Author Topic: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene  (Read 43482 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« on: March 09, 2020, 06:58:17 AM »
Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene

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The goal is to take 3 Teens from Hobo status to Hero Status.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply. If applicable, exceptions will be noted below.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • In CAS, create 3 Human or Alien teens with unique traits. Life state cannot change. No adding to the household.
  • Move your teens into any empty $1500 lot. Cheat your household funds down to $0. All three teens must leave the lot immediately and never return to it.  If the game sends them there (after school or work) they need to leave immediately.
  • Teens must stay on community property (not visit any residence) until they have moved into a furnished house.
  • Rally the Troops is banned (other club content is fine).
  • Lot type cannot be changed from Residential; Tiny Home Residential is not allowed.
  • You may use a Potion of Youth to keep your teens at the teen stage, but if any age up to YA, score that teen immediately and move them out.  If they all age up to YA, the challenge is finished.
  • The Challenge ends Week 3, Sunday 8:00 a.m.
  • Your teens reach Hero Status when they have moved into a furnished house and met the following requirements:
    • Each teen must complete homework and go to school every day until they get an A. After they have an A, they can take vacation days, sick days, or have an excuse note to miss school. Once ALL have achieved an A, you can use the calendar to create holidays with the day off.
    • Each teen must get a part-time job and must go every shift. At level 3, the teen may quit. Teens may then get another part-time job.
    • Each teen must make at least one BFF (household members do not count).
    • Each teen must throw at least one gold-medal party.
    • Each teen must max a unique skill (all skills qualify).


    Hero Status. Earn 100 points for each Teen that accomplishes the five requirements for Hero Status.

    HM. Hero Multiplier. Every player starts with a Hero Multiplier of 1.00. Add .01 to the multiplier for the following...

    **Each unique skill level (each skill can only count for 1 Sim)
    **Each job level (jobs do not have to be unique, but same teen can't rejoin previous job after quitting; teen must work at least 1 shift to count points)
    **Each BFF (prior BFFs count and BFFs do not need to be unique)
    **Each gold-medal party

    Include individual Hero Status components in your Hero Multiplier. 

    Total. Take your Hero Status and multiply it by your Hero Multiplier to get your Total. Use [Lena's spreadsheet] to help compute your score.

    The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

    Have Questions?
    If you have questions and need clarifications, ask away — you can either post your questions in this thread or if you feel a question might reveal a particular strategy you are considering, then feel free to PM the team. Choose the My Messages tab > Send Message > Send to Group (show membergroups) > Check the Challenge Board Moderator group.

    And the Winner is...
    After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event. The winner is expected to provide detailed information on their strategy. Keep notes as you play your file.

    This Event is Now Closed

    Player                            Hero Status     HM     Total     
    Metropolis Man3002.13639

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2020, 06:58:38 AM »

  • BFF - should they be unique? Or is it fine if A,B and C all become best friends with Cassandra Goth?  BFF's do not need to be unique.
  • You can have only one BFF at a time. Will it be okay to drop your previous BFF when you make a new one? Yes, that will happen.  Count the BFF when you get the message that one of your teens has become a BFF with someone, but your same teen can't become BFF's with the same sim more than once.
  • Do dates count as parties? No, dates do not count as parties.
  • Can I count what I use for my hero status for my multiplier too? Yes, you should count what you use for hero status for the multiplier as well.
  • A furnished house - is that any house? Or does it have any requirements?  No special requirements, but you do have to buy an existing furnished house - not an empty lot that you build on.  You can then alter the house through build/buy mode any way you want, including adding lot traits, but you can't change the lot type.
  • Do skills only going to level 5 count too as a maxed skill? Yes, all skills that show up in the skill panel count.
  • Rally the troops is banned, but are clubs otherwise allowed? Yes, clubs are allowed; only Rally the Troops is banned.
  • Can we sell from inventory and make money in any way or is it just working the part time jobs. Inventory sales are fine. You're not restricted to only the part-time jobs for sources of income.
  • Are the teens allowed to travel to vacation worlds?  Yes, they can travel to vacation worlds.
  • Do they have to get jobs on Day 1, or can the job be started at any time so long as they max it before the challenge ends? They can start the job at any time, they just each have to max it before the challenge ends.
  • Does the rule about keeping the job until Level 3 and going every day apply to all jobs or just the first job? Just the first job for each teen.  After that, whether they get another job, when they go, and when they quit is player choice.
  • After a shift at work or day at school, teens automatically return to the home lot. But the rules say we can't ever get there anymore? True - rules modified to say that if the game takes the teens back to the empty lot, they have to leave it immediately.
  • Also, is it fine to work on how many skills we'd like and work on the same skill by several teens as long as there are three unique ones that are completed by the end of the game? They can work on whatever skills you want, but each has to max at least one unique skill, AND, for the modifier, a skill can only count for one teen.  So if they all have points in, say, cooking, you can only count cooking for one of them. And you'd need another skill that is unique for each of them.
  • When our teens finally move into a house, do they each have to have their own house or can they all share one? What exactly counts as a fully furnished home, by this I mean how many rooms does it need to have and which ones? For the rooms, what kind of furniture needs to be added to count, for instance, is a toilet and shower enough for a bathroom or would I have to add a sink as well? They all move together to one house.  No rules about the house - completely player choice.  But when you initially buy the house, you have to click the box for "Furnished".
  • What should we do with the "Fill in the empty houses" option in the settings? Since we need to have our options to move in. Player choice - I've never seen the game fill every house in two sim weeks, and my experience is that it usually fills the more expensive houses; but you can leave it unchecked if you want.
  • Do the three teens have to be unrelated or can I make siblings? Your choice.
  • Presumably they have to move into a house, not an apartment? Yes, it has to be a furnished house.
  • Not being able to visit the home lot before buying a house means no using the Household Inventory and thus no career rewards, right? Right - not until they move into a house.
  • I don't actually know off the top of my head if teens can adopt pets, but I'm guessing they and any other household additions would be forbidden?Right - no additions to household.  I'll add that to the rules.
  • RULE UPDATE:  Added - You may use a Potion of Youth to keep your teens at the teen stage, but if any age up to YA, score that teen immediately and move them out.  If they all age up to YA, the challenge is finished.  (Days to age up is now variable.)
  • About job levels scoring one point each for the multiplier - if a Sim gets a new job on the final day would they still score one point for the first level even though they didn't actually go to the job? Yes, it would still count for a point. This was changed in a rule update - they have to go to the job for at least one shift.
  • Do they have to stay in the first furnished home they buy or can they move? If they can move afterwards are there any restrictions? You can move them to a different, pre-existing, furnished house if you want. No other restrictions.
  • I know we are allowed to place Maxis lots before we start playing, so can I place the Lost Gardens of Healing to use the Wishing Well? Yes
  • I know our teens only need to max one unique skill to score a point but do any skills maxed after that also gain points? Yes
  • Would any Gold Medal Parties achieved after the first also net me extra points? Yes
  • RULE UPDATE: May I use the Calendar to create Holidays to give my teens a day off school or work? Yes, but since they all get the day off, you can only use this after they have ALL achieved an A in school.
  • Can I take my teens to the Magic Realm as long as they don't become Spellcasters? There is no rule restricting travel.
  • Can my teens to do Odd Jobs? Yes, but they do not count as jobs for scoring.
  • Are we allowed to edit Community Lots to add Lot Traits and Satellite Dishes? No, per the General Rules, "Personal inventory items can be placed on a non-home lot, but this is the only allowed editing of non-home lots."
  • What type of weather settings are allowed? Player choice
  • RULE UPDATE: Given the rules about jobs, it looks like the teens can apply and quit and find new job without going and count a level 1 for each job.  Is that right?  Good point - the rules have been updated to say that a teen must go to the job at least one day to count points, and teens can't rejoin a job they already quit.
  • Can the teens run a retail business or restaurant? Sure, there's nothing in the rules preventing it.
  • Can the teens enter build mode to purchase items that will go into their personal inventory such as sketchpads and easels, etc.? Yes, but they can only purchase items that go in personal inventory.
  • Before they buy a real house, can they go back to their owned empty lot and enter Build Mode to buy these things? Or is there a way for this to work out in the world on Community Lots that I don't know about? They can not go back to their home lot.  They can enter build/buy mode on a community lot. Clarification: when you buy something on a community lot, you have to place it on the lot and then go back to live mode.  You will not be able to put that item in your personal inventory - it belongs to the lot.  So you can use it there, but not take it with you.  You can only do this with items that CAN go in personal inventory (so no beds, refrigerators, etc.).
  • With regard to BFFs - the multiplier and Hero Status is only for other Teens that they become BFFs with, right? Because you can't be BFFs with any other age groups while you are a Teen, right? Or do plain old Best Friends from other age groups count, too?  They can "Become Best Friends Forever" with any age group.  Anyone outside the household of your three sims counts.
  • Could we go to a residential lot if we only want the stuff in the area and don’t actually go in/on any of the actual houses? Traveling to residential lots is not allowed until after your teens have moved into a house; not even as a way to get to the surrounding area.
  • Can the teens move into an occupied house, evicting the residents in the process? Yes, that sounds like something teens would want to do.  Go ahead.
  • Regarding the parties - can the other teens in the household co-host?  Yes
  • Change in clarification regarding Unique Skills - Beyond the three skills maxed for the Hero Status, do the teens' other skills have to be maxed in order for them to contribute to the multiplier? For instance, if by the end of the challenge the teens had achieved levels 4, 8 and 7 in Acting, the middle teen would contribute 0.08 to the multiplier (fair enough), but also that, if they had levels 0, 1 and 1 in Archaeology, one of the latter two would contribute 0.01. The three skills maxed for Hero status have to be unique - that means no other teen can gain that skill at all - it can't even show up in the other teens' skill panels unique means no other teen can MAX that skill.  The skills after Hero status do not have to be maxed to count - each level counts. These scoring examples are correct - the teens can gain levels in the same skills, but you can only count a skill for one teen, so, yes, it makes sense to count it for whichever teen has the highest level.
  • Non-unique BFFs still count for the multiplier, yes? As in, if each teen becomes besties with Bella Goth during the challenge, then that's 0.03 for the multiplier? Correct - the only BFF restriction is that the other teens in the household don't count as BFFs.
  • Does Level 3 Scouting (Unicorn Scout) count the same as Level 3 of a part-time job? Yes
  • Am I allowed to add a pre made maxis house from the gallery? No, no adding of residential lots.

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Offline Vesper

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 09:25:56 AM »
Love the photo of them all stinky and sad.

To confirm - this is another two-week challenge right?

Offline ratchie

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2020, 11:09:20 AM »
Can we sell from inventory and make money in any way or is it just working the part time jobs.

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2020, 11:27:05 AM »
Love the photo of them all stinky and sad.

To confirm - this is another two-week challenge right?

Two Sim time weeks. Three real-life weeks (as always). :)

Can we sell from inventory and make money in any way or is it just working the part-time jobs.


Inventory sales are fine. You're not restricted to only the part-time jobs for sources of income.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2020, 11:27:52 AM »
Are the teens allowed to travel to vacation worlds?

Do they have to get jobs on Day 1, or can the job be started at any time so long as they max it before the challenge ends?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2020, 11:31:33 AM »
Are the teens allowed to travel to vacation worlds?

Do they have to get jobs on Day 1, or can the job be started at any time so long as they max it before the challenge ends?

They can travel to vacation worlds.  They can start the job at any time, they just each have to max it before the challenge ends.

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2020, 04:20:59 PM »
"Each teen must get a part-time job and must go every shift. At level 3, the teen may quit. Teens may then get another part-time job."

Is this just for the first job - that they can't quit until level 3?  Or can they quit at lower levels after they reach level 3 in the first part-time job?
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Offline Nikitachi

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2020, 04:31:39 PM »
After a shift at work or day at school, teens automatically return to the home lot. But the rules say we can't ever get there anymore?..
Also, is it fine to work on how many skills we'd like and work on the same skill by several teens as long as there are three unique ones that are completed by the end of the game?

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2020, 06:42:26 AM »
Hmmm, I don't know how I feel about this challenge, it's definitely different from the way I play but it's interesting and not like anything we've had before ... well not since I've been playing anyway. I'd like to ask some questions while I make up my mind about whether I want to play in this one or not, it may help me decide. :-\

When our teens finally move into a house, do they each have to have their own house or can they all share one? What exactly counts as a fully furnished home, by this I mean how many rooms does it need to have and which ones? For the rooms, what kind of furniture needs to be added to count, for instance, is a toilet and shower enough for a bathroom or would I have to add a sink as well?

I'm also wondering about how we can avoid our Sims from returning to their home lot when the game will just automatically send them there anyway after work or school.

I know I've asked quite a few questions about the house they need to move into but I think the rules on that should be very clear as to what counts and what doesn't so that's why I asked so many questions on that.

I'm not sure if I'll play in this one either, maybe I'll practice a little and see how I feel but honestly, I'd like to take a little break from these challenges and do other things than just practice for the next challenge, lol. I'd still like to ask some questions and get a feel for it before I make up my mind, I hope you don't mind too much Team. :-\

Hehe, this reminds me very much of a Rags To Riches challenge, I suspect someone on the Challenge Team is secretly a James Turner fan! ;)

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2020, 06:48:24 AM »
I got one more question: what should we do with the "Fill in the empty houses" option in the settings? Since we need to have our options to move in...

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2020, 06:51:04 AM »
Answers are coming everyone. Be patient. I'm tempted to come in and give my own answers, but this is mainly Glazey's event and I'm worried I might give the wrong interpretation on a few of these.

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2020, 07:18:59 AM »
Sorry for the delay in responses - I got home from work last night to no electricity, and it wasn't back on until very late.

"Each teen must get a part-time job and must go every shift. At level 3, the teen may quit. Teens may then get another part-time job."

Is this just for the first job - that they can't quit until level 3?  Or can they quit at lower levels after they reach level 3 in the first part-time job?
Just for the first job - after that, whether you get another, how often you go and how long you keep it is player choice.

After a shift at work or day at school, teens automatically return to the home lot. But the rules say we can't ever get there anymore?..
Also, is it fine to work on how many skills we'd like and work on the same skill by several teens as long as there are three unique ones that are completed by the end of the game?
True - they do return to the home lot; I will modify the rules to say that if the game sends them to the home lot before they purchase a house, they must leave the lot immediately.
Regarding skills - they can work on whatever skills you want, but they each need a unique skill, AND, for the modifier, a skill can only count for one teen.  So if they all have points in, say, cooking, you can only count cooking for one of them. And they'd each need another unique skill.

When our teens finally move into a house, do they each have to have their own house or can they all share one? What exactly counts as a fully furnished home, by this I mean how many rooms does it need to have and which ones? For the rooms, what kind of furniture needs to be added to count, for instance, is a toilet and shower enough for a bathroom or would I have to add a sink as well?
They all move together to one house.  No rules about the house - completely player choice.  But when you initially buy the house, you have to click the box for "Furnished".

I got one more question: what should we do with the "Fill in the empty houses" option in the settings? Since we need to have our options to move in...
Player choice - I've never seen the game fill every house in two sim weeks, and my experience is that it usually fills the more expensive houses; but you can leave it unchecked if you want.

Offline Sruixan

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2020, 07:49:54 AM »
Hmm, okay, this challenge has really got my gears turning - it'll need a rather different playstyle to what I'm used to, that's for sure! Four immediate questions (well, it was two when I started writing this post...):
  • Do the three teens have to be unrelated or can I make siblings?
  • Presumably they have to move into a house, not an apartment?
  • Not being able to visit the home lot before buying a house means no using the Household Inventory and thus no career rewards, right?
  • I don't actually know off the top of my head if teens can adopt pets, but I'm guessing they and any other household additions would be forbidden?
Thanks in advance, and especially to Metropolis Man because that FAQs post you're collating is an excellent idea that I foresee becoming utterly indispensable...

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Teen Scene
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2020, 08:00:04 AM »
Hmm, okay, this challenge has really got my gears turning - it'll need a rather different playstyle to what I'm used to, that's for sure! Four immediate questions (well, it was two when I started writing this post...):
  • Do the three teens have to be unrelated or can I make siblings?
  • Presumably they have to move into a house, not an apartment?
  • Not being able to visit the home lot before buying a house means no using the Household Inventory and thus no career rewards, right?
  • I don't actually know off the top of my head if teens can adopt pets, but I'm guessing they and any other household additions would be forbidden?
Thanks in advance, and especially to Metropolis Man because that FAQs post you're collating is an excellent idea that I foresee becoming utterly indispensable...

  • Your choice.
  • Yes, it has to be a furnished house.
  • Right - not until they move into a house.
  • Right - no additions to household.  I'll add that to the rules.

I'm actually updating the FAQ's on this one - which is why you'll only see answers and updates in the evening CST during the week - I work full-time days and can't access the forum from work, so I'm not as quick with answers as Metro would be.