Generation 1 - Sam Bremen - Genie - Equestrian, Easily Impressed, Star Quality, Insane, Neurotic - Lifestyle of Rich & Famous LTW - Capricorn - Autumn Salad - Classical Music - Spice Brown
Spouse - Agnes Bremen (nee Crumplebottom), Vampire Sim
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The Genie Fireman Founder Sam and his spouse, the Vampire Agnes relaxing outside his part of the contributionPost Adolescent Goals1 Unique Non Normal Life State BF non family member -
Nick Alto, Fairy2 Unique Placeable Profession/Career Rewards -
Firefighting Axe;
Firefighting Jacket (both wall decorations)
3 Unique Opportunities -
Muscle Showdown,
Fix a Shower,
Sprint to the Finish4 Unique LTRs -
No Bills Ever,
Fireproof Homestead,
Fast Metabolism,
Speedy Cleaner5 Unique Wishes worth 5k each -
Marry Agnes,
Master Handiness Skill,
Reach Level 10 Firefighter Profession,
Master Athletic Skill,
Have First Child6 Unique Skill Challenges -
The Tinkerer,
Body Builder,
Marathon Runner,
Fitness Nut,
Electrician7 Unique Placeable Objects -
7 Brash Bowls with unbreakable upgrade [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Founder Sam sleeping at the fire station
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Founder Sam upgrading the brash bowls
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Obviously wants to improve the horsepower of the fire engine, thoughtful equine
Generation 2 - Andy Breman - Vampire - Friendly, Neurotic, Workaholic, Rebellious, Perceptive - World Renowned Surgeon LTW - Cancer - Stir Fry - Chinese Music - Pink
Spouse - Bebe Bremen (nee Hart), Witch Sim
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The Vampire Generation 2 Heir, Andy, and his wife the Witch Bebe posing outside his contribution to the family mausoleum. Pre YA GoalsToddler1 BF with Mother, Father -
Yes to both2 Level 3 in 2 toddler skills through books, peg blocks, xylophone -
Peg Blocks,
XylophoneChild3 Honour Roll in Primary School -
Yes4 Opportunity -
Research ProjectAdolescent5 Honour Roll in High School -
Yes6 Romantic Interest in High School -
Ian Dowd7 Level 3 in Cemetery Career -
YesPost Adolescent Goals1 Unique Non Normal Life State BF non family member -
Sam Sekemoto, Witch2 Unique Placeable Profession/Career Rewards -
Frosted Investigator's Door,
Investigator's Case Board3 Unique Opportunities -
Settle an Argument,
The Case of the Hacker Elite,
Hacked!4 Unique LTRs -
Excellent Groupie,
Dusty Old Lamp,
Animal Expert,
Immortal5 Unique Wishes worth 5k each -
Master Logic Skill,
Achieve Level 10 - Investigator Career,
Marry Bebe,
Master Guitar Skill,
Own 5 Venues6 Unique Skill Challenges -
Teacher Extraordinaire,
Master Chemist,
Celestial Explorer,
Skill Professor,
Master Guitarist,
Master Drummer7 Unique Placeable Objects -
7 Logic Potions [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Andy becomes a Teen and becomes rebellious
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From Left to Right - Generation 2 heir Andy (Vampire), and his brothers 2B and 2A, both Genies
2A *Genie* rolled Couch Potato, Light Sleeper
2B *Genie* rolled Insane, Loner
2C *Vampire/Heir* rolled Friendly, Neurotic
So, I must have the 'lucky' trait.
Generation 3 - 3b - Witch - Absent Minded, Brave, Night Owl - ? LTW - Aquarius - Stir Fry - Chinese Music - Pink
Spouse - ? Bremen (nee ?), ? Sim
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Andy and Bebe Breman arrive home with the triplets 3a (a Vampire), 3b (a Witch) and 3c (a Witch).Pre YA GoalsToddler1 BF with Mother, Father -
Yes to both2 Level 3 in 2 toddler skills through books, peg blocks, xylophone -
Peg Blocks,
XylophoneChild3 Honour Roll in Primary School - ?
4 Opportunity - ?
Adolescent5 Honour Roll in High School - ?
6 Romantic Interest in High School - ?
7 Level 3 in Cemetery Career - ?
Post Adolescent Goals1 Unique Non Normal Life State BF non family member - ?
2 Unique Placeable Profession/Career Rewards - ?, ?
3 Unique Opportunities - ?, ?, ?
4 Unique LTRs - ?, ?, ?, ?
5 Unique Wishes worth 5k each - ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
6 Unique Skill Challenges - ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
7 Unique Placeable Objects - ?
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A random shot of 2b Bremen in town showing off his favoured fandom.