Author Topic: Power of 10 - What Pries Glory? [Completed 16 Feb 2020]  (Read 138878 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10/5.26: Purrlock Holmes (10 Nov update)
« Reply #195 on: November 11, 2019, 04:15:11 PM »
Purrlock thanks you for your support. He's such an odd-looking cat with his lazy right eye (it drifts outward) and his low-hanging ears.
If pets were controllable, I'd make Mocha a dynasty founder in a second!
This dynasty challenge has taught me two new ways to teach skills to non-household sims! I use them them future spouses.
If they're a teen, my heir/spouse can use Parenting to "influence to build skill" then mentor them.
Once the teen is a young adult, they can't be influenced (that's how I realized that Seiji had had his YA birthday back in Windenburg).
But we can continue to have a child/teen start a school project, ask for an assist, then let the non-household sim finish the project on their own.
So, yes, Seiji was my guinea pig for non-household skilling with school projects.

Mocha thanks you. I need a gameplay mode where Mocha is controllable and the sims are his pets. :D

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Power of 10/5.26: Purrlock Holmes (10 Nov update)
« Reply #196 on: November 11, 2019, 04:44:25 PM »
where is Purrlock's Dogter Watson?

In any case, I love this :)

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Re: Power of 10/5.26: Purrlock Holmes (10 Nov update)
« Reply #197 on: November 11, 2019, 05:20:01 PM »
where is Purrlock's Dogter Watson?

In any case, I love this :)

Oooooh, Dogter Watson! Too funny, Deklitch!  That would be a hilarious idea for your next Sims dynasty! :)

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Re: Power of 10/5.26: Purrlock Holmes (10 Nov update)
« Reply #198 on: November 11, 2019, 07:42:29 PM »
Please, Oshizu, I don't need any more sims dynasties at the moment. :P

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10/5.27: Halfway There! (12 Nov update)
« Reply #199 on: November 12, 2019, 11:00:02 AM »
5.26: Half-Way There!

Tuesday, Week 29

Hi, it's me, the Gen6 heir, Kahlua!
I'll still be living here for the next two weeks or so.
But Papa says I might as well take over from Mocha as the narrator.

To refresh your memory, Kengo became my boyfriend during my birthday party in Sulani.

Don't let him tell you that I twisted his arm, either.
Look at his goofy smile! He was loving it!

Back home in Brindleton Bay, it's a glorious summer morning.
There's an aerial banner flying over the water.
What's it say next to that pic of a brontasaurus. Rock n' Rawr!?

Sister Chai gets started right away on her homework.
Since we don't have school today, Kengo and I freshen up a little instead.
Don't tell my parents but we're the first ones in the hot tub!
Yes, we're soulmates! Now we can go do our homework!

I wish Kengo had thought to put on a shirt before coming indoors.
Papa is looking at him a tad suspiciously…

Papa says every generation's teens do basically the same things their first week.
So, Chai and I listen to and follow his advice.
We max two part-time jobs, one after another while attending school.

Mocha worries that Kengo could be dropped for a more desirable spouse option.
He frequently checks on Kengo to make sure he's doing his best.
Sure, Kengo could use a tan but what's the worst third trait he could gain?
Hates Children, Mean, or Slob? What would I consider a deal-breaker?

I've decided that I prefer wearing my hair down.
I love that updo and I can totally pull it off.
But it makes me taller than everyone else. I prefer not to tower over Kengo, you know?
Also this hairstyle is a softer look. Mocha agrees.

Besides school and work, we're also learning different skills.
That is, I'm learning skills while Chai also works on aspirations.
She does all the quicker ones first: Nerd Brain, Freelance Botanist…

Chai finishes up Nerd Brain with five repairs.
Papa's been saving those broken stereo speakers just for Chai!

Papa only needs to host one more party so he has loads of free time.
I'm grateful that he spends so much of that time with Kengo.
While Kengo's a teen, Papa's been influencing him to play chess then mentors him.

Ditto for painting and woodworking.

My plan is to become a Food Critic, so good writing is essential.
Naturally, I'm also starting to learn all the basic skills for raising a family.
Except Parenting.
I really wish I could learn that before I have children of my own.

As for darling Mocha, he's been in a catnip-induced stupor ever since my birthday.
After the party, we took him to the vet because he'd gotten a squirrel bite in Sulani.
The vet explained that Mocha is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is it, Mocha? Did my becoming a teen traumatize you so much?

Mocha: No, it was the sight of your granny Beatrix dancing the rumbasim at the Sand Bar
What can I do to unsee that!? *shudders
I need more catnip! Mooooaaarrr!!!

Kahlua: I agree that was a startling sight. I just pretended that I didn't know Grandma.

Friday night, Chai and I max our Fast Food jobs, so we quit them right away.
To celebrate, Papa throws his 10th and last party at Pan Europa Discotheque.

We mostly stay in our club hangout downstairs.
It has a dance floor plus a room with a bar where Watcher added a banquet table.

Getting down with my baby boy.

The downstairs area also includes a public restroom and closets.

Could you excuse us for a moment?
Kengo feels the need for a change of outfit coming on.

Meanwhile, all the Pries ghosts are dancing upstairs.
And it's not even Ghosts Night! Do you think this is a good thing or not?
Will our many family ghosts reduce the number of new townies spawning?

By the way, Papa Rafael's now done with all his requirements. Yay!

My parents tell me they enjoyed only one romantic day together as teens.
So when I get the Romance Festival notice on Saturday, I invite Kengo.
Our very first date!

When I ask the Romance Guru about my "current relationship," she replies:
They will brighten your darkness and lighten your load like a burning donkey.

Kengo doesn't much appreciate being compared to a jackass on fire.

Sunday, Week 30

We've been here in Granite Falls since Saturday night.
It's much colder here, but Kengo and I look cute in our cold-weather outfits.

My primary reason for visiting Granite Falls is to learn the woodworking schematic.
Why bother with the Artifacts Association if I can make camping mascots?
And, yes, I'm already thinking about how to earn my first $10k after moving out.

Tuesday morning! Chai and I are off to school.
Can you believe I'll be moving out next week?
Oh, Kengo's birthday should come along very soon as well!
Cross your fingers he gets a good third trait! Or, at least, not a bad one.

No doubt the old fogies are sitting around at home, discussing weighty matters.
Like the fate of our Pries Dynasty and how to best help me after I move out.
They are so serious and old-fashioned like that!

Coming next: Kengo's third trait, preparing to move, YA birthdays

Rafael's move-out requirements:  10/10
   1. Career: Botanist 10  (Ph.D. of Pollen)
   2. Unique skill: Herbalism 10/10
   3. Earned 10,000 satisfaction points: Yes
   4. Earned $10,000: Yes
   5. 10/10 good friends (including 2/2 non-human)
   6. 10/10 odd jobs
   7. 10/10 parties
   8. 10/10 emotional whims
   9. 10/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
   10. 10/10-item collection:

Watcher's Remarks
*Ghosts: So many ghosts wherever we go these days.
  Perhaps we should keep only gravestones of the founder, heirs, and their spouses.
  Then, we would release the spares' spirits to the Netherworld.

*Besides Alex Moyer from the tutorial and teen Toni Williamson, three other non-vampire sims aren't ageing.
  I think one of them is the San Myshuno landlord. Is this a common glitch?

*I just want to note that this game hasn't suffered my usual "cat stuck on the kitchen counters" bug. Yay!
  That must be because I'm playing this challenge without any cc.

*This chapter is named "Halfway There!" because the Power of Ten Dynasty ends when the Gen10 heir completes their requirements.
  In this chapter, the Gen5 heir Rafael threw his last party and finished his requirements, so I consider my P10 challenge halfway done.

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Re: Power of 10/5.27: Halfway There! (12 Nov update)
« Reply #200 on: November 12, 2019, 11:21:03 AM »
Yeah, all that old fogie stuff. LOL

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10/5.27: Halfway There! (12 Nov update)
« Reply #201 on: November 16, 2019, 06:11:14 AM »
That was the teenage Kahlua imagining how outdated her parents are.
Her parents no doubt think Kahlua and Chai have terrible taste in music. :D

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Power of 10/5.28: Bye, Bye, Brindleton Bay! (16 Nov update)
« Reply #202 on: November 16, 2019, 06:37:33 AM »
5.27: Bye Bye, Brindleton Bay!

Mocha, frolicking in Granite Falls during our recent trip.

Tuesday, Week 30

Mocha: Why are you home from school today? Aren't you a teen anymore?
Kengo: I'm still a teen, so I'm not sure why I didn't head for school.
When it was time for school, Kahlua and Chai left but I turned around and came back inside the house.

Mocha: Well, then, how are things with the family. Everything cool?

Kengo: I think so. This morning before school, Kahlua and I took a yoga class.
She's already Leve 5 Wellness but I don't know what level I am. Still, I didn't fall over once!
Mocha: Good job!  What else?

Kengo: After Kahlua and Chai left for school, Rafael tried to mentor me in Logic, Handiness, and Painting.
Mocha: And…?

Kengo: He couldn't mentor me in those three skills. Does that mean I've maxed them?
Mocha: Not sure. But if so, excellent! So now you can just hang out here and relax, right?

Kengo: Erm, not exactly…I'm still "under the influence," so to speak.

Kahlua: After school, we get a notice that Mocha's an elder now.
So I run over and give him one of my two Age-Down Treats right away.
There, Mocha! You're an adult cat again!

Learning that our founder's spirit is fading, Grandma Bea convenes a Meeting of the Heirs.
Grandma, Papa Rafael, and I discuss what to do about all the family ghosts.
We reach a decision: Keep only the graves of the founder, the heirs, and their spouses.

At the graveyard, Papa and I strengthen the connections of the founder Erwin and his wife Mia.

Uncle Tomas and sister Chai are shocked by what happens to the ancestral spares.
We release their spirits to the Netherworld then destroy their graves.
It can't be helped! You know what happened at Pan Europa last week!
We saw more family ghosts there than townies!

Early Wednesday morning, I realize Chai and I have only four more days of high school.
I ask Papa to write me an excuse note for today, while I write one for Chai.
Do you think I resemble him?

Soon after, Kengo ages up to a young adult.
His third trait is Insider, which is fine. Not desirable, but not undesirable, either.

I'm afraid he might feel sad because we couldn't celebrate his birthday with a cake.
But he seems to be feeling happy, as usual.

Thursday morning, we all get dressed up and go out to Shimuzu for brunch.
I'd heard Newcrest suffers from constant thunderstorms.
What a delight to visit in the afternoon and enjoy such pleasant summer weather.

Kahlua: Kengo, what do you think of this neighborhood? I'm thinking I'd like to move here.
My entire family loves you, you know. And so do I, of course.
Do you think you'd want to live here in Newcrest with me someday?

Kengo: My beloved underage girlfriend, I've been ready since the day I crashed your toddler play date!

We spend from morning till night at Pupperstone Park, working on Project Mocha.
First, we double-dose Mocha and a female feline named Chloe with Nuzzlenip to get them flirty.
Then, we encourage Mocha to mate with Chloa.
Mocha must have approached Chloe 6-7 times, but she just isn't interested.

Chloe: Excuse me? Nuzzlenip makes me feel flirty, not desperate!

Saturday is Summer Solstice, so we party down at Ohan'ali Beach.
My parents and Chai all enjoy a successful holiday, but me?
Papa Rafael ends the holiday before I'm even done celebrating it.

Apparently, I'm not supposed to be earning any more satisfaction points. Hmmph!

I love Sulani! Why don't I get to move to Sulani?
As the future heir, I've done everything right.
And look how hard I've worked to groom Kengo into the perfect spouse!

Watcher says she needs me elsewhere to fill a most important dynasty role.
What could that be?

Rafael: This is so relaxing! I wish I could have built a pool at home instead of that hot tub.
According to Watcher, Fitness might become a unique skill.

C'mon! Fitness really needs to be a shared dynasty skill.
How can anyone, even a tourist, truly enjoy Sulani without being able to swim?

Kahlua: Near where I dock the outrigger, I find an "ordinary" conch shell.
Thinking I might find me some merpeeps, I take it to the Sand Bar and blow it.

So many sims show up!  Then I realize it's Singles Night.  D'oh.
No merpeep-esque reaction from any of the young adults who crowd the Sand Bar, though.

Papa Rafael introduces me to a fella with the most perfect traits.
Hawea Faamoana is a creative, family-oriented foodie.
Meanwhile, if you recall, I am a creative foodie.

Sunday, Week 31

We go back to Sulani the next day, so I can get to know Hawea better.
Not only does Hawea share my dark skin, but we also share so many interests.
Imagine when I'm visiting restaurants as a critic--Hawea would make the perfect companion!

Before I know it, I've asked him to be my best friend! But what do I do about Kengo?

When we all return home, my parents remember why they wanted that hot tub in the first place.
They're hoping for twin boys this time.
I'm crossing my fingers for a younger brother or two as well.

Kengo: What am I gonna do? Kahlua and I aren't even best friends anymore!
Mocha: That Hawea is just an unemployed bar regular. Let me have a chat with her.

Kengo: Please help. Tell her that I've always…
Mocha: I know, I know. You first met her when you were six years old.
Dude, you need to talk to her. Make sure she knows how much you care!

Kahlua (to herself): Mocha's right. I couldn't ask for a better husband than Kengo.
Plus Kengo says I can even change the color of his skin and hair, if I want.

Kengo (to Mocha via telepathy): Phew, that was a close call!
Mocha (to Kengo via telepathy): You're telling me! Sheesh!

Kahlua: Papa Rafael's looking positively pudgy these days.
I encourage him to have some Taste of Diet ice cream.
Look at my hunky father after two bowls of Taste of Diet!
It's easy to take for granted just how attractive my parents are!

Kahlua: Seriously, Mocha?
You wait until the morning of the night I'm moving out to get sick?
Mocha: Uh, "someone" nearly decided to run off with a fly-by-night bar regular. I got stressed out, okay?
Kengo's trying so hard to be what your family wants him to be. How can you not see that? Bah!

It's my birthday!
As of today, I am a creative, foodie snob.  Perfect traits for a food critic, don't you think?

Welp, it's time to say bye bye to Brindleton Bay. See you next time at my new home.
Let's go, Mocha! What are you waiting for?

Kahlua's move-out requirements: 0/10
   1. Career: Food Critic 0
   2. Unique skill: none yet
   3. Earned 10,000 satisfaction points:  7,475/10,000
   4. Earned $10,000: $6,160/$10,000
   5. 4/10 good friends (including 2/2 non-human)
   6. 0/10 odd jobs
   7. 0/10 parties
   8. 2/10 emotional whims
   9. 0/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
   10. 0/10-item collection:

Watcher's Remarks
*"Ordinary" conch shell: Blowing it attracts merfolk and, when you blow it nearby, elicits a physical reaction unique to merfolk.
  Took forever to find one but then we didn't discover any merfolk. Do they respawn as often as vampires do?

*Themed nights: During spouse hunts, I need to remember to take my sims to bars/clubs on Friday (Ladies Night), Saturday (Singles Night), and Sunday (Guys Night).
  My sims met so many new YA sims at the Sand Bar on Singles Night! Haha, I'd completely forgotten how helpful they are for spawning new sims.

*Hawea Faamoana: He is so cute and his traits are a perfect match for Kahlua.
  Except Family-Oriented, which is a great trait for a stay-at-home dad.
  Hawea is hands-down the best-looking Polynesian sim we've met so far. I wavered…

*Mocha's mating: Grrrr, all the fails are so frustrating. It's unfair that a cat or dog can run away and return home pregnant,
  but we can't get our pet to mate with a pet from another household because their friendship isn't high enough.
  I'd like to see Mocha's kittens, but not enough to adopt another cat and deal with a brood. *sighs

*Mocha's the first cat my sims have owned that hasn't frequently run away.
  I don't know if Mocha's a wonderful cat or if pets running away has been tweaked.   Anyway, I'm grateful, Mocha.

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Re: Power of 10/5.28: Bye, Bye, Brindleton Bay! (16 Nov update)
« Reply #203 on: November 16, 2019, 07:27:56 PM »
Oooh, spouse-drama right at the end.  You made the right choice, Kahlua.  Kengo will be a great spouse.

I'm going to miss Seiji and Rafael, though.  At least Mocha gets to come along to the next town.   :)

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Re: Power of 10/5.28: Bye, Bye, Brindleton Bay! (16 Nov update)
« Reply #204 on: November 21, 2019, 02:23:46 AM »
Oooh, spouse-drama right at the end.  You made the right choice, Kahlua.  Kengo will be a great spouse.

I'm going to miss Seiji and Rafael, though.  At least Mocha gets to come along to the next town.   :)
Once Kahlua's kids are toddlers, her parents and grandparents are usually visiting to help with mentoring. :D
Not all the time, but quite often.

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Power of 10/6.29: How You Like Me Now?! (21 Nov update)
« Reply #205 on: November 21, 2019, 02:42:48 AM »
6.29: How You Like Me Now?

Tuesday, Week 31

It's me, Kengo! After almost getting dumped, I'm back in the game!
And I've decided to do the narrating this time, so you can hear my side of the story.

Anyway, after Kahlua and Mocha move out, I wait for her phone call..
It doesn't take her long to ask me over to her new place at Rippling Flat, Newcrest.
She invites me to move in with her soon after I arrive.

For some reason, I've always lived alone, even as a primary-school student.
On moving in, I add a little over $49k to Kahlusa's household funds.
And all those school projects and the mentoring did not go to waste.

Here are my skill levels when I move in. I'm gonna be helpful as heck!
Level 10: Logic, Painting, and Violin.
Level 9: Fishing and Handiness.
Level 6 Gardening.
Level 4: Parenting and Rocket Science.
Level 3: Cooking and Wellness.

Kahlua and I agree that we like the interior layout of her parent's Cape Cod home.
But we want the exterior to  look like a Queen Anne. So that's the plan!

Watcher immediately begins building  until we're suddenly dangerously low on funds.
Kahlua reassures me that we'll have more cash coming in real soon. What a relief!

After Kahlua became BFFs with the Polynesian bar fly, I made her a promise.
If she came back to me, I'd let her recolor my skin and hair, if she'd like.

Well, I've since renegotiated that promise. She won't be giving me the makeover.
I'll be giving myself the makeover. Spare a brother a little dignity, please!

Choosing darker skin changes my look so much!
Next, I switch my hairstyle to a fade and make a few wardrobe changes.
Now, I don't even need to change my hair color.

How you like me now?

Watcher spent so much money on our house that we can't afford a nice bed.
The thought of a public sauna or her parents' bed doesn't really appeal to us.
But Kahlua and I both have fond memories of that hot tub in Brindleton Bay!

It's a little awkward kneeling on the slippery tile to propose.
If we go outside the hot tub, though, I'm afraid her family will come to chat.
Kahlua says yes and we're officially engaged!

There's no better place to have a wedding and reception than San Myshuno's Central Park.
Why buy all the stuff to host a wedding party at home, when Central Park's fully equipped?
Um, yes, where were we? Through sickness and through health…

It's a small wedding. The guests are almost entirely her relatives.
She also invites the bar fly and Pan Europa's DJ.
Considering Kahlua's a watched sim, she doesn't know many people.
Still, it must be great to grow up surrounded by family.

You wouldn't believe how relieved I feel after the wedding ceremony!
Kahlua and I are married!
That day when she considered leaving me for the Hawaiian guy seems like just a bad dream.

As soon as Kahlua figures we'll be earning a gold medal soon, she takes a pregnancy test.
She's eating for two, just as we'd hoped!
Time to end this party and go home.

From our great room, we can see the river flowing south of our lot.
The two of us discuss our plans for the rest of the week.
Kahlua joins the Critic career.
I'll be staying home to take care of just about everything else.

We want to visit San Myshuno's Art Quarter to buy carrots for Kahlua.
On the way, we visit Spice Market for Kahlua's first daily task.
Doing her daily task and negotiating a bonus give her a huge performance boost.
If she didn't have Friday off, she wouldn't even need to work on Thursday!

Look! There's that immortal San Myshuno landlord again, stuffing his face!

On Wednesday, we go on dates to Desert Bloom and Magnolia Blossom Parks.
By now, Kahlua's earned enough satisfaction to buy our first money tree.
Let's go home to plant that!

We spend the rest of the day fishing at Magnolia Promenade.
I'm clearly the winner of our fishing expedition today.
Kahlua catches 4 dragon fruit and 2 cowplant berries.
Meanwhile, I catch a whopping 8 dragon fruit plus 5 cowplant berries.
Who's your daddy?

Do you remember the open ceiling of the Brindleton Bay house's great room?
We've opted instead to turn that second-floor space into a patio garden.
That's where we'll grow dragon fruit and other rare flowers..

On Friday, I spend $24,000 on rare seed packets until I get all we need:
Death flowers, growfruit, orchids, and birds of paradise.

That night, Kahlua gives birth to twin boyss at home.
She's holding our firstborn, who we've named Keanu.
I'm cuddling our second-born son. His name's Devin.

Sunday, Week 32

Where does the time go?
Tonight, Kahlua gets home from an odd job just in time for the boys' birthday.
She ages up Keanu first.
Looks like the seventh-generation Pries heir is another redhead! 

And look! Devin has the same color hair as me!

Our two beautiful sons.  They're both charmers!
At this point, they look more like my father-in-law Rafael.
I can't wait to introduce them to our world!

The Gen6 Household
Gen6 heir: Kahlua Pries (Creative, Foodie, Snob; Essence of Flavor)
Spouse: Kengo Ishikawa (Neat, Cat Lover, Insider; Domestic)
Cat: Mocha (Affectionate, Friendly, Talkative)
Lot: Rippling Flat (South Newcrest)
Children: Keanu and Devin (twin sons, both Charmers)

Kahlua's move-out requirements: 2/10
     1. Career: Food Critic 6 (Restaurant Rater)
     2. Unique skill: Baking 4/10
✔️ 3. Earned 10,000 satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
     5. 5/10 good friends (including 2/2 non-human)
     6. 4/10 odd jobs
     7. 1/10 parties
     8. 8/10 emotional whims
     9. 3/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
   10. 0/10-item collection:

Watcher's remarks
*Fabulously Wealthy: The latest patch has changed what this aspiration counts as "earned income."
  When Kengo moved in, Fabulously Wealthy increased Kahlua's earned income by the amount of Kengo's contribution to her household funds.
  She had a little over $6k earned when she moved out; I had to manually track the extra $4,000 she needed to earn for $10k.
*Kengo: I love his new look! With his makeover, he might be the cutest dynasty spouse so far!
*I'm hoping that Kahlua's "Michael Douglas chin" won't be passed on to her sons.
*Kahlua started at Level 3 Food Critic and earned a promotion every day for 3 days.
  I'm not sure going to university is that advantageous at all.

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Re: Power of 10/5.6.29: How You Like Me Now? (21 Nov update)
« Reply #206 on: November 21, 2019, 04:09:16 AM »
I do remember that double volume space. That was kind of you to ask! And that was a nice house in Brindleton Bay, but this is an Refinement.

Good to know about FabWealth. I'm sure it was a teeny bit easier or different for my Danica to complete. Usually it's two days picking perfect money trees. We have 8 trees, and 8 x 22500 is 180,000, so it requires one more tree the next day. But Danica completed it in one go. Somehow she had about 20k more earnings than can be reasonably expected from a child. I don't know if it was selling inventory items from a deceased sim? Something had changed.

I agree on uni not being an advantage. Taking 4 classes each time, it's still 3 sim weeks. Compare that to the length of highschool, for example. Uni did not take 20 years to complete. It's okay with aging off, but with aging on... I don't need it for the money or the career boost. Consider how much earlier the non-uni sim will hit level 10 of a career. If that sim stays in the career at that level... who will have actually earned more at the end of YA? or A? My bet is the non-uni sim.

And the chin. Not that I had noticed, but yes.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10/6.29: How You Like Me Now? (21 Nov update)
« Reply #207 on: November 21, 2019, 12:27:02 PM »
Thank your remembering the double-volume space! Not everyone shows the same attention to detail when it comes to building and to builds. :D
I'd hoped to have a different house exterior for each new town, but have since realized that I prefer some exterior styles more than others...
So looking forward to how you build for this challenge!

What I meant to say about FabWealthy is that it used to be a reliable way to track the heir's earned income from selling stuff from personal inventory, publishing royalties, job income, and money fruit.
Since the last patch, FabWealthy also includes "funds contributed to household funds by a moved-in sim," which will auto-complete the Power of 10's "Earn $10k" requirement, making it too easy. (I need to post that in the P10 challenge thread.)
But yes, starting each generation without any cash crops is definitely fun and challenging!
It's always such a thrill when the cash starts flowing in and we can replace all the cheap furnishings and build mode objects with the "good stuff."

Kahlua looks attractive when she's wearing make-up and smiling, but a cleft chin is not a great look for a female sim...
I'll add a close-up of Kahlua in between the toddler spam in the next update.

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #208 on: November 23, 2019, 08:35:18 AM »
6.30: Bring On the Busy

Monday, Week 32

I'm back, again. It's me, Kengo. Watcher's decided it makes sense for me to narrate.
I'm the one who's always around, seeing as I'm a stay-at-home dad.

Our twins look like little thugs, don't they? Allow me to refresh your memory.
The redhead is Keanu, the Gen7 heir. The blonde is his younger brother, Devin.

Today, Kahlua doesn't work until 1 pm but she decides against doing an odd job.
She'll have more than enough time for odd jobs later, but the toddlers need us now.

A series of fires breaks out in front of the fireplace, 4-5 fires one after another.
What does that stupid Fireguard upgrade actually do!?
Kahlua's the only one to benefit from all the panic and chaos.
She pops her ninth emotional whim: Tense/Vent problems to someone.

On Tuesday, I learn the camp mascot schematic without visiting Granite Falls.
We're just too busy this week!

Kahlua's working from home today to throw a toddler play date, but the weather's awful.
I buy and fully upgrade a weather machine so Kahlua can change the weather.

Since the sun's come back out, here's another shot of our house.
We've had time to add a little more landscaping, Not much.
It's a white house with sky blue and dark brown accents.
It's hard to tell colors in Newcrest for some reason. (Why do the shutters look green?)

Anyway….let the toddler play date begin!
Apparently, Keanu's droopy eyebrows trace back to the dynasty founder, Erwin Pries.
Devin's eyebrows aren't drooping here, but I've noticed a droop at other moments.

Ssshhh…don't tell Kahlua but I'm totally hoping that Devin will become a mini-me!

Papa Seiji is the only non-toddler guest.
The others are here because we started a club meeting.
Kahlua's grandparents, Beatrix and Camilio, and her uncle Tomas are adults now.

I'm so jealous that Rafael and Seiji had triplets! 
More droopy eyebrows.
I wonder if Leon and Cristopher will resemble Seiji when they're older?

A convention of the little people, where Devin socializes with his uncles.

The hugz!
Keanu with Cristopher on the left, and Devin with Leon on the right.

The last goal we complete is reading to the toddlers.
Look at them all, sitting there so quiet and serious!

We earn a gold medal without even completing the main goal.
And here's a close-up of Seiji's cleft chin. It looks good on Seiji!

It seems like our twins are always tired!
So when Mocha gets sick, I don't want to spend the time taking him to the vet.

I decide to skill up to Level 3 Veterinarian and try treating Mocha myself.

Luckily for me and Mocha, his ailment won't require surgery.
It seems his case of mild repugnitis can be treated with parasite killer spray.
Let's hope this works!

There you go, Mocha!  Good as new!
Mocha: *no comment

It's so helpful having Kahlua's family around!
Only Kahlua and I bathe and potty train the boys.
But the twins can ask her family to help with practically everything else.

Today's Thursday and I wonder what's happened at work with Kahlua.
She comes home embarrassed, popping her 10th emotional whim.

I quickly provide her with a writing space on the porch, so she won't lose that whim.

It's Thursday and I've spent hours fertilizing the garden.
I don't mind since our cash crops are our main source of income these days.

Honestly, I can't wait until the twins age up to children in three days.
After the Gift of Sulani crew take over fertilizing, I can focus on catching angelfish!

Friday night, Kahlua phones in a dinner party as soon as the twins go to bed.
Of course, they wake up tired and hungry as well as in need of fun and attention.
Watcher says she's never seen toddlers with such constantly low fun and attention needs.

Kahlua works on baking, which is her unique skill, whenever the boys are asleep.
She maxes baking on Saturday night.

After asking me to play, Keanu maxes his remaining skill later that night.
Good thing, dude! Your birthday's tomorrow!

Sunday, Week 33

Kahlua: I don't get it. Why are we in winter now? Our dynasty doesn't do fall and winter!
Kengo: Nah, it's only temporary. Saturday was the last day of Week 32.
So I let the season automatically change to fall, then I advanced it to winter.

Kahlua: Ugh, you mean we're going to have to suffer through winter?
Kengo: Nope. At 6 am or thereabouts, the weather should automatically advance to spring.
(And if it doesn't, I'll just use the weather machine again.)

Blow out your birthday candles, boys!
We couldn't throw a party because Devin was skilling until the last minute.

Keanu: Awww, I wanted hair like Dad's!
Devin: Dad says I get this hair cuz I look like him. Plus Dad and I are both sidekicks to the heir.

Keanu: Did you see that, Devin?  Are you kidding me!
Devin: Way to steal the spotlight from our birthday, Mom!
Keanu: I know, right? I can't believe she used up the last image slot!

Kahlua's move-out requirements: 4/10
📌 1. Unique career: Food Critic 8 (Expert Epicurean)
✔️ 2. Unique skill: Baking 10/10
✔️ 3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
📌 5. 5/10 good friends (2/2 non-human): Brise Pries, Flower Bunny, Beatrix Pries, Arihi Vainu'upo (ghost), Hawea Faamoana, 5 more.       
📌 6. 6/10 odd jobs: Wingman Wanted, TV Hookup Help, In Need of Waxing, Box Packing, Sand Sculpture Judge, Lawn Maintenance,
         4 more.
📌 7. 3/10 parties: Wedding. Toddler play date, Dinner, 7 more.
✔️ 8. 10/10 emotional whims: Sad/Give pep talk in mirror, Inspired/Talk about dreams, Flirty/Practice Pickup Lines, Playful/Send playful text,
         Happy/Send happy text, Confident/Admire self in mirror, Energized/Send energized text, Tense/Vent about problems, Embarrassed/Write in a journal.         
📌 9. 4/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each: Central Park, Desert Bloom Park, Magnolia Blossom Park, Park and Play, 6 more.
📌10. 0/10-item collection
Watcher's Remarks
*During a world-edit after moving Kahlua out of her parent's house, I figured out why my previous toddler play dates all ended with my rushing hysterical hosting parents to the bathroom mirrors.
 The Park and Play lot comes with the Child's Play lot trait which gives a playful boost. Anyone can easily host a gold-medal play date without Child's Play.
*Dr. June's Weather Machine: I can't figure this thing out. For another household, to spring before midnight but it changed to summer at 6 am the next day.
 This time, I let the season switch to fall at midnight, then had a sim advance it to winter before 6 am. At 9 am, the season was still winter, so Kengo advanced it to spring. LOL.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Power of 10 - 6.30: Bring on the Busy (23 Nov update)
« Reply #209 on: November 23, 2019, 10:27:19 AM »
I've had lots more fires too lately. Hey, it adds drama.

Toddler dates look cute. :) I've never once had one. Too house bound. The reading-to-5-toddlers picture is amazing. In that red-head company, blonde Devin does stand out as the interesting one. I've occasionally given my home lot the Child's Play trait for the described skill boost, but the hysteria is something I can also do without. If I knew it improved toddler skilling, I'd take the pain of playful moodlets.

I think the "season has changed" pop-up message is at 6am, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. 6am is when sims might be starting to wake up, and the sun is rising, and is a nice time for the message to pop. The season actually changes at midnight, look for the season icon next to the clock that we can hover over. So if you advanced to fall at 11pm Sat, then at midnight it should go to winter. That said, it makes no difference. You'd use the weather machine twice in both cases.

In the other household, if you went into spring before midnight, then spring was maybe an hour long. And at midnight it changed to summer.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.