Author Topic: Carr Immortal Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 90014 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #240 on: November 13, 2020, 01:50:17 PM »
Thanks, @butterfly :).

Unmarked Carr (part 1)


"Yes, I know I did but…
"Well, that's what I thought…"


"So, Minnie, I called in to the Department…"
"Yes, you said you wanted to retire.  Congratulations, dear!  Now where did I put that confetti?"
"No!  I know I said that, but that was before everything changed.  Now the Department's very keen for me to carry on.  Everyone knows me as a ghost – handy for some investigations but more often a pain.  Now I'm human, I won't be recognised and they're keen to redeploy me.  Especially if…"


"You see, there are some really tough cases on the books.  Widespread corruption.  Criminals running whole towns.  Not here in Lucky Palms but in other places around the world.  You wouldn't believe the amount of money-laundering that's going on.  Now I'd like to try to bring them to justice."

His chat with Minnie went on for what seemed like hours but at last she agreed that it was a worthy project.  RR went down to the foundation level and poked around in the storage chests.  Now where had he put it?


Minnie, as promised, had gathered the family to witness what he was about to attempt.


Of course, they were all elders and had limited attention spans.  By the time the potion kicked in they were starting to lose interest.


When it finally became clear that he really had discovered how to reverse ageing, they were all busy doing stimulus-response tests or berating each other's ignorance and hardly noticed his dramatic transformation.


At least he did manage to engage with his mother before she wandered off.

"Mum!  I know we've been on opposite sides of the law until now but I wondered whether you might be able to help with my newest mission…"


"…Oh yes, I've heard of them.  I don't think 'honour among thieves' applies here.  They're giving criminals a bad name.  The things I could tell you…"  And she did.


"Thanks for the intel, Mum."
"I can do better than that.  Give me a few days and I can make sure it's all up to date… and get you some practical help, just in case."


"Good luck, Roly.  I'll be thinking of you.  After all, you are my son, even if you are a policeman."

RR had a haircut and went off to the dresser to sort out a new wardrobe.  Conservative clothing in his usual style, plus alternative outfits that were more suited to his latest assignment.


I was wrong when I said that Rolls had inherited most of his looks from Lotus.  He certainly has her hair colour, as I already knew, and his skin tone comes from Ford (on the same slider as Lotus but a slightly darker shade).  I think his blue-green eye colour is random variation.  But, as far as features are concerned, he's a clone of his father.

Well, actually, his jaw shape and global head/face sliders could come from either parent, since their slider positions are identical.  I'm beginning to suspect that the Lucky Palms townies were created in batches, with minor tweaks to sliders to give them some individuality.

Over the next few days, while Lotus was getting in touch with various shady acquaintances, Rolls spent most of his time in the lab, mass-producing potions.


On the evening before his departure, he found Lotus in the garden.


"This is for you, Mum.  It's a dose of my 'Young Again' potion.  I've given the rest to Minnie to keep for later but I thought you might want to try it first."
"Because I'm a daredevil? You're probably right."
And she knocked it back.




Rolls arrived at the house he was renting in Sunlit Tides and looked around.


His informants had been right.  The criminal hideout here was very different from the usual 'abandoned' warehouse.   Showy and impregnable, it positively screamed out 'we're in charge'.  Must be a great view from there.  He wondered how they kept the tourists away.  Maybe they claimed it was unsafe – which it probably was, come to think of it, given the occupants  :-\.

A conventional raid was clearly out of the question.  Time for some quiet reconnaissance.  He left it until the early hours of the morning, then dressed in dark clothing and made his way up the mountain.



He managed to infiltrate the lair and sneak back out again, unnoticed.


Well, that just confirmed what he knew already.  Plan B it was, then.  Later that day, he walked openly back up to the volcano and applied for a job.


Thanks to the excellently dodgy references provided by his mother's contacts, he was taken on as a junior criminal.  Now to establish himself in island society and patiently work his way up the ranks…

As RR was coming out of the criminal hideout, I noticed an odd glow.  I thought to start with it was something like the eyes in the abandoned mines but, on closer inspection, it just turned out to be a weird lighting effect.


I never realised a Hawaiian shirt could look that spooky :o.

Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #241 on: November 14, 2020, 05:02:04 AM »
Wow whats happening here? Are we about to get another story? I do hope so, RR looks just great and deserves to have a life story. Await developments with bated breath.

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Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #242 on: November 14, 2020, 12:17:39 PM »
Ooooooo. Exciting! I hope they are pirates! It's so odd seeing a living Roly! And I do love that floral shirt on him!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #243 on: November 15, 2020, 05:57:55 AM »
Wow whats happening here? Are we about to get another story? I do hope so, RR looks just great and deserves to have a life story. Await developments with bated breath.

What was supposed to be happening was everyone having a short 'what happened next' section but RR's has taken on a life of its own and looks likely to go on for several chapters.  It was unexpected but I'm happy to go with it - he didn't have a very exciting dynasty life, apart from the glitches, and it feels as though he's owed a story.  Now that the challenge itself is finished, I can play with mods and the game is running much more smoothly as a result, so it should be able to cope with the expanded story.

Ooooooo. Exciting! I hope they are pirates! It's so odd seeing a living Roly! And I do love that floral shirt on him!

He has several loud shirts for blending in with the locals.  I like designing Hawaiian shirts in Sims 3 - one of my stylists put everyone in Sunset Valley into them :D.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #244 on: November 19, 2020, 01:03:04 PM »
Touring Carrs

Lotus took advantage of her restored youth and the lack of dynasty restrictions to take another trip to China.  After all, she'd barely left the house on her previous visits.  Now she could do the whole tourist bit…



…and even explore beneath the surface a little.



This was fun!

"So, Ford, what are your plans?  Do you want to travel as well?"


"Well, I certainly want to try young Rolls Royce's potion and I have some ideas beyond that – but I need to discuss them with Kia.  After everything she's done for the family, I think it's her decision at least as much as mine."


"Come on then, let's go to the lab and see if the scientists can live up to all those claims they've been making about restoring ghosts."


It was only a partial success but a plate of ambrosia could fix that problem.


"Welcome back, my love!  Now, what would you say to the idea of getting our youth back as well?"
"Is that possible?"
"Yes.  You never met our grandson but, take my word for it, the boy's a genius.  He developed this potion to reverse ageing.  Takes you right back to the beginning of young adulthood.  He's taken it and so has Lotus.  Worked perfectly."


"Let's try it!"
And they swallowed the potion together.

The next morning, they went out into the garden to discuss their future.
"So what do you want to do now?  Go back into politics?"


"No, I don't think so.  I want to do something involving writing but maybe not just books.  I have a feeling that I really belong in journalism…


"…but I could do that almost anywhere.  What would you like to do with your new life?"


"Carry on with my art – but I'd love to have some different landscapes to paint.  There's only so much you can do with the changing light on the desert.


"And there's something else… but…I don't know if…"
"Well… you know I'm a clone.  I've spent quite a lot of time chatting with my DNA donor while we've both been… dead.  Did you know she was a friend of Minnie's?  She helped out in the early days of the dynasty.  We've become good friends.  She feels like… maybe not a mother, exactly.  Perhaps a big sister.  Anyway, I wondered whether we could bring her back to life as well.  I'd like to see more of her… but maybe you don't want a sort-of sister-in-law hanging around."
"Why not?  You had to put up with my family your whole life – um, first life.  Let's bring her back."

Minnie was only too happy to go along with the idea.  The scientists were a little surprised that she was back so soon but were happy with the generous fee, especially since the process was still so full of bugs.



Minnie gave her old friend one of the flasks of RR's potion and Eva was young again.


"Now we really do look like sisters!"
"I had some grey streaks put in my hair.  Wouldn't want anyone to think I was the younger sister."


Ford, Kia and Eva spent a few months travelling the world, looking for the ideal place to settle.  They found it in Hidden Springs.


Eva had a whole new library to read her way through and planted a small garden that she hoped would reach perfection in time.  And her 'little sister' was just next door when she felt like socialising.


Kia had so many beautiful landscapes to paint and photograph, none of them remotely desert-like.  And it wasn't even winter yet.  The locals told her that was when the town was at its best.


Ford, meanwhile, was in journalistic heaven.  The dysfunctional but unusually accessible royal family were an endless source of society gossip…


…and there were plenty of other interesting characters around town, like the runaway member of a certain rich and notorious family.  No names could be mentioned but Bert was great value as a 'trusted source' anyway.  Then there were the mysterious green-skinned people and their healing lore.  Not to mention the rumours of a Fountain of Youth somewhere in the woods and fairytale characters living in their midst.  There were enough stories here to keep him busy for a whole second lifetime.

Credits: camera accessory and pose by traelia; pose player by cmomoney.

And a random screenshot to end with, because it made me laugh.  Not one of Minnie's more photogenic expressions :D


Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #245 on: November 20, 2020, 03:19:16 PM »
AWWW Eva! I love when the helpers get their happy endings too. They give so much to the dynasties. Also, gotta love that Minnie expression.

Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #246 on: November 21, 2020, 04:47:57 AM »
Sims is so magical in the way it can reverse age and death. Its lovely to see all the Carr's and their partners returning to their youth. I like how they are all being given a second time around.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #247 on: November 23, 2020, 12:24:01 PM »
AWWW Eva! I love when the helpers get their happy endings too. They give so much to the dynasties. Also, gotta love that Minnie expression.

Sims is so magical in the way it can reverse age and death. Its lovely to see all the Carr's and their partners returning to their youth. I like how they are all being given a second time around.

Although I love playing challenge games, I always end up getting slightly frustrated by the limitations.  Giving everyone a new lease of life lets them do some of the things they (and I) wanted to do the first time around that weren't allowed.  And the helpers definitely deserve a chance of dynasty-free happiness.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #248 on: November 27, 2020, 02:05:30 PM »

"What are you planning to do next, Morgan?"
"I'd like a change of scene – and climate.  The desert's too hot and dry for me.  I've found just the place.  I just need to bring Opal back, then we'll be off."


So Morgan visited the science lab, where, once again, the process didn't quite work.

"Welcome back, Opal!  I've missed you."

And he went in for a kiss.

"Please, not now, Morgan.  I'm tired and stressed and really want nothing more than to drop into bed and sleep the clock round."


It was a silent journey home.  When they arrived, Morgan went straight downstairs to the gym to let off steam, while Opal drifted out to the terrace.  Minnie was there.  She knew from the previous ghost restorations that Opal must be feeling terrible and pulled out her moodlet manager.


"Oh, thank you!  Morgan doesn't seem to understand how awful that 'Oh My Ghost' process is.  I'd almost rather have stayed dead."
"He always was thoughtless – or maybe just so absorbed in his own projects that he doesn't notice anyone else.  And he's certainly been getting odder recently.  Here, take this."  She handed over a parcel.


"It's a potion made by your great-grandson.  It restores youth.  I have a feeling Morgan doesn't entirely approve and might not tell you about it.  Now go and have a bubble bath and a good night's sleep.  Then go through that door downstairs that was always locked and help yourself from the food replicator."


After a plate of ambrosia Opal felt able to face Morgan, even if he was in one of his moods.  She started gently.

"What happened after I… left?"


"Well, Ford married Kia..."
"No surprise there."
"…and they had a daughter, Lotus.  She's a martial artist – and a daredevil.  Off in China at the moment, exploring tombs.


"Her son, Rolls Royce, is the final member of the dynasty.  He's in the police.  Amateur chemist and astronomer.  Chess champion as well.  Very clever, although…"


"Oh!  he's the one who made that potion!"
"Minnie told you?  Yes, he did.  It seems to work.  He's taken it and so has Lotus.  Mind, she would.  And so have Ford and Kia."
"Sounds pretty foolproof, then."
"Well, yes.  But so unnecessary.  Why would anyone want to get their youth back?  Being older and wiser is so much better.  I've enjoyed the eternal old age from ambrosia.  Bit of a nuisance having to remember to keep eating it, though.  So I've been doing some experimenting of my own.  Rolls left his notes behind and I reproduced his potion and then improved on it.  My version stops ageing without all that annoying business of being young again."


He hoped Opal wouldn't ask any awkward questions.  It would be embarrassing to admit how much trial and error (especially error) had gone into the potion development process.  Or that he hadn't actually tested it.

She didn't.  On the other hand, she wasn't as impressed as he'd expected.  What happened to wifely support and admiration?


"That's all right for you.  You're a man.  Old age doesn't stop men being attractive.  But most women would love to have eternal youth."
"Aw!  I still fancy you, old lady.  Give us a kiss!"


"No!  I know things haven't changed much for you but I've been dead.  I need time to recover, to get over that awful revival process – and the shock of suddenly being alive again.  I can't go straight back to where we were.  Maybe I won't want to go back at all."
"But we have to be together – we're eternally faithful!"
"Eternity's  a long time, Morgan.  I was a dutiful wife.  And, yes, faithful.  'Till death do us part.'  But death did part us – and maybe now I want something different "
"Come on, Opal darling, be reasonable…"
"I am!  You're the one who's being unreasonable.  You never listen.  Too wrapped up in your own interests. I've had enough!


"Do what you want.  Take your stupid 'improved' potion.  Carry on being old and selfish. But you can do it on your own.  I want youth and a new life, not the same old one.  It's over, Morgan!"


Sobbing, she pulled the flask Minnie had given her out of her inventory and swallowed the contents, right in front of him.


Determinedly ignoring her, Morgan went off to practise Gnubb.  Women!  So emotional.  Well, maybe she'd see sense later – and then she could use birthday cake to get back to her proper age.


His reaction was lost on Opal.  She was too busy celebrating her unbirthday.


Yes!  She really was young again!  Now to sort out her clothes and hair…

When she came back outside, Morgan was still playing Gnubb.  He looked round and saw her, looking just like the girl he'd fallen in love with so long ago.  He'd forgotten how pretty she was.  They couldn't give up on their marriage so easily.


"Opal, I'm sorry.  Please give me another chance.  Come with me to Twinbrook.  Lots of new landscapes to paint."
"Twinbrook!  You want to live in a swamp?  No, thanks.  Anyway, I've had enough of painting.  And photography.  All those museum portraits!  Not to mention the endless sculptures…


"No, I want to do something different.  Take up music, perhaps.  My DNA donor was a showgirl.  Maybe I'll follow in her footsteps."


"What?!  Go on the stage in a skimpy outfit?"
"Yes, why not?  It might be fun.  It'd be a change at least."
"No wife of mine's going to flaunt herself half-naked in front of strangers!"
"That's fine!  I'm not your wife any more.  Remember?"
"Well, if you're going to be like that…  I was going to try young Rolls's potion after all, just for you.  But now…"

He produced his own potion…


…and drank the lot.


Opal looked as though she had her doubts but it worked perfectly.  (Phew!)  He felt younger inside without changing on the outside.

And now for the rest of his life.  Might as well get on with things, he supposed.  He said goodbye to Minnie, collected a few essentials from the fridge and chests, and called the travel agent.

"Yes…   Twinbrook…  As soon as possible…  Any spaces on the next flight?"


Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #249 on: November 27, 2020, 02:17:59 PM »
Downshift (cont'd)

Early the following morning, he arrived at the house he'd bought.  It was away from the town centre, which suited him, and situated conveniently close to the junkyard.  The view over the swamp towards the derelict railway bridge wouldn't be to everyone's taste but he liked it.


Once he'd settled in, he drove around the town, getting his bearings – and found another junkyard!  He knew this place was popular with inventors and he was beginning to see why.


A little too popular, maybe.  Most of the piles had been dug through already.  Never mind, maybe he'd have more success at the larger place near home.


Yes, that was better.  Almost undisturbed.  He looked around and grinned.  It had been a long time since he'd blown up a scrap heap.


Hmm… It appeared he was out of practice.  Still, he had plenty of raw materials now, even if he was singed.

After a bath and a change of clothes, he went up to his new inventing room on the top floor of the house and started work.  It appeared that he was out of practice at this as well.  (Surely he hadn't hit his thumb so often in the old days?)  Even so, it didn't take long before he'd finished the miner.


He'd made several before, of course, but he'd always been too busy to do much with them.  Now he had plenty of time.


On his second dig, he hit a network of underground tunnels and climbed in to explore.  Why should Lotus have all the fun?


It was interesting, although he lost most of his souvenirs while climbing back out.  Maybe he'd have better luck in future.

And talking of the future…


All of his previous time machines had been sold for profit – and Minnie wouldn't let him travel through time, anyway.  Too much risk of messing things up for everyone, she said.  But Minnie wasn't here now.

He decided to visit the past first.  Seeing where technology went in the future would be fascinating but the past felt safer for his first trip.  He ought to be at least vaguely familiar with whenever he ended up: history had been one of his favourite subjects at school.


Wow!  At last he understood what Lotus meant by 'adrenaline rush'.  That was so much better than his underground adventure!

Actually getting to use his inventions was great fun and he looked forward to many more trips but there was something not quite right about this new existence.  What was it?

At last he realised – he'd always lived in a big household and now he was on his own.  Was he… lonely?  Maybe he should go into town and make some friends.

Make friends…  Why not literally make a friend?  He still had plenty of scrap and, although he had perfect confidence in his potion (of course!) he'd brought some life fruit from Lucky Palms just in case anything unexpectedly went wrong.  He'd dug up the other materials with the miner.

He set to work.


He was getting better at this.  Still hitting his thumb more than he'd like but it only took a day to finish making the SimBot.  He named his latest creation Bentley.


Over the next day or two, they spent hours chatting.  Morgan discovered that Bentley shared his interest in inventing…


…although his first love was science.  He dreamed of one day being able to hybridise flesh-and-blood creatures and metallic ones like himself.  Morgan was enchanted.  He'd never really understood Ford, with his love of books and preference for sitting in front of the TV instead of taking nice healthy exercise.  But this new son of his was so like himself.


Maybe he'd end up with a whole family of robots and cyborgs.


Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #250 on: November 28, 2020, 04:08:50 AM »
Wonderful update. Morgan was never going to change his ways was he and this new life of his is just perfect for him. I love how he hasn't become young again, lets face it he was always an old man in attitude right from his toddler days. Good luck to Opal too. Why would anyone want to stay married to Morgan for a second life time. I have fond memories of the house in Twinbrook that he has settled in. One of my very earliest sims lived there and I made lots of changes to the house and played there for a long time.  Happy days! Thanks for these updates I am really enjoying reading them.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #251 on: November 28, 2020, 02:26:14 PM »
Thank you :D

That was exactly my thinking about Morgan - and I've always felt that Opal deserved better.  It was funny how many of the screenshots happened spontaneously, especially Opal's wonderful expressions.  I had a storyline in mind but the way the Sims behaved added to it (and I was delighted when Bentley popped into existence with the Creature-Robot Crossbreeder LTW).  It's not a conventional happy ending for Morgan but it seems appropriate.

Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #252 on: November 28, 2020, 02:44:10 PM »
I love Morgan's ending. It really suits him and he seems actually happy in Twinbrook. I went good things for Opal! Go live your life free of the dynasty rules. Go be famous and slutty!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #253 on: November 30, 2020, 03:08:33 PM »
First things first, congratulations on finishing the challenge and especially for museum's value!

I like how you're doing these little stories of each immortal. Free to be themselves without the requirements holding them back.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #254 on: December 03, 2020, 12:05:15 PM »
I love Morgan's ending. It really suits him and he seems actually happy in Twinbrook. I went good things for Opal! Go live your life free of the dynasty rules. Go be famous and slutty!
Thanks :).  Not sure yet what will happen with Opal - I have some ideas but it depends on how the game plays out.

First things first, congratulations on finishing the challenge and especially for museum's value!

I like how you're doing these little stories of each immortal. Free to be themselves without the requirements holding them back.
Thank you :).

I wanted to finish off their stories - it felt as though the dynasty left quite a few loose ends to be tied up.

