Lol! And Mocha was so upset about his things being outside last time! That skill boost sure is powerful, but did you have any problems with the folding bed? I’ve been watching youtubers reviews of the pack and it seems very easy to die.
@Meg He's such a silly creature! When I placed all his "things" against the outside of a side wall, he stood there with the most sour expression on his face!
Also, Mocha seems to prefer sleeping where the action is. I almost never see him sleeping in his bed unless most of the sims are nearby.
How is Kit enjoying his pupper?
Mocha is so the real star of the show. I'm so glad you brought him on board and kept him around :=)
Elwyn is a handsome little guy. I'm definitely interested to see how the genetics show up for him in his teen years.
The house is so cool! Great usage of the space.
Cristal is a rather lovely option. Thanks goodness for those potions of rejuvenation!
@PeregrineTook If cats could earn fame, Mocha would be a super-ultra-mega-star! LOL!
Two more sim-weeks until Elwyn grows into his "teen face"; I can't wait!
The first floor of the 100-tile Small House is still rather cramped. I had to lock the doors to the master bedroom downstairs or everyone would all just be sitting on the bed all the time to eat, read, and so forth!
Cristal's traits are just okay, but her default outfit is PERFECT for Elwyn's future lifestyle!
@Heart Foam
Both boys Top Notch? Was it hard? ;p Arg, it's such a good boost for toddlers that I miss it when it's not there, but a 64-tile house with kids is tough. I think you've done it right, expanding to tier 3 when they're children. And the double happiness can't be underrated as it keeps sims in a "very" mood so much easier.
During my Rival Dynasties Challenge, we were earning Top-Notch Toddler in 4 days with lots of "Second Wind" and frantic micro-managing.
Such a breeze with a Micro or Tiny House. I'm completely sold!
By the way, the longer Inspired/Focused/Happy Mood boost is a problem for birthday parties.
With two hosts & two birthday boys, I could only reach "Compliment birthday sim 3/4," because Claude was inspired and couldn't give a Heartfelt Compliment.
Can a YA/Adult do a "compliment outfit" social on child? o.O
I might have been able to manage a 64-tile house with 2 children if I got rid of the painting studio.
Howevah, the child and teen stages are each 2 weeks long in my P10. I need to have something for the twins to do, lol.
You shock me! Isn't the combination of Top-Notch Toddler and Scouting Aptitude enough of a skill boost for your kiddos?