Author Topic: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!  (Read 5515 times)

Offline Neanerath

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Hi. My male vampire got abducted few days ago and got pregnant. I wanted for him to have a girl so I made him eat strawberries. When he gave birth he actually gave birth to twins, girl and a boy. Both babies were born green with that alieny skin shine, on both there was an interaction 'she's / he's pretty cute' (or something like this, my game is not in English) which showed an alien ship with a beam in a thought bubble over his head. There was also an option to send to homeworld for both of them.
When I aged them to toddlers, boy came out bald and in alien nappies, girl came out in normal clothes and with hair but she was green. Didn't think much of it. Now I went to change their appearance, both have their human disguise showing, but the girl doesn't have alien eyes, and when I go to hange her eye, it doesn't show the same options as for the boy and she doesn't have an alien icon near her trait. Her skin options are also like for normal sims. Also when I hover over her human disguise, the text doesn't appear (for the boy it does).
Was she born a hybrid, if that's at all possible with alien abduction pregnancy? Or is she just a non-occult sim? Or maybe she's broken because I ate those strawberries? Is there any way to change her to alien without mods?
Please help / advise. Thank in advance :)

EDIT: I aged her up to teen and it seems she actually is an alien/vampire hybrid. She got the vampire in transition moddlet, needs button is a vampire one, she's got a vampire energy bar and thirst and vampire xp bar. She can drink plasma from other Sims, she has dark meditation but her dark form is the human disguise. She has an option to change her human disguise on the mirror (with an alien icon). She seems to have all alien abilities, and just got a moodlet that her brain power is low.  As shown in added picture, for other Sims she's a vampire and an alien!
When I went to change family appearance clicking the disguise makes her swap to it like a vampireto dark form, with a black mist, but for either form there is no option to change her face, so no change to skin tone or teeth or face details etc (can edit eyes though). But while she's at a toddler, this option is still available. No vampire appearance except eyes though. The menu to copy dark form is not available.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2019, 03:14:34 PM »
I'm sorry that I can't help you, but I still read what happened to you with fascination.
Do you still want to "fix" her or will you keep her as a vampire/alien hybrid?

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Offline Neanerath

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2019, 04:46:07 AM »
Well when it happened I was worried she'd crash my game or corrupt my save or something. So I was reluctant to keep her. But I experimented without saving and there was no problem with aging her up. So I decided to keep her.
When I went back to my original save, I edited her appearance as a toddler to make her look like a vampire alien that she is, sadly it didn't stick. She's still green with blonde hair.
I made some further research and it turns out there has already been reported similar situation. So my excitement of having something completely new kinda got extinguished :p
She is still a toddler, I didn't have time to play more since that play through.
But yes, I'm definitely keeping her :)

Offline Playalot

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2019, 09:41:48 PM »
Yes, you're not the first to have this weird hybrid cross but still cool to get it in your game. Not sure what causes it as it's pretty difficult to replicate, so still rare.  :)
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Offline frechi123

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2019, 09:41:23 PM »
Wow! That's actually a pretty cool mix! I have to try that because I'm always about reading up on hybrids and/or playing with them. :P

Offline scoed

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2019, 09:59:25 PM »
My male caster recently got abducted. The baby looked and acted like an alien. But when he turn into a teen he grew hair and turned out to be both. I never had this happen before. A full hybrid.

Offline Neanerath

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Re: Male Sim doesn't give birth to pure alien. Update: alien/vampire hybrid!
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2019, 09:42:42 AM »
Just a heads-up for anyone attempting this, beware:

The hybrid is actually kind of annoying sometimes. She just entered her teen years. All edits I made on her real appearance won't stick. Although trick with buying clothes from a mannequin does work (guide found Beware again (I think that is the cause) I have edited all her clothes with the mannequin and then went to change her disguise. All changes I made (twice) to the disguise won't stick, disguise is now all the clothes that she bought from the mannequin. Moreover her real appearance bugged out and her skin colour changed and she now wears normal random clothes. I will try to edit her appearance now, but I'm annoyed as I have spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out her style....

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