Author Topic: Power of 10 - What Pries Glory? [Completed 16 Feb 2020]  (Read 138971 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.45: Micro Managing (27 Jan update)
« Reply #285 on: January 27, 2020, 09:05:38 PM »
I am mega-impressed by your micro-house!
I don't know whether I'm hoping Jethro grows to be less of a trouble maker to make your gameplay easier or to hope that he gets more mischievous to ensure that many more funny moments in updates  :=)
Weird about the stuff disappearing!  Did it ever reappear?
The stuff never reappeared and so my sims had to buy and build a second rocket ship. Losing the potion ingredients hurt more, since the selection randomly varies.
Haha, speaking of trouble-maker, I'm wondering now about keeping a certain female sim as a future spouse for my last heir, Elwyn.
You know who I mean, I'm sure.

That's an amazing micro home. I've studied it closely. The outdoor dining is the way to go. Do you have space for toddler beds? The nursery looks like it's 3x2. I'm realizing I wasted too much kitchen space when I did my micro. Kitchens are the spaces that can really get downsized.

The boys are lovely. :) Jethro seems like he wants to cause trouble. I can't guess at the origin of those names if there is something.

Haha, the nursery was large enough for one toddler bed, but not for two!
Since the household can manage fine without the garden and friendship boosts,he'll be remodeling to a 64-tile Tiny Home. 
We just want the skilling boost for the toddler phase.
In the current house, Averie is worth her weight in gold! As a neat sim, she can mop up messes on "non- tile floors," like  the outdoor patio.

As for the toddlers' names, Elwyn after the founder Erwin.
Jethro was originally named Extra, but I relented and renamed him when he aged up to toddler. *sighs

Offline MarianT

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.45: Micro Managing (27 Jan update)
« Reply #286 on: January 27, 2020, 09:14:14 PM »
Wow, you're getting close to finishing. I agree with you about micro vs. tiny -- you don't really need the gardening and friendship boosts, but skilling for toddlers is a boost. Outdoor everything is the way to go, which is why these would be great for Oasis Springs and Strangerville. Windenburg, not so much. Glad you switched to Jethro for your spare.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.45: Micro Managing (27 Jan update)
« Reply #287 on: January 30, 2020, 11:01:09 PM »
Wow, you're getting close to finishing. I agree with you about micro vs. tiny -- you don't really need the gardening and friendship boosts, but skilling for toddlers is a boost. Outdoor everything is the way to go, which is why these would be great for Oasis Springs and Strangerville. Windenburg, not so much. Glad you switched to Jethro for your spare.

Thanks for your comments, @MarianT
I've tried all three sizes now and love how quickly toddler skilling can be achieved with even a Tiny House!

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #288 on: January 30, 2020, 11:29:51 PM »
9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Tuesday, Week 49

After the twins become toddlers, we enlarge the house.
We simply move the left wall further left and the back wall further back.
Our home's tile count has doubled to 64 tiles. We live in a Tiny House.

The interior layout's changed quite a bit.
Now, the nursery  fits two beds and there's a 2nd bathroom and a studio.

After the boys' next birthday, we may further remodel to a 100-tile Small House.
Maybe move a bedrooms to the basement?

It's great having more indoor space now!
And we've moved all of Mocha's things into the house, too.

I'm off today, so I do a couple of odd jobs.
Almost failed the Last-Minute Beach Party job!

When my Kahlua Pork finishes roasting, Grandma Carmen races to the BBQ pit.
I barely manage to mail the meal off before she grabs a serving! Sheesh!

We host a Toddler Play Date, inviting my two younger sisters.

Jethro examines a vegetable potsticker with a discerning eye.

The twins are learning their toddler skills with amazing speed.

As the play date ends, I run into that lady I'd met before at Sulani's Sand Bar.
She makes the funny squeal and arm-flapping move characteristic of merfolk!

I invite her back to our home and we become good friends.
She doesn't admit she's a mermaid, though, until much later.
Arihi Kawalai'a is my first non-human good friend!

On Thursday, I start a Dinner Party which earns gold just before I leave for work.

Friday morning, the four of us enjoy hunting for eggs.

It sure is a good thing that we brought Mocha's bed inside the house!
What a terrible fate to be left outside to sleep. Right, Mocha?
Mocha: ZZZzzzzzz…

I'm glad my boys have a chance to spend time with their great-grandparents.
Elwyn is constantly seeking out his Great-Gramps Keanu for a chat.

By the time I leave for work on Saturday, I have eight good friends.
My second non-human good friend is Selma Simmons.
As you can see, she's a vampire.

The rest of my new good friends: Carlos, Rohan, Roland, and Dr. Rosalie.

My father drops by Saturday morning, wearing a ridiculous helmet.
Where is everyone getting hold of the bichaels?

What's the point of Virtuouso rank if he's abandoned his broom?
I hear Watcher muttering that she wants to disable travel by bichael.

Mocha: Happy now?

Saturday evening, I earn a promotion to Level 8 Master of the Real.
My promotion bonus includes the Deluxe All-Season Easel.
And that means I'm ready to start my collection of paintings!

The boys' toddler stage lasts eight days total.
Their birthday arrives in four more days, but they maxed their skills yesterday.
So, we no longer need the skilling boost of a Micro or Tiny House.

We add a basement and now live in a 100-tile Small House.
The perks aren't much but it's good practice building small homes, right?

Sunday, Week 50

After work, I invite Cristal Hubbard to the Flea Market to deepen our friendship.
She's a lazy, non-committal insider and a young adult.

After she's my good friend, I give her a Potion of Rejuvenation.
She's not bad as spouse option for Elwyn, if I can remember to keep her in the young adult stage.

My Kava Party at Sand Simoleon Beach is a success!
Thankfully, I'm able to make three kava toasts without a hitch!
Why are toasts sometimes so impossible yet other times so easy?

We throw a birthday party for the boys at Municipal Muses.
They both earn the Top-Notch Toddler trait and Elwyn becomes Erratic.

Elwyn and Jethro aren't identical twins, are they?
I believe Elwyn resembles me, while Jethro resembles Averie.
For now, anyway.

It's a new day!
The boys sign up for scouts then become BFFs.
Enjoy your day off from school, boys!

Claude's requirements: 5/10
📌 1. Unique career: Painter 9
✔️ 2. Unique skill: DJ Mixing 10
✔️ 3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
✔️ 5. 10/10 good friends (2/2 non-human)
📌 6. 7/10 odd jobs
📌 7. 5/10 parties
✔️ 8. 10/10 emotional whims
📌 9. 8/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
📌10. 0/10-item collection:

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #289 on: January 31, 2020, 02:05:18 AM »
‘It sure is a good thing that we brought Mocha's bed inside the house!
What a terrible fate to be left outside to sleep. Right, Mocha?
Mocha: ZZZzzzzzz…‘

Lol! And Mocha was so upset about his things being outside last time! That skill boost sure is powerful, but did you have any problems with the folding bed? I’ve been watching youtubers reviews of the pack and it seems very easy to die.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #290 on: January 31, 2020, 08:00:17 AM »
Mocha is so the real star of the show.  I'm so glad you brought him on board and kept him around  :=)
Elwyn is a handsome little guy.  I'm definitely interested to see how the genetics show up for him in his teen years.
The house is so cool!  Great usage of the space. 
Cristal is a rather lovely option.  Thanks goodness for those potions of rejuvenation!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #291 on: January 31, 2020, 01:21:21 PM »
Both boys Top Notch? Was it hard? ;p Arg, it's such a good boost for toddlers that I miss it when it's not there, but a 64-tile house with kids is tough. I think you've done it right, expanding to tier 3 when they're children. And the double happiness can't be underrated as it keeps sims in a "very" mood so much easier.

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #292 on: January 31, 2020, 05:38:43 PM »
Lol! And Mocha was so upset about his things being outside last time! That skill boost sure is powerful, but did you have any problems with the folding bed? I’ve been watching youtubers reviews of the pack and it seems very easy to die.
He's such a silly creature! When I placed all his "things" against the outside of a side wall, he stood there with the most sour expression on his face!
Also, Mocha seems to prefer sleeping where the action is. I almost never see him sleeping in his bed unless most of the sims are nearby.
How is Kit enjoying his pupper?

Mocha is so the real star of the show.  I'm so glad you brought him on board and kept him around  :=)
Elwyn is a handsome little guy.  I'm definitely interested to see how the genetics show up for him in his teen years.
The house is so cool!  Great usage of the space. 
Cristal is a rather lovely option.  Thanks goodness for those potions of rejuvenation!
If cats could earn fame, Mocha would be a super-ultra-mega-star! LOL!
Two more sim-weeks until Elwyn grows into his "teen face"; I can't wait!
The first floor of the 100-tile Small House is still rather cramped.  I had to lock the doors to the master bedroom downstairs or everyone would all just be sitting on the bed all the time to eat, read, and so forth!
Cristal's traits are just okay, but her default outfit is PERFECT for Elwyn's future lifestyle!

@Heart Foam
Both boys Top Notch? Was it hard? ;p Arg, it's such a good boost for toddlers that I miss it when it's not there, but a 64-tile house with kids is tough. I think you've done it right, expanding to tier 3 when they're children. And the double happiness can't be underrated as it keeps sims in a "very" mood so much easier.
During my Rival Dynasties Challenge, we were earning Top-Notch Toddler in 4 days with lots of "Second Wind" and frantic micro-managing.
Such a breeze with a Micro or Tiny House. I'm completely sold!
By the way, the longer Inspired/Focused/Happy Mood boost is a problem for birthday parties.
With two hosts & two birthday boys, I could only reach "Compliment birthday sim 3/4," because Claude was inspired and couldn't give a Heartfelt Compliment.
Can a YA/Adult do a "compliment outfit" social on child? o.O

I might have been able to manage a 64-tile house with 2 children if I got rid of the painting studio.
Howevah, the child and teen stages are each 2 weeks long in my P10. I need to have something for the twins to do, lol.
You shock me! Isn't the combination of Top-Notch Toddler and Scouting Aptitude enough of a skill boost for your kiddos? ;)

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #293 on: February 01, 2020, 03:54:58 AM »
Yeah, I saw the studio was taking up space. And big career reward items.

Well, how much skilling is really enough? Just to push skilling a bit further, I had my well-raised sim (top notch, all the gifted, gold scout, quick learner,  but not a savant) drink a CelebuSerum and Potion of the Nimble Mind on that Mid-nowhere save. She was unfortunately very confident, and chose painting on a digital pad which requires inspiration. She hadn't touched painting before, was in the wrong mood, but got to level 7 as the potions ran out. Which is about 4 hours.

I hadn't thought of the Birthday Party Conundrum. And those moods stay around so long. That's useful info.

I saw that on the gallery Maxis has put up a half-dozen or so tiny houses. Ones that were in the trailer. I got most of them, probably not to play, but to look at and think about. And pad out Newcrest.

It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #294 on: February 01, 2020, 01:05:35 PM »
You're so close! It's too bad child and teen take such a long time, but you'll get there before you know it. I'm very curious about what Elwyn's "lifestyle" will be.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.46: Tiptoe Through the Tulips (30 Jan update)
« Reply #295 on: February 02, 2020, 06:31:37 PM »
Yeah, I saw the studio was taking up space. And big career reward items.

Well, how much skilling is really enough? Just to push skilling a bit further, I had my well-raised sim (top notch, all the gifted, gold scout, quick learner,  but not a savant) drink a CelebuSerum and Potion of the Nimble Mind on that Mid-nowhere save. She was unfortunately very confident, and chose painting on a digital pad which requires inspiration. She hadn't touched painting before, was in the wrong mood, but got to level 7 as the potions ran out. Which is about 4 hours.

I hadn't thought of the Birthday Party Conundrum. And those moods stay around so long. That's useful info.

I saw that on the gallery Maxis has put up a half-dozen or so tiny houses. Ones that were in the trailer. I got most of them, probably not to play, but to look at and think about. And pad out Newcrest.

I've had that issue twice: not being able to "Compliment birthday sim" because one of the children's parents was not Happy.
I guess if the kids were teens, we'd have the "Compliment outfit" social?

And why, pray tell, are you padding out Newcrest? Do you think we need a separate thread to share our Tiny Living builds?
I almost started one the other day...

You're so close! It's too bad child and teen take such a long time, but you'll get there before you know it. I'm very curious about what Elwyn's "lifestyle" will be.

I never seem to get the 13-day child/teen stages anymore, always two weeks each.
Haha, Elwyn's the last so I want to really enjoy his generation.
Maybe even have a kid to be a future founder of something...

Offline oshizu

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Power of 10 - 9.47: Claude's Almost Finished, Almost! (2 Feb update)
« Reply #296 on: February 02, 2020, 07:14:10 PM »
9.47: Claude's Almost Finished, Almost!

Erratic Elwyn.

Wednesday, Week 50

Claude: Elwyn and Jethro have been working on aspirations and badges.
By Friday, they bring home A's and complete Whiz Kid.

I've lost my studio, but the boys gain a larger bedroom.

On Friday, I also max my Master of the Real career.
The lighter work schedule will give me more time to paint.

I complete my tenth odd job today, too.

Elwyn: Have you already met my new friend, Cristal?
You're probably thinking she's too tall for me.
But if you look really closely, she's standing on a curb.  See?

Elwyn: Don't take the whole "spouse option" thing too much to heart, Cristal!
Cristal: Yeah, who knows what will happen? You may turn out to be obscenely wealthy but outrageously weird.
Elwayn: Awesome, right?

Claude: Elwyn is making progress like a champ!
Elwyn: No more scout meetings for me!

Claude: Yes, you've guessed correctly.
This was once our once-oh-so-spacious master bedroom, now crammed with all my Inspired+ career rewards.

So far my paintings have been mostly worth less than $5,000. What's the deal?
C'mon! I can't quit my job until my collection's finished…

Saturday night, I throw a party at the Oasis Springs Dust Bowl.
It must be this dynasty's worst-ever Incognito Party.
On the plus side, this is my tenth 2-hour community lot visit.
Sadly, we don't meet a single new teen.

Sunday, Week 51

My Sunday brunch party goes a little better.
Thankfully, I'm done with parties now until the boys' birthday next week.

I'm still busy with my painting collection downstairs.
Whenever Cristal tries her hand at painting, Averie mentors her.
But art doesn't exactly seem like Cristal's wheelhouse, does it?

Our cheeky little Elwyn asks Cristal to be his BFF.
When did they find the time to get to know each other so well!?

Thursday, Averie paints her first large Surrealism painting.
She is a neat, mean, and active, while I'm a creative, perfectionist, music-lover.
Don't forget that I'm also a Level 10 Master of the Real.

And yet, Averie creates the most valuable painting in my collection, worth $16,992.

Saturday morning, I complete my completion of paintings!
Because I'll be hanging them all around the house, I've made this temporary room to share them with you.
So here's my collection all in one place, worth $110,090.

All I need to do now is throw three more parties. I'm almost home-free!

After Averie and I eat ambrosia, I give Cristal her second Potion of Rejuvenation.
I know Averie and I could reset our ages with the same potion.
But I prefer ambrosia because it consistently works.

Our son, Elwyn, is excited to notice that Cristal has green eyes.
Our dynasty founder, Erwin Pries, also had green eyes but they were never passed on.
Elwyn seems to be counting his chickens…

Only four more days until the twins' teen birthday.
That's great news because they've pretty much run out of things to do.

Maybe we'll buy some tents and spend a few days in Sulani.

Coming next: Teen birthdays, three more parties, and maybe a little magic (or maybe not)

Claude's requirements: 9/10
✔️ 1. Unique career: Master of the Real 10
✔️ 2. Unique skill: DJ Mixing 10
✔️ 3. Earned 10k satisfaction points: yes
✔️ 4. Earned $10,000: yes
✔️ 5. 10/10 good friends (2/2 non-human)
✔️ 6. 10/10 odd jobs
📌 7. 7/10 parties
✔️ 8. 10/10 emotional whims
✔️ 9. 10/10 community lots for min. 2 hrs each
✔️10. 10/10-item collection: Paintings.

Offline reggikko

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.47: Claude's Almost Finished, Almost! (2 Feb update)
« Reply #297 on: February 02, 2020, 09:38:37 PM »
Standing on a curb! Hilarious. 🤣

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.47: Claude's Almost Finished, Almost! (2 Feb update)
« Reply #298 on: February 03, 2020, 09:28:25 PM »
Oooo, the green-eyed redhead.  Cristal just isn't playing fair.  If she doesn't like aged-up Elwyn, I think his poor, little heart might break!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Power of 10 - 9.47: Claude's Almost Finished, Almost! (2 Feb update)
« Reply #299 on: February 03, 2020, 09:36:08 PM »
Standing on a curb! Hilarious. 🤣

When I looked, I wondered why little Elwyn looked shorter than usual....

Oooo, the green-eyed redhead.  Cristal just isn't playing fair.  If she doesn't like aged-up Elwyn, I think his poor, little heart might break!
I guess we could be looking around harder for spouse options but, without visiting Selvadorada, Cristal seems pretty nice with her very random traits.
Those green eyes, though....

