Author Topic: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.  (Read 43571 times)

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2019, 12:19:59 PM »
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about DU and multi-gen challenges.
I feel like you could share this post (copy/paste it?) over onto the DU First Impressions thread as well, since not all forum members frequent the story boards.

Another factor that complicates the ageing issue is that age spans are now variable, so the time from toddler to YA can be as long as 49 days.
(Toddler stage = 7-9 days, Child/teen = 13-15 days each, YA = 22-25 days).
I didn't notice this until I started my P10 because, when the variable age spans were implemented in summer 2018, I was playing my Sharebears legacy that used MCCC to customize lifespan.

Looking forward to see how you maneuver multiple generations with uni.
I like your idea of the heir permanently moving out to the college town at the YA birthday (like in the P10), but I will no doubt forgo uni for my Power of 10 heirs.

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 5.
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2019, 03:41:45 PM »
In Which Kari Mops the Floor.


We rejoin Kari being flirtatious with her ever-patient husband. She has a $700 textbook she's not studying from. She doesn't need to study for the sake of grades, but to level up in the Brainiacs she has to study for two hours. Somehow, that never triggered. But anyway, this is halfway through her final week of university, so diminishing returns and all that. She's not going to get very far in the society for the time she has to put in, or for the time she has left.

Having enough spare hours, Kari trudged sadly to the Magical Realm to become a spellcaster. We want the magical bloodline trait, so before Kari and Loario have a New Sim together, one of them has to be a spellcaster. And it could be Loario, true, because there's nothing about being a Sulani Elemental that causes any conflict. But we hold out a small hope that he might get abducted and give us an alien child with his Sulani Mana trait. Previous experience (not to name names, but looking at you Wayne of Eugenics II) suggests that an abducted spellcaster male might not have an alien baby at all. So the spellcaster has to be Kari, not Loario, and she has to do it now.

Yes, I think of "Lothario" every time I write his name. It's not just you.

And back in the Foxbury dorms, Kari practices magic. It doesn't matter what level she is to pass on a "weak bloodline" to her child. And, she might not pursue magic wholeheartedly. Her descendants with the trait will gain experience faster.

Kari took 0 money with her, but had her easel. And she found things in her inventory to sell, and cranked out a few high value paintings. Now you know how and where the Mona Lisa was painted. This is the original, and some guy -- Leo? Vince? -- got his idea from The Sims. Anywho. Kari sold the others, but this one she took home. I can't quite remember where in the house it is, but I know it's delightful.

Final day of term, and Kari has to fill the hours somehow.

I'm putting those unrelated pictures together because you might think... wow, so shower woohoo?... no, it's not like that. Cameron, nice kid who died and now haunts the dorms as a ghost, broke the shower that same night. Kari tried to cast the "repario" spell, which failed, and that's what caused the fire. It's for you to decide if the real story of ghosts and magic is the better one.

Her final exam was 3pm, Friday, week 4. And this is the status update.

4 maxed skills, and 3 others Charisma, Logic, Research / Debate are all nearly maxed. She had painting skills when she first applied, but doing a degree related to those skills is almost a waste. Sub-optimal. Because your sim will be doing courses in painting and leveling painting and studying painting... and... why?

A full set of 12 A+ grades. She didn't start in a distinguished degree, but she graduates with one!

Your classes don't appear on the Seasons calendar, but graduation does. For Kari it started at the curious time of 10:22am, and the sims arrive outside the sport stadium and stand around for an hour before going in.

... and then it becomes a game of waiting around to see what happens. Has Kari graduated? If she joins a career now will she get the head-start from her degree? Yes, as it happens. And she joined the Diamond Agent (the good guys) side of the Secret Agent career at level 8 earning 243/h. That's 70 simoleons more, and 560 more per day. It's about 40% more than without a degree... which is still irrelevant when you can garden or paint.

Kari played a celebratory game of juice pong, but wondered what point there was in sticking around and headed home.

She had her grad photo in her inventory, but no degree, and in her "work" tab graduation was still listed alongside her new secret agent career.

Almost as soon as she got home, her pregnancy became official. And at 6pm, the Saturday of graduation (I had thought that was the significant time), her degree popped into her inventory.

A bigger TV that can definitely attach somewhere to a steel beam, and a Cassie Goth.

She's a YA now. If I preserve a Goth, it's usually Bella. But this time I'm keeping Cassandra alive, and yes she's a vampire. Goths should obviously be vampires anyway, right? And thus she gets the red dress, and I rather like the look of it with her pigtails. The chess table is wedged in there, but moves to a spot on the balcony later. It is useful for Loario to have a chess table for getting breakthroughs and being focused. He's a scientist just to increase the chances of an alien abduction pregnancy. 

Loario makeover reflecting his casual Sulani heritage and his scientist side, and some house developments.

I want to take photos of the spouses and heirs and build up a collage of them for the first post of the thread. That's the reason for the photo studio thing I seldom use, which can now be packed away. I might put a bedroom down there, I might rip out the pool entirely and put a skating rink below. I have many thoughts.

Mildly pregnant Kari in her spy dress experimenting on potions. I moved Loario's photo down here because it has a focused mood, and I'd rather keep the kitchen "inspired".

Kari paints. The easel is on the covered balcony with the nice view.

And Loario upgrades -- he's doing the Nerd Brain aspiration. That's about to become quite a logic grind. I'm not too bothered about completing it. So long as he plods through the scientist career and gets abducted. That's what we really want.

And on Winterfest Eve...

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2019, 12:23:08 AM »
Well, dang, Kari earned a perfect academic record! Why wasn't she chosen as valedictorian?
Loario and I both thank you for covering up that little bald spot. I'm sure Kari appreciates your thoughtfulness as well.

Oops, I might have chortled at the thought of Loario getting abducted.
May he get abducted and in a family way ASAP! I still can't believe your amazing luck with Wayne!

In your shots of Nookstone's interior, the house doesn't seem at all cramped. Impressive!
Is that Paka the merperson in your last shot? They lived forever in my P10 save, at least until my third-gen heir was a young adult...

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2019, 03:17:20 AM »
So the above was Winterfest Eve, and keen students of the calendar would realise that a Father Winter baby would be possible. Paka'a is indeed the graceful nose there displayed. Looking either happy or mischievous. Maybe mermaids live longer? I'll keep an eye on that.

Not too many male sims make my favourites list (okay, yoga Vlad), but I'm a fan of Loario. He is altogether agreeable. He was an Adult, not young adult, green ghost. So Kari had better get with making a potion of immortality if he wants to live forever, as he used to. He's approaching elder. And we don't yet have the science career gizmos to contact aliens, so chances are low. But there'll be a son or grandson who will be better able to go after that dynasty goal.   

Oh, it's cramped with toddlers! I love the house though, the big sunny landing, the big sunny kitchen / dining room. Arg, but the stairwell wastes *so* much space. The wraparound balcony wastes so much space. On a purely practical level, the Babs L'Amour house (on the building thread for readers who don't know) is miles, miles better. It's such a triumph of packaging. But for Nookstone, you want to take advantage of the sun and that other floor plan wouldn't do it.

I'll put a picture here so folk can go be surprised -- and no, there's not much room to maneuver at the moment -- and maybe tonight I'll do a flashback about how we got here and who is who!

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 6. Birth of Gen 2.
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2019, 09:34:00 AM »
In which Loario waves to the crowds*

*not actual crowds, he waved to no one


And generation two is...

... Aidan, born on Winterfest Eve. That was a random name, but for a while I swapped it to the Scottish Gaelic spelling, Aodhàn, because reasons. But I couldn't find a way to do accented characters (if someone here knows, by all means let me know) and it's now back to the Anglicized version.

So, he's the first lucky sim who will one day marry a charming vampire girl lovingly preserved by his mother! If you take The Sims too seriously, it's gets pretty weird pretty fast. He'll have quite a choice.

Scenes of Domesticity on Winterfest:

Winterfest was also a day to visit the magic realm. Kari hadn't been in a while, and wanted to learn more spells and potions.

You wouldn't think Simeon could refuse Kari, but he did. Apparently she had already learned everything at her current level.

Back home, and the last holiday objective was to ask Father Winter for presents.

Kari is no longer in a family way, and... I do like unique traits. I was a little surprised Father Winter wasn't Clement Frost, but then I started in Winter and this is week 5, so I guess he's been replaced. And Mr Frost is pear shaped anyway. But this is Steve Eubanks*, and Steve isn't a pear, and... and... is the house big enough though? You know what happens, you've seen the post above this. :)

*well no, the real world Steve Eubanks -- author, golfist -- isn't Father Winter.

So Kari is pregnant, and little Aidan will have a younger sibling. And that'll make for a more interesting dynasty in the long run. I'm going to be making the family immortals anyway, so it'll be possible to swap to this younger Father Winter sibling and play that side of the family too.

The word "dynasty" does suggest more than just one linear family tree. Picture 10-pin bowling pins. That's the family tree I think is worth aiming at. Kari has had two children. We'll play both Aidan and his sibling! Between them, they'll have 3 children. And those three -- we'll play all three! -- will have 4 children. And that's the set of 10. Maybe. That's a thought I have now.

Her potion collection was slowly growing, but she was full-time spy, and full-time pregnant so during this week there wasn't much magic time. The room did get a makeover. On the shelf is a selfie she took at the end of her first semester with the visiting Foxbury mascot. And that Lobster Larry was her future-room mate, Cameron, who died from exposing himself to the sun. So... yeah. Didn't know how that would pan out when the picture was taken!

Pregnant Kari is back spying. It's hard to get a good shot of the small entrance, so this is it. I like the coat stand.

Loario is making his way through Nerd Brain, and got to the rocket stage. It's a go-to aspiration for me because of the reward trait.

Kari used her "scrubaroo" spell to keep him clean, and the club "rally the troops' was used to keep him awake. The practical magic spells are undoubtedly useful. The money tree you see there is perfect already, thanks to Loario, and you can just "copypasto" them with magic -- though there is a chance of failure, and killing the tree. If that happened to your first tree, I think that would be rather frustrating. Kari hadn't learned the spell yet.

Aidan hatched:

Aidan needed a CAS makeoever, and Kari wanted to wear her spy turtleneck.

Kari in her Super Spy outfit didn't last long. She completed the career and then pursued a New Opportunity, at which point it felt a bit silly, but really cool nevertheless.

And here is the magical Father Winter's baby, and younger sister, Scarlet! :)

After completing the rocket objectives of Nerd Brain, the basketball court was rebuilt. Spring has sprung, and the coconut palm has magically grown.

And despite being pregnant most of the time since university, Kari reached Double Diamond agent on Sunday, about a week after graduating. For those who want numbers, she was making exactly 400/h. This compares to the normal rate of 284/h. It's a long work shift -- 9am to midnight -- so her bonus for Distinguished Degree with Honours adds up to over 2000 simoleons more per work day. 


Sim fashion hasn't improved with Discover University:

Next time: Kari feels blue, and Scarlet as a toddler.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2019, 02:22:32 PM »
Ooh! Ooh!

Spoiling the kids. :)
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2019, 12:02:27 PM »
So much lifestyle oomph in that small lot! I like the way the sunlight streams into the kitchen/dining area.
What exactly is the benefit of that Father Winter's Child trait? Also, best-looking Father Winter I've seen yet. Adult?
Equal infidelity rights! I think Loario should be allowed to have an affair, too! haha?

One of my P10 dynasty kids had a name with an accent.
I googled the name "Tomás," found a version with the accent symbol, then copy/pasted it into the birth announcement.
So far so good.
After one or two updates, I found that copy/pasting the name with its accent into my update text (I pre-write updates in OneNote) was a total pain!
So, no more names with accents for me. Ever.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2019, 02:43:54 PM »
I'll have to post a picture of Loario's daughter with L. Faba then... One doesn't Waste a Sulani Elemental man of reasonable shape. Well, this One doesn't. And I wondered if it might keep L. adult a few more days and give me a bigger window to learn the potion of immortality. A vampire can't turn spellcasters, and there are some interesting ones. So it was actually a strategic ploy. Dulce Faba is the result. Now Kari has the potion of immortality she can feed that to original spellcasters to keep some around as potential spouses. But L. starts as an adult, and she's kinda interesting, and without makeup she's really odd. I'm always curious to see her children.

Father Winter's kids get 50% more satisfaction points from whims. So a 100 point whim is 150. The sim will obviously reach any given target -- say 4,000 points for Savant -- sooner than a regular sim. But then... it's mostly unnecessary. Kari is rocking 26 traits at the moment. It's not like she is short on satisfaction, and there are a few traits (seldom sleepy / hardly hungry / steel bladder / dirt resistant - that type of thing that makes the needs go away) I never buy no matter how much satisfaction a sim gets.

I think I have once seen an adult FW, but not this one, Steve was an elder with grey hair on his head.


In-game, spoiler, but Loario has just been abducted. I dunno... there's really no space. It's too early to tell. He has the Aliens! Awesome! moodlet.

I also updated the Q&A in post #1 with some ideas about playing both sides of the family. We've got the son, Aidan, with Sulani Mana. Think hot weather, island vibes. His half-sister is daughter of Father Winter, which is quite opposite. So I want to play different sides of the family in different world, and maybe separate building styles. Aidan's side more modern open-plan; Scarlet's side more elegant country houses with fireplaces and stone walls.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2019, 04:21:09 PM »
Why would you never buy Steel Bladder for your sims?
All of my sims (who can afford it) buy Steel Bladder!

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2019, 01:37:46 AM »
A steel bladder sim doesn't visit the bathroom, and they miss out of the happy moodlets from an upgraded toilet and sink. Or if they never bath, they miss out on some moodlets there. I might have got that trait once, years ago, but then felt the loss of managing needs and it also took away the importance of handiness to do the upgrades.

I'm sure everyone uses the reward traits differently. At the moment I've got Aidan and Scarlet as children, and to help with Social Butterfly and making friends in general, I'll always take Incredibly Friendly + Observant. With the remaining satisfaction points in childhood, Morning Sim + Night Owl. Since Seasons, to avoid uncomfortable moodlets, I'm giving Waterproof to any sim that already has the 4 traits above.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 7.
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2019, 04:07:48 PM »
In which Kari is Cold!


I need to update this as I'm getting too far ahead.

Toddler! Hello Aidan! What a charmed life you have, kiddo. --He wasn't happy when Scarlet arrived in Yonder Bassinet.

The front of the house now has 4 perfect money trees. That helps.

Scarlet was waking up Aidan, so she was shunted to her parents room while she was a baby.

Kari then signed up for another career related to her degree, because I wanted to see what that career was like, what unlockables there are. She's a professor. Of course, starting at level 8 means skipping over the bulk of the grind and doesn't give me a complete idea of how it feels to start out at level 1 and climb the ranks.

That -- I think, I'm 95% sure -- is her level 8 career outfit. Those are her many traits. Not chopstick savvy yet?! I'm examining the list closely now as I write this up. We're all learning together here. I guess we know what's in Kari's future when I load up next!

Cute Aidan adventuring. Yeah, you teach them a few motor skills and then they are on the go. Uncontrollable. Too realistic.

Oh, this a big Moment. Behold: Scarlet.

Oh yes. This is very promising.

The lounge got a revamp because I really want to use different furniture... and just ended up using the same furniture. I began building glorious Posh Houses because, really, the posh furniture is more comfortable, and then you have to make the room match. I hate that this only has a comfort rating of 1.

Spontaneous rumbasim from the dynasty founder. She probably should go to the jungle some day, it's just raising the kids... you know? I'm sure you do.

And the basketball court does get used spontaneously. It's also one of the few spaces large enough to practice magic. And it can be correctly inferred from the magic-practicing pictures that it's become a rather urgent pursuit for Kari.

That's her 9th maxed skill. She long since maxed parenting. Just one more.

She's a tenured professor now -- level 9.

The story behind this is needs failing -- because raising toddlers -- and trying to solve that with a Potion of Plentiful Needs before work on a Thursday morning. She cast "copypasto" on the potion (if you look on the shelf behind her, there's a gap where it was), but that failed and started a fire. Then she cast "chillio" to put out the fire, but that failed too. It backfired on her, and froze her like the GTW freeze ray does. And it didn't put out the fire. She thawed two hours later as a blue sim, late for work, and needs worse than ever. 

It's hard to tear Kari away from home and toddlers, but she really needed to learn the Potion of Immortality as her hubby is days from Elder, and I'd like to preserve him as he is. And other original sims too. Simeon, the Sage of Practical Magic has died and been replaced.

--the infatuate spell backfired. Righto.

Back at the ranch and the parent's bedroom has been taken over by toddlers. Warning for cuteness ahead.


Kari was already a Spice Hound. I checked and found we hadn't unlocked wither the spice festival shirt or the spicy challenge shirt, so she had to go.

Loario learned a recipe, and the other 4 were each made into a packed lunch and taken home. They did spoil in her inventory, but she has the 'delicioso' spell to fix that. (Not that I'm above making a sim eat spoiled food for the sake of a recipe.)

Loario drinks Immortality!

Which failed.

In the background of the first pic you can see two potions -- immortality and rejuvenation. Kari learned these on her trip to the Magic Realm. In the basement there is a whole collection of potions, but for really important ones I'd rather have duplicates as a fail-safe. Kari is going to use "copypasto" to produce the potions we need, but I'd rather not cast that on the only potion I've got. So that's why those duplicates are there.

And they fail a lot. The consequence of the potion of immortality failing isn't death. For those without Realm of Magic, the ghostly visage is tied to a 24 tense moodlet. And if you can deal with stress quickly, say with a massage and calming incense, the sim returns to normal much sooner.

Loario did eventually successfully drink immortality. So the Immortal Dynasty begins.

Cat Lynx was one of the sims I was trying to preserve with a potion of immortality, which failed, and who then got a massage to take the (ghostly) stress away. I had to put the massage table here and move some gym equipment -- looks great, never used.

Kari finally had a spare potion for herself, and if the mod works as intended, and immortality means immortality, she'll be around in this house through this save.

She's in the room that once held the photo studio. It's now a bedroom for the kids.

And finally, Scarlet on her greatest Adventure yet.


I might update again tomorrow to catch up a bit. Next time will have both Aidan and Scarlet here displayed in the Form of a Child. Loario also goes on an adventure.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 8.
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2019, 02:38:26 AM »
In this Exciting Episode: Heaven comes to Nookstone, Ulrike goes to university, and the children disagree on what side the baddies are


This is Aidan's last day as a toddler. He has all skills but thinking (and thinking is important!) maxed, and with just one more "ask why?" would reach level 5 of that too. And I was not going to let him sleep until he did that! Somehow Scarlet, who is neatly embedded in the bed Kari sits on, sleeps through all this. Hashtag realism.

Kari only has time to do her magic when the kids are sleeping. It's no coincidence then that having completed Aidan's toddler training she finally was released to her dungeon, and to make a cauldron of plentiful needs to replace the one that caused a fire and her freezing in the previous Exciting Episode.

Aidan recovered a bit of energy before his paternal ancestor baked a coconut cake to age him up, because theme. Sulani. Beach Life. Coconuts.

His everyday outfit when he aged up included that polo shirt. He might have to learn to relax. Maybe at university. Maybe he'll be very relaxed at university and not do much homework. His future Original Wife will be chosen, as far as possible, according to how different she is. Dear Nancy might be a good match. She must be getting lonely in Affluista Mansion as I know Geoffrey has passed away.

The once-upon-a-time nanny plays chess with Aidan while super talented mentor Kari, mentors.

It's also a different angle of the house. The carrots and strawberries are under cover there, and might prove to be a useful resource for future generations. This neighborhood has both.

Kari's postcard collection is growing. If you don't want or need a chef sim to get "inspired" kitchen items, this is a good alternative. She eats her very old siopao from the spice festival. Luckily for her she's magic.

And Heaven Rebuschatis comes to Nookstone.

I know, I know. She's not an original townie. She's one of Kari's roommates from Britechester. It's a great name. A lot of sims who were YA at the start are onthe cusp of becoming elders now.

I'm a fan of fame, and Kari has had mild fame for a long time.

So a video and music production room was built here. That space was tentatively planned as a bathroom, but we do have two fully upgraded bathrooms and this probably gives the family more use. Recording videos is also a great way for children to learn charisma. I'd like Kari to be a Global Superstar. She deserves it.

Kari was doing a work-from-home day as a professor to see how that would play, and it would give her more time with Scarlet. One of the tasks required the research machine. A trip to the Britechester Commons included bring a spare potion and inviting Ulrike along. At this point I'm not just keeping to a strict list of original townies, I'm preserving many of them. It's one of the Pleasant sisters in the picture above this one receiving a friendly potion.

The roof is proving to be a very flexible space. For Scarlet's last few days as a toddler, the big all-in-one play... thing was put there.

Mum and daughter are very similar. And Scarlet was born as a spellcaster -- Aidan wasn't. I really love the toddler Imagination animations.

Naturally, Scarlet is top-notch too. Loario bakes her a cake. I've got a (really pretty) CAS picture of her later.

This is when the pirate ship jungle gym was put on the roof. Aidan looks left.

And Scarlet points to the right. I love those pictures, and the kids would have such a great view from up there.

With no toddlers, and the children taking up residence in the basement bedroom, the landing was remade into a sort-of living room.

It has just enough space for school projects, which is important. Aidan brought one home while Scarlet was still a toddler, and this space was still full of her stuff, and had to do it in the small empty room that became the media / fame room.

Father Winter's Scarlet as a child:

Some adventuring to preserve original townies happened, including Don Lothario. When the family returned home...

... oh dear. And strictly speaking, if he is pregnant (he got the "Aliens! Awesome!" moodlet as I said earlier -- is that an indicator?) this child is not a blood relative of Kari, and wouldn't really be part of the dynasty like Aidan and Scarlet. Kari is the founder, not Loario. There's no way I'd send a Sulani Mana alien baby back. No way at all. I've never sent an alien back. But the house is small and full and... it would require some changes. Maybe the pool would have to go?

The above is my most recent screenshot of the game. I really don't know how this plays out.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2019, 02:46:34 AM »
Who is that pale-skinned blond child?  Loariaba?

Huh, my homes usually have upgraded everything by the time the heir moves out, but I still like every sim get Steel Bladder, esp. the child-bearers.
Partly because in a P10, I can only control the current household but invite other previous generations to mentor and such.
Quite honestly, though, I just remember that my youngest heir can't buy any reward traits until they've moved out.
I just don't pay much attention to moodlets once a sim reaches the desired Very whatever-mood state.  Thanks for the reminder!
It's interesting to read/hear about differences in our gameplay. Objectives/requirements surely mold our strategies as well.

You seem very drawn to Paka's nose. Couldn't you cure Paka by buying mermaidic kelp to give them?

When you say that Loario got abducted but there's no space, I assume you mean the house--but not the household--has reached its maximum capacity?
But if he turns out pregnant, how can you resist? Look how hard you worked in your other save for an elemental+alien hybrid!!!
Isn't it easier to have a child with the Father's Winter Child trait?  I say keep all three kids, especially if Adrian and Scarlet are children! :)

Sorry for the long message, haha. Can't wait to see how Adrian and Scarlet age up.

P.S. After Cameron's death, did a new sim become the lobster mascot?

Edited to add: I composed my comments above before/while you posted your last two (two!?) updates. But now I must sleep, so I look forward to reading it tomorrow morning.

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Re: The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty.
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2019, 12:42:53 PM »
The pale blonde is Dulce Faba. I'm not sure what to do with her. I s'pose in time she could be given her own house and her family line kept alive through pollinating.

I've been giving so many potions of immortality to so many sims (there's a whole pool party of visitors in the next update). With at least two sims, Paka'a and Morgyn (but it could be more) they've turned into temp ghosts when the potion failed... and stayed as ghosts. Which is fine, I guess, after a fashion. It should preserve them.

It's a small house. The household is just 4 sims, no pets. I just don't know where another bed or toddler toys would go. I'm anxious to move to a bigger lot, and teen years were cut (very) short so they could sign up for university and start on a Monday. Aidan's side of the family will be Sulani Mana and I'll definitely go for an alien abduction at some point, but not at Nookstone. If I keep Scarlet's side of the family as Father Winter's Offspring... it'll mean missing out of original townies I've lovingly preserved. I'd been thinking of Joaquin Le Chien. I think Original Townie DNA is more interesting.

Yes, a new sim did become the lobster for Foxbury. I saw the next Lobster Larry at Kari's grad. No sentiment, they replaced him pretty quickly. :)
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Heart Foam

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The Dynasty of Original Townies Dynasty. 9.
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2019, 02:25:48 PM »
In this Exciting* Episode: Kari sells some violins, Johnny Zest goes to a pool party, and teenage Aidan annoys teenage Scarlet

*stuff happens, but your mileage may vary. Level of excitement might depend on how many other exciting things you read.


We had Thought that Scarlet's father was an unusually handsome man. On a visit to the park to complete noble aspirations (such as frightening the local children and irresponsible Fishing, as per usual), Steve was invited over, and he arrived in casual wear.

Um. right. Father Winter robes are more becoming. It turns out the Steve is the regular Father winter shape. But! he is probably proud of his daughter for making a mess in the park. Unassisted, too! Pure initiative!

As far as traits go, Aidan is a neat child and Scarlet is athletic. I'm randomizing -- and gritting my teeth. Left to my own devices, they'd all be cheerful foodies.

One of the Major Pursuits of Kari's life has been biting as a vampire to preserve original townies, and, since give up that lifestyle, giving others a potion of immortality. Potions are copypastoed on an industrial scale. Family outings are entirely focused on giving any original sim I can find a chance at a long life. Grace Anansi of Realm of Magic is the lucky girl here, and is too gorgeous to let die. She, and many others, are sims I've never done anything with, and... maybe this will be her time. Loario and Scarlet are getting a bit tetchy on this visit.

And eventually the potions run out, and you're left with ghosts of those sims who were Unlucky. I wasn't giving up on Grace. With her, is Morgyn, Eliza, and one of the Caliente girls.

You can just give a temporary ghost another potion of immortality, and if it works they'll become mortal and solid, but you can also massage the stress away. And then mid-massage they transform back, with a bemused looking Kari wondering where her friend Vanessa went. It was pretty strange giving a ghost a massage in the first place, so it's not the first weird thing Kari's seen in her life. She'll be fine.

Max Villareal. Maybe he can be reformed by a good wife one day? Maybe not! But it's nice to have the option. Those are tourists visiting, because Kari's other pursuit (she's a busy lass) is fame. And a celebrity home apparently boosts fame gain. And it gives a steady supply of people outside to greet.

Childhood was also still happening for Aidan and Scarlet.

The family was attending the Starlight Accolades to support Kari.

Kari has to tell her son how he missed her speech. In a break from protocol, she thanked no one at all! And she didn't need no help from y'all, can make a half-decent video herself. Loario looks thoroughly bored. I rather hoped Kari would get the tiny bit of fame she needed to reach 3 stars during the evening, but alack, no.

The family traveled home from Del Sol Valley with one Nancy Landgraab. And she became acquainted with Aidan. Kari became a 3-star celebrity soon enough, at which point she began donating expensive violins to fans, swapping cash for fame.

It was hugely fortunate that she was asked for a selfie twice during her star placement ceremony. You know how frustrating that goal can be.

And she was asked for a third selfie while at the bowling alley. Kids at school, Loario at the lab, so it worked out well. --Kari quite her career once reaching level 10. It was her 2nd max career after all, aided hugely by her degree.

She also single-handedly completed the postcard collection.

Harvest Fest, unhappy gnomes:

This is Thursday, week 8. Kari is posing for pictures, Loario is being struck by lightning. He's the Elemental, yet he's being zapped not zapping. It's quite deep, you know. Instead of light-hearted frivolity, we have a man here in the midst of an identity crisis. Or he would be, if being struck by lightning was a calming, introspective moment. My guess is one doesn't think about Much during a lighting strike to one's Person.

The children, by this point, are nearing the end of childhood. Aidan ages up on Sunday, though Scarlet is a few days younger. Both have finished all 4 aspirations, both have finished scouting. So there's no incentive to delay.

I do want to hold a proper Gold Party in every house -- not  counting Kava parties, because completing that aspiration is routine. So on the day of Aidan's birthday, here is an actual birthday party. And a rare chance to see the family in their party rags.

Despite being younger, Scarlet aged up too. The only difference is that Aidan was a maxed out A+ top student. He had filled that bar, and his sister hadn't. And that slight difference does carry over to high school. I'm sure Scarlet didn't appreciate that... plastic trumpet? horn?... here it would be called a vuvuzela... being blasted in her ear. I liked her hair she aged up with and kept that.

I'm still trying to figure Aidan out. Maybe he's trying to figure Aidan out too. The teens will not be teens long. I want to start university a week from this party. We're now heading into week 9, winter. Winterfest will be Wednesday --so that's a day off school and also time to get those last character traits. As much as I want to move on to uni and a new house, I'm not shortcutting parenting. The goal is merely perfection, not playing out every day of the life stage.

Kari will get her trip to the jungle in the next episode (putting her Selvadoradan culture skill to use!), as a final send-off to the founder, and Aidan and Scarlet will arrive in Britechester.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

