Author Topic: Townie Skill-a-Thon  (Read 60009 times)

Offline Isabelalabe

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2020, 07:20:50 AM »
Are the skilling objects from careers reward allowed? Or only the ones from build/buy mode are allowed?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2020, 10:16:18 AM »
Are the skilling objects from careers reward allowed? Or only the ones from build/buy mode are allowed?

I'd say ALL skilling objects are okay given you still have to purchase the reward ones. Lena can hop in and say otherwise when she gets a chance.

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Offline Sruixan

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2020, 11:35:45 AM »
So, to test if I've got the scoring situation right, here's a hypothetical:
  • My sim starts on their lot and maxes Charisma. They earn 100 points for their feat, and as a single sim add 0.01 to the multiplier to make it 1.01 - their running total is thus 100 x 1.01 = 101 points.
  • After becoming good friends with Vlad, my sim moves in with him and chooses to max the Pipe Organ skill. Vlad already has level 10 in it, but by Reply #28 he can be counted towards the multiplier. Once my sim's done, they earn another 100 points for the household and add themselves and Vlad to the multiplier: 1.01 + 0.02 = 1.03, for a running total of 200 x 1.03 = 206 points.
  • My sim then befriends one of the Roomies and moves in with them, and together they all learn Acting from scratch. Once finished, another 100 points are earned and, since five sims in the household have maxed the skill, 0.05 is added to the multiplier, for a running total of 300 x 1.08 = 324 points.
  • The only other household my sim visits in this hypothetical is the Pancakes, and there only they and Eliza max Archaeology (sorry Bob). This incomplete household gives me no points, but because two sims did manage to max the skill I can add 0.02 to the multiplier, for a final total of 300 x 1.1 = 330 points.
Does that all sound right and proper? I do not endorse trying any of the above "strategy", bar the bit about Vlad perhaps, but I figured the nicest way to get things across would be with an example. Beyond that, I'm afraid to say I do still have some questions:
  • The rules say "all skill panel skills are allowed" - including those with only five levels (e.g. Photography) and the anomaly that is Vampire Lore?
  • If "you cannot change anything [...] on the lot", presumably this implies that rearranging the items that are already there is verboten? Moving the furniture to squeeze in the desired skilling item would be nice; not having to deal with some of the default layouts would be even nicer...
  • In testing, it became apparent that many households start with stuff in their inventories - specifically, their career rewards. If the answer to the above question is "no rearranging", then it would follow that I can only place the rewards that help with skilling, fair enough. If rearrangement is permitted, however, I'm presumably not going to get away with arguing that plopping these rewards down is just another form of repositioning?
  • On the subject of transferring items between households and sims: suppose my sim amasses a bunch of valuable items in their personal inventory during their stay in a household (e.g. pocketing paintings instead of selling them). If I carry these into the next household, I know I may not place them, but could my sim sell them? Or, even more sneakily, could they give some of the items to the members of the new household to sell? Being able to give sims consumables I can understand, but saleable goods seems like a step too far to me - not that that's prevented me from thinking it up and asking about it...
Thanks in advance - I must say I'm pretty stoked to get my first decent, unhurried crack at one of these challenges!

Offline Teresa

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2020, 12:30:30 PM »
I have a question regarding the Pet Training skill.  Can we choose a household that has a pet for the pet training skill, and then when all sims have maxed the skill, can we move on to a new house.  The question behind the question, actually there are two... and this is one that I think is obvious about the answer, but just want to make sure as I plan out my approach.

1. Can we choose a house with pets - such as the Hecking household?  They have two YA sims + one Dog.
If so, then...

2. I am assuming the pet doesn't count against "all sims in the household must max the chosen skill before moving"?
Because, of course, they can't max the skill.

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Offline duskcheetah

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2020, 12:53:19 PM »
Quick question: If I purchase a skilling object that requires a table/chair for use, am I allowed to purchase the table/chair, or am I restricted to those that already exist on the lot?

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2020, 01:55:35 PM »
So, to test if I've got the scoring situation right, here's a hypothetical:
  • My sim starts on their lot and maxes Charisma. They earn 100 points for their feat, and as a single sim add 0.01 to the multiplier to make it 1.01 - their running total is thus 100 x 1.01 = 101 points.
  • After becoming good friends with Vlad, my sim moves in with him and chooses to max the Pipe Organ skill. Vlad already has level 10 in it, but by Reply #28 he can be counted towards the multiplier. Once my sim's done, they earn another 100 points for the household and add themselves and Vlad to the multiplier: 1.01 + 0.02 = 1.03, for a running total of 200 x 1.03 = 206 points.
  • My sim then befriends one of the Roomies and moves in with them, and together they all learn Acting from scratch. Once finished, another 100 points are earned and, since five sims in the household have maxed the skill, 0.05 is added to the multiplier, for a running total of 300 x 1.08 = 324 points.
  • The only other household my sim visits in this hypothetical is the Pancakes, and there only they and Eliza max Archaeology (sorry Bob). This incomplete household gives me no points, but because two sims did manage to max the skill I can add 0.02 to the multiplier, for a final total of 300 x 1.1 = 330 points.
Does that all sound right and proper? I do not endorse trying any of the above "strategy", bar the bit about Vlad perhaps, but I figured the nicest way to get things across would be with an example. Beyond that, I'm afraid to say I do still have some questions:
  • The rules say "all skill panel skills are allowed" - including those with only five levels (e.g. Photography) and the anomaly that is Vampire Lore?
  • If "you cannot change anything [...] on the lot", presumably this implies that rearranging the items that are already there is verboten? Moving the furniture to squeeze in the desired skilling item would be nice; not having to deal with some of the default layouts would be even nicer...
  • In testing, it became apparent that many households start with stuff in their inventories - specifically, their career rewards. If the answer to the above question is "no rearranging", then it would follow that I can only place the rewards that help with skilling, fair enough. If rearrangement is permitted, however, I'm presumably not going to get away with arguing that plopping these rewards down is just another form of repositioning?
  • On the subject of transferring items between households and sims: suppose my sim amasses a bunch of valuable items in their personal inventory during their stay in a household (e.g. pocketing paintings instead of selling them). If I carry these into the next household, I know I may not place them, but could my sim sell them? Or, even more sneakily, could they give some of the items to the members of the new household to sell? Being able to give sims consumables I can understand, but saleable goods seems like a step too far to me - not that that's prevented me from thinking it up and asking about it...
Thanks in advance - I must say I'm pretty stoked to get my first decent, unhurried crack at one of these challenges!

You example sounds valid.

To your questions:
1. All skills count, no matter if its a skill with 5 levels or with 10. So its jsut about choosing a skill all in the household can max.
2. and 3. You cannot change anything on the lots expect if you buy and place extra beds or skilling objects. So no moving around furniture or changing the size of the rooms etc.
4. There is no rule against it and we have started the challenge. So as long as you never place it physically on the lot you are not breaking a rule.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2020, 01:57:06 PM »
I have a question regarding the Pet Training skill.  Can we choose a household that has a pet for the pet training skill, and then when all sims have maxed the skill, can we move on to a new house.  The question behind the question, actually there are two... and this is one that I think is obvious about the answer, but just want to make sure as I plan out my approach.

1. Can we choose a house with pets - such as the Hecking household?  They have two YA sims + one Dog.
If so, then...

2. I am assuming the pet doesn't count against "all sims in the household must max the chosen skill before moving"?
Because, of course, they can't max the skill.


I think the simple answer here is a yes.
The pet does not count as needed to max a skill. As it would never be able too.

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2020, 01:59:05 PM »
Quick question: If I purchase a skilling object that requires a table/chair for use, am I allowed to purchase the table/chair, or am I restricted to those that already exist on the lot?

You can only purchase and place beds and skilling objects. Nothing else. --(see below change - Metro)
And you cannot change the lots in any other way, so no moving around already exsiting furniture.

Offline Teresa

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2020, 02:21:20 PM »
I have a question regarding the Pet Training skill.  Can we choose a household that has a pet for the pet training skill, and then when all sims have maxed the skill, can we move on to a new house.  The question behind the question, actually there are two... and this is one that I think is obvious about the answer, but just want to make sure as I plan out my approach.

1. Can we choose a house with pets - such as the Hecking household?  They have two YA sims + one Dog.
If so, then...

2. I am assuming the pet doesn't count against "all sims in the household must max the chosen skill before moving"?
Because, of course, they can't max the skill.


I think the simple answer here is a yes.
The pet does not count as needed to max a skill. As it would never be able too.

Thanks!  That is what I was expecting, but just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. :)
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2020, 02:27:00 PM »
I'm pleased that I am only practicing because I thought that not changing a lot meant not selling anything or altering the structure. In my practice I've been putting objects in the inventory and rearranging furniture so that I can fit in skilling objects. I also assumed that buying a desk and chair was fine because its required to place a skill object on but I guess not.  Whoops back to the drawing board.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2020, 05:08:36 PM »
I was talking to Lena just now in Discord. She was heading off to bed and asked me to edit the rule concerning what can be bought. So, here's how the rule now reads...

  • The only items you can purchase are extra beds, skilling objects, and anything necessary to use those skilling objects. These are the only changes/additions you can make to the lots.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2020, 10:43:21 PM »
Posted by: Metropolis Man« on: Today at 10:16:18 AM »I'd say ALL skilling objects are okay given you still have to purchase the reward ones. Lena can hop in and say otherwise when she gets a chance.

But if a Sim in a household hasn't unlocked these objects through a career then we would need a cheat to unlock them, are you suggesting we are able to do this @Metropolis Man? ???

I'm guessing that if Sims have emotion enhancing items in their family inventory from Career Rewards, we can't place them right, because that would be breaking the rule about only putting down beds and skilling objects?

Offline Teresa

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2020, 11:27:58 PM »
Tarah Tucker is done.

Maxed Skills: 1,000 [10 unique skills]
HM: 1.32 [32 household members]
Total: 1,320 points
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Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2020, 11:49:16 PM »
Do we have "Fill empty homes" turned on or off? I'm assuming we only target pre-made townies for this challenge and not randomly generated families?

@Teresa That was pretty fast, I haven't even started yet! :o

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Townie Skill-a-Thon
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2020, 02:53:35 AM »
Posted by: Metropolis Man« on: Today at 10:16:18 AM »I'd say ALL skilling objects are okay given you still have to purchase the reward ones. Lena can hop in and say otherwise when she gets a chance.

But if a Sim in a household hasn't unlocked these objects through a career then we would need a cheat to unlock them, are you suggesting we are able to do this @Metropolis Man? ???

I'm guessing that if Sims have emotion enhancing items in their family inventory from Career Rewards, we can't place them right, because that would be breaking the rule about only putting down beds and skilling objects?

No you cannot use cheats.
And no you can not place those items.

The only thing you can do is

"The only items you can purchase are extra beds, skilling objects, and anything necessary to use those skilling objects. These are the only changes/additions you can make to the lots."

