Round 1.3
This is what the neighborhood looks like at the moment.
The Herrmann-Lynx house.
You may notice that the interior of the house looks different in some shots. I pretty much rebuilt or remodelled all of the houses.
Rosa and Alec had a baby boy they named Connor.
He rolled the Wild trait when he aged up.
Playing airplane is the best!
Connor is also very social and rolls wants to talk to his parents all the time. He talks about princesses with Alec, who is working on maxing Logic. Rosa is at Level 8 Wellness. When she reaches Level 10, we can add a Spa to the neighborhood.
Alec also works on Programming. He’ll take a job in the Freelancer career until Connor starts school. He isn’t sure if he wants to enter the Tech Guru career (Unlocked with electricity) or the Scientist career, which has 2 slots open. Rosa is working in the Politics Career (Charity Organizer), which is open to the town’s “Mayor” Sim.
Rosa is also working on the Friend of the World Aspiration. Alec completed The Curator. I’ve decided I am not letting Sims switch Aspirations at will. They may be allowed to choose a second aspiration after finishing their first, but I am likely going to randomize that. Basically, I don’t want a neighborhood of OP Super Sims. I’m still working out the particulars, though.
Thanks to Rosa maxing Charisma, Bienvenue was awarded a CAS point. Remy provided a Joker when he completed Anging Ace. The roll was a 2, so two new Sims moved in, Fiona and Armand Firefly.
Fiona was the first Sim I ever created, for TS2. I’ve never let her die, so we’re going to have to do something to make her immortal. This Armand doesn’t really look like my original Armand, but he’ll do. Original Armand was pretty traditional and I wanted a more free-spirited version for this challenge. Fiona has had many, many Sim partners and careers over the course of her Sim life. Other Sims come and go, but there is always Fiona!
Not long after moving in, Fiona and Armand hosted a dinner party to get to know their neighbors.
Fiona maxed the Cooking skill, opening up a slot in the Culinary career. Initially, I was going to have her go into the Chef branch, but I decided I wanted to go in a different direction with her. In the past, she has been a scientist, a chef, a painter, and a bestselling author. What will she try her hand at this time around?
Since I use bars a lot more than restaurants, Armand started working on his Mixology skill so he can enter the Mixologist career.
Fiona and Armand had a set of twin girls, Inquisitive Zelda (top, with Fiona) and Silly Zora (bottom, with Armand).
And to finish Round 1, another new family was added. This is Avery Lewis and Carmen Guerra. They moved in with their two children, Ivy Lewis and Darius Guerra. The CAS point was earned when the park was unlocked and Alec’s completing Curator provided a joker. Obviously, the roll was a 4. Technically, I could have split those Sims into two households, but I wanted to add this family all together. Anyway, we will learn more about the Lewis-Guerra family during Round 2.
Thanks for reading!