@GlazeyLady this is nothing to do with you, or any one else on the challenge team, or the challenges themselves! They can be done, as shown by people who complete them, I'm just unable to work out how to get them started, and sometimes I don't fully understand the hints provided after the challenges complete, or the answers given by others.
I've been told by professionals (psychologists and the like) that I have a brain that's wired differently to 95% of people. I also tend to be totally honest with my opinions on things, even on occasions when perhaps I should have kept them to myself (my multitude of jobs pays testament to that). Like
@thefaeriesgirl I don't MEAN to be insulting or hurtful in anything I say, even if it comes out that way. My apologies for doing so.
It is a difficult tightrope for the entire team, with the different needs of the people who play, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say thank you for your efforts.
Don't worry, I am going to continue to post things that happen and which make me laugh at myself. That reminds me of something else I need to check out.