Author Topic: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--Graveyard  (Read 18433 times)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 9 April
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2020, 04:09:32 PM »
Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting.

I've been dragging my feet a bit on updating because I was trying to work out a way that will provide info on my Sims, but not put pressure on myself to be "creative." The thing is, I am playing this save pretty slowly, so not a lot happens in every family every round. My solution is that I'll be doing Round-Ups--basically summaries of what's been happening along with highlights of any special events (parties, marriages, etc.). A round might have one Round-Up or it might have several, depending on what happens that week.

I have updated my Career, Community Lot, and World posts to reflect what I have unlocked thus far and I'll have my first Round-Up for the remainder of Round 1 posted tomorrow. I feel better about it now that I don't feel like I'm flailing about trying to come up with stuff to say. Thanks for your patience. :)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 9 April
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2020, 05:00:35 PM »
What a clever way to do it!  Once my world gets way over-the-top with settlers (which might be sooner rather than later), I might do some mini-round-ups to help speed things along.  You're so clever!

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Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 9 April
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2020, 08:17:10 PM »
I’m not convinced that it’s terribly clever. I really struggle with finding stuff to say and always worry that my stuff is just boring. At the same time, though, I can’t seem to find the motivation to write an actual story. Add to that that I’m also a fickle perfectionist (not a good combo) who changes her mind about stuff a bajillion times and, get the idea. We’ll see if the new format will inspire me to do better.

Thanks so much for your very kind comments. :)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2020, 07:31:35 PM »
Round 1.3

This is what the neighborhood looks like at the moment.

The Herrmann-Lynx house.

You may notice that the interior of the house looks different in some shots. I pretty much rebuilt or remodelled all of the houses.

Rosa and Alec had a baby boy they named Connor.

He rolled the Wild trait when he aged up.

Playing airplane is the best!

Connor is also very social and rolls wants to talk to his parents all the time. He talks about princesses with Alec, who is working on maxing Logic. Rosa is at Level 8 Wellness. When she reaches Level 10, we can add a Spa to the neighborhood.

Alec also works on Programming. He’ll take a job in the Freelancer career until Connor starts school. He isn’t sure if he wants to enter the Tech Guru career (Unlocked with electricity) or the Scientist career, which has 2 slots open. Rosa is working in the Politics Career (Charity Organizer), which is open to the town’s “Mayor” Sim.

Rosa is also working on the Friend of the World Aspiration. Alec completed The Curator. I’ve decided I am not letting Sims switch Aspirations at will. They may be allowed to choose a second aspiration after finishing their first, but I am likely going to randomize that. Basically, I don’t want a neighborhood of OP Super Sims. I’m still working out the particulars, though.

Thanks to Rosa maxing Charisma, Bienvenue was awarded a CAS point. Remy provided a Joker when he completed Anging Ace. The roll was a 2, so two new Sims moved in, Fiona and Armand Firefly.

Fiona was the first Sim I ever created, for TS2. I’ve never let her die, so we’re going to have to do something to make her immortal. This Armand doesn’t really look like my original Armand, but he’ll do. Original Armand was pretty traditional and I wanted a more free-spirited version for this challenge. Fiona has had many, many Sim partners and careers over the course of her Sim life. Other Sims come and go, but there is always Fiona!

Not long after moving in, Fiona and Armand hosted a dinner party to get to know their neighbors.

Fiona maxed the Cooking skill, opening up a slot in the Culinary career. Initially, I was going to have her go into the Chef branch, but I decided I wanted to go in a different direction with her. In the past, she has been a scientist, a chef, a painter, and a bestselling author. What will she try her hand at this time around?

Since I use bars a lot more than restaurants, Armand started working on his Mixology skill so he can enter the Mixologist career.

Fiona and Armand had a set of twin girls, Inquisitive Zelda (top, with Fiona) and Silly Zora (bottom, with Armand).

And to finish Round 1, another new family was added. This is Avery Lewis and Carmen Guerra. They moved in with their two children, Ivy Lewis and Darius Guerra. The CAS point was earned when the park was unlocked and Alec’s completing Curator provided a joker. Obviously, the roll was a 4. Technically, I could have split those Sims into two households, but I wanted to add this family all together. Anyway, we will learn more about the Lewis-Guerra family during Round 2.

Thanks for reading!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2020, 11:25:27 PM »
Lovely update!!  So cool to have the nice overview of what's happening in your BACC!
So, can the Lewis-Guerra household have their own children naturally, or is that why you had them each come in with  child of their own?

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2020, 02:03:43 AM »
Avery and Carmen are the Sims that were (I think) in the Laundry Day trailer, except that Avery was a guy. At some point I generated kids for them and made Avery female. They cannot have natural children together. They will probably adopt at some point—if I get to 10 households before they are too old. I decided not to allow same sex pregnancy in this save unless at least one of the partners is an alien.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2020, 03:22:15 PM »
It is fascinating to see how differently the three of us play.
I've only had sims live on a 20x15 lot under duress (the Rival Dynasties Challenge) as I prefer ranch houses to mutli-story houses.
Great to see Bienvenue growing!

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Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2020, 12:39:04 PM »
Toddler Round-Up! (2nd generation)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2020, 02:04:08 PM »
Toddler spam!!   Adorable!  They're all super cute, but there's just something super endearing about Zelda's smile in that last shot  :=)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 17 April
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2020, 03:28:19 PM »
@PeregrineTook  Thanks! I love the toddlers so much. I think the team did a great job on them. It's a bit scary rolling for their traits, but it's also fun because it forces me to play with traits I would never choose on my own.

Meanwhile, Bienvenue has a new resident. I decided not to use a Joker because I wanted him to be in a single Sim household for a while. This Sim was made by Jenba ( Her Gallery ID is silrosse. I've downloaded and played quite a few of Jenba's Sims, but Allan is my favorite.

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Allan moved into the Yuma Heights lot. He will be collecting for and building our Natural History Museum. This museum will curate many collections and have a public greenhouse. Once it's built, Allan will donate the lot to the community and move. Other Sims will also be able to contribute to the collections.

Some rule changes regarding adding CAS Sims I’m implementing because 1. I hate skilling Charisma and 2. I don’t really want a ton of maxed Charisma Sims, and 3. I want more options.  Feel free to adopt any or all of these modifications, make your own, or stick with Purzell’s rules as written.

Earn 1 Sim (CAS or moving in a Townie) by:
1. Maxing Charisma.
2. A Sim opens a retail store, restaurant, or vet clinic.
3. A new community lot type is unlocked.
4. A host household sponsors a new resident by donating $20K to the building fund (helpful for moving in Townie spouses).
5. A Sim reaches the top of a full-time career.
6. A Sim completes a unique collection.

Earn 3 Sims by:
Your Mayor Sim reaches the top of the Charity Organizer career.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 20 April
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2020, 01:05:51 PM »

Today we visit the Chastain family.

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The day starts with Remy's early morning yoga practice.

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Sylvia is also busy, but in a different way. Twins Marie-Louise and Jean-Paul join the household.

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Sylvia also painted her 10th masterpiece and unlocked the Museum.

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She can finally view 3 paintings to advance her aspiration.

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The Museum is a repurposed Rattlesnake juice bar. I like the outside aesthetic of this lot, but have never cared much for it as a bar.

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And rounding out the week, Jean-Pierre is the first born in game resident of Bienvenue to become a child. At this point, I think his looks favor Sylvia, especially the nose. That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

Offline MarianT

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 20 April
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2020, 04:18:21 PM »
I think it's brilliant using the Rattlesnake Juice lot as a museum -- as anything other than a bar, really. Jean-Pierre is a cutie.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 20 April
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2020, 05:32:00 PM »
Echoing MarianT, the Rattlesnake as a museum is a stroke of genius!!
Jean Pierre is a cutie pie!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 20 April
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2020, 07:31:38 PM »
Chiming in to say that Jean-Pierre is good-lucking both as a toddler and a child!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Bienvenue: A Build A City Challenge--updated 25 April
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2020, 04:07:17 PM »

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Rosa isn't terribly thrilled with fish tacos for breakfast. Connor thinks they are just fine.

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Rosa heads off to her job in the Politics career. She's at Level 5 and is making good progress. She usually goes in to the office because the few times she has tried working from home she couldn't complete her work tasks since they had to be completed in San Myshuno, which is not yet unlocked. Since Rosa is gone from the lot Monday-Friday, Alec won't get a job until the Friday before Connor grows up. He's decided to enter the Scientist career and if he gets the job on Friday, he won't start until Monday and he'll have a lot of time to get his first two breakthroughs. Only certain Sims will be allowed to use the Connections reward, so Alec will start at Level 1. NOTE: This is a personal restriction and isn't a part of the official rules.

In order to use Connections, Sims will have to meet 2 of these criteria:
Gregarious (Popularity Aspiration)
Business Savvy (Fortune Aspiration)
At least Level 6 Charisma
Have previously gotten to Level 5 or higher in another career
Have at least 10 Good Friends outside of the household

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In the meantime, Alec works on maxing Logic to unlock birth control.

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Rosa also works hard at making friends for her Friend of the World aspiration. She only needs one more friend to complete it. She also remembers to get her daily donation task done by asking her new friends to donate.

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She often works late into the evening. She paid a visit to the Lewis-Guerra household to explain the tax structure to the new residents and collect their first payment. Avery was asleep. but Rosa collected the tax money, made a new friend, AND got a donation from Carmen.

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By the end of the week, the Herrmann-Lynx household had saved enough money for a down payment on a bigger house. They had $35000 as a down payment and borrowed $28768. They will have to make regular payments (achieved with the Money cheat) and will pay back a total of $34520, their balance plus 20% interest on the amount they borrowed. The lot is Wyatt Place by Jenba. Interior decorated by me.

Thanks for reading!

