Author Topic: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 10 March: COMPLETED!  (Read 33650 times)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 26 January
« Reply #105 on: January 26, 2020, 10:56:58 PM »
@PeregrineTook and @oshizu

As always, thanks for reading my paltry update. :)

I’m now back in the swing and spent some time on speed 3 (which I never normally do) to speed through some days when everything was done and I was just waiting for one last party and age up of Gen 6. We did a dance party and invited Ramon and Wiki’s twins, who were born after Rafael’s move, and of course one of them is drop dead gorgeous. Rafael (bless him) got Ramon’s rather unfortunate nose. He’s been a great heir, but pretty he ain’t. So shallow! Gen 6 ages up to YA in 3 days and then it’s off to one of my favorite neighborhoods. Woo!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #106 on: February 01, 2020, 12:50:53 PM »
Generation 5 highlights

Starting off fast with Gen 6 on the way!

Clara is born.

First nonhuman good friend, Sparky Roboto. He was riding by on a bicycle when Clara spotted him.

Second nonhuman good friend. A2-UR3 MOE showed up at the bowling alley when Clara went there in the hope of meeting some teens.

Alas, no alien nooboo.

Will the lovely Leann grow up in time to be the Gen 6 spouse? Tune in next time to find out!

Rafael’s final stats:

Lot: Tranquil Crescent, Newcrest
Spouse: Rohan Elderberry
Children: Clara
Move-out requirements:
  1. Career: Mechanical Engineer (10/10)
  2. Unique skill: Robotics (10/10)
  3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: (10K/10K)
  4. Earned $10,000: (10K/10K)
  5. 10 good friends: (10/10)  Nonhuman (2/2)
  6. 10 odd jobs: (10/10)
  7. 10 parties: (10/10)
  8. 10 whims for 10 different emotions: (10/10)
  9. 10 different community lots for min. 2 hrs each: (10/10)
  10. 10-item collection: (10/10) Camping Mascots ($38,112)
Cumulative collection value: $158,352

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #107 on: February 01, 2020, 01:33:07 PM »
Do you think your family had the luck to meet two servos due to Rafael's maxed Robotics?
Or might it have been because Rafael was a Mechanical Engineer? 
My sims have yet to see a servo, though they haven't been on the lookout (and probably don't leave home except for parties, haha).

Also, how did you like playing the Mechanical Engineer career? Does it allow working from home?
Great job on raising Clara to a young adult so smoothly! Fingers crossed that Leann ages up in time.
Wooo! Clara's moving out!

P.S. Looking at Rafael's stats, I was surprised to see Rohan's family name is Elderberry. One of my current heir's good friend is named Rohan Elderberry.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #108 on: February 01, 2020, 01:43:56 PM »
Clara met the first servo when she was still a child, and Rafael hadn't maxed either the skill or the career at that point. I had sent her to play on the pirate ship in Newcrest and he was just riding by. I've since found out that if you go to the Sunday Robotics club meet-up, there are frequently Servos there. You don't have to be a uni student to go.

Rohan is one of the DU premades. He starts out as a teen, living either with elderly parents or grandparents. I think they live in the house next to the Pleasant twins. If you wait until the parents/grandparents die, he brings in over 70K simoleons.

Mechanical Engineer is a work from home career. I actually sent Rafael in to work a lot during the lower levels because his work from home assignment frequently involved programming, which was Francisco's unique skill, and Rafael was getting too many points in that for my liking. Once the career branches, no further programming skill is needed. At that point, his task was usually to make a mechanism on the Robotics station. My picture sequence isn't necessarily in chronological order.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #109 on: February 01, 2020, 05:10:00 PM »
Thank you for your various explanations and clarifications.
Wow, good to know about Rohan Elderberry! *starts scheming....
Best wishes on whizzing through Clara's generation!!!

Offline MarianT

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #110 on: February 01, 2020, 07:37:45 PM »
Clara is a lovely child. And congrats to Rohan for finishing up!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 1 February
« Reply #111 on: February 03, 2020, 09:31:22 PM »
Ooo, Leann is certainly lovely!  Hoping she can be the spouse!!  And Clara is just lovely.  She was such a cute little toddler!  She just won me over immediately  :=)

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Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #112 on: February 15, 2020, 01:39:51 PM »
CLARA LYNX -- Generation 6

Clara moved to Pebble Burrow in Oasis Springs.

As of that night, Leann hadn’t grown up, so Clara headed out to The Blue Velvet to see if she could meet some people to keep her options open. As she was chatting up a guy at the bar, her dad showed up. Protective much, Rafael?

Then her very pregnant other dad and her grandad arrived…

...along with her grandma and an aunt….

...and her ghostly great-grandparents.
Clara: Seriously?

It all worked out, though, because Leann did grow up in time.

And no time was wasted in bringing the next heir into the world.

Monica did all of the normal toddler things: reading books,

playing airplane,

And hosting a toddler play date with her mom’s younger siblings, Demarcus and Noelle.

Meanwhile, Clara worked on her requirements. She got a job in the Science Career,

hosted some parties,

made some friends,

maxed her designated skill,

successfully pled for the life of a coworker (as one does),

and made a very special good friend.

And what of little Monica, you ask? Well, she did all the usual things, too. She completed an aspiration or two, did Scouts, made some friends, built some skills, became responsible and well-mannered, and eventually grew up. Her watcher, however, was a total slacker and had like three pictures of her as a child, so….

we’ll just have to content ourselves with how pretty she became as a teen.

Clara’s final stats:

Lot: Pebble Burrow, Oasis Springs
Spouse: Leann Sands
Children: Monica
Move-out requirements:
  1. Career:Scientist (10/10)
  2. Unique skill: Rocket Science (10/10)
  3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: (10K/10K)
  4. Earned $10,000: (10K/10K)
  5. 10 good friends: (10/10)  Nonhuman (2/2)
  6. 10 odd jobs: (10/10)
  7. 10 parties: (10/10)
  8. 10 whims for 10 different emotions: (10/10)
  9. 10 different community lots for min. 2 hrs each: (10/10)
  10. 10-item collection: (10/10) Electroflux Wormhole Generator ($14,000)
Cumulative collection value: $172,352

Offline oshizu

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #113 on: February 15, 2020, 02:22:39 PM »
How hilarious that Clara's whole family tree (practically) showed up at the bar when she was cruising for options!
I like how you take a unique approach to every generation. Grim as a good very special!

Monica is such a knock-out, but so are both of her mothers.
Can't wait to see what you have in store for her!  You are flying through the generations!  Whoooosh!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #114 on: February 15, 2020, 05:38:21 PM »
I'm just glad I'm finally moving forward! Gen 8 is a toddler already.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #115 on: February 16, 2020, 01:42:43 PM »
You're making such awesome progress!!  And Leann is just glorious!  What a find  :=)  Monica swam out of a fantastic gene pool.  No wonder she turned out so lovely!
Looking forward to reading about Monica's adventures and seeing you get even closer to the Hall of Fame!!!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #116 on: February 16, 2020, 06:01:02 PM »
Thanks, @PeregrineTook

My Gen 8 heir is about to become a teen, so the end is definitely coming into focus. :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #117 on: February 17, 2020, 02:02:52 AM »
Thanks, @PeregrineTook

My Gen 8 heir is about to become a teen, so the end is definitely coming into focus. :)
Girl, you are flying!
Between your response to me and your response to Pippin, your Gen8 heir grew from a toodler to an almost-teen!  ;)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 15 February
« Reply #118 on: February 17, 2020, 01:20:57 PM »

I am on a mission. I should have been done already! I am really going to try to finish in two weeks. I have an extra day off from work coming up next week (Mardi Gras), so it's totally doable.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Lynx in the Chain: A Power of Ten Dynasty--updated 23 February
« Reply #119 on: February 23, 2020, 01:38:37 PM »

Monica moved to Magnolia Promenade and promptly placed an important call.

This is Landyn Delarosa. His family moved into Oasis Springs while Monica was living there with her parents.

Landyn moved in and the pair wasted no time in getting the next generation on the way.

Success! Landyn started working as a freelance programmer and Monica took a job in the Culinary career.

Baby Mateo.

Proposal and acceptance achievement unlocked!

Mateo became an adorable toddler and you know what that means. Toddler Play Date!

Jenny Lynx. Clara and Leann adopted two babies before Monica moved out.


They also had Victoria, who was born the day before Mateo. That's Joel in the background.

Next up was the wedding, held at Municipal Muses.

Mateo looks very dapper in his little suit.

Monica maxed Gourmet Cooking as her unique skill.

And soon it was time for Mateo’s birthday.

Still adorable.

Mateo met teen Quinn Gil at the park. We’re keeping our options open, but will probably pass on Quinn since she is a Goofball.

Celebrity Chef!

An Incognito Costume Party at the Shrieking Llama on Ghost Night secures Monica’s final good friend, Felix Psyded.

Teen time! Mateo is a Creative Perfectionist who Loves the Outdoors.

Monica’s collection: 10 plates of ambrosia.

Monica met Leah Vogel while exploring the university campuses. Will Mateo stick with Quinn or will love bloom with Leah? We’ll find out next time. Thanks for reading!

Monica’s final stats:

Lot: Preeminent Domain, Magnolia Promenade
Spouse: Landyn Delarosa
Children: Mateo
Move-out requirements:
  1. Career:Culinary (Chef) 10/10
  2. Unique skill: Gourmet Cooking 10/10
  3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: 10K/10K
  4. Earned $10,000: 10K/10K
  5. 10 good friends: (10/10)  Nonhuman (2/2)
  6. 10 odd jobs: (10/10)
  7. 10 parties: (10/10)
  8. 10 whims for 10 different emotions: (10/10)
  9. 10 different community lots for min. 2 hrs each: (10/10)
  10. 10-item collection: Gourmet cooking (ambrosia) 10/10
Collection value: $142,215
Cumulative collection value: $314,567