Author Topic: Here There Be Immortals - this GRAVEYARD is full of them, please  (Read 5081 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Here There Be Immortals - this GRAVEYARD is full of them, please
« on: September 19, 2019, 02:05:34 AM »
A teaser ...
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- no rules forgotten;
- no rules misunderstood;
- no non immortals having death flowers in their pockets;
- no non immortals deciding to chow down on ambrosia;
- no wild horses deciding to chow down on life fruit;
- no sending the non immortal generation 2 to eat the ambrosia instead of the immortal generation 1 because they have similar hairstyles;
- no updates to Origin causing Sims 3 to stop running;
- no everyone turning into long lived occults by the end of day 1 and me forgetting to place an elixir consignment store; (yeah, that did happen once) :(
- no founder being struck by some extreme weather event on day 1 (and that's why I hate the weather expansion pack);
I get through the generations this time ...

Here there be Dragons Agnes Christopher Sunset Valley Immortals.
What? Me playing a game not in Sunset Valley? Please don't faint from shock.

Stats - Generations 1-4
Stats - Generations 5-8
Spouses, Spares & Helpers
The Writer on Claddagh Court
Kilt and Home
Attend the Tale

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - Stats - Gens 1-4
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2019, 02:06:42 AM »
Generation 1 - Barbara Muggs (YA, Hates the Outdoors, Bookworm, Artistic, Neurotic, Friendly)
Unique LTW - Professional Author (Completed)
Unique Maxed Career - Author (5/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Writing (9/10); Skill Challenges - (2/3) - Prolific Author, Specialist Author (Children's Books),
Fully Upgraded Property - Crios Pond
Fully Owned Building - Tome Traders
Unique LTRs - (3/3) - Acclaimed Author, Fertility Treatment, Motive Mobile
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (2/6) Book Donation, A Small Painting
Portraits - (1/3) Young Adult, Adult,

Generation 2 - Tasha Muggs (Friendly, Excitable)
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges - (0/10)
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (1/6) Toddler

Generation 3 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges - (0/10)
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

Generation 4 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges - (0/10)
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - Stats - Gens 5-8
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2019, 02:07:31 AM »
Generation 5 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

Generation 6 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges -
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

Generation 7 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges -
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

Generation 8 -  Muggs ()
Unique LTW -
Unique Maxed Career - (0/10)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  (0/10); Skill Challenges -
Fully Upgraded Property -
Fully Owned Building -
Unique LTRs - (0/3)
Unique BFs - (0/6)
Black Opportunities - (0/6)
Portraits - (0/6)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - Spouses, Spares & Helpers
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2019, 02:08:51 AM »
Bradan (MacGrath) Muggs - spouse of Barbara (Generation 1)
Sweeney Todd Walsh - future spouse of Tasha (Generation 2) son of Aislin Walsh and Riley Cromos; Half Brother of Zoe Cromos


Aislin Walsh (Insane, Neurotic, Slob, Natural Cook, Athletic)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - The Writer on Claddagh Court
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2019, 04:33:30 PM »
The Writer on Claddagh Court
This is Barbara Muggs, the founder, who's moved to Claddagh Court, Dragon Valley to hopefully become the matriarch of a line of immortals.
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A close up on Barbara.
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She was sent to the library where she met the sim I hoped she would meet - Aislin Walsh.
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Through friendly and funny interactions, the two ladies became friends and Aislin agreed to move in, bringing in enough money with her to fund a small box.
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Here they are contemplating whether or not to play griffins and gargoyles which order they should check the sinks, shower and oven - the fun of two neurotic sims.
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And eating one of the meals cooked by Aislin - the worst pies in London best pancakes in Dragon Valley.
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Before Barbara gets to work on her supermaxed skill, career and Lifetime Wish.
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She wants to be a professional author and earn 4000 a week in royalties. She'll be working on a writing supermaxed skill and Self Employed Writing career at the same time.
In between eating
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and reading
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and partying indoors at the houses of new sims that she has met - like Siobahn Murphy
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where she pulled a book of a shelf and began reading it, alongside Lorna McCann, the source of all that is good in the valley, according to her profile.
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Let's leave Barb and instead see what her room mate and good friend, Aislin Walsh has been up to.
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As a chef, she's been cooking, she does want to become a 5 Star Master Chef, after all.
However, the life of a helper in an immortal dynasty isn't just following their own dreams, and simeone has to paint Barbara's portraits, and at that simone at the moment is Aislin.
Her first painting and it comes out in the neurotic style.
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Aislin is also looking for a man of her own.
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Here, she went across the road and knocked on Aaron Finnigan's door. They hit it off straight away.
And with that, the right time to end this chapter.

Offline Tiamet

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Re: Here There Be Immortals
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2019, 08:49:24 AM »
 ;D Dek, I men this in the best way possible, you are the most tenacious person I've ever met. I love Barbara.
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2019, 05:03:23 PM »
:D Thanks Tiamet. :)

Kilts and Home
I have been busy remodelling the house.
Taking it from this
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to this
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Thanks to the vehicle (worth even more than Aggie's vehicle) that the new Mr Muggs brought with him and agreed to sell. She romanced him extensively.
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Her charms got to him, overcoming even his commitment issues.
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He may dislike art, so its just as well he'll be looking after the gardening and fishing, not the painting.
The painting and the cooking is the domain of Aislin, who has been 'cooking' at the valley's theatre. She was so proud of her efforts, she started to strut.
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Who's the father? She's not saying and the watcher ain't prying.
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She's gone to the spa to get some personal attention for her aching back and feet and Mr and Mrs Muggs have gone to bed ... so Barb can find what a sim has 'neath his kilt.
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Offline Tiamet

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Re: Here There Be Immortals
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2019, 06:32:57 PM »
Ooh, mystery daddies!  That house looks amazing, though.
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
Fellowship of the Dynasty - HOF
The Arlo Bunch Documentary

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - Attend the Tale
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2019, 07:41:10 AM »
Attend the Tale
Aislin gave birth to a little boy, a little orange boy, by the name of Todd -
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Sweeney Todd.
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His ears were pointed and his eyes were odd.
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The son of Riley,
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the half brother of Zoe.
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The future husband of Tasha!
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Tasha Muggs, friendly and excitable
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The female heir without any hair
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A problem fixed at a mirror and then
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A toy box
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A potty
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A walker
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A play pen
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A sim of pink with a love of green
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Becoming best friends with Sweeney Todd ...
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A future son in law of Barbara Muggs,
the immortal dynasty founder of Dragon Valley.

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Re: Here There Be Immortals
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2019, 09:19:18 AM »
Aww I absolutely love these babies. Not many dynasties get the dark gold/orange skin!
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Offline Chubling

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Re: Here There Be Immortals
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2019, 12:09:03 PM »
I love Barbara! She's so cute and cuddly looking. I can never get that hair to look good on my sims and she's perfect in it. And rainbow baby!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Here There Be Immortals - this GRAVEYARD is full of them, please
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2020, 08:36:23 PM »
Something weird happened to my computer which resulted in store bought content going haywire for some reason, but not things from the exchange - weird.

I had to reinstall things and the games from before the reinstallation won't play any more. So please, move them to the graveyard.


