Author Topic: Carr Immortal Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 90011 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #195 on: October 09, 2020, 01:02:34 PM »
Passion Wagon
(Aka: Bring on the Babydaddies!)

With her own requirements essentially complete, Lotus concentrated on continuing the line.  Or rather, preparing as much as she could at this stage.  She kept in touch with her foreign lovers…


…and visited the family graveyard next-door-but-one.


She collected the small tombstones from the back of the lot and took them home.


Not exactly conventional bedroom décor but this way she'd have early warning if anyone came out to haunt.  (In fact, it was usually poor VW who got the early warning: the ghosts had a definite tendency to drift through her room – and often straight through her body – to the outside world as soon as they emerged from their urns.)

"Hi, my name's Lotus…  The outfit?  It's my work uniform.  I'm a Master Thief…  Oh yes, I love my job.  Stealing jewels!  There's no adrenaline rush like it.


"Although fast cars come close.  They were my first love.


"But I'm also a dynasty heir, which means I have to have a kid.


"Would you be willing to help out with that?"


Ariel Hudson flatly refused.


It's probably all down to traits but I prefer to believe that he's being faithful to Kinslee from beyond the grave.

Incidentally, I'm not sure whether Kinslee is still alive in some form.  She's one of a number of Sims that the game keeps telling me are about to die but she takes it further.  There have also been several pop-ups saying that she's died.  Weird.

At his request, Ariel's urn was returned to the mausoleum.  The other ghosts, though, were happy to go along with Lotus's plans – and she became my first Sim to get a 'Natasha' reputation.

One evening, Lotus was catching up on her sleep before another busy night of thievery and ghostly seduction when the camera suddenly panned across to the living room.


"Yes, it's OK, Grim.  I'm ready.  I've had a good innings and I know I have to go to make room for my grandchild."


Kia officially got to 110 but was actually older than that.  I'm almost certain she aged up to elder a day later than she should have done and I'd spotted her age sticking a couple of times since then: very disconcerting at this stage in the game.  Judging by her daughter's age, I'm pretty sure she was actually 115.

After Kia had dived into her urn, Grim drifted down to the basement and stopped by her photo.  Was he paying tribute to the last mortal of the dynasty?


Oh.  Maybe not.


It looks more as though he's delighted with himself.  It might be a dynasty house but just look at that long line of mortals that he'd managed to take!

Despite mourning her mother, Lotus knew she had to spring into action.  She was already in mid-adulthood and there wasn't a lot of time left.  She made some long-distance calls and then phoned the Warehouse and asked for five days' nights' unpaid leave.  Her 9pm to 3am work schedule left too little time for interacting with the ghosts.  She'd been interrupted more than once just when things were starting to get really interesting by her would-be lover dissolving back into his urn.


Then she retrieved the family moodlet manager from its chest.  She was about to have some very busy days and nights.  There wouldn't be time for sleep.

Both of her Chinese friends came to visit.  Could she manage to stop them from finding out that they were both rather more than just friends?  It was just as well there were plenty of other family members only too willing to chat and play games with new people.  They kept Si Nan Wong, Lotus's final tournament opponent, occupied while she was in the hot tub with Kim Chong Huen (the man in green from her first visit to China).


Lotus succeeded in luring him indoors for a shared shower but neither of them seemed happy afterwards.  Unsatisfactory woohoo or just disagreement about the water temperature?  Oddly, VW and Minnie seemed upset as well.


Lotus packed him off back to China and went to find her other lover.  They watched the stars together but then it all went wrong.  Si Nan suddenly had a tantrum about not having been invited inside yet and went off in a huff.


Things went much better with Kazim Elaraby, her criminal contact from Egypt…



…and with the ghosts.  Wilfred Tanner…


…Ajeet Chopra…


…Indiana Abernathy…


…and Leon Guthrie all fell under her spell.


There were no chimes but…


…it soon became obvious that Generation 8 was on the way.

Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #196 on: October 09, 2020, 01:40:26 PM »
I love a good baby daddy mystery! One where I probably won't be disappointed. I had favorites but pretty weak ones. (Indiana married into one of my families so maybe he's now my top dog in this?)

And no congrats to Kia for doing that thing Gen 6 spouses shouldn't do. Maybe all the martial arts was keeping her pickled in time.
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Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #197 on: October 10, 2020, 06:15:25 AM »
What an exciting final coupling sequence, so many lovers! I presume you know which is the daddy for the final immortal. It has certainly made for an eventful update.  This is such a fun Dynasty story to follow. Thank you for sharing it.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #198 on: October 10, 2020, 09:10:04 AM »
I love a good baby daddy mystery! One where I probably won't be disappointed. I had favorites but pretty weak ones. (Indiana married into one of my families so maybe he's now my top dog in this?)

And no congrats to Kia for doing that thing Gen 6 spouses shouldn't do. Maybe all the martial arts was keeping her pickled in time.
Indiana was my favourite as well and would probably have been Lotus's only boyfriend if Kia had had a normal lifespan.  As it was, time was so short that I felt Lotus had to maximise her chances by trying for baby with as many partners as possible, especially as you can't predict when, or if, ghosts will come out to haunt.

What an exciting final coupling sequence, so many lovers! I presume you know which is the daddy for the final immortal. It has certainly made for an eventful update.  This is such a fun Dynasty story to follow. Thank you for sharing it.
Yes, I do know who was the pixel donor, even though there weren't chimes, because 'Try for Baby' was greyed out as soon as Lotus had conceived and the embryo had filled the final household space.

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #199 on: October 10, 2020, 11:44:08 AM »
Omg you're so close! I have my guess on who Lotus' baby daddy is and I hope I'm right. Either way the baby will be a cutie just like Lotus.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #200 on: October 10, 2020, 11:57:07 AM »
I can't wait to see who the babydaddy is! And I'm also really curious about the name of the final heir. Can't wait for the next update!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #201 on: October 11, 2020, 06:10:59 AM »
Omg you're so close! I have my guess on who Lotus' baby daddy is and I hope I'm right. Either way the baby will be a cutie just like Lotus.

You'll get some more clues this chapter.

I can't wait to see who the babydaddy is! And I'm also really curious about the name of the final heir. Can't wait for the next update!

Coming right up!


Unusually for such an active Sim, Lotus spent most of her pregnancy either at the spa or in front of the television.


"So, Dad, how do you feel about becoming a grandfather?"
"I'll be OK, as long as the little tyke doesn't tear up my books."
"Can we move all of those urns out of your bedroom now?  I'd like to get an undisturbed night at last."

Early one morning, Lotus went into labour right there on the sofa.  Portia wandered past, undisturbed.


"Oh, the baby's on its way.  That's nice, dear.  I'll be over there having breakfast if you need any help."

Morgan wasn't nearly as calm.


"Grandpa!  Go away and work out or something.  You're not helping."


Since he was a silver ghost, Lotus named her son Rolls Royce.  His babyhood passed uneventfully and soon Lotus was taking him to his first cake.



A visit to the mirror revealed that little Rolls had inherited his mother's deep-black hair – and he appears to get most of his looks from her as well.


Like Kia, Lotus was keen for her child to do well in life and she started teaching him to talk right away.

"Exercise is good, Roly Poly.  Are you going to grow up big and strong like mummy?"


She didn't have long to concentrate on motherhood.  Her own final birthday was the day after her son's first.




With posing for her last set of portraits and sculptures, returning to work and being challenged to steal the Golden Llama from the exhibition at City Hall, she didn't have much time to spare for her son.  Fortunately, his older relatives were only too happy to help out with entertaining the toddler and teaching him his basic skills.


(It wasn't until I was putting those screenshots together that I noticed that it was only the female Carrs who were involved.  Fair enough in Austin's case – he was fully occupied painting portraits.  Morgan's always been a bit of a git, of course, but I'm surprised that Ford couldn't tear himself away from his books and the TV for long enough to look after his grandson.)

Finally, the artists pronounced themselves satisfied with Lotus's museum items and she sat down to her first plate of ambrosia.


Minnie walked in with a plate of pancakes just as she was finishing.  (I've never seen any of the immortals spontaneously go down to the ambrosia room before.)


"Welcome to immortality, Lotus!"


The chapter title refers to the game in general more than to the Carrs' story.  I was off work last week and have had more time than usual to play Sims.  I think three updates in a week is a record for this game.


Traits: athletic, disciplined, rebellious, daredevil, irresistible, vehicle enthusiast (rebel influence)

Lifetime wish: Martial Arts Master
Career: Criminal (Thief)
Supermax skill: martial arts
Other maxed skills: athletic and charisma

Building: The Warehouse
Property: The Golden Simoleon Gymnasium

Unique lifetime rewards: Meditative Trance Sleep, Rebel Influence, No Jealousy

Unique best friends: Élan (her car), Kazim Elaraby, Si Nan Wong, Alejandra Cole, Desmond Gomes, Freddie Clevenger.
Alejandra was a lifelong friend – she and Lotus were at school together and then both went into the criminal career.
I'm pretty sure Lotus was also best friends with all of her ghostly lovers but I stuck with friends who were in her relationship panel full-time.

Unique opportunities: The Spa Restoration, Welcome to the Family, Agent Training, Friends for Life, Try the Tourney, Egyptian Delivery



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Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #202 on: October 11, 2020, 10:40:04 AM »
Oh he is cute! I don't think I've seen a ghost heir in a dynasty (completed or otherwise) even though having a ghost parent has happened before. I wanna believe you that he looks like Lotus but the perils of an Immortal Dynasty is that the whole point is not knowing what your immortals look like as ghosts!

Congrats to Lotus and her vaguely perilous supermax. Hope everyone's banned from travel now!
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #203 on: October 11, 2020, 10:58:56 AM »
He certainly has her lips.  Probably not the eye shape, though - and I have no idea about his eye colour, of course.  Breaking news: he has pale skin.  You know the invisible copy of Sims that appears when sculptures are being generated and can be seen in a thumbnail in the 'paint a portrait of...' and 'sculpt ice Sim' panels?  RR's is a normal human Sim, not a ghost, so I can see his skin colour.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #204 on: October 11, 2020, 11:15:45 AM »
Oh I never thought about the thumbnails of those sims! Nor had to I guess. Really interesting workaround.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #205 on: October 11, 2020, 11:20:50 AM »
I'd never noticed it before.  I spotted it by accident just now.

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #206 on: October 11, 2020, 02:00:55 PM »
My eyes widened when I saw he was a ghost baby. My guess was wrong lol RR is pretty cute and I can't wait to see what his life has in store. Also, Roly Poly is an adorable nickname.  :-*

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #207 on: October 14, 2020, 04:51:46 PM »
Did you guess Kazim?  He was all lined up for the next 'Try for Baby' when I found that it was greyed out.  (The real order of events wasn't quite the same as in the story - I grouped the human and ghostly lovers for convenience.)

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #208 on: October 15, 2020, 05:04:09 PM »
Did you guess Kazim?  He was all lined up for the next 'Try for Baby' when I found that it was greyed out.  (The real order of events wasn't quite the same as in the story - I grouped the human and ghostly lovers for convenience.)

I did guess Kazim. It's hilarious to me that he missed his chance by a hair. I think he and Lotus would've had an adorable nooboo but RR is just so cute that I could eat him up.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #209 on: October 15, 2020, 06:10:11 PM »
The Shaydes would like to say congratulations to Lotus on joining the ranks of immortal and on having a ghost baby.

- Dek on behalf of the Shayde family of Sunset Valley