On the Initial Thrill of Juice.
Hey there Aidan, how's class going? Studying hard? Hardly studying?
To which Aidan thinks, "no ways dad, like, why would I? you calling me nerd? I'm like famous now or something? From painting and stuff like that? Here's an autograph or something. You know like a picture and whatnot... you know with like a name on it, but not typed? But like made with a pen or something? Cool. Yeah. I'm taking this fame thing seriously, I had it printed earlier. So now you know I'm famous or whatever."
Quite. But can he count to ten? We're not sure.
With most homework done (or ignored), Scarlet threw a kava party at the local pub, starting at 1am on Wednesday morning.
It's not mine, it's by hey_harrie on the gallery. It contains much CC, that I won't and didn't install, but it's easy enough to fix windows and a few wall coverings.
At the gathering was Dulce, Loario's love child with L. Faba and consequently Aidan's half-sister. He has all the looks. I didn't add him as a host to the party, to refresh my memory as to whether or not it would still count towards his aspiration as he is part of the same household. Scarlet got gold, and no, Aidan didn't get any aspiration milestone. Totally fine, as there is plenty of time for Aidan to Party Party.
*Plot Significance*:
I realised rather late that Tuesday is alien night. As mentioned in an earlier post, perhaps Aidan -- with his Sulani Mana and spellcaster -- can try for baby with an alien, knowing there's a 50% chance of a pure alien nooboo with Sulani Mana. Maybe alien night was still active at 1am, maybe not. Regardless, Kim Comer, tough-walking into the quaint public house in the green dress, is a lovely alien gal.
Kim was added to the family club, and she and Aidan tried for baby.
Yes, she fell pregnant. More on that later...
And tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow crept in this petty pace from day to day, until it was the final day of term. Witness the stomach gurgles of a man who never did homework, made minimal effort on a presentation, minimal effort on an essay, and plagiarized another!
He is Uncomfortable! A most dire Foreshadowing.
So, how good will his grades be? Can you cheat and win?
Scarlet has a full set of A+ grades. Somehow Aidan managed to do okay. So... yes. Definitally got away with the cheating.
The Saturday after term 1, end of week 10, and Scarlet reached debate level 5 by beating Lucas Munch.
Even Loario is impressed by his not-his-daughter.
Feeling famous, Aidan and Scarlet -- just as vain in her own lovely way -- both hope for peer recognition and validation of their Fame.
Okay, sims don't get juiced, but if they did... would that be the face?
Scarlet won an award for her screenplay based on her father's life "All About Steve". (Steve was Father Winter. She's a Father Winter's Baby. Yes, Scarlet, we know. We all understood you last time.) Her mum Kari also turned up and won just for being great!
She's holding an invisible trophy, but no matter. If she enjoyed it, that's what matters.
Term 2 of university, week 11, descended into a blurry endless stupor, especially for Aidan. He was buoyed by his success of cheating, and this term he wouldn't even have to make
that effort! 3 exams, 1 presentation to do poorly... and that's it.
Scarlet spent much time at the library, but remembered to bring the portable shower... for fun. Or something.
Moving swiftly along, Aidan who had discovered Juice in term 1, really set about learning as much as he could. He therefore hosted a closed and controlled experiment -- called a keg party -- to observe the effects of different types of juice.
Even when the party was over, the keg remained. So, more juice:
I really feel like Loario is not being very responsible here.
Kim Comer, alien in disguise, is the lucky lady getting help with a keg stand. There's Dignity! There's breeding!
Thinking of breeding... she's no longer pregnant... and here's Aidan's family tree:
Meet pure alien Hobart Comer. The 50% chance was in our favour! Gasp! And he'll have Sulani Mana! Who needs abdication? With this development, Kim and Hobart will move into the new house as well as Nancy Landgraab. Space isn't likely to be a problem, so no matter. Kim is an adult, perhaps close to elder, so we don't want little Hobart to be left as a toddler or child without a parent and be culled. And he can be a bona fide part of the dynasty tree, and at least be properly raised once Aidan is finished at university.
In the middle of the night, Scarlet prepares impeccable food on the grill behind the commons.
She was also doing the "grill 5 times" milestone as part of her Beach Life aspiration, all food was at least excellent. There really needn't be any shortage of good food. These grills are portable after all.
Here's the face of a man who has a Mixology Certificate. He really wanted to learn as much about juice as he could. Once he maxed the skill, he kept taking other skill classes and sure enough he got the certificate. I was curious to do this, to see how it compares to a degree -- what level in the career will he start?
Besides, his Beloved is a vampire who needs to be cured with a mixology drink. It is just a level 1 drink, but Nancy needs to trust his skill. She has to be cured before another Mini Landgraab makes her way into the world. And it will be a 'her', because we have a boy -- Hobart -- already.
Scarlet gets more A+ results to add to the collection. Term 2 results not as good for Aidan. We are all in uproar.
There's an Aperture for That: F
Framing the Shot: D
Andante / Allegro: Finding you Musical Speed: C-
Parenting: Don't Do That: D-
He's on probation.
Next time: Aidan's university Ends with a Moral Lesson about Juice.