Author Topic: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.  (Read 30220 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2020, 06:18:16 PM »
Leave it to you to notice that the sun only shines from one side of the house!!! I never even noticed!

I would be surprised if Ava had surpassed Scarlet, considering who Scarlet's mother is!!!

Haha, I am feeling duly ashamed of myself for encouraging you to have a Father Winter's child so I can watch and learn. *puts on hair shirt and trudges away in deep repentance...

Offline Heart Foam

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 19.
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2020, 05:37:54 PM »
In this episode, Scarlet cries.

But first, Aidan completes a collection I've never even tried to complete.

Void Critters! I think the's some cheery gamplay for kids in Void Critters, but child hood is all about mandatory fun in other ways. Aidan completed this collection with the game paused. It's not hard. But it does require some patience. Every sim will complete an in-game collection. Hopefully.

Harvestfest! Yeah!

That places us on Thursday of week 16.

With time moving on, it was clear we had a child problem. Ava was getting ever closer to being a teenager, and still only had one child friend. This child friend.

Social Butterfly requires 3 child friends. We're at the park on Harvestfest again, hoping to attract any other children. As it happened, another showed up.

Great. One more needed. We went to another park. No new children. We even tried Ward Park! Then it occurred to me to create a child-only club for Ava and friends. Through that, and through trawling all households, it was apparent that in this save there were only two children, and she had already met them. Because of successfully preserving all potential spouses as vampires or immortals I've not needed a pollinator. This childless world shows the value of that.

The next round of Spot the Townie:

Actually... all 4 sims here are original townies. Geeta, my sim. The others are Pierce (I thought I had bitten him, so I was sad to seem him as an elder), Summer and Morgyn as a guest appearance as a ghost.

Geeta visited Pierce with a potion of immortality while everyone else was at school or work, in case we need another male option. His head shape in profile, that nose, I'm not sure how picturesque his children would be. I didn't want him to freeze to death talking to Geeta, so she left quickly.

She's checking out the autumn weather in Forgotten Hollow, wondering if it might be suggested to Scarlet as a lovely home neighborhood.

That evening, Nancy became spice champion thus completing this household's collection of shirts, and Ava walks into a pole.

Regular sim stuff. Your sims do it to, I'm sure.

The weekend arrived with Hobart essentially ready to age up to Young Adult, Ava done with childhood except for the aspiration she can't complete. I added a mother and daughter that I had been playtesting a tiny house in, just to give Ava a friend.

Another option was the Smith family by Maxis on the gallery. This child here, Danielle, is the daughter of a Sulani Elemental and Darrel Charm. That's just an aside. She's not going to be important to this plot.

Hobart blows out the candles on his YA cake, probably his last time in this dining room:

... and then goes straight to making Geeta swoon.

After failing once, he becomes immortal.

And Geeta splits household and moves!

To Slip 42! Gasp! This is unlikely to be their final destination -- there are lots with gorgeous views up on the hill -- but it's where they live until we get back to them.

I returned to the big house to find Nancy making what seems to be a celebratory drink. Hobart isn't her child after all, and he's blue. Maybe Nancy didn't like him? Or maybe Nancy just likes juice?

With the same cake Hobart used, Ava aged up:

She's not even as normal looking as Nancy.

One of her everyday outfits is the classic Landgraab white and orange combo.

There's no intention to play out her full teen years. She's been very well parented, and is on the cusp of having all 5 positive traits. At that point, which will be literally the next day (or hour) after I go back into the save, she might as well be aged to YA and we switch to Scarlet.

Naturally, she's already a global superstar. And she picked up the Snob trait (fair enough) at her birthday.

Much of the remaining weekend was spent getting all my celebrities the selfies and cheers they desired in the most earnest, least shallow parts of their hearts. Well, we tried. Aidan has really made a struggle of getting 25 cheers as we saw last time.

Geeta has already joined a bowling team. With Aidan's half-sister Dulce Faba. (Loario + L. Faba)

Kari too has joined this team, leaving her old green-shirt team. Aidan is trying to draw a crowd by flaunting his money as his mother walks past. It's quite a disapproving look.

And Ava poses outside the house, 6am Monday, after being at bars all night.

That was a suitable smug picture to leave on, but then Scarlet came over to cry in front of a gold plated mirror and it felt Poignant.

Poor girl feels forgotten. We've followed Aidan since he was booted out of university, and studious Scarlet still had two days left. She did nothing wrong. And yet, just because I don't have the energy, she'll not get a 64x64 country estate anything like this. I tried so hard to talk myself into a crazy winter-resort penthouse in San Myshuno for her, but I just can't.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #62 on: February 04, 2020, 06:46:40 PM »
I only noticed this several days ago, but the word "Dynasty" appears twice in your story's main title. Deliberately, to see if we'd notice?  I did!

That's very strange about your game not spawning enough children for Social Butterfly.
Although weekends are the best, our 10th generation kids recently went to Magnolia Blossom Park right after school.
Besides their two aunts (both mean) and one they met through their Child-only club, three other kids showed up.
So far, every generation has 4-5 new children spawn at parks for Social Butterfly.  I wonder why your game isn't spawning more?

I don't mind at all if Scarlet doesn't live in a mansion. I loved seeing your Tiny House on a 20x20 lot!
Also, just between us, I'm more likely to steal build ideas from you for not-ginormous houses. :)
I'm so excited about Scarlet's generation!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2020, 03:43:29 AM »
Yup, it's been that all along. I hope people notice! Words are to be read, and all that. One must add lightness and Charm to one's grammar when one can help it.

I usually go to the park on the first available weekend for a child, and aim to have Social Butterfly by that point. And I did that as usual, but on Ava's first weekend she only found 1 (the one on the swings that showed up on Harvestfest). I nearly added the Maxis made Smith family from the gallery because they have a child. That's on standby if we have similar problems next time.

I'll end up doing a tiny home for Scarlet. They are easier to replicate and share. One could distill the essence of a tiny home to a spreadsheet showing a top-down view of where the rooms are.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2020, 02:16:32 PM »
Yay! I can't wait to see Scarlet's Tiny House!
I hope to be building another one soon for Elwyn, too, starting first from a Micro House (because the garden boost is nice).

Offline Heart Foam

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 20.
« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2020, 03:24:43 PM »
In this brilliant episode, Dennis Kim is literally a money grabber.

Also, we're now with Scarlet and house #3.

Okay, not brilliant as in "more shiny than average". Adjust your screen brightness, look after your eyes. Okay? Cool.


Keen viewers will notice the potion being duplicated is a vampire cure.

Having a second one lying around might be useful, that's all. There are a lot of vampires about. One thing this house has over a Tiny House is space. Room for a bar, for example. Aidan also already knows the cure, so it's also less hassle to sort out Scarlet's future husband here than at that humble* abode.

*or is it?

Ava is a straight A student, has all 5 positive character traits, and has no reason to stay longer as a teen. She bakes her own cake.

A palace can be lonely like that.

And for a moment, you dear reader, had a twinge of Emotion toward a Landgraab. Yeah. Wow. This is Deep Sims.

Said Landgraab exhales in a dignified way towards small ritual fires placed on food. No one ever questions this. Humans are weird.

Yes, dignified. That's what I said. Pure class.

And classy Miss Landgraab rolled "ambitious".

An ambitious good snob.

The first ambition I have for Ava is for her not to die while we visit the lives of her near relatives. She's now an immortal young adult, and we'll get back to her one day.

With that done, it's time to reveal that you read correctly, and Dennis Kim is to be the next Original Townie Dynasty member. Can you think of a more useless male sim? One who adds less enjoyment to you life? One who dies sooner? Okay I didn't think you'd have a name in mind, but on we go. If I don't play Dennis now I never will.

On a rather bracing Tuesday evening, week 17, Winterfest Eve, we visit the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house. Only Dennis is actually alive, though the ghost of Olivia was floating about.

Aidan did the decent thing and dedeathified her.

~So, Dennis. This is awkward. Remember Kari? She made you the repulsive vampire you are, but-hey-it-gives-you-personality? Right. Good. So she has a beautiful daughter Scarlet who is more than you'll ever be. Like, she's actually good at stuff. Well, everything really. Right. So she's my aunt, and on Winterfest she's going magically appear in the snow at a small house. Oh, yes, she's a Father Winter's Baby, so she's cooler than you in every sense. Forgot to mention that. But she'll totally marry you if you let her in? Right. Welcome to the household.

Oh, she's also a global superstar. She'll have to talk first because you're insignificant.

With that motivation, our hero Denis made a Grab For Money as soon as he could. 

And he divested himself of the one thing that made him interesting. By sheer luck* there was a vampire cure potion just lying around. (This just doesn't happen in real life. Seriously, it doesn't.) Would Scarlet like a vampire? He didn't want to take that chance.

*actually not. Aidan made it. You can totally tell sims to do things if you click on them. I'm learning.

... and became immortal. It's just easier to do it here.

Dennis split from the household, taking the money he yanked off the trees, and bought an incomplete Tiny House. For about $116k. That's normal right?


Dennis stands outside his new purchase in Windenburg. This is the Fyres lot. 64x64 with a 64 tile house. There are still two -- TWO -- living Fyres, probably both vampires, who had the 40x30 Tudor house plopped down for them in the same neighborhood. 

I tried other layouts. I did. I promise. But combining kitchen / dining space, actually wasted space and felt less posh. So I am unoriginal and using what is essentially the same plan as the one on the building thread that some of y'all might have seen. I have moved the central living / bedroom forward, to get as much of an (admittedly small) neoclassical facade as possible. The basic premise is that this is as posh as I can make it.

As a hat-tip to Scarlet, there's a red / white theme in the main room.

The pool is about 2.5x the size of the house.

I've put down arches and a wedding arch in the blizzard. This is a mistake because as the snow melts I'm going to see that it doesn't fit with the lawn and gravel paths I've got there. There was a fountain. After a wedding the fountain or something will return.

Dennis getting a present in the kid's room.

There will only be one kid. In this neat pyramid of a dynasty, Kari started, had two kids. Those two kids (Aidan and Scarlet) between them will have three kids. And of those three, we already have Hobart and Ava. Just the one child for Scarlet and Dennis, but I have a hunch we might get a rather handsome sim.

Day 1 tiny home: upgrade the bed.

And test the bed.

I had thoughts of delaying the nooboo for a while, but the timing is nice now. And it's Winterfest. This way, the nooboo hatches at the start of spring. And I'd rather have a toddler in spring and summer than get caught out and end up with managing a mini-sim in a blizzard like this.

Different angle of the house:

Note the front door and windows have already changed. Luckily Scarlet had her laptop from university in her inventory. Scarlet is pregnant. I'm thinking of leaving it to chance whether it's a boy or girl. A part of me really hopes for a girl with an Asian eye shape. It's a quick visit to Nookstone or Chateau Peak to get carrots and strawberries. I'm easily persuaded.

If you don't have a fireplace, he'll still come, but... shame. Poor man.

Three adults in the kitchen, which is about two tiles. Always space for a cork board though!

This is the house, sans snow, as it was when they moved in.

Scarlet has signed up for the detective career just to get one more level. She starts at 3, and level 4 unlocks the gate for the fencing around the basketball court. After that she might quit. Despite not managing her though the last two days of term (thanks slacker, juiced brother) she had done all her coursework and has graduated with a Distinguished Degree in Communication with Honours.

The garden is most definitely incomplete. I'll probably paint grass stripes, and put in some formal beds. If it looks good.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2020, 04:58:42 PM »
Your 64-tile Tiny Houses always look more spacious than mine, haha. And I love the neoclassical facade!
I see you have include a for-toddler bath and (gasp!) even a dining room!  Very posh, indeed!

I know there's a lot of forum hate toward Dennis Kim. But Dennis has a Korean family name so he and I are united in East Asian solidarity. :)
Plus, he comes with Level 5 Gardening, which is nothing to sneeze it if one hopes to graft sooner rather than later.
Though, the Tiny House skill perk and Patchy make raising the Gardening skill a bit of a joke....

Adored the shot of Father Winter leaning into the inclement weather as he approaches the humble abode!
The weather varied during this seasons?
She graduated with "distinguished degree with honors" than joined a career which offered no promotion boosts? Oh okay, you want the fencing....

Can't wait to see Scarlet and Dennis' child!

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #67 on: February 20, 2020, 03:37:51 AM »
It's a shame Dennis is really just a background character, and they could give you more representation! I've long wanted to give him a life (some of these townies are just Made To Die, if we play with aging on), and now is that time. If I aged Geeta down, I think it's only fair I age Dennis down. He may as well be a young immortal.

re gardening, the pots that are placed on the right of the house will be for money trees. Scarlet already completed numerous aspirations and has more than enough points for one, it's just snowing too much to plant anything. Well, we don't have the micro home gardening boost, but it's not super important. Scarlet is a fully-stacked supersim, and we've got the double skills boost. But she's not Sulani Mana, so getting quick perfect plants isn't as easy here. If I go into gardening with Dennis, it'll be flower arranging. He has Loves the Outdoors, so he's just the man for this lot. I'm thinking of a picturesque gazebo with the flower arranging station. We have to be careful how these things are built what with tile limits and all that. I'm not even sure what careers Scarlet's degree helps with.

Indoor dining is because of the weather. Yes, one week seasons. So the nooboo should arrive on Saturday, and spring should arrive on Sunday. In this storm it's rather claustrophobic, but Scarlet had to live in the snow so there was no way I was turning seasons off. At least for this first winter there are a lot of appliance upgrades to keep busy with. Next winter it'll be video games and woohoo.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2020, 11:21:52 AM »
Oh, I'm quite interested to see what a younger Dennis looks like. Please cover his chrome dome while you're at it. Pretty please?
Honestly, I've only played the Kim-Lewises once and only briefly in a failed Immortal Dynasty attempt in 2015, hahaha.
I don't play the premade townies unless a challenge requires it. What you're doing is so interesting, though!

The careers associated with a degree in Communications degree are:
*Business/Management, Politics/Charity Organizer, Social Media/Public Relations, and Writer/Journalist.

Don't forget: I've never seen a Child of Father's Winter in action. I wonder how that trait will combine with the Tiny House's skill gain boost?
Almost forgot to mention that I enjoy the geometric landscaping around the pool!
I'm looking forward to finding out why you've reserved that blank rectangular lawn on the right side of the house. Playground? Rocket?

Bring on the next update!! Lol.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2020, 12:31:36 PM »
If you place a room in the yard, put a roof over it, then demolish the walls and floor again, you'll have a levitating roof.  And it doesn't count against the tiny home tile limit!  You can hold it up with some columns and put whatever flooring patterns you want under it.  Although, you do have spellcasters in the household, maybe it's just held up by magic!

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 20b.
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2020, 04:45:04 PM »
@Brian_Z Thanks. Yes. I wish the game was cooperating with me to let me do that! Those wide paths left and right of the pool would ideally lead to such a structure. I can place down a hexagonal room near the house, the empty space on the right, and roof it just fine. (That's not what I want, but I was testing.) For some unknown reason, when I build it where I want -- at the end of the path -- I physically cannot place a roof on any room there. And the ceiling glitches in and out of existence. I can only place a roof... flat on the ground. I don't know if it has something to do with the terrain editing. I lowered the pool area by 4 steps, but everything else is still ground level.

So until I can do otherwise, I put a marble folly there. On each side.

Spring has sprung. Simoleons have been wasted on hedging, and they couldn't pay the bills. Baby Ariadne (one of my favourite names) is in a bassinet. And @oshizu Dennis is young again.

On Dennis Kim.

Or not, as it happens. Glasses are never on.

Those glasses are nowhere near his face. They are not resting on his nose. They are not on Dennis, and would only be kept up by magic.

I'm a bit worried about Dennis' genes. The severely frowning mouth, the nose, the everything. Look, this ain't no eugenics save. I'm not trying to breed in the ugly or breed out the ugly. And I'll do what's necessary if Ariadne -- named after a Greek princess / bargain goddess -- looks too much like her dad in a bad way.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2020, 09:59:29 PM »
Oh, I see what you mean! The perpetual frown is not a good look for anysim! Does the man smile?
What is the right timing for a CASfulledit? Before conception or before birth? LOL.

Regarding the roof that you can't place, can you just build a 1x1 room nearby, add a roof to that, then pull/drag the roof over to where you want?

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #72 on: February 21, 2020, 12:37:40 AM »
Weird.  I had a glitchy area in a night club I was trying to modify, my club had earned the members-only door so I added a room for them.  But for some reason, I could NOT place any furniture in the room, even with bb.moveobjects on.  I ended up placing it tagged onto the second floor, with stilts holding it up.  Thankfully, it looks fine on that property- "The Yard," found on the gallery.

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 21.
« Reply #73 on: February 23, 2020, 02:53:07 PM »
So lets do a wedding episode. It'll be great. People we like...

All nice. All responsible. All the time.*

*this is the family motto. Scarlet is trying it out in casual conversation from time to time.

But first we must catch up, we're back in winter, week 17, and Scarlet is pregnant, and Dennis is alive. I don't mean that to sound foreboding.

1. Scarlet the (famous) Cop.

She takes her detecting very seriously. She also takes selfies. -- This is fun, because of a grammatical play on "take". You came for the wedding things and looking at landscaping, and not the best joke you've heard all day. Which isn't at all destroyed by pointing it out.

The first few days of the career are really a tutorial. I'm enjoying doing the career again, which I haven't done for ages.

2. Scarlet has Unstoppable Fame.

Ok, so these sims aren't really feeling it. Bad example.

3. Scarlet and Dennis had a baby girl, Ariadne. There are some *gorgeous* names from classical Greece that have stuck with me from Classics, and of them Aridane is my favourite. As to your question @oshizu of when to use cas.fulleditmode... maybe before conception? :) Considering the glorious name this kid has, I rather fear she will look anything but glorious. As it happens, I haven't edited Dennis apart from aging him down, so our Bargain Goddess could have any of the features in the last post.

4. Scarlet also won two awards.

The second of the two was just before the 11pm finish, and... sweetie, no one is there. They've gone. I'm sorry.

5. She's also been finishing off her Beach Life aspiration that was half completed at university.

6. And the dining room looking pretty. Floor pattern. 6 chairs now. Scarlet learning mixology. Dennis is upgrading the dishwasher.


With that said, let's get on to the wedding. Ariadne was born out of wedlock like every other Greek relative of Zeus, so let's not worry about that.

... and then they ran out of simoleons. Only had 9. Had to sell a seashell to do a painting. You know, normal Sims stuff. Those empty dirt patches might in time get flower beds or box headging. But obviously not with 9 simoleons.

So Scarlet paints on the digital sketch pad while Dennis tends to the baby, obscured by the way-too-fancy ceiling light.

We're now in spring, and thankfully the first money tree is growing. I think the sim-made planters look better, and Dennis will get on that in due course. Those pots are place holders.

Wedding area progress!

Thing is, Scarlet had work the next day, and Ariadne hatches into a toddler soon, so we really need to get this event done. But having set up all the stuff, there was nothing left to actually hold the event. So Scarlet was back to cloud gazing and painting.

Hey, there aren't many walls to hang them before selling.

Upon starting the event, Scarlet spun into a red dress.

I had naturally picked out something else for her, but given her name, I was happy to roll with it. Scarlet in a red dress.

True love, right here. Obscured true love, however. Yes, I have the arch facing the wrong way. So the guests all stood on the grass, and didn't use the chairs.

Every guest is a sim that is or will be (in Geeta's case) on the family tree. Not everyone is in this picture, but from left to right: Ava, Dulce, Nancy, Geeta, Steve Eubanks (Scarlet's FW father), Hobart in a pinstripe business suit he probably rented, and closest to us facing away, Loario.

Apart from the arch mistake, everything went very nicely.

Cat Lynx was the caterer who never baked a cake. Maybe the small kitchen has something to do with that.

Nancy asks Ava what original townie man she'd like to marry.

Thanks to the uselessness of Cat Lynx, the bride had to make her own cake.

When she took it out the oven, she promptly waddled (gracefully) to the bathroom, and got into the bath, holding the cake. What a girl. She's got things figured out. (And that's why she's not in her red dress any more.) She went from having no gourmet cooking skill to level 7 with that cake.

Meanwhile, Hobart was absolutely going to get as much value out of that suit as he could.

And to finish the wedding, the cake sharing.

Dennis had already put the bed down and gone to sleep. And they're not alone in that small space. Kari and Nancy and Ava were there too.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #74 on: February 23, 2020, 03:03:11 PM »
This isn't awkward at all.

See, the men are well behaved. They aren't invading personal space. Loario? Aidan? Hobart? They're not here.

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.