Author Topic: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (26/05 update)  (Read 19281 times)

Offline Meg

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2019, 09:22:39 AM »
Chapter 2

Bartholomew has aged up into an adorable adult cat.

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He celebrated this by joining the other cats in their attempt to destroy Catarina’s bed.

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Having only §61 in the bank, Catarina couldn’t even fix it. It was time to act. She called up Kayaan and invited him over to her house, away from prying eyes. She needed to know if he was serious about her.

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Suffice to say, he was. The odd hat, shirt and jogging trousers combo somewhat ruined the pictures in my opinion, but then Catarina wasn't always the stylish lady she is now. He looks much better after a trip to the wardrobe. They're engaged, but not yet married as Catarina hasn't had a day off work yet.

The §20,000 Kayaan brought in was enough to expand the house. Being no builder, that means I made a slightly bigger box.

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The empty rooms will be turned into children’s rooms when the time comes, and the dirt along the front of the house is going to be a small garden Kayaan can keep up.

Kayaan is an adult, but with no restrictions on life extension that shouldn’t matter. He can take a Potion of Youth if needed. He’s also level 9 in the doctor career. There’s not much for him to do at the moment, as being a doctor apparently doesn’t require any skills, so he spends his days tending the garden and playing the violin. He has the musical genius aspiration, which I’ve let him keep for now.

He’ll have more to do when a nooboo arrives, but that won’t be for a while yet as I want Catarina further along in her requirements. She works hard all day (she’s currently level 5 of the culinary career), then cooks and mixes drinks in her time off. I think mixology is going to be her unique skill, as the drinks she makes earn money, which they badly need.

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The cats do have their uses though – each hair pile put in the NanoCan earns §60.

Online oshizu

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (13/09 update)
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2019, 01:09:48 PM »
Awww, that moment in the beginning when Catarina's too poor to fix her scratched-up bed.
Yay, nice job on snagging Kayaan! Gratz on the engagement!
Kayaan being in the doctor career will certainly help with household funds.
The house looks great--I especially like the decor of the kitchen, which makes sense since Catalina's gone Culinary.
So, how's life with four cats?

Kayaan's default outfit reminds of a tip that @FrancescaFiori taught me during my Immortal Dynasty Challenge.
If there's a closet, you can click on it to "Change sim's outift."
When my heir moves out, I need to remember to tuck a closet into one of the community lots.

Edited: I guess the Stylist career also let you change townies' outfits but the closet doesn't require a career, lol.

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (13/09 update)
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2019, 01:19:35 PM »
Catarina's bed resembles mine and I only have one, (at the moment), cat!  She is doing her best to train the dogs and almost has them believing they are really cats as well.
   I think your bigger box is beautiful!  And what's wrong with a box style?  You can do so much with it and it looks like you have it all planned out.  Lovely kitchen.  Good on you snagging a doctor!  Easy and the money does come rolling in with that career.  Plus, more time at home when nooboos arrive.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Meg

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (13/09 update)
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2019, 06:15:03 AM »
Thanks for the tip about the wardrobe, @oshizu. The cats are really nice to have around actually, and they’re slowly learning not to scratch up the furniture, I just have to make sure I catch them every time.

@Joria Thanks for the nice comments. The furniture definitely suffers with cats in sims 4, thank goodness they can learn not to scratch. I only wish cats in real life were as easily trained, I have a chair that looks a lot like that bed and I can’t just click on it and replace.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (13/09 update)
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2019, 12:44:37 PM »
I like their cute little ranch house.  I also laughed at the earlier picture of Catarina in her kitchen with no chairs and no lights.  It's always fun to start out with next to nothing.

Best of luck to Catarina and Kayaan.  I'm looking forward to seeing the results of his makeover.

Offline Meg

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (13/09 update)
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2019, 04:35:13 AM »
Thanks, BallerinaHippo!

Chapter Three

Just after the last update, tragedy struck the Lynx household. Doc, Catarina’s eldest cat, passed away.

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Doc was always a good and loyal cat, and many times has cheered Catarina up after a long day. His grave has been put in the garden among the flowers.

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Catarina talks to it often to strengthen Doc’s connection to the physical world in the hopes of seeing her beloved cat again someday.

Life must go on though, and as her grief faded Catarina was able to look forward again to happier days. She and Kayaan married under the blossom tree in the garden.

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Look at those gooey faces!

For some reason the guests were all dancing during the ceremony.

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None of them seem particularly touched, do they? And when Catarina cut the first slice of cake, they all descended on it and gobbled it up before Kayaan could get a piece!

Oh well, they’re married and that’s what counts. They’ve got more important things to worry about now, as not long after the wedding…

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Welcome to the world, Kit Lynx!

Online oshizu

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (19/09 update)
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2019, 12:26:23 PM »
So sorry to hear about Doc! Losing pets, even in a game, is so hard to bear. *sniff, sniff
Gratz on the lovely wedding.
The bride, of course, looks stunning (love her wedding gown and her new hairstyle).
Kayaan looks great--Watcher, you did a great job spotting his handsome face underneath that silly hat!

Nice to meet you, Kit Lynx!

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (19/09 update)
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2019, 12:57:23 PM »
Catarina is such a pretty Sim. It's too bad that the horrible makeup she comes with makes so many Simmers overlook her. Aw, poor little Doc!

I love the wedding dress and Catarina's wedding makeup. Can't wait to see more of Kit!

Offline Joria

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (19/09 update)
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2019, 03:11:48 PM »
At least Catarina now has Kit to help console her over losing Doc.  That is a rough one in rl as well.  How handsome is that guy anyway?  Who knew with the silly hat on.  I think I'd keep him permanently wearing a tux. lol  Catarina is a real find to play, even in a peripheral way.  I think one day I'd like to add her to a family if not make her a founder.  You're doing well with this and I'm really enjoying the read now that I can catch up.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (19/09 update)
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2019, 12:00:48 PM »
--sniffle-- Hate losing pets. Loved the wedding, though. Welcome Kit! I've been following along, but haven't had a chance to comment all the time.

Offline Meg

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (19/09 update)
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2019, 05:51:09 AM »
Chapter 4

Kit’s babyhood passed without incident and soon it was time to age him up.

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No doubting who he takes after. It’s hard to see in this picture, but he has Catarina’s green eyes as well as her skin tone and hair. As I mentioned in the first post, I’m going to be randomising all traits for both heirs and any spares. Kit rolled the clingy trait, which worked out well as Kayaan was home every day to help him with his skills. Here they are playing aeroplane.

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Learning to talk.

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And there’s nothing better than dancing with Daddy.

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Catarina doesn’t have much spare time to spend with him, but that’ll change once she’s maxed her career and can quit to become a freelancer.

On her day off she got a few more parties under her belt. She threw a Dinner Party first, but it was boring and nothing happened, so no pictures. When it was over her mood was still pretty good and Kit was in bed, so she immediately threw a Costume Party with all the same guests. I’m not sure what Kayaan was dressed as, but he looked cool.

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Catarina was an astronaut.

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Does she look rather round to you? Yep, she’s pregnant again! She went into labour almost immediately after I took this shot in fact. Always a trooper, she made it almost to the end of the party… and then gave birth in the hallway. Not her fault though, I forgot to get Kit’s old crib out of the family inventory because I was distracted getting Kayaan to compliment guests on their outfits ten times (there really ought to be more costume interactions if it’s going to be a party requirement, in my opinion).

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Welcome to world, Sable Lynx!

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And Robin Lynx!

Continuing on from Catarina’s name, all three children are named after animals. Kits are baby foxes, sables are a species of marten, and Robin is named after the bird.

Poor Kayaan had his work cut out when they became toddlers. I wasn’t expecting twins and did nothing to cause it, and after almost a whole sim week with three toddlers I’m thinking the next generation will adopt children. It was all so manic that I haven’t managed to get good pictures of the twins yet, but they're very cute with their father’s black eyes, but red hair like their brother. Interestingly none of them have Catarina’s shade of dark red, but the lighter ginger colour.

In other news, Catarina is now a level 8 Chief Drink Operator and is close to maxing mixology. She’s only completed one requirement so far by earing §10,000. I’m focusing on getting her to the top of her career, as I think becoming a freelancer will give her more time to work on the rest and hopefully get to know her kids a bit.

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (10/10 update)
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2019, 11:08:55 AM »
Oo, welcome Sable and Robin! I believe that outfit is the one you get from the Space Ranger career, the smuggler branch, I think. And it's a fun one. Kit's adorable, btw ^^

Online oshizu

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (10/10 update)
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2019, 02:12:12 PM »
Lucky you, with your redheaded, green-eyed heir! Kit is so cute!
Wow, three toddlers around the same time! I feel for you, Watcher, but it seems you've almost reached the end of toddlerhood.
Can't wait to see all three toddlers at play! Yay!

Shewolf's right! Kayaan is wearing the career uniform of the Astronaut/Interstellar Smuggler. It resembles Hans Solo's outfit....

Oh, Level 8 Mixologist! Does that mean she's finished the Master Mixologist aspiration?
(I might have giggled that Catarina went into labor while dressed as an astronaut...)

Offline Joria

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (10/10 update)
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2019, 06:12:42 PM »
Catching up and finding adorableness.  Your babies are so cute and I love the names you are choosing.  On the mixology thing, IF you are lucky, and it sometimes is pure luck, and IF you don't go higher than level 9, you have a chance of meeting a stranger at work who will offer to sell you a recipe.  It is one of the most powerful drinks a mixologist can make, Snagglefluster.  Carl did a video on it.  I tried, three times so far, but still either get too high or just get promoted past the level and so haven't gotten it yet.  It happens while your Sim is at their normal go to work place, not at a bar or event, so keep your eye peeled for a notification about it.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline reggikko

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Re: A Lynx Power of Ten Dynasty (10/10 update)
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2019, 06:58:30 PM »
Yay for nooboos! I like the naming theme, too.

I am looking forward to seeing how your trait randomization works out. I don't think I could be that brave in a dynasty!