Author Topic: Sunset Valley 2020  (Read 200920 times)

Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2020, 10:17:18 PM »
Hi! That's a very nice world you got here.
There is one problem I found...
Some of the subway stations are named "Subway Station Station". That really annoys me... Could you name some of them? Thanks.
Probably named that way when Naga originally created them.  Turjan's tip applies - you can rename them in edit town.  I'll add them to a list of things to review.  Thanks.

Offline MrsGoodWrench

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2020, 10:14:55 AM »
I just registered an account to say a HUGE Thank you to all involved in this. Thank you all for your time,planning the layout, meticulous attention to detail and dedication y'all poured into this.

Amazing amazing world, words fail me to describe as to how awesome this world is, the lots builds etc, I love the sims 3 but this has given the game a whole new everything to the game things to do places to go sims to be seen.

Right now I've been playing Vanilla for a couple of days now and it's WOW, Definitely will try chocolate over the weekend.

Thank you.

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Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2020, 05:21:19 PM »
Very happy to hear you're enjoying it MrsGoodWrench.  :)  We're diligently working on the next version (2.0), which we hope to have out by the end of February or beginning March.  Nothing wrong with 1.0 however, so keep on enjoying!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #48 on: February 13, 2020, 07:22:32 PM »
Thank you for the postive feedback. I have enjoyed working with J on this project. I have enjoyed seeing the changes he has done to SV to make it run more smoothly, and the tips and tricks we're learning along the way.

I love both versions equally, to me each has version has their own energy about them. :)
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Offline ohzuna

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2020, 06:49:56 PM »
I created an account here just to tell you thank you for doing this! Sunset Valley is STILL my go-to world out of all EP, store, custom worlds. 90% of my games are there, and when I play other towns I have to bring a few SV townies just so I can have some familiar faces around. But I've never started a proper legacy there because I'd want more "stuff" in a legacy world. This is what I've been waiting for!

Question about the Fusion Lounge height fix: I'd like to do that myself, but is that something that can be done fairly easily in edit town/world editor? I know nothing about CAW so if it has to be done there I'm out of luck, but otherwise I'd like to give it a try. I know it's supposed to be leveled in 2.0, so I can wait for that if necessary, I just won't start a legacy until then.

I hope that didn't sound ungrateful. Believe me, I'm so happy to see my beloved Sunny Vee get the love it deserves! I've always hated the idea of using the SV fixed .world because I didn't want to have to switch back every time I play my favorite saved games, but for this 2020 version I think it will be worth it. :D

Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2020, 07:58:42 PM »
Question about the Fusion Lounge height fix: I'd like to do that myself, but is that something that can be done fairly easily in edit town/world editor? I know nothing about CAW so if it has to be done there I'm out of luck, but otherwise I'd like to give it a try. I know it's supposed to be leveled in 2.0, so I can wait for that if necessary, I just won't start a legacy until then.

You're welcome, happy to have been part of making a world that people appreciate and play.  :)

Changing the lot height elevation on an existing lot is fairly simple actually.  Refer to this topic (post #5) for the command to accomplish it.  It's not totally necessary since sims can still traverse the slight dip, but if you want to instructions are below.

Steps to take to correct the Fusion Lounge lot height in 1.0:
  • You'll need to use "testingcheatsenabled true"
  • The Fusion Lounge needs to be copied to the library, then bulldozed.
  • Then re-set it's lot type to Fusion Lounge on the map, and click the new map marker so it's selected.
  • Then use the command from the other topic with Turjan's value:  SetImportedTerrainOffset 0.45
  • Then place the Fusion Lounge lot you copied to the library back to the same lot
It should go back in and the ground elevation should be even with the road.  I don't think I forgot any steps, but if it doesn't work for you just PM me and we'll sort it out for you.  The easy solution would be to PM you a link to the already-corrected lot that we're using in 2.0, so you can simply drop it in without commands.

Quote from post #5 of the linked thread above, for reference purposes.
If you open the cheat console and type "help" without the quotes you should find a cheat to help with this problem. In mine it is "SetImportedTerrainOffset (value)" for the value use a positive number to move it one way and a negative number to move it the other way e.g 1 or -1

Crinrict's article on Fixing the Terrain

Karrit's Tutorial - Fix Terrain Height of Placed Lot

Offline ohzuna

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2020, 09:33:04 PM »

I don't think I forgot any steps, but if it doesn't work for you just PM me and we'll sort it out for you.  The easy solution would be to PM you a link to the already-corrected lot that we're using in 2.0, so you can simply drop it in without commands.

I'm absolutely going to try to fix it myself because if I can learn how to do it, I can fix some lots in other worlds that I've had this problem with. However, if you don't mind PM'ing me the link, I'd love to download the corrected lot just in case.

In any case, many, many thanks. There's so much to explore, I'm overjoyed. :D

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2020, 12:48:23 AM »
The sad thing for me is ... I can't use it for my Immortal Dynasty attempts, otherwise I would be using it!


Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2020, 01:06:40 AM »
The sad thing for me is ... I can't use it for my Immortal Dynasty attempts, otherwise I would be using it!
PM me a list of restrictions for your Dynasty game, and I'll review and perhaps discuss with MrsFlynn.  If they are minor enough changes, they are a possibility.  Depends on the magnitude of what changes - mostly SV2020 was built for enjoyment, though we *do* have support for "Squatter" type starts (little to no cash and posessions) built into 2.0 which is due in the near future.

Edit:  MrsFlynn checked the challenge specifics, we're chatting about it now.  Since Union Cove was approved for it, it would be up to Metro to approve the Vanilla world for SV2020.  The Terra Cot lot on the hill (a 60x60) could be used for the dynasty family lot simply by bulldozing it.  I'm not certain that large and sweeping changes could/would be made however, so it would be up to Metro in the end.

Offline JohnLiptow

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #54 on: February 25, 2020, 01:27:32 AM »
Like others have mentioned, I joined Carl's Sim's site to comment on this new version of Sunset Valley. The world of Sunset Valley, in my view, was always a 'starter world' that becomes boring as you add other expansion packs and more interesting, vibrant communities. So to come upon this new version is like being swept out of Kansas into Oz.


My initial game was far less than sub-par. In fact, I never got to game play as I entered EDIT TOWN for some basic tidying up. (eg. renaming some Subway stations, marking lots with the 'Bench' tag is Hidden Tombs, etc.) Twice in a row the game crashed on me. Now, to be clear, I did replace the original Sunset Valley World in the /non-packaged directory of the Origin game directory with EllaCharmed's fixed world (ie. the 85mb file.) So I can't imagine a conflict there. And yes, I realize Sims 3 is a buggy game.

I read above that others had much smoother game-play, so I am assuming there is something wrong on my end; something I might have overlooked.

It should be noted that upon loading the saved game file, the town screen filled up slowly (not very slowly, but slowly.) I actually watched all the lot tags being produced on the screen, which is not something I ordinarily see. I just assumed it was a big game world. But once I dropped down to my household and moved around a bit and in and out of town view, I was a tiny bit frustrated at the jarring lag. For the record, I do not have an old computer. It is a 2019 Alienware with 64GB RAM, a 2TB SSD, a high-end NVIDIA graphics card with 8GB dedicated memory, and a high-end processor. So I would say that is a bit over-kill for The Sims, but I got it partly with the intention of playing a smooth game of the Sims. If not too much trouble, I am hoping maybe you can give me a bit of direction of what I might be overlooking. I'd appreciate that.

And also, thank you for what does appear to be a beautifully re-imagined notion of Sunset Valley!

Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #55 on: February 25, 2020, 01:42:23 AM »
Sounds like the .world file wasn't replaced quite right JohnL.  MrsFlynn tested SV2020 with the original EA .world file (i.e. the wrong one) and had similar results to yours:  very slow loading, and crashing.  You may instead have replaced it correctly, but left your cache files alone without deleting them.. there's the possibility for issues there too.

I'd try re-replacing the Sunset file with a fresh one downloaded from the link here.  And copy the old EA world file to a folder elsewhere on your computer so it isn't in that folder anymore.  Just leave the new .world file in there all by itself.

We've edited SV2020's worlds quite literally many hundreds of times, and only had it crash once (bulldozing a lot that isn't even in 1.0 that had a corrupt object on it).  1.0 itself never crashed on me throughout it's development.  So yes, I think whatever hurdle you're seeing is on your end.

Feel free to PM me and we can continue trying to troubleshoot your installation (if none of this works for you), and hopefully we can get you "Back into Oz".  :)

Offline Turjan

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #56 on: February 26, 2020, 03:38:08 AM »
Let's not forget that, on a first load, the game has to generate quite a bit of data. For example, this world contains tons of role objects, for which the game needs to generate NPC's. My first start was also slow, with slowly generating tags (you can watch how the game slowly works through different parts of the map), etc. That goes away when everything is set up, which can take quite a long time. It's much better on later restarts, when everything is in place. I also use mods though, some of which (like Story Progression) have lengthy initialization periods themselves.

Offline Jaga Telesin

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #57 on: February 26, 2020, 04:11:33 AM »
How is your game coming along now Turjan?  Still holding up to the test of time I hope.  :)

We're shooting for 1-2 weeks more until the release of SV2020 2.0, so there's plenty of time left to play before you even consider switching.  The new worlds have a bunch of improvements & additions, including two new player built homes, new squatter's lots (for people that choose to start with literally nothing), and more.

Offline JohnLiptow

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #58 on: February 26, 2020, 04:34:44 PM »
Cache files! D'oh! Always forgetting to clean up the stupid cache files! I'm sure that's it.

Offline Turjan

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Re: Sunset Valley 2020
« Reply #59 on: February 28, 2020, 06:29:30 AM »
How is your game coming along now Turjan?  Still holding up to the test of time I hope.  :)
Thanks for asking. The city is still going smooth, although I have a few self-inflicted issues I may want to avoid when I move the next time. These are specific to what I did though, so not relevant for anyone starting with the city as intended. Just to mention two of them:
  • Don't copy old laggy lots over from the old world. They don't magically fix themselves, and even after subsequent removal, some of the issues remain, as this game doesn't want to forget anything (that one mostly concerned my version of the Landgraab villa).
  • Don't keep the old TravelDB.package. Big mistake. Seriously, that alone more than doubled my load and save times in SV. No idea why, but it happened. Lesson learned.
Altogether, my save and load times are again rather lengthy, but still below the ten minute mark for loading and below five minutes for saving, which is still quite acceptable. My old SV had passed the 30 minute mark for saving.
No errors yet, which is the most important part.

Anyway, as much as it pains me, I also had to get rid of the resort. It was super popular with the residents, and they usually got stuck in a clump near the reception desks (only when my active family was there). My computer is rather old (8 years now) and didn't have a top of the line CPU even then, so I had to pull the emergency brake (the lot is just too big for it, given SP also has to deal with 140 residents). I loved the pool and the entertainment levels, but hey, there's still enough to do in town. On the resort side of play, given the resort is already fully upgraded, there wasn't any actual development involved (upgrading the towers and hiring personnel involves a few quick clicks), and when your family can afford that resort, it doesn't need it anymore to make a living, because it's already swimming in cash. Take into account that I never played in IP or with a resort before, so some of this may just be "normal".

We're shooting for 1-2 weeks more until the release of SV2020 2.0, so there's plenty of time left to play before you even consider switching.  The new worlds have a bunch of improvements & additions, including two new player built homes, new squatter's lots (for people that choose to start with literally nothing), and more.
Sounds good. I didn't intend on moving anytime soon, but I may do it rather earlier than later after all, at least before I start moving out families to connected worlds with Traveler. I'll definitely have a look at what you and your friends will come up with  :).

