched with someone who had a similar trait. My best pairing on this was George Cahill of Strangerville and Lilith Pleasant of Britechester. Who knew that a paranoid sim and a loner sim would hit it off so well? They were almost instant friends. They adopted two babies and Lilith had triplets. George was also the longest-lasting sim of the original elders. Maybe he had found the potion of youth in that underground bunker. Malcolm Landgraab was the first teen to age up who waited until Darling Walsh aged up, then they married. Cassandra Goth was the next to age up and I paired her with Gavin Richards. I nearly had an original child get a pair up - Tane Ngata and Elsa Bjergsen. Tane had already aged up to YA, but Elsa only aged up later in the day of the final day, so that didn't work. I also noticed that Christie Sigworth had also aged up sometime during the final day.

There was only one couple that produced one child, even though they had on Ley Line lot trait, which were Ulrike Faust and Mark Eggleston, but they also adopted two babies, so that helped.

With the Beeda household, Jesminder's first birth was twins, I then played that household, befriended the babies and then they adopted one other baby. I also left Jesminder preggers again. She ended up having triplets the second pregnancy! Full House! Way to go Jesminder!

It was a fun challenge, with a lot of research done beforehand. But a lot of this is luck, even with Ley Line lot trait and fertility massages. I certainly got to know more of the townies better. Thanks, Team for the great challenge.

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #274 on: June 15, 2020, 02:30:57 PM »
Thanks so much, Challenge Team! (Still, I hope we don't have another four sim-week tournament challenge anytime soon…)

You're welcome, oshizu. What a nice write-up. Grats, again on the win. And no worries on a long event anytime soon...not until the Finale in November.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #275 on: June 15, 2020, 03:04:20 PM »
Congrats to everyone and especially to @oshizu ! I'm discovering your posts about townies and I'm so disappointed I didn't saw it before!

I had approximately the same strategy,but didn't think of having a club. Sure that it could have be useful,especially for sims with the cold trait.
I also didn’t realize that we could adopt 2 babies at the same range and then avoid to be good friends with the first one...this could have make me gain much time,sure,but no more babies,because I had enough time to play with all the possible couples in my game.

I played 52 couples.
In my game,the children didn't age to adult before the end of the challenge,so I could only play Tane Ngata :Billie Jang,Elsa Bjergsen,Alex Goth and the others remain teens.
I didn't want to form elder+elder couples because I feared they both would die before the babies would be teens and the babies wouldn't count in the final score. @oshizu ,it was a great idea you had to move the couple with another family.

Finally,I had :
- 5 families with only 2 adopted babies each (4 adult woman+elder woman couples,plus Tane Ngata and Luna Villareal because Tane became adult only on the last day) → 10 babies
- 6 families with 3 babies (2 adopted,and 1 with pregancy) → 18 babies
- 37 families with 4 babies (2 adopted + twins from pregnancy) → 148 babies
- 4 families with 5  babies (2 adopted+ triplets from pregnancy for 3 of them,and for Arun and Jesminder Bheeda,twins from pregnancy+their first baby)→ 20 babies

Offline oshizu

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #276 on: June 15, 2020, 03:26:48 PM »
You have an insanely high score for someone who didn't do near-simultaneous adoptions!
It took my sims hours (sim hours, that is) to become good friends with nooboos--I wish I had some cool trick to speed up that process, but I don't.

Question: How did your sims become good friends with the first adopted nooboo so fast?

As for clubs, if you set Woohoo as a club activity, even sims who aren't in a romantic relationship at all are quite likely to go woohoo. It's a quick way of boosting the Romance bar.
Even with a club, though, Unflirty sims take longer to woo.
When I unthinkingly had my first elderly female couple woohoo in a bush, though, they practically died, LOL!

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #277 on: June 15, 2020, 03:48:05 PM »
For me, when making friends with babies, you just can't talk to them - that gives negative relationship more than not.  So I would just Bounce, Coo At, Make Silly Face, and Rock, but it still took a few hours of rotating non stop.
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Offline Noyo

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #278 on: June 15, 2020, 04:53:34 PM »
Great to see you back, Noyo.

Thanks a lot; :) i couldnt participate yearly challenges before, however i had time to follow the website by reading - watching Carl's game - pack's guides.

Today, started Handy Sim challenge, got 5th sim day already, want to post the score in a couple of days, have fun - good luck all.

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #279 on: June 15, 2020, 07:11:26 PM »
My strategy was pretty much the same as the high scorers except I wasted time befriending adopted babies but I feel better knowing that I was at least on the right track.
Also my computer was having problems with dealing with just over 100 babies so anymore would have fried my save file so that's a silver lining.
Congratulations to everyone who survived the self inflicted baby apocalypse

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #280 on: June 15, 2020, 07:14:39 PM »
Before leaping into planning, I updated my two info threads as far as the Discover University Pack:Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps and Sims 4 Premade Townie Info.
Vesper, I'm so happy to hear you found these threads useful. I created them expressly for simmers like us, who play this forum's tournament and dynasty challenges.

I meant to add that I also used your threads, thank you Oshizu, they were very helpful. Oh and, I was mostly using the same strategies, with the exception of *cough* the clubs.

At one stage, I tried seeing if photographing babies worked, it didn't, so I reverting to cuddling etc.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #281 on: June 15, 2020, 07:20:47 PM »
@oshizu I had no real trick to fasten relationship with the baby,except that I got the couple married before adopting.
If you don't do that,it's only the sim who go to adopt who is considered parent of the baby,the other sim (even if he/she is the firts sim's girlfriend or boyfriend) is not considered as a parent,and then his/her relationship bar with the baby is lower.
Like @Teresa,I kept doing friendly interactions,but I didn't notice that "talk to" was not good but I noticed that "make silly faces" was so I didn't do this interaction. Maybe I was wrong,not sure!
I tried not to lost too much time: while the father befriended the baby,the mother was having her fertility massage  :)

"Woohoo clubs" is a nice trick,thank you  ;D

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #282 on: June 15, 2020, 07:36:59 PM »
I meant to add that I also used your threads, thank you Oshizu, they were very helpful. Oh and, I was mostly using the same strategies, with the exception of *cough* the clubs.

At one stage, I tried seeing if photographing babies worked, it didn't, so I reverting to cuddling etc.
Thank you, Deklitch!
Haha, I also tried photographing a nooboo. Try everything once, right?

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #283 on: June 16, 2020, 07:21:34 PM »
Admittedly I played right down to the wire, then had to finish counting everyone up, then the game crashed when I trief to exit it (like others it was faltering somewhat by the final in-game week) and I write way too much...

Grats on the great score, Sruixan. I request that you please do not push deadlines in the future. Thanks.

I'm grateful for the leniency, and certainly don't intend to cut it that close ever again! Given that everything that could have gone wrong absolutely went wrong (I didn't even moan about my troubles with the update/patch!) I was in a bit of a tizzy... but hey, at least I've got my internet back now!

Strategy-wise: I winged an awful lot of this! See, I did all my planning and spreadsheeting the weekend before the challenge went live, knowing that I'd be busy IRL for the first fortnight or so, though I did kick the file off at least... and then one thing led to another and suddenly there was only one week left to go and I still only had those 21 babies! Once the June 10th patch rolled in, I resumed, thinking that my original plan was sufficiently robust that I could still follow it. Turns out: not entirely. I had not thought through the timings on a lot of my pairings for sims who were teens or kids originally, so I had to do a lot of frantic rearranging, and I'd completely forgot to pair up the female elders! So, that's some babies I missed... other than that, I basically did what oshizu did, clubs and all.

Once Boom Baby Boom had a few perks, initially unmarried couples could pretty much follow the same pattern. With the Romantic Aura and On A Ley Line traits set: Compliment Appearance, Embrace, any two of {Kiss Hands, Offer Rose, Suave Kiss} depending on Confident or Flirty mood, and then First Kiss. In the six hour window between a couple's first kiss and the earliest a proposal will succeed first time, the female sim usually got a fertility massage (some could quickly earn enough points for Fertile, and towards the end there just wasn't the in-game time) before Try For Baby, and had more than enough time to start properly dating their partner. I'd also make sure that there was only one double bed left in the house and, after the pregnancy was confirmed, move it as close to the lot's spawn point as possible, thus minimising the amount of time spent walking to the adoptee's bassinets. Beyond that, Dennis Kim & Judith Ward spent a lot of their time gifting simoleons to sims who'd need to purchase property later on, as well as setting up "holding" clubs to make transferring Boom Baby Boom between households easier. Oh, and being permitted to use birthday cakes brought a lot of sims who were initially children into play: Tane Ngata would have aged up in time anyway, but Lucas Munch, Christie Sigworth, Max Villareal & Alexander Goth all got to participate thanks to some careful moving.

I've converted my record of couples and their babies that I kept in my spreadsheet into something marginally more readable for the spoiler below. I also took note of the time when I arrived at each house, except for the last two where I was going too fast to do so, though unlike Vesper & oshizu I didn't generally pay attention to what the houses were called! Play took place in the original homes of the sim(s) underlined in each couple, unless otherwise specified, and the baby totals are (adoptions)+(first pregnancy)+(second pregnancy):

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I do keep taking screenshots of my games with the intent of doing proper write-ups, a bit like Teresa's lovely ones, but have never managed to get round to doing so. If I do, you'll get to find out all about what Dennis & Judith got up to, why I was forced to spend so long in Coorinberg Cottage and just how Nuihaur Ka'anā'anā won me over... but then I suppose I should do Adam Akinsola's run in Making Money in 2020: 20 Days, 20 Ways first... and then the second challenge... and then the third challenge... and, uh, so on. Still, I had a good time, even it was a touch hectic, so thanks again to the team for the fun challenge, and I promise to be a little more punctual from now on!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: 2020 Mid-Season Major: A Townie Baby Boomer!
« Reply #284 on: June 16, 2020, 09:23:07 PM »
Oh and one other thing ... I loved the names the adopted kids came into the game with