Author Topic: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (2.4.20)  (Read 11284 times)

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The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (2.4.20)
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:07:34 PM »
After years being away from this forum, and losing access to my old account. I have returned! I bring you, the new Sims 3 Starlighter Dynasty!
Find the original story here (don't judge me too hard on the writing i was 13 lol) (also please don't call me Kay anymore, I have since come out as trans and go by Alex :) )

The beginning

After many tries before, Koryn Starlighter felt the call once again. It was time to begin her next dynasty attempt. Only this time, something was different... there wasn't an annoying voice constantly nagging her in the back of her mind. This time, she was all on her own. She packed her bags and took herself to the place it all began. Sunset Valley. She had changed her wishes to be a writer, and wanted to do most of the beginning work on her own, so she decided to be a gardener.

And with that, I give the reigns to her. Everyone meet Koryn.

I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - It Begins (1.30.20)
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2020, 05:08:23 PM »
Chapter List

Generation 1

Generation 2
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I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - It Begins (1.30.20)
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2020, 05:08:39 PM »

Generation 1
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Generation 2
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Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - It Begins (1.30.20)
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2020, 05:16:08 PM »
Chapter 2

So... I guess it's my job to keep track of all this since the watcher isn't around. I'll be passing this book from heir to heir and we will all be talking about our experiences in this journey.
But anyway, onto the fun stuff. I moved to Sunset Valley, as you all know. But I moved quite quickly in getting a spouse, so quick that I forgot to take screenshots until he was moved in!

Can you see who it is?
I asked him to move in shortly after we started dating, and a few days later I proposed.

Of course he said yes

And with that, we became husband and wife.
That's all I have for now, but I'll check back in soon!
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - It Begins (1.30.20)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2020, 05:49:15 PM »
I had to look up Koryn's old adventures to confirm BUT welcome back! Even in the deadest of times for a TS3 dynasty (we shall rise again I promise)
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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - It Begins (1.30.20)
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2020, 09:23:41 AM »
I had to look up Koryn's old adventures to confirm BUT welcome back! Even in the deadest of times for a TS3 dynasty (we shall rise again I promise)

Thank you! I'm glad to be back, and even if it's dead it will not stop me from completing this dynasty ;D
TS4 has been boring me to tears recently so it's refreshing to come back to 3, everything has so much more personality.

Chapter 3

Whew! It hasn't been too long since I updated my journal but it feels like a lot has happened! In my last entry I married the love of my life, Christopher. And just recently he got enough skill to paint my portrait!

Now onto his next challenge, can he complete 25 ice sculptures in.... 10 days?

My poor man, dynasty spouses work so hard don't they.
On some other news, with him being able to paint portraits now...

I'm expecting! It felt like no time passed before I went into labor

And had my little girl!

Everyone meet Portia Starlighter  ;D

*Portia is one of the moons of Uranus ;D
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2020, 12:44:55 AM »
Chapter 4

My baby girls infant days absolutely flew by, and next thing we knew it was time to blow out the candles.

Look at my baby girl! Portia is beautiful, she is wonderfully excitable, and artistic!
I will do my best to not spam you with photos of Portia, but here are a few highlights.
(author note: where did she get that hair color??? it's too light to be chris', and its not red???)

Christopher spent most of his time sculpting, trying to get done in time to do my YA sculpture... but we still made time for each other in our new bedroom.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say I found a dusty old lamp... I tried to clean it, and a genie came out! I decided to wish for fortune, just to help us out. Here is our new home.

Then, it was time for another birthday... Just after Christopher did my sculpture, it was my Adult birthday!

I feel... strange. Not ready for this. I still have to make all of my best friends, I've been focusing too much on my skills and career, that I've neglected the friendship requirement.
I can do this, though. I must.

Well, on a lighter note. I will end this with one more birthday, Portias. Her toddlerhood flew by as she learned her skills. We were ready for this. But, one last snuggle from mama.

Then, it was time for my baby girl to grow up.

She says hello!

I'm moving pretty quick this time, but I want to finish this!
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2020, 07:28:24 AM »
Yeah but you got a young adult sculpture and that's what counts the most! (For museum scores that is lol)
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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2020, 11:03:39 AM »
There was a catastrophic computer crash and I pretty much had to reload everything, and my Starlighter save will no longer load... I am devastated because I was on generation 4 in game.

I have an idea of how to write this into my story, though. So at least there's that. But, it will be a few days before the next update, and I may also be moving the story to a blog on tumblr or wordpress or something for easier image hosting.

I will continue to update in this thread with stats and important updates on the immortals, but the in depth story will be hosted elsewhere.

I am beyond frustrated. Maybe fifth times the charm?
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2020, 12:46:16 PM »
Have you gone to the technical help board yet (or even EA Answers, I've gotten good help there before). When it comes to fixing truly broken files, a lot of dynasty rules go out the window at our own discretion, especially when you're a few gens in.
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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2020, 01:38:52 PM »
Have you gone to the technical help board yet (or even EA Answers, I've gotten good help there before). When it comes to fixing truly broken files, a lot of dynasty rules go out the window at our own discretion, especially when you're a few gens in.

Unfortunately the problem lies with my computer and i lost all my sims in the bin + my saves with a reinstall :( ill probably just continue it in this thread, but i started it this morning and im already decently far with gen 2 having been born and its going even better than the last try! so im not too upset anymore ;D
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2020, 05:07:34 PM »
Guys!! We're saved!! I had a backup file from right before my pc crash on a flashdrive! All can continue!
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (1.31.20)
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2020, 05:32:21 PM »
Yay! The Starlighter's continue!

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (2.3.20)
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2020, 03:12:20 PM »
Chapter 5

Whew! We had a bit of a scare with "game crashes" and "lost files" whatever that means. But, despite all of that we are back.
Portia got right to work posing for her portrait and sculpture, she takes it very seriously as you can see.

With Chris caught up on his skills, and me doing really well with my requirements (supermaxed gardening + lvl 5 career), we finally got to spend some time together.

I quickly noticed a craving for watermelons...

Wonder what that could be. Oh! Do you also notice what I'm next to in that one? It's a photobooth! We've been having a lot of fun with it.

Before we knew it, our little girl was off to school. She struggles a bit with her homework but she made it up to an "A" in no time.

I've been getting sick quite often... I even threw up outside the grocery store a few days ago!

Oh boy

When I lost my save, I went back like a generation and a half so now this is Almost caught up to me, I might double update today to get caught up but we'll see. Art school just started for me today, so I'll be quite busy with that and I'm not sure how often updates will come, but don't worry I'll still be here ;D I'm not going anywhere this time and I will finish this dynasty.
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Starlighter Immortal Dynasty - The sequal (2.3.20)
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2020, 04:16:44 PM »
Double update! I just added a chapter list, and added stats to the two reserved posts at the top of the thread so be sure to check those out if you don't mind spoilers ;D

Chapter 6

Well, we left off with my pregnancy announcement. And nothing else happened over the next three days, so now I'm in labor!

This birth took what felt like ages, but finally I came out with my second daughter. Alya Starlighter.

She loves the outdoors, but can be a bit insane so... this will be fun. (note: i randomized traits cause why not.)
Portia is one of the most beautiful children I've ever seen, with my lips and nose, and her fathers eyes and skin... (still not sure where that hair came from though.. why does this always happen to Koryn)

However, her childhood didn't last long. A few days pass and now it's both her and Alya's birthdays.

I must say, Portia grew up quite beautiful! She grew into her love of sculpting and is quite savvy at it. She has a very artistic style, even with a favorite color like brown.

Alya, is also a very cute toddler but she got her fathers mouth! The Steel lips persist. (didnt get a pic of her makeover but here she is with her doll, Peaches)

To end this entry, I'd like to document some changes to the yard. My garden moved to my side of the house for quicker access, and we added a hot tub, a playground, and a wedding area that we'll get plenty of use out of. The garden is a bit bare right now, for some reason a lot of plants glitched and would no longer produce, so I had to start small again. I'm not worried though, I'm at level 8 of my career with time to spare.

Still not quite caught up to where I am, but I can only fit so many birthdays in an update haha
Not sure when the next one will be, I want to get ahead. And again with school starting this week will be busy, but maybe I can play enough to get a decent update on Wednesday or Thursday. If not, definitely over the weekend!
I'm back and trying again babey
Starlighter Immortal Dynasty