Thank you, Metro! I will do that.
Oshizu, yes, that may be a better idea...
It is so frustrating that if I queue up adoptions in both parents one after another, one of the adoptions always cancels out. Grrrr.
Still, it's fun to see all the nooboos and toodlers. 
You do remember that both parents have to become good friends with the adopted baby before a second adoption can take place?
Ok, well...
Because the rules say that, before the second adoption, the parents have to be good friends with all babies in the house, my reasoning was:
One parent goes to adopt, and the second parent can then go to adopt as well immediately, because at that point, there are no babies in the house (yet).
Obviously, the parents do need to be marries first.
Now, from your statement, it seems that maybe I got this entirely wrong...
I'm afraid I have used this adoption strategy many times.