Author Topic: Power of 10 - What Pries Glory? [Completed 16 Feb 2020]  (Read 138883 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #210 on: November 23, 2019, 05:18:54 PM »
Do you mean "a lot more fires lately" as in since the latest patch?
The consecutive fires were quite annoying since they happened while the toddlers were awake.
They were so hard to keep happy, with their fun and attention often in the red. Ugh!
I had to delay their birthdays an hour so Devin could max his last skill, though this dynasty's previous toddlers all finished with 2 days to spare.

As for your household being too house-bound, I just now realized that even your pollinators rarely (never?) do house calls. LOL!
In my game, the previous heir's second batch of kids are always the same gender as the current heir's kids.
So it's fun to compare the appearance of, say, Kahlua's three brothers and her own twins.
And I kind of wish Devin had been born first so he could be the next heir...

Also, as much as I love the look of open-air garden spaces, I'm tempted to enclose them with walls to avoid the weeks pf brown, withered plants with every season change.

Offline Meg

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #211 on: November 24, 2019, 02:34:02 AM »
I love the new house and the toddler spam. Devin is particularly adorable with that curly hair. Lol at Kahlua getting abducted, isn’t that what you were going for for ages with Erwin? Does anything happen to female sims when they get abducted?

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Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #212 on: November 24, 2019, 06:57:29 AM »
As for your household being too house-bound, I just now realized that even your pollinators rarely (never?) do house calls. LOL!

My pollinators tend to have a Weekend of Passion. Mr Roland Ramsey had one. And once everyone's been met, then no house calls. And it keeps the townie generations mostly in sync. And it's once a generation.

@Meg No pregnancies. They'll get a moodlet.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #213 on: November 24, 2019, 01:20:19 PM »
@Heart Foam
What is this Weekend of Passion you speak of? Do you mean an intensive two-day pollination session in the front yard of your majestic mansion?

The floor layout is my favorite so far, though it is too large for 30x20 lots. Also I love the extra backyard space provided by the 2nd story garden patio, but running up there is not time-efficient.
Aboud female sims abducted by aliens, Heart Foam has the answer to that. (Why couldn't that have been Kengo? Why!?)

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #214 on: November 24, 2019, 02:01:27 PM »
No, it's way worse. We really do go as a family from door to door. It's a whole outing using the family club to speed things along. But not everything that happens needs to be documented. Otherwise it's "hey, look at this man you don't know woohoo with a 5th generation Munch".

The outdoor tent in the Delgato house? T'was a Weekend of Passion.

I'm currently in-game, but not with that family. Back at Nookstone, a sim fresh out of CAS! Many vampires have been made. It's the "Hey, sweetie, can I cure your vampirism?" *flirty pose* immortal dynasty (C). It probably won't be a strict P10, but every generation will go to uni, and move to a new lot and new world after graduating and be pretty broke. Also, every degree will be unique (so there's potential to go beyond 10 gens), we'll do a household collection in each. I've got enough pics to do two chapters to get the thing started. Doing a uni degree might get repetitive though. I'll see how I feel about that. In the next day or so I'll start the story, full of gusto and no dry humor. Proper, serious simming*.

*this will not happen

I bet Aili doesn't complain about being home. I do want to get back to that house and fix the roof and balance out the colours better.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #215 on: November 24, 2019, 03:04:43 PM »
Oh, wow! What an ambitious dynasty project, one which I will be obscenely happy to follow and learn from!!!
It is hard to avoid some repetition in a dynasty challenge where each generation must satisfy similar requirements, but your sims will encounter enough unexpected surprises to add variation to each generation's journey.
As a simmer who is awaiting the Challenge Team's decisions about the P10 and Discover Uni, I do not expect to buy the pack for at least another 3 weeks.
So I will heartily enjoy learning about the pack (and RoM, which I also don't have) through your new story.
When will it start? *runs off to buy popcorn

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: Power of 10/6.29: How You Like Me Now? (21 Nov update)
« Reply #216 on: November 25, 2019, 10:07:55 AM »
What I meant to say about FabWealthy is that it used to be a reliable way to track the heir's earned income from selling stuff from personal inventory, publishing royalties, job income, and money fruit.
Since the last patch, FabWealthy also includes "funds contributed to household funds by a moved-in sim," which will auto-complete the Power of 10's "Earn $10k" requirement, making it too easy. (I need to post that in the P10 challenge thread.)

Yeah, thanks a lot EA, your stupid patch ruined another great challenge.  Now we have to manually track our funds or not move anyone in until we get that requirement. >:(

All in all, I'm glad you only had to track $4000 in funds before the move-in. But if I do this challenge(which I probably won't, I'll go back to Immortal Dynasty again - I had one going and deleted it after gen 3 became a teen), I'll make a new rule:

* You cannot add to household until you complete the $10,000 in funds requirement. That means your Sim must live alone or they must move into the parent's household so you can move them in from the parent's household, which does not add funds.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #217 on: November 25, 2019, 12:38:22 PM »
What I meant to say about FabWealthy is that it used to be a reliable way to track the heir's earned income from selling stuff from personal inventory, publishing royalties, job income, and money fruit.
Since the last patch, FabWealthy also includes "funds contributed to household funds by a moved-in sim," which will auto-complete the Power of 10's "Earn $10k" requirement, making it too easy. (I need to post that in the P10 challenge thread.)

* You cannot add to household until you complete the $10,000 in funds requirement. That means your Sim must live alone or they must move into the parent's household so you can move them in from the parent's household, which does not add funds.

Thanks for commiserating but there's no need to wait to move the spouse in. It just requires a little more effort.
(1) As soon as the heir moves out, check their earned income in FabWealthy. For example, let's say it's $6,000. 
      The heir needs to earn $4,000 more to complete the $10k requirement.
(2) When moving in the spouse, make note of the spouse's household funds before actually moving them in. For this example, let's say the spouse brings $20,000.
(3) Check FabWealthy, which should now say that the heir has $26,000 in earned income.
(4) Add the $6k from Step 2 that that amount and make a note of it somewhere.
      In this example, when FabWealthy shows the heir has $30k in earned income, the $10k requirement is complete.

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #218 on: November 26, 2019, 10:38:06 AM »
Sorry, oshizu, I was overreacting.  :-\

I know it's not that hard to write down what your heir has before moving in anyone, I just find it annoying that Fabulous Wealthy can no longer be used to track your Sims income properly because of this new feature. I feel like this aspiration might become way too easy to complete. I'll definitely note that when I do my Immortal Dynasty.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #219 on: November 26, 2019, 01:00:15 PM »
I agree with you that counting the funds added by move-ins makes completing Fabulously Wealthy too easy.
A fresh-out-of-CAS sim could complete FabWealthy's first two milestones by simply moving in another sim.
And I noticed that, in my case, FabWealthy counted the household funds added by my Gen6 heir's spouse as that spouse's "earned income."

I also agree that the workaround is not "that hard," but it's still annoying.

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #220 on: November 26, 2019, 01:17:31 PM »
That's why I don't use the Wealth aspirations as required aspirations. Every heir would violate the rule if the founder made Mansion Baron a required aspiration unless you deleted columns to ensure that they never completed the aspiration.

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 6.31: Badges, Bunnies, and Bombs (27 Nov update)
« Reply #221 on: November 27, 2019, 05:44:05 PM »
6.31: Badges, Bunnies, and Bombs

Monday, Week 33

Kengo: Have you already seen Kahlua's work outfit? It's surprisingly drab.

After fishing for several hours, she fails to catch any angelfish.
I guess I'll need to help out again later.

Early the next morning, we take the twins to meet 5 new sims for Social Butterfly.
Now they're ready to be mentored on a musical instrument.

Artistic Prodigy doesn't need to be active to count playing an instrument for 5 hours.
But Social Butterfly must be active to count making two adult friends.
Yes, we cut corners like that to save time.

Our handsome "C" student sons, Tuesday morning before their first school day.
That Meow Mailbox alone is worth the time it's taking me to learn the Vet skill!

Later, our handsome sons return from school as "B" students in their everyday outfits.
When did they change clothes? Where did they leave their cold-weather outfits?

By Tuesday night, they've earned all their badges except Keep Fit.
Great work, boys!

I've been busy catching angelfish for Kahlua's Ambrosia collection.
This is what we've got for ingredients so far.
Kahlua and I each donated 3 potions of youth.

Tonight, she kicks off her collection by preparing six servings.

On Wednesday, Kahlua spends her day off doing odd jobs.

When Mocha falls sick (again), I call him to the Exam Table.
Instead of the suggested Essence of Placebo treat, I send Mocha to the Surgery Table.

After conducting vascular and intestinal scans, I learn Mocha requires an operation.
His Tumtum Tickletangler Readjustment Surgery is a success.
Isn't two ailments in two weeks too frequent, Mocha?

Meanwhile, the twins are finishing up Social Butterfly.
They can conveniently invite over their uncles: Russel, Cristopher, and Leon.
Those triplets resemble each other a lot.
At this age, the five of them could be brothers!

Early Thursday morning, Kahlua makes her sixth good friend, Fernando Villa.

It's Spring Equinox today and Fernando has followed us home.
The boys are at school and Kahlua's at work.
And me, I've been keeping an eye out for the Flower Bunny.
There he is, over there!

I manage to lure the Flower Bunny to our home.
And, yes, I realize asking the Flower Bunny for a massage is absurd.
I'm just holding the fort for the twins.
They'll be home from school in about a half hour…

After work, Kahlua heads out for her last odd job.
That's another requirement out of the way!

Over six generations, we're only the second household to meet the Flower Bunny.
That's why we encourage Keanu to befriend the Flower Bunny.

While Keanu's busy with the bunny, Devin finishes his last aspiration.
Then, he also earns his last badge. Way to go, Devin!

Friday morning, I notice Mocha is uncomfortable because of the rain and lightning.
Must be a mysterious weather day. I'll just use the weather machine to clear the skies.

Soon after, Mocha and I deepen our relationship.

Another thunderstorm erupts in the afternoon, so I'm back at the weather machine.
This time, I not only clear the skies but also switch the weather forecast from Normal to Warm.
Mysterious weather days are the worst!

Thanks to all that, it's nice and sunny when Kahlua gets off work.
She's now a Curator of the Finest Flavors.

Saturday morning, we go to Magnolia Blossom Park.
I place the missing bean in the Magical Stump and water it.

On a whim, I decide to explore inside the Magic Portal Tree.
What extremely good luck! I acquire the Forbidden Fruit of the Plantsim!

We end the day at Sulani's Sand Bar where Kahlua tries to host a Kava Party.
Oddly, we're unable call sims to drink kava, so our first party earns only a bronze medal.

She phones in a second Kava Party, but without inviting our twins. Success, kinda.

Sunday, Week 34

Devin: How could Mom throw a party and leave us off the guest list?
How dare our parents believe we somehow broke the kava bowls!

Keanu: Yeah, it's totally unfair that they blame us.
We need to show them that they can't just push us around, you know?

Devin: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Keanu: Exactly.  I'll even go first! *summons a volcanic bomb
Devin: My turn!

Kengo: Well that was totally chaotic and rather exciting!
Since dig sites are so sparse now, we might as well wait for the bombs to cool down.

Will I punish the boys? Nah, they're just having a little innocent fun (I hope).

Kahlua's move-out requirements: 6/10
✔️ 1. Unique career: Food Critic 10 (Curator of the Finest Flavors)
✔️ 2. Unique skill: Baking 10/10
✔️ 3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
📌 5. 6/10 good friends (2/2 non-human)
✔️ 6. 10/10 odd jobs
📌 7. 5/10 parties
✔️ 8. 10/10 emotional whims         
📌 9. 5/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
📌10. 8/10-item collection: Ambrosia
Watcher's Remarks
*Devin took forever to max all his toddler skills. I later learned that the pre-DU patch caused a toddler glitch so their needs decayed twice as fast.
  Apparently, it's since been fixed in the 25 November patch.
*Kava parties are broken? I have no idea what's happened with the kava bowls, but they seem to need be placed exactly just so to call other sims to drink kava.
  Even during Kahlua's second party, the kava bowls didn't work right every time (like they did pre-patch).

Offline MystiKitty

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.31: Badges, Bunnies, and Bombs (27 Nov update)
« Reply #222 on: November 28, 2019, 03:00:04 PM »
This chapter makes me want to do my own Power of Ten Dynasty! I love the kids who can use Sulani Mahna. :)

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 6.32: Boyz II Teenz (29 Nov update)
« Reply #223 on: November 29, 2019, 06:46:18 PM »
6.32: Boyz II Teenz

Sunday, Week 34

Mocha: I'm happy that everyone's having so much fun in Sulani. *rolls eyes
Did they forget that I've aged up to a senior kitizen?
Will this be the end of yours truly?
We need to visit the vet clinic asap!

C'mon, Kengo! Hurry and buy me an Age-Down Treat!

Kengo waves the treat, manipulating me into standing like a dancing bear.
Whatever. I've got my svelte, sexy back.  (The other cats don't know to act.)

At Pupperstone Park, Kahlua makes her last two good friends.
Three of her last four good friends are foodies like her. Snap!
What? Just cuz I'm a cat, you think I can't snap my fingers? *flicks tail with sass

Kahlua's on a rampage this week to complete all her requirements, I guess.
At the Oasis Springs Dust Bowl, Devin decides to play with emotion instead of bowl.
Bowling's not really my thing, either, so I sing along with Devin.

Despite its Teen Neighborhood trait, this bowling alley attracts no teenagers.
(Do we need to visit earlier in the afternoon?)
Using the club recruitment trick, Keanu finds and invites over his only prospect.

Houda Ghomari could use a makeover but her traits are not bad Geek and Art Lover.
Add her to the club, Keanu! She's a little scary looking but "Change Sim" is our friend!

Kahlua's sister Chai is such a horrible bowler. 
Look at that trio of bowlers over there in the matching shirts.
I'm sure they're stifling their laughter at us!

We've relocated to the Shrieking Llama Bar for an Incognito Party!
That's Keanu the Bear with Houda the Hot Dog.
I bet you guessed that yourself!

Since this venue has no kitchen, we didn't expect our party to earn a gold medal.
Everyone has a blast and the party still counts toward Kahlua's requirements.

Honestly, it's all running together now.
All I remember is that this is a House Party.

It's Wednesday morning.
Kahlua and Kengo continue to farm satisfaction points.
The twins are running out of things to do.

Both Keanu and Devin befriend me today.
You know they're done with their skills when they have time for me. Hmmmph!
Devin requests a song and I'm more than happy to oblige him.
Do re mi…my sim has fleas!

Kahlua's collection requires a lot of satisfaction points.
That's one reason why we experimented with pre-skilling Kengo so extensively.

However, we're not going all out to pre-skill Houda.
Of course, maxing Logic and Painting would do her no harm in later life.

Speaking of satisfaction, Devin has already donated two potions of youth.
Kahlua decides that she should be the one to buy the last two potions of youth.
She uses them to prepare two more servings of Ambrosia!
Her color is purple, so she creates a lavender room to display her completed collection.

We'd wanted the 10th community lot to be the twin's teen birthday party venue.
But Kahlua's Grandma Beatrix and Uncle Tomas passed away earlier this week.
She decides to invite her Grandpa Camilio out to Shimuzu for a family dinner.

Who me? I stay home, of course. Ain't nothing for me there at Shimuzu!

Here's a shot of Keanu and Devin, looking fiiiiiiine in their formal wear.

On Thursday evening, Watcher helps Keanu give Houda a makeover in the closet.
Great job, Watcher! Now Houda matches our living room!
If Keanu decides on Houda as his spouse, that girl's gonna need a Change Sim session.

On Friday morning, Keanu and Houda become BFFs.
Keanu's so thrilled, his eyes roll back in his head.

Dude, never let her know that you're so into her!

That same evening, Kahlua hosts a birthday party for the twins at Club Calico.
It starts around 10 pm and the birthday cakes come out after midnight.
Keanu and Devin blow out their candles and leap into teendom.

The teens are a fascinating blend of their parents' features.
They both share Kengo's brow, nose, and jawline.
Through Kahlua, they've inherited Rafael's mouth and Seiji's cleft  chin.
However, Keanu has his mother's large eyes, while Devin's eyes take after his father's.

Saturday night is Singles Night, so Kahlua throws her last party at Narwhal Arms.
No new singles but many of the same family ghosts with their slimy ectoplasm.

Kengo and Devin complain bitterly that the dance party is lame.
Not naming names, but a couple of sims seem to be enjoying themselves…

Sunday, Week 35

Keanu's looking good on the treadmill.
That blonde sim in the red-and-black shirt is the gym trainer.

Keanu's first day of high school ends badly.
We're gonna keep that Angry whim to kick a trashcan!

Devin generously buys Keanu a moodlet solver. All better now?

On Tuesday, while the boys are at school, I visit Windenburg with Kahlua and Kengo.
Kahlua's Grandma Beatrix and Uncle Tomas passed away about 10 days ago.
But her Grandpa Camilio is still alive and well. He's not even a Bodybuilder.

And he's not at all pleased about being left behind by his beloved Beatrix.

Mocha: What's with that outfit?
Keanu: I'm done with the Retail career, so I joined the Lifeguards tonight.

Mocha: Well, just make sure you get everything done in time yo.
Only about 10 more days to go, then you and I are outta here!
Keanu: Can't wait!

Kahlua's move-out requirements: 10/10
✔️ 1. Unique career: Food Critic 10 (Curator of the Finest Flavors)
✔️ 2. Unique skill: Baking 10/10
✔️ 3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
✔️ 5. 10/10 good friends (2/2 non-human)     
✔️ 6. 10/10 odd jobs
✔️ 7. 10/10 parties
✔️ 8. 10/10 emotional whims         
✔️ 9. 10/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
✔️10. 10/10-item collection: Ambrosia
Watcher's Remarks
*Fun decay: The latest patch supposedly fixed the accelerated decay of toddlers' needs.
  Great. Now all of my sims are constantly low on fun.

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 6.33: Nighty Night, Newcrest! (7 Dec update)
« Reply #224 on: December 07, 2019, 02:45:30 AM »
6.33: Nighty-Night, Newcrest

Wednesday, Week 35

Keanu: As you can see from our calendar, I have 10 more days here.
Devin and I become young adults on Saturday after next.

I'm showing you our Thursday schedule (in the left box) since I don't work Wednesdays.

The morning begins with Mocha getting sick again.
He's been requiring medical treatment every week lately.

Will my household need to learn the Vet skill, too?
Could we just give him a wellness treat whenever he gets stick?

Thursday, I suffer a mood swing which makes me wish sims would stop looking at me.
And just hours before my first day of work, too.

Dad saves the day by buying me a moodlet solver.
Thanks, Dad. I'm a lifeguard, but you're the lifesaver!
Mocha: *groans

On Friday, our parents go on home dates while we're at school.
Mom earns enough satisfaction to buy the Fertile trait.
Dad not only completes Soulmates but also maxes Charisma.

My parents are constantly farming satisfaction.
No wonder Mocha gets sick every week!
I'm just glad my future collection won't require potions of youth!

I wish Mom would stop answering the phone when my school calls.
Every time she speaks to the school, one of my character values falls out of range!
And I hate setting the table!

Today, I leave home a Wave Watcher but return a Prolific Whistler.
Time to quit this job. It's Ladies Night!

Mocha: Keanu's getting busier as his move-out day approaches.
Please allow me to summarize the travesty that has been Ladies Night.

Sand Bar: 2 senior ladies, 1 adult bartender lady, 1 adult tragic clown lady
Rattlesnake Juice Bar: 1 adult DJ lady, 1 adult bartender lady
Pan Europa: same adult DJ lady, 1 adult lady, the usual family ghosts

Saturday's Spring Fest and our household finally completes a collection!
Kahlua, Kengo, and Devin gladly complete their Curator aspiration.

It makes no difference to Keanu.
His aspiration's switched to Master Vampire so he won't earn any more satisfaction.

Sunday, Week 36

I'd like to share what our home looks like on the inside.
Upstairs, there's the master bedroom and the nursery, both with ensuites.
Besides a room where clubmates can rest, there's a balcony garden.

Downstairs, there's an inspired studio and focus room for skilling.
When Keanu leaves, the twins' room and upstairs nursery will be switched.
Next to the kitchen, there are two counter seats plus a dining area that seats eight.

The great room is where the household usually chills.

Kahlua's fathers Rafael and Seiji, her grandpa Camilio, and Houda visit a lot.
Nobody knows why Camilio's lived so long.
He's always talking about reuniting with his wife Beatrix.
Perhaps we should stop inviting him over to see what happens.

Only five more days until Friday night, when Keanu and Devin's birthday party starts!
Should we be concerned that Houda is still a teenager?

We met her at Oasis Springs Dust Bowl exactly two weeks ago today.
So, her YA birthday should be, at the very latest, on Tuesday.
The twins' teen phase lasts 14 days, but hers might last 15.

Keanu's not feeling that fateful attraction that Kengo felt for Kahlua.
Sadly for Keanu, there doesn't seem to be a better option.

So the family's been helping Houda learn skills.
And Keanu does what he can to keep their relationship going. It's tragic, really.

It's Monday and the twins leave for school at 8 am as usual.
An hour later, Kahlua gets a phone call from Houda, asking her out to lunch.
On a hunch, Kahlua checks her relationship panel. Houda's aged up!

Kahlau invites her over immediately to find out her third trait. Ugh.

Keanu: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I just got back from school. Why is she yelling at me?
Kahlua: Sorry, Keanu, but she aged up with the Evil trait.

Keanu: Oh. I guess it could be worse. She might hate children or be jealous, right?

Mocha: Early Tuesday, we visit Rafael's home in Brindleton Bay.
Kahlua hasn't seen her brothers since the twins were working on Social Butterfly.

Cristopher's unflirty and lazy, Leon's an erratic snob, and Russell's an art-loving geek.
Keanu's has one vacancy in his club now, so he invites Russell.

From Brindleton Bay, we travel straight to Selvadorada.
With more free time lately, both Kahlua and Kengo show me lots of affection.
But I'll miss Kengo the most. As a cat lover, he loves me autonomously!

Meanwhile, Keanu struggles with the recent turn of events.

We're gonna hang out here until late Thursday, I guess.
You know, just killing time until the boys' birthday party.

Oh, look at that pretty lady giving me the eye!
Go and talk to her, Keanu! Do it right now!

Mocha: Can I just go on record here to say Carmen is a sim after my own heart?
I mean, she is not only a gorgeous redhead but she's also a Cat Lover!
This has to be fate, Keanu. Right?  Right!?

Seems our boy is even more smitten than I am!
Destiny works in mysterious ways…

It's an insane coincidence of spouse traits, seriously.
I first moved in with Rafael and Seiji whose traits are Insider, Cat Lover, and Vegetarian.
Next, Kahlua's spouse Kengo has the Insider, Cat Lover and Neat traits.
And now Carmen's also an Insider and Cat Lover.

For an affectionate cat like me, three cat lovers in a row would be incredibly lucky!
Um, Keanu will choose Carmen over Houda, won't he? *feels anxious

Back home on Thursday, the family starts clearing out personal and family inventories.
Keanu invites Carmen over and gives her a make-over. Hubba hubba!

I'd thought I might have to lobby for the cat-lover spouse.
But girlfriend doesn't even need a Change Sim session.
And look at Keanu, all eager to get help with his homework. Slamdunk yo!

Saturday, Week 36

Light up the birthday cakes!
When Keanu  blows out his candles, I'm the only one singing the birthday song!

It's tempting to add Loves the Outdoors as his third skill, but let's shake it up.
We choose a trait to match his future unique skill: Dance Machine!

A few hours later...
Keanu: I could barely tear myself away from you, but I've arrived at my new place.
Carmen, would you please hurry over, like, now?
Yeah, of course, Mocha's here, too!

Keanu's move-out requirements: 10/10
   1. Career: tbd
   2. Unique skill: Surprise!
   3. Earned 10,000 satisfaction points:  7,480 sp
   4. Earned $10,000: $7,474
   5. 3/10 good friends (including 1/2 non-human)
   6. 0/10 odd jobs
   7. 0/10 parties
   8. 3/10 emotional whims: Angry, Embarrassed, Sad. (Lucky Keanu!)
   9. 0/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
   10. 0/10-item collection: tbd
Watcher's Remarks
*For several hours leading up to birthday time, Devin kept asking his parents for advice.
  So, instead of throwing a birthday party, we helped Devin regain his character values.
  No idea why he was being such a pain. Finally made him take a nap. Sheesh.
*Houda had maxed at least three skills as a teen. At some point, she could no longer be mentored in Logic, Painting, and Violin.
  But Carmen brings her Cat Lover trait and better genes. Plus, she's not evil.
*Houda or Carmen, which one would you have chosen?

