Author Topic: Carr Immortal Dynasty (Completed)  (Read 90018 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2020, 09:38:29 AM »
Jump Start

Meet Minnie Carr, a groovy chick whose tastes are stuck firmly in the Swinging Sixties.


Her main aims in life are (1) to become rich and (2) to found a family of immortal petrolheads.

Minnie popped into existence, found herself on a patch of desert in Lucky Palms and immediately called a taxi.  A bit demeaning but she was a long way from being able to afford her own car.  She directed the driver to a house down the road, where she'd heard she might find a fellow vehicle enthusiast.


With Jaycen locked in as an almost-friend, she went off in search of another dynasty slave housemate.


They spent several hours talking but were still just acquaintances.  This was hard work.  With the day wearing on and zero helpers recruited, a visit to the library to read a charisma book seemed like a sensible move.  Maybe she'd be more persuasive next time.


On a whim, she joined the business career.  Then she went home and made her own entertainment.


Well, with only a fridge and a sleeping bag to her name, the possibilities were a bit limited, to say the least.

Minnie hadn't intended to stick with her job as a coffee courier even for a single day – but it turned out that her boss was none other than Mr Hendrix.  By the end of her first shift they were friends.  That evening, she called and invited him over.


He'd soon agreed to give up his luxurious house in favour of sharing Minnie's square of desert.  Worse was to come.

"Um, Jaycen, I hate to ask this.  Believe me, I know exactly how hard this will be for you… but…"


"Would you consider selling your car?  No, sorry, silly idea."
"No, it's OK.  I've heard about you dynasty types.  You need the money.  With any luck, we'll be rich enough to buy a whole garage of cars in a few weeks. And besides…"


"Both of us will get our lifetime wishes."


By the next morning, the ranch bungalow of Minnie's dreams had appeared, complete with quadruple garage for the cars they hoped to own someday.  Well, actually, it was a mostly-empty shell with no windows at the back – but it was a start.


Of course, the obvious spouse for Minnie would have been Gino Ferrari but I've been playing in Monte Vista a lot recently (including starting a Random Town Jump with Gino and Jalissa) and, having played an Immortal Dynasty there on the short lifespan, a normal-speed dynasty would just be too easy.  Also, the Lucky Palms genetics are more varied.  I want Minnie's family to be more interesting-looking than the Woods – although maybe not as much so as the Gooles  ;).  I'm trying to beat the Woods' museum value, which shouldn't be much of a challenge since I'm intending to use photos as well as paintings and sculptures.  I also want to play with some less familiar skills and careers.

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Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2020, 02:56:36 PM »
I wish you luck in your pursuits! Considering that genes and museum value are the only things I'm living for these days myself (JOKING but it's at the front of my mind a lot) Plus there have to be people that your decadynasty Jaycen. I can't drive but Lucky Palms feels like the kind of town I'd love to drive a convertible through.

May 2020 be good to all your saves! And it's nice to see you back.
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Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2020, 03:13:01 PM »
I've been decorating my current dynasty attempts house and I kept thinking "Man, there are so many great 60's patterns. I should try and use them at some point" and bam! Minnie arrives, lookin' all stylish and fabulous! I love her and I love her vibe and I can not wait to see where she goes.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2020, 03:20:11 PM »
Thanks, @Trip.  It's nice to be back  :D.

@Chubling, thanks to you too :).  These are Minnie's other outfits, although I very much doubt whether she'll wear most of them in-game:


Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2020, 03:34:27 PM »
THAT HAT IS SO GOOD! I love the formal one so much! Really, she's stylish across the board. I can't wait to see her drive fast and break hearts.

Offline starlives

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2020, 05:50:10 AM »
I love following your Challenge stories and I'm so pleased you have started a new one.  It is bookmarked.  I have been playing Sims4 for 6 months now but I so miss Sims3.  Lucky Palms was always one of my favourite towns to play and I have spent many happy real time hours, days, weeks, years playing sims there.

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2020, 02:55:12 PM »
Thanks, both!  :D

Pulling Away

Minnie invited Darren over and talked to him about painting until he agreed to move in, rather than running away like a sensible Sim.


At least painting is an enjoyable activity.

Jaycen called his good friend Lennon Sosa and persuaded him to join the household as cook-gardener with the promise that, as a watched Sim, he was sure to make it to the top of the culinary career and earn the Carrs a nice fridge.


Jaycen spent some of his happiness points on a personality change, becoming a savvy sculptor in place of his commitment issues.  (He kept his childish trait – I like the idea of such a notorious womaniser sleeping with a teddy :).)  Then he and Minnie quit their business careers and settled down to some serious sculpting.


So far, so standard, dynasty-wise.  But Minnie wanted to add another member to the team and eventually managed to catch her at home.


"Hello.  Evangeline Finch?  I'm Minnie Carr.  I'm new in town."
"Ah yes, the Dynasty Girl.  I'm afraid Gennie's out.  Beulah dragged her out to the park.  She'll probably be glad of an interruption.  Watching Beulah fishing isn't my idea of fun either."
"No, Darren Dreamer's already agreed to paint my portrait.  It's you I wanted to see."
"You need a hacker?  Never heard of that one before."
"No.  It's your curiosity and love of reading that I need.  I'd like you to retire and spend your days in the library, learning science."
"Well, in that case…"

And the dynasty team was complete.

It only took a few days for Evangeline to read her way through all three science books.  Then she wandered around town collecting DNA samples from everyone who'd agree to donate (including her two former housemates, naturally).


One day, after they'd both been annoying Lennon by playing in the sprinkler when he was trying to garden, Minnie noticed how attractive Jaycen looked in his swimming trunks.


The romance progressed rapidly, probably helped by Minnie's tendency to wander around the house in her skimpy nightie.


The engagement was rapidly followed by a private wedding in the Botanical Garden (with Minnie in her formal outfit for once)…


..and their watcher generously allowed them to spend the rest of the day in the cinema and restaurant, instead of at their sculpting stations, ending up in their comfy new bed.


It would have been far more sensible to have delayed the wedding until there was a fully-trained photographer to take a picture of the bride but I'm too much of a softie with my Sims to be a real hardcore challenge player.  Family-orientated Minnie rolled a wish to marry Jaycen almost as soon as she'd finished proposing and Jaycen, surprisingly, had been wanting to get married since Lina Lancaster had given birth to his daughter Jeanie shortly after he moved in (and while he still officially had commitment issues).

On her eighty-ninth day, Evangeline accosted Minnie as they were both heading for the sprinkler.


"Minnie?  We all know I'm running out of time.  It's been fun living in a dynasty house but I've been here such a short time.  I have samples of my own DNA as well as all those others.  I wonder…"
"Whether someone could clone you later on to join the family properly?"
"Well, yes."


"Of course! I'd love to have another Evangeline around.  Maybe not as a daughter-in-law – that'd feel a bit weird – but maybe further down the line."
"Or just to be a helper and have longer to learn things.  And I do have that green thumb that I've hardly used.  Maybe my clone would inherit it.  Anyway, however it works out, thank you.


"One other thing, though.  Evangeline is such a mouthful.  I've always disliked it but could never get anyone to shorten it to Eva.  Could you give my clone a shorter name?"
"Of course… Eva."

Sadly, it was less than a day later that Evangeline left them  :'(.


Dynasty duties had to go on.  Darren reached level ten of painting, had a minor personality change and changed his lifetime wish to Visionary.  Within days, he'd accomplished it.  Lennon managed to resolve his differences with the Tanners and became a Five-Star Chef, as well as maxing gardening.


Minnie and Jaycen were now working on Master Sculptor.  Minnie was still a few ice sculptures short of non-meltiness; for Jaycen, completing the challenge would also complete his supermax.  He finished about five minutes before this happened:


Happy Birthday, Minnie!

I'm slightly irritated that Jaycen didn't become a Master Sculptor in time to increase the value of Minnie's YA sculpture.  Oh well.  At least Darren's portrait is pretty valuable (despite being so dark as to be almost entirely black), thanks to the Local Artists' Gallery opp.

The worst thing about mods being banned for dynasties is that I can't use the deco removal tool :(.  The Diesel bed looks really good with that horrible pattern removed from the bedclothes.  I think I'll probably buy Minnie and Jaycen a new bed that's properly CAStable and pass that one on to a descendant.

*Grumble, grumble, grumble…*

Offline Chubling

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2020, 03:48:34 PM »
Minnie! Yay! Her journey continues to delight. Gotta get those helpers to work! Good idea with Eva and the science. Gotta keep those good genetics around.

Offline Trip

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2020, 08:49:36 PM »
Cloning townies definitely takes a lot of the burden off getting original townie spouses (and it mixes well with other methods) and I'm thankful for its presence. Science is also ludicrously easy to max. They did the opposite to social networking though.

Also you MIGHT want to make sure someone stays friends with your donor townies for their lives. I'm not sure if samples will keep if there's no tombstone generated when they die (they don't if the sim moves out of town and it sucks!)
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2020, 05:55:03 AM »
Minnie! Yay! Her journey continues to delight. Gotta get those helpers to work! Good idea with Eva and the science. Gotta keep those good genetics around.
I've hardly used cloning before - I think I've only cloned one Sim, in the Household Skills.  It suddenly occurred to me that it would be much easier alternative to traditional pollination, particularly since no-one can be moved out of the house.  Very much going down the grow-your-own-spouse route this time.

Cloning townies definitely takes a lot of the burden off getting original townie spouses
My thoughts exactly.  I was going to have the male helpers being pollinators but changed my mind and decided to try the all-cloning route.

Science is also ludicrously easy to max. They did the opposite to social networking though.
I can't remember finding social networking a particular problem  - but then street art is the only UL skill that I've used a lot.  I'm planning to have a sports agent later in the family and was assuming he/she would have to have a different supermax skill to stop other family members getting to level 10 when I wasn't paying attention.  Maybe that won't be necessary after all.

Also you MIGHT want to make sure someone stays friends with your donor townies for their lives. I'm not sure if samples will keep if there's no tombstone generated when they die (they don't if the sim moves out of town and it sucks!)
You're right :(.  Wish I'd known that one earlier.  The game is currently some way ahead of the story and all of the samples from townies who started as elders have gone.  I'd really wanted them to have a chance at passing on their genes.  Evangeline was friends with all of them but I think they all outlived her and obviously nobody else knew them well enough to count.  The Carrs have now collected a number of original townie tombstones from the cemetery (some of them DNA donors, some not) to try to prevent them getting get culled later.  We may end up with cloned ghost babies in the household.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2020, 07:30:48 AM »
I'm always happy to see a new Sims 3 dynasty story. I didn't know about the science thing before this, it's definitely worth playing around with.
Can't wait for more!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2020, 02:49:58 PM »
Thanks, Butterfly.  I'm hoping to get a new chapter up tomorrow.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2020, 08:39:58 AM »
Baby on Board

Minnie stopped sparkling and plunged straight into a raging midlife crisis, firing off impossible wishes every few hours. (Get a makeover!  Move house!  Divorce Jaycen!)  In an attempt at distraction, she went to look for a replacement scientist.  Abrielle King seemed the best candidate and Minnie duly invited her over.


Abrielle was delighted to join the household.


As a bookworm genius, she learned science even faster than Evangeline.  And as an ambitious would-be Renaissance Sim, she was keen to learn more.  And to become a doctor.  She was perfect.

Soon she was putting her book-learning into practice…


…and cloning Specimen 3029, who was quickly renamed Mercedes.


Not to be outdone, Minnie and Jaycen tried adding to the family by the natural route.


They succeeded.  Minnie was clearly overjoyed to find herself pregnant  ::).


(In fairness, she was feeling sick at the time.)

The midlife crisis was still going on, and she did finally roll a wish that could be fulfilled: to spend at least ten thousand Simoleons on a car.  Her dream car was quite a lot more than that, in fact, but they were now well-off enough to afford it.


Wow, she looks spectacularly thin in that pregnancy outfit.  I was taking inspiration from the likes of Jean Shrimpton and Twiggy when I created her but I think I overdid it with the body slider.  She's a very skinny Minnie.

In the absence of her creator, who was at work, it was a very pregnant Minnie who took little Mercedes to her first cake.


Even as a toddler, the resemblance to her DNA donor was striking.


Minnie wasn't hugely pregnant for long…


…and, later that night, Austin arrived…


..closely followed by his twin brother, Morris.

Three days later,  Minnie took her firstborn to his first birthday cake.


For a family-orientated Sim, she seemed remarkably unenthusiastic.  On the other hand, her life was a constant round of feeds and nappy changes at the moment, with short sleeps fitted in when she could.  She and Jaycen had barely seen each other – and there was certainly no time for sculpting.

Austin sat up and sparkled  - and, for the second dynasty in a row, the first-generation heir proved to have puke-green hair  >:(.  He was sent to a mirror immediately to have the colour adjusted.  Meanwhile, Morris was having his first birthday and turned out to have inherited Minnie's hair colour.  Otherwise, the twins were very much alike.


And now there were three toddlers needing to be taught to walk, talk and use the potty.  Minnie was going to be busy for a while yet.


Credit: Mini Cooper by leefish, from MTS.

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Re: Carr Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2020, 05:40:54 PM »
Congrats on your first clone! And a little less on raising three toddlers at once.
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