Author Topic: Ous & Them - A Quick Play "Breed Out the Weird" Challenge (COMPLETE)  (Read 3042 times)

Offline bookloverblue

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This ravishing beauty, Heidi Ous, has one goal in life: to meet a man and have a baby as fast as humanly possible, in order to hopefully bless the world with one even more beautiful than herself.

Indeed, my goal for this challenge is "Breed Out the Weird" - to produce the most normal and beautiful looking Sim I can in 10 generations. This is a mechanic similar to an Uglyacy, but with one key difference. As I'm short on time, I'll be treating this as a "quick fire" game: no marriages, immediate labour, and ageing up babies all the way to Young Adult. Anything goes if it helps me get to the end goal quicker.

Can the Ous family achieve perfection in just ten generations? Let's find out!

Generations One to Five

Generations Six to Ten