Author Topic: Carr Immortal Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 90022 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2020, 03:09:27 PM »
I realised while lying awake in the early hours of this morning (isn't lockdown fun?) that the story I'd attached to Romeo's child birthday, of his absentmindedness and almost ageing up with bad traits, actually belonged to his teen birthday, which happened the day after VW achieved immortality  :-[.

First, congrats to VW for the immortality! I don't have Lucky Palms so it's interesting to see all those new (to me) faces and the clones' idea is something that I'm going to steal for my dynasty.   :P

Thanks! :)  Go ahead and steal the clones idea: it's not unique, although this is the first time it had occurred to me to use it.  It's certainly a lot easier than the normal pollination strategy.

Love Portia's car and vibrant young adult outfits. Should have guessed that Romeo was a clone of Clark Bellamore with that white blond hair, I wonder if he will get Clark's hairy body too! Nio is very handsome and VW is a very thin elder isn't she. I wish they had nectar making in Sims4 as it was always very productive and satisfying when I used it in Sims3.

Pretty sure that Romeo (who has just aged up to YA in-game) has a hairless body, although I'll have to check the next time I open the file.

Nio's a bit odd-looking without the sunglasses, although I've grown very fond of him.

All of the elders are scarily thin.  Austin's suits tend to disguise his build but he's actually as half-starved-looking as the others.  I'd rather like a fat spouse just to even things up, although I have a nasty feeling that all of the stored DNA samples are from normal or thin Sims.

I'm really enjoying playing with nectar-making this time around, working through a long list of great/amazing recipes I found online.  A few have been disappointing in practice (not sure whether that's a general thing, just on my computer or even just in this particular game file) but most are working out well  :).

Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2020, 06:15:12 PM »
Weight is determined at birth so maybe you can chuck Portia's husband (TO STILL BE DETERMINED) into a body sculptor while she's pregnant if you have it. Some worlds just don't have many fat sims! And getting original townie blood is never bound to exact lists.
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Offline Trident

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #77 on: May 12, 2020, 12:56:18 AM »
Very excited to see who the eventual father will be! Romeo seems like he'll be better looking, but Nio's kids will undoubtedly be cooler. Hmm....

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2020, 03:37:46 PM »
@starlives: I've just checked and Romeo has no body hair at all.  Maybe it's something that isn't passed down to clones?

Weight is determined at birth so maybe you can chuck Portia's husband (TO STILL BE DETERMINED) into a body sculptor while she's pregnant if you have it. Some worlds just don't have many fat sims! And getting original townie blood is never bound to exact lists.
I might try that. *Evil grin*

Very excited to see who the eventual father will be! Romeo seems like he'll be better looking, but Nio's kids will undoubtedly be cooler. Hmm....
Pretty sure I know now  :-X

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #79 on: May 17, 2020, 12:08:53 PM »
Classy Chassis

VW and Riley moved into Morris' old bedroom and the heir's suite had another makeover.


As incorrectly reported earlier, absent-minded Romeo wandered out of school and only aged up on an A thanks to some very hard work by Alvis.  Looking back on it, I don't know why I bothered – he's going to have a midlife crisis anyway as soon as he has the points to spare, because absent-minded Sims drive me mad.


And, on the evening of his ninetieth day, Riley went all floaty and sparkly :'(.


The family (and a visiting schoolfriend of Romeo's) gathered round to mourn.


But where was VW?  Being stone-hearted hadn't stopped her reacting to previous deaths – and this one was her husband!  It wasn't until Grim drifted off through a wall that I found her.  Alvis and Riley must have died almost simultaneously.  VW had been in the bathroom next to Alvis' bedroom, upgrading the plumbing, and she'd reacted to the nearer death :(.


It was a very sad household for the next couple of days.  Surprisingly, Portia turned to her old rival for comfort.


Life went on, as it has to (particularly in a dynasty house).  Portia amazed me by supermaxing nectar-making less than halfway through young adulthood.


She celebrated by opening one of the older bottles and actually tasting nectar for the very first time.  None of the others seemed to appreciate the subtle complexity of the vintage but she adored it and started rolling a long series of wishes to drink more (and more expensive) nectar.  Left to herself, she'd probably have gone through the entire cellar.  At a dignified pace befitting a connoisseur, obviously.

As it was, the nectar collection had to be left to age, and be added to considerably.  She was still a very long way from the top of her career.


VW discovered the dance studio.  She wasn't exactly a natural :D.  Still, it spurred Portia on to get back to her own dancing, which she'd been neglecting recently.  Her style and posture had suffered as a result or, you know, she was still feeling the effects of the child ballet skill not translating across into adult dancing.  The chicken dance was far easier  :P.


Not exactly stylish, though.  She persisted with the ballet practice.


She often seemed to end up having meals with Nio, discussing the arts as they ate.  He really wasn't at all annoying these days.


(Note to self: replace the cheap lights and wallcovering in that corridor!)

Soon it was time for another birthday.  A double birthday, with cakes on the terrace as the sun rose over the desert.


Romeo went off to choose a new wardrobe…


…while Portia selected a very special bottle from the cellar.  After all, it was a very special occasion.


Instead of treating the fine nectar with the respect it deserved, Romeo ran straight past and out of the house.  How rude!

He had a good excuse, though: his watcher, who seemed to have caught his absentmindedness, had forgotten to buy him a car when he passed his test and was trying to make up for it with a seriously expensive birthday present.


(Nio, by the way, has a black Fluence, which isn't much like a Nio but was as near as I could get.)

Portia spent most of her birthday posing for the painters and sculptors.  Evening was falling by the time she was free to socialise.  She'd barely seen Romeo since they'd blown out their candles.


"Ooh, he's grown up well!"

The attraction was mutual, although it was embarrassing that Nio, who'd been painting her portrait, was playing gooseberry.


Romeo wasn't put off at all.  He was a born flirt, despite not having the trait.


Then he suddenly said he had to go in "to take care of a few needs", leaving Portia alone with Nio…


…who just turned round and struck up a friendly conversation about art, as if nothing unusual had happened.

It was all very confusing.

Credits: Men's Trenchcoat Outfit (as worn by Nio)  by EsmeraldaF, from MTS.
Alfa Romeo Competizione by Fresh Prince.

And a special mention to Chuckles_82's list of amazing all-grape nectar recipes, which was largely responsible for Portia's early supermax.

Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #80 on: May 17, 2020, 01:35:35 PM »
I love Romeo's outfit! Those patterns! Perfection! Also, you really gotta appreciate Nio's dedication to the leather jacket in the middle of a desert. Reminds me of the Death Metal scene in Botswana. And congrats on having Vizard of the Vine register!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #81 on: May 17, 2020, 06:39:20 PM »
I'm whit Chubling, Romeo outfit is great. Love the the vest and hair! It makes me think that at any moment he's going to start singing some catchy song. lol

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Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #82 on: May 17, 2020, 09:22:57 PM »
Chick magnet confirmed! I am sad to see Nio succumb to the same fate as Alvis...not the death part yet but it's never too soon!
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Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #83 on: May 21, 2020, 03:39:32 AM »
Love the blue/purple colour scheme of the heir's bedroom. Romeo's outfit is brilliant. Looks to me like he will win the hand of the fair Portia. Enjoying following this Dynasty story.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #84 on: May 21, 2020, 02:10:01 PM »
Thanks, everyone - and Romeo thanks you for appreciating his dress sense :).  I'd been waiting for him to grow up enough to wear that top.  It's a pity it only exists for YA and adult.

And congrats on having Vizard of the Vine register!

I think that's either the second or third time.  It's happened rarely enough that I still want to post the journal entry every time (as you can see ;) ).  Having a nectar-maker/gardener who can harvest their own grapes does seem to help.

It makes me think that at any moment he's going to start singing some catchy song. lol

As someone who's heard him singing in the shower, I sincerely hope not :(.

I am sad to see Nio succumb to the same fate as Alvis...not the death part yet but it's never too soon!

It was pretty much inevitable that one of them was going to end up alone.  I'm heartless  :-[.  Although I do have plans for after the end of the dynasty, if all goes well.

Love the blue/purple colour scheme of the heir's bedroom.

Thanks.  I'm still not quite sure about that one, to be honest.

Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #85 on: May 21, 2020, 02:52:00 PM »
I really want to know the logic the developers uses for why some clothes are only for YA and Adults. It seems such a random selection. Why can't teenagers wear the grunge clothes? Why are so many of the old fashioned styles that came with Supernatural unavailable to Elders? The choices seem so random and arbitrary! Was a dart board involved?!

Offline Nella

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2020, 03:27:29 PM »
I liked the new colors in the suite. And Portia's looks, too. Congrats for the supermax.

(Now I have the image of an EA creative throwing darts at clothing photos. :P)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #87 on: May 25, 2020, 03:14:24 AM »
I liked the new colors in the suite. And Portia's looks, too. Congrats for the supermax.
Thank you :)

I really want to know the logic the developers uses for why some clothes are only for YA and Adults. It seems such a random selection.
It's odd.  The one that really annoys me is teens being able to ride horses and having the clothes but no boots.  That's just silly.  There is a mod to fix it but why was it needed in the first place?

The choices seem so random and arbitrary! Was a dart board involved?!
(Now I have the image of an EA creative throwing darts at clothing photos. :P)

Me too :D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2020, 01:46:18 PM »
The Road Not Taken

Portia was unsettled  She wandered down to the cellar to inspect the nectar collection.  Maybe she should sell some of the older bottles and see how far that took her in her career.  On the other hand, the longer she left them, the more valuable they'd become.  In the end, she decided to wait.

Should she make some more?  That last berry blend had been promising.  If she tweaked it a bit, maybe added more grapes…?  No, she wasn't really in the mood for squishing fruit this evening.

She ought to go to bed.  Everyone else must have been asleep for ages.  Maybe a snack would help settle her jitters.  She headed upstairs to the kitchen.


"Hello, Nio.  Still up?"

Stupid question.  Of course he was still up.

"I tried going to bed but I couldn't sleep.  Brain won't switch off."
"You too?"
"Portia, I was thinking about you.  Us.  We will stay friends, won't we?  I'd really miss our chats about art… your company generally, in fact."


"Of course we'll stay friends.  Why wouldn't we?"
"Well, if you're married to Romeo, it might get awkward."

Was she going to marry Romeo?  She'd always known she'd have to marry someone.  She was a dynasty heir, after all.  And she supposed it would have to be soon.  Soonish, anyway.  She'd have to have a kid before she got too old.  But with Romeo?  He was young and handsome and romantic, of course, but…  Yes, that was it.  He was young.  Hardly more than a kid himself.  Was he ready to be a dad?  On the other hand, maybe he did want a family.  She realised she had no idea what he wanted from life.  She hardly knew him at all, really.

It had been a long pause.  What had Nio been saying?  Oh yes, could they stay friends after her marriage?

"My mum and Alvis were best friends all his life."
"Yes but Alvis didn't…  There wasn't…"


"Portia, I love you.  I always have – well, ever since you stopped being an annoying little brat who spoiled my favourite games."

She laughed.  And then suddenly didn't feel like laughing at all.  Nio was in love with her?  Suddenly, it all clicked into place.  She grabbed his hands.


"Who says I'm going to marry Romeo, anyway?"
"Portia… It's really late.  Don't say anything you might regret later.  It's bad enough that one of us already did.  See you in the morning?"


"But…  Oh, all right.  See you tomorrow.  No, later today.  Goodnight, Nio."

She'd been expecting to lie awake for hours more but surprisingly fell asleep almost at once.

Despite their late night, both Portia and Nio were up before the sun.


"Portia, forget what I said last night.  We'll always be friends.  That's enough."

And he kissed her goodbye.


It was rather a nice kiss.  Portia grabbed him and kissed him back.


"I'm not going to regret this later.  I'm not marrying Romeo.  He's sweet and romantic but you're the one I love.  I just never realised before.  Nio Lee, will you marry me?"


They married the following weekend, surrounded by friends and family.  It was a formal party, of course: Portia wouldn't settle for anything less.  She was going to do this properly.


She had felt more than a little awkward telling Romeo about the wedding but he didn't seem upset at all.  In fact, he asked if he could invite a girl who'd been in his class at school.  Romeo had a girlfriend?  Why had he given her flowers, then? Obviously not the faithful type.  It looked as though she might have had a lucky escape there.



With the rings duly exchanged and the rice thrown, the guests started to wander off in search of food.  The bride and groom stayed under the arch, kissing as though they'd just discovered the activity and intended to spend the rest of their married lives like that.  Minnie cleared her throat loudly.  No effect.  Then she coughed.  A cough that sounded a lot like 'cake'.  That did the trick.


The hungry guests rushed over to applaud and grab slices.


And then there was an outbreak of waving and foot-stamping as the cake ran out and everyone fought to get to the rest of the food.  Not such a formal party after all ???.


At last, the guests left and the bride and groom were alone together.


Well. all of the guests but one.  The customary crazy guy stood throwing rice long after everyone else had left.


In the early hours of the morning, he finally walked away, leaving a puddle of pee (which was quickly, and fortunately, soaked up by the desert sand).  But, instead of going home, he went over to the tables and stood clapping the remains of the cake, as though it was still being cut.  Was he some kind of time traveller, a few hours behind the rest of Lucky Palms?


Finally, just before 6am, he announced to the empty air that he'd have to go now.  Well, at least he'd kept me entertained while the household was asleep. 

Yes, I know everyone expected Portia to marry Romeo.  So did I.  But that was before I noticed that they barely counted as acquaintances, while she had a maxed-out relationship with Nio – and an 'attractive company' moodlet around him, even though they'd never had hearts floating around over their heads.  The staying up late and chatting happened spontaneously in-game, even though she was tired and he was exhausted.  It didn't take much of a nudge to change them over from friendly to romantic interactions, and they've been all over each other since.  I think they'd still be standing under the wedding arch exchanging autonomous heat of the moment kisses if I Minnie hadn't forcibly stopped them :P.

Offline Nella

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #89 on: May 25, 2020, 04:28:13 PM »
Congrats to newly wed couple! Portia surprised me with her choice but it's a good one.

...waving and foot-stamping as the cake ran out and everyone fought to get to the rest of the food...
So a typical sim and RL party  :P