Ultimately, it will be the team that will decide whether or not to change our decision to lock threads and force strategy questions to come via PM, but I fear this may have been a not-so-great idea for this year. Yes, in an ideal world, we'd all keep our strategies to ourselves. But, the more I think about it — we're all one big, happy community. If someone asks - "hey, can I do x?" And someone else sees that in the challenge thread, well...in a way, everyone benefits from the knowledge and the playing field is leveled a bit. Including the team. Heck, sometimes you pros will ask questions I had no clue about.
So, here's what I am proposing — give us some feedback in this thread. Do we keep going how we are going with locked threads? Or do we just take a totally different approach and forget all the secrecy? Ask questions in the challenge threads, no matter if they are strategy or not. Your choice. If players do not want to reveal a possible sneaky trick you can always PM the team -- that would always be an option.
Sound off.