Author Topic: Carr Immortal Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 90029 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #210 on: October 17, 2020, 10:36:49 AM »
I did guess Kazim. It's hilarious to me that he missed his chance by a hair. I think he and Lotus would've had an adorable nooboo but RR is just so cute that I could eat him up.

I kind of wish Lotus could have had kids with several of her lovers, just to see how the genetics played out.

The Shaydes would like to say congratulations to Lotus on joining the ranks of immortal and on having a ghost baby.

- Dek on behalf of the Shayde family of Sunset Valley

Thanks, Dek.

Um, I mean thanks, Shaydes.


Minnie claimed the honour of the very last carrying-to-cake of the dynasty…


…and Rolls Royce grew into a child.


A slightly boring child, if I'm honest.  No dressing up or Presiding over the Royal Court for him.  He went to school and scouts, did his homework as soon as he got in, chatted politely with his elders and didn't seem to do much else.  Which is probably why I forgot to take screenshots (at least, that's my excuse).

Towards the end of primary school, the family were invited to his badging ceremony.  Yet again, it was only the women who took an interest – buy even they were far from perfect.  They all zipped off to the school in their fast cars, leaving the supposed star of the show to follow on his bike :(.



Lotus did give him a lift home, although I'm not at all convinced she'd have done it autonomously.

Soon it was time for another cake.  RR thought hard about a suitable wish.  More attention from male relatives, perhaps?



His birthday was on a Friday and he'd had an early-morning cake, so he had a long weekend free for driving lessons.  The customary present was waiting in the drive when he came home after passing his test.


There was a prom on his second day of high school and he continued the family tradition by being voted King.


Now that he was old enough to use the athletic equipment, he took up climbing and basketball – with variable success.


The first sign that teenage hormones might be having an effect on the former goody-goody was when I caught him doing his homework in the Ambrosia Room.  Portia had tried that several times but just went into a foot-stamping routing failure.


It was a useful reminder that locked doors are no barrier to ghosts.  The sauna went into the family inventory at once.  So did the massage table, because I was fed up of people dropping their action queues to use it.  And Lotus retired, so that I could concentrate on watching over her son.


The following weekend, Rolls wished to throw a slumber party.  It's been a while since any of my Sims did that and Austin hadn't yet taken the 'Sleepover Fun' photo, so I went along with it.


RR ordered a pizza and invited the three other members of his class, who were all Clevengers.  I'm assuming they're the offspring of Freddie, who was one of Lotus's qualifying best friends, but don't really know.  I wish there was an 'Ask about family' social interaction.


Unfortunately, the immortals got to the pizza first and Allyson Clevenger missed out on a slice (and she's evil and grumpy to start with.  Also bald, poor girl.)  RR took her a plate of perfect French toast afterwards but I don't think it made up for the lack of pizza.

Then the teens settled down to watch TV and chat, and I realised that the girls were wearing matching nightshirts.  Bought specially for the occasion? :)


Around midnight, they decided that they ought to get some sleep.  That should go better than the pizza had – there was plenty of free space in the middle of the living room for sleeping bags.  Except that none of them liked that idea.  Had they quarrelled when I wasn't looking?  Kory laid out his bag in the hall, on the hard stone floor.  There was probably a draught through the front door as well :(.


The girls weren't having any truck with sleeping bags.  Not when there was a whole dynasty house full of comfy bedrooms.  Aracelli settled down for the night in Ford's hover bed…


…forcing its displaced owner to climb in with Morgan.


Allyson claimed the room with the sports car décor that RR had inherited from his mother.


So where was Rolls Royce?  I assumed he'd be sharing with one of the immortals, since they were all best friends.  But he wasn't.  I eventually tracked him down in the garage.


Well, he is a vehicle enthusiast :-\.

Maybe the less-than-successful party triggered something.  Whatever the cause, Rolls, who'd only set one booby trap before, suddenly had a series of mood swings and became nearly as enthusiastic a prankster as his rebellious mother had been.  Things came to a head on the evening of the drama club auditions.  His performance was a great success – but then he took it into his head to sneak back into school afterwards and deface the mascot.  He was caught and brought home in disgrace by the police.


(Really?!  Lucky Palms must be a remarkably law-abiding place if the police have enough attention to spare to deal with minor school pranks.  Maybe RR's notorious mother retiring left had half of the force unemployed.)

At last, one of the men took notice of their youngest relative, although it probably wasn't the kind of attention he'd have wanted.


(I love that Minnie and VW are carrying on with their pillow fight, undisturbed by the telling-off in the background.)

RR had to grovel humiliatingly to get out of a grounding.


Even worse, he was put into detention after school the following day and by the time he'd finished his homework (making a big point of behaving well) he'd missed the end-of-term recital.  Life sucked  >:(.


Amazingly, I think he may be my first Sim ever to get detention.

Everyone was relieved when his next birthday arrived.


Maybe he'd settle down again now he was grown up.


Credit: Rolls-Royce Phantom by Fresh Prince.

Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #211 on: October 17, 2020, 11:14:06 AM »
All my slumber party kids go for the sleeping bag route. I would prefer bed-snagging because I don't want my sims routing around sleeping teenagers on the floor. (or they just go home before bedtime)

Alright I may have a baby daddy guess! It was hard until RR grew up and his teenage hairstyle was throwing me in for a loop...

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Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #212 on: October 18, 2020, 04:18:30 AM »
This was a fascinating read as I have never played a ghost or experienced a sleep-over party. Love the car chosen. So how does a dynasty end? Does it end when RR fulfils his requirements re skills and career or does he have to sire a child too?

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #213 on: October 18, 2020, 05:16:05 AM »
Hi Starlives,

The immortal dynasty ends once RR completes his requirements, allowing him to eat ambrosia for the first time. RR is the 8th immortal - if he was an earlier immortal, he'd also have to have an offspring with someone in the household.

All the rules are located here:

But essentially, you start with a sim and limited money. From those humble beginnings your founder and their 7 descendants (1/generation) have to meet a series of requirements before each one can eat ambrosia.

It is one of 5 challenges for sims 3 that @Metropolis Man and his team have put together for the community here, all five of them are here: - the top five topics on that board.

Numerous members have completed one or more of the challenges, in some cases more than once. The hall of fame is here: together with links to their successful efforts - some wrote a full story, others just wrote the stats, most are in between somewhere.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #214 on: October 18, 2020, 05:38:58 AM »
All my slumber party kids go for the sleeping bag route. I would prefer bed-snagging because I don't want my sims routing around sleeping teenagers on the floor. (or they just go home before bedtime)
I've never seen them sleep in beds before, either.  Another glitch?  It's odd considering that I deliberately designed the Carrs' living room with plenty of free space in the middle to allow for portrait-painting or other activities.

Alright I may have a baby daddy guess! It was hard until RR grew up and his teenage hairstyle was throwing me in for a loop...
As I said via PM, I'm not planning to publicly reveal his father's identity yet, in case anyone else wants to guess.

This was a fascinating read as I have never played a ghost or experienced a sleep-over party. Love the car chosen. So how does a dynasty end? Does it end when RR fulfils his requirements re skills and career or does he have to sire a child too?
Dek beat me to it but yes, the dynasty will be completed if/when RR eats ambrosia for the first time.  It could still end in failure before then, of course :(.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #215 on: October 18, 2020, 06:12:31 AM »
My daddy guess is the male ghostly sim who first successfully woohooed/tried for baby with Lotus!

Did I guess correctly?

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #217 on: October 23, 2020, 11:15:25 AM »
Are We Nearly There Yet?

The heir's suite was redecorated for the last time and Rolls moved in.


Then he went to the police station to register as an investigator…


…and fulfilled a long-held wish to learn logic.


He seemed to spend most of his time at the library, getting promotions by building up his logic skill.  Funnily enough, even when he started taking on cases, the second one led him straight back there to look for clues and conduct a (futile) stakeout.


It's probably just as well no shady characters turned up.  Glowing in the dark isn't ideal for keeping a low profile and holding those two little bushes didn't help much ;).

On his way back home, he noticed some other glowing figures in the family graveyard.  Ghosts like himself!   He hurried over to introduce himself.  Of course, it took a while, because they all had to go, "Ew, a ghost!" to everyone else before they could settle down to conversation ::).


Finally, he was able to chat with his grandmother and tell her all about himself and his job.


She was disconcerted that he was a ghost – he was so young!  Had something gone wrong and the dynasty failed right at the end?  Rolls explained about his unusual parentage and reassured her.


As morning approached, Kia hugged him and wished him luck with his tasks.

Later that day, he was able to close the case…


…and returned to the library to read until he reached level 10 of logic (irritatingly, without rolling a big wish, even though he's a genius with the Perfect Mind, Perfect Body LTW).


He drifted over to the computers and searched for a new case.


It was a simple matter of a family dispute over toiletries and only took a few hours to solve.  Nevertheless, it was enough to get his final promotion…


…and the Key to the City.


It seemed like a good time to take a career break.  He might have maxed logic but he hadn't even started on the challenges.  So he floated down to VW's lab, where a chemistry bench had appeared, and spent the next few days discovering potions – and occasionally blowing himself up.


Next up, astronomy.  Nice and peaceful.  The worst he could suffer from that was eyestrain.


He reinstated the newspaper delivery and tutored the papergirl to an A in the school she didn't actually seem to attend…


…then imparted yet more wisdom to a teenager he happened to meet at the park…


…and several adults he bumped into around town.


Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #218 on: October 23, 2020, 11:25:31 AM »
Are We Nearly There Yet? (cont'd)

With three challenges completed and another half-done, he turned his attention to the chess tournament.  Maybe he'd better get in some solo practice first.


Early the following morning, he called his first opponent and invited her over.  He waited anxiously at the end of the drive.  And waited.  And waited some more.  After two or three hours, he called again.

"I'm sorry.  I'm at work right now and don't know when I'll be free."

Not 'call again in x hours'?  Where was she?  I sent RR back to his chessboard and looked for her around town.  I eventually found her behind the counter at the consignment store.  What now?  She wouldn't be free for hours, even if he could get her to visit after work.  Then I remembered @Alex talking about playing the tournament in Champs les Sims to avoid this kind of hassle with opponents.  Even though I'd not been intending the Carrs to travel any more, it seemed worth a try.  RR and Austin packed up some dried food and the family's fancy tent and set off.


When they arrived, RR, who'd had a whole series of positive moodlets at home, was suddenly stressed.  I suppose it's logical, given that freshly Oh-My-Ghosted ghosts are always in that state, but I don't remember it happening before when travelling with playable ghosts.  Fortunately, they'd also packed a moodlet manager and Rolls was soon in a fit state to call his first French opponent.

The tournament went brilliantly (apart from the usual Ew! reaction from each new opponent) and he became a Grand Master early on the fourth day, without suffering a single defeat.

But then disaster struck.  He was unable to get home.  The bar went most of the way across on the loading screen but then got stuck (I assume permanently – I lost patience after a couple of hours).  A second try produced exactly the same result.

I got permission to go back to an earlier save (thanks, @Trip!) and returned to just before Austin and RR had left home.  By now it had occurred to me that it might be possible to play the tournament in Lucky Palms, by RR buying the Legendary Host reward, inviting the consignment store clerk to a party and hoping she didn't leave again before they'd finished a match.  Alternatively, I could add a chess table to the consignment store, since the Carrs owned it, and see whether she could play a match during work time.

On the other hand, I'd rather change as little as possible from the first time through.  I decided to give France another go before trying alternative options.  The only real difference this time around, apart from doing a thorough job of cleaning up inventories and the house before they left, was that Austin would stay in Champs les Sims for the whole time and they'd (try to) travel back together, because I suspected that sending him back early might have added to the game's problems.

As before, Rolls flipped from very happy to stressed on arrival and needed to use the moodlet manager before he did anything else.  He didn't have the ideal start to the tournament, either: his first two opponents turned out to be cowards and had to walk off to a quiet corner and faint before settling down to their matches.


Then there was his third opponent, an old grump by the name of Pierre Bonaparle.  (I thought it was Bonaparte to start with, but apparently not.)  He kept standing up as soon as they started playing, interrupting the match.  No idea why.  Then he'd sit down again to practise by himself and refuse to move from the table.  Talking to him didn't help.  I tried getting RR to teach him logic, then cancelling the action, to get him to stand up.  That worked a few times, but RR ended up having to zap him with the moodlet manager, then cure him.   To add insult to injury, when they finally did settle down to a game, he beat Rolls.  Twice.


By the time RR had defeated him, it was the middle of the second day.  At this rate, he'd need more than one trip to get through the whole tournament.  Fortunately, things improved from that point onwards, with a series of easy victories.

Austin sticking around turned out to be a real benefit.  He cooked meals that were far better than any dried rations (he reached level 10 of cooking during the holiday) and fixed broken plumbing.  He shared the tent so that random passers-by couldn't take the second bed and stop the tent being put back into inventory, which had happened several times in the first run-through.  Best of all, he kept opponents chatting after matches, which often meant they were still on the lot when their names popped up again.

Once it became clear that six days ought to be plenty after all, Rolls took some time out for leisurely meals…


…and socialising with locals and other tourists.


He even fell in love for the first time…


…and had his first kiss.


Oops!  It seemed that Brittney Catania, the object of his affections, was married – and her husband was also at base camp.  He didn't quite catch them kissing, fortunately.  He walked in just afterwards and presented Brittney with a bouquet, much to her delight.


Maybe RR should have gone for a more romantic approach instead of the heat of the moment kiss.  Oh well, back to the chess matches…


Late in the afternoon of the fifth day, Rolls Royce faced his fifteenth and final opponent.


He'd beaten her easily in their previous match and, again, she conceded after a few moves.


But where was the 'completed challenge' music?  I checked his skill journal, which said he'd won 15 matches but still gave his tournament rank as 4.  So he called yet another opponent, who turned out to be the person he'd played first of all, Mathilde Pivert.  At least she was used to him by now and didn't faint.  In fact, she was so relaxed that she was in her underwear and slippers ;).


It was getting late and I began to worry that she'd stop playing and go home for the night.  Not that much of a problem, since the Carrs had one more day left on their visa, but how many more matches would Rolls need to play before the challenge registered?  But then Mathilde sat back, applauding, and the music played.  RR was officially a chess grand master (again).


And this time, they got safely back to Lucky Palms.  That's definitely the last foreign trip of the dynasty.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #219 on: October 24, 2020, 11:02:06 AM »
Huh, I must admit I was a bit stressed while reading these chapters. I'm so happy everything turned well in the end, congrats to RR on becoming the chess master! :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #220 on: October 24, 2020, 07:08:16 PM »
Roly Poly! That's such a great nickname. I love it! And a ghost! Good luck, they move sooooooo slooooowly. He looks great, as much as one can tell with ghosts. It will be exciting to get to have his big reveal when he gets his ambrosia and finishes the dynasty! You are so close!

Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #221 on: October 25, 2020, 04:53:05 AM »
Well that was a bit of a roller-coaster for you. You must have got stressed a few times and you certainly earned the result. So glad you got them home safely. Good luck with the next phase whatever that may be.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #222 on: October 25, 2020, 05:51:12 AM »
Huh, I must admit I was a bit stressed while reading these chapters. I'm so happy everything turned well in the end, congrats to RR on becoming the chess master! :)
I was more than a bit stressed playing them!  And thanks :).

Roly Poly! That's such a great nickname. I love it! And a ghost! Good luck, they move sooooooo slooooowly. He looks great, as much as one can tell with ghosts. It will be exciting to get to have his big reveal when he gets his ambrosia and finishes the dynasty! You are so close!
They are slow, although not as bad as mummies.  But still quite a lot slower than the immortals, even though he takes shortcuts through walls.  It will be good to see what he looks like at last, although I'll have to age him down after the dynasty's officially finished to get the full effect.

Well that was a bit of a roller-coaster for you. You must have got stressed a few times and you certainly earned the result. So glad you got them home safely. Good luck with the next phase whatever that may be.
It was.  I was expecting the last generation to be buggy, which it certainly is, but also boring.  There's not been so much of that  :-\.

Thanks :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #223 on: October 25, 2020, 01:42:01 PM »
Police Carr

RR had his adult birthday…


…and became the third heir in a row to avoid a midlife crisis.  Maybe the game hasn't got the memory to spare any more for that sort of thing.  He had a midlife change of career anyway, visiting the police station again to sign up as a uniformed cop.  (I was hoping this might get rid of one of the many glitches.  RR had recently acquired a wardrobe of sixteen career outfits for no obvious reason and I hoped a change of job would fix the bug – which it did.)


With RR busy in his new career, time seemed to fly by.  (Translation: I was getting bored and played on speed 3 a lot.)

He bonded with Chastity, his new partner, inviting her round after work for tutoring in the logic skill…


…and then taught random townies over the next few evenings…


…to complete his supermax.


Questioning suspects and writing reports was dull but necessary…


…but he welcomed the requirement to build his athletic skill.


Morgan was only too happy to help out and soon Rolls achieved his lifetime wish.


Oddly, the learning bar didn't disappear from over his head after he'd reached level ten – and he appeared to be struggling with his workout again, as though he'd gone back to level one – or even zero.


Fortunately, that particular bug didn't persist.

Two days before his final birthday, he became an International Super Spy.


(I think he needs to work on being cool and suave.  Who's going to be impressed by 'The name's Royce – Rolls Royce' if he gets so excited over everything?)

All of the Carrs had an early night before RR's elder birthday, so that they could get up before dawn to watch him blow out his candles.


Rolls looked a little less inclined to celebrate once the backache set in.


And then there was the usual chaos as everyone fought for slices of cake and places to sit and eat them.


Over the next few days, RR's best friends started dying off in droves: first his partner, then all of his chess opponents, even the younger ones.  Brittney, his not-quite-girlfriend, followed.  If I were a resident of Champs les Sims, I think I'd be very worried.  RR devoted his next day off work to wandering around the town, befriending every youngish person he met.


His requirements were now essentially complete: he was just waiting for Austin and Minnie to finish his museum items.  He was still working but spent his free time exploiting his ghostly abilities to the full…


…and taking up new hobbies.


(Although my previous ghosts have tended to drift between floors, he'd always used the stairs until now.)

Finally, everything was ready for the last heir to achieve immortality.  Except that he was called into the station to examine some new evidence just as I was gathering everyone together.  By the time he came home, Minnie and Portia were asleep and RR himself was exhausted.  The celebration would have to wait.  He requested a day's unpaid leave and rolled into bed.

The following morning, Minnie replicated eight servings of ambrosia and brought two bottles of one of Portia's finest vintages up from the cellar.


Then she summoned everyone to the Ambrosia Room, with the usual chaotic results.


Used to her descendants by now, she left them to get on with it, chatting to Rolls to calm his nerves.


Right at the last moment, there was a new crisis.  A potentially game-breaking one.  RR was unable to eat ambrosia  :o.


It wasn't just his plate, either.  The option was missing from every portion.  None of the immortals was affected, just RR.

A panicky look online confirmed that it is a known bug with playable ghosts, even though I'd not seen it before.  Putting the ambrosia into the ghost's personal inventory or restarting the game were suggested as fixes.  Neither worked.  A third idea was to put the ambrosia into a fridge and see whether it could be eaten as leftovers.


That worked.  Phew!

And Rolls Royce Carr sat down at last to eat ambrosia with his family.


We all waited to see what would happen.  Well, I did.  The Sims were too busy chatting and clearing up  ::).


Rolls patted his newly-solid body, not quite believing that he was no longer a ghost.


And there he was, fully human at last – and immortal.


(I tried to get pictures of the Carrs drinking their celebratory nectar as well as eating together but they were tired of behaving by then and scattered all over the house with their glasses.)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #224 on: October 25, 2020, 01:47:49 PM »
Rolls Royce

Traits: athletic, perceptive, genius, vehicle enthusiast, heavy sleeper

Lifetime wish: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Careers: Investigator and Law Enforcement (Agent)
Supermax skill: logic
Other maxed skills: athletic and charisma

Building: The Solitary Novel
Property: Sunwest Graveyard

Unique lifetime rewards: Opportunistic, Professional Slacker, Fast Learner

Unique best friends: C (his car), Kory Clevenger, Allyson Clevenger, Zackery Hess, Janny Hairston, Lakshmi Grove

Unique opportunities: The Case of the Footsore Floater, The Case of the Closed Chapter, The Case of the Missing Mouthwash, Tutor Me Please, Nectar Emergency, Developing Informants


