Author Topic: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!  (Read 8911 times)

Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2019, 12:30:14 AM »
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile my Sims people! As stated before, I have been here in Chicago, IL visiting my wife's brother's family (one of them) for the week. I thought I would have some down time but everyday has been go go go...!!

I'm still in the Chicago area but wanted to update before going back to my hometown tomorrow night!

That being said, without further ado... On with my sims' experimented story/legacy?

So when we last left off... I was watching Sim Iron Chef on the TV and after the episode ended I was wanting to be a better cook... "One step at a time..."

So I was going to go back to the kitchen and improve on my cooking when the next thing I knew, I heard a vibration... I looked around and realized that it was my own phone!

When I checked the ID to see who it was, it was none other than Mr. Welcoming Ambassador himself: Johnny Zest.

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I thought to myself that I needed to start making new friends, meet up with some females, maybe one would catch my eye and vice-versa but also have some home boys to go have a beer at the bar but ultimately I decided to answer the phone call because as far as I knew there wasnt a way currently for me to check voicemails on it...

"Hello... Hey Johnny! Yeah, sure... You can come over! Alright, see you soon man!"

Seconds later... He was at the door and I let him in.

John: So... How are things with your whole... Welcoming thing?"

Zest: Oh.. Well... Honestly... It's been a little slow. Ever since you moved in... People have been flocking to these newer cities from expansion packs... City Living... Island Living... And since Oasis Springs is known as one of the older cities, I didn't even know if we'd get any new SIM people. Then... Then... You showed up from out of nowhere...

He, at this point, began to get all emotional on me...

Z: It's almost like you fell from the sky...

He then proceeded to gather his thoughts after wiping his allergies from his eyes...

Zest: So yes, when they gave me the packet on you, John... I was floored! I really didn't start until shortly after you left Oasis Springs... Knowing and establishing a relationship with one of the Caliente sisters... Being abducted by aliens and getting pregnant and having a son, a blue-alien named Phoenix... What happened?

I then began to tell him a shortened response...

John: Well, yes... The people that gave you that information... That is all true.. Even me getting abducted AND becoming pregnant!

Later on, I informed Mr. Zest that there was a dating app that my Sim used and met my soulmate but that I wanted to retell my story on how things were, whether if they were new or much of the same...

Zest: Gotcha man. So, let's change gears, shall we? What were you doing before I came in?

John: Well, I was watching the latest episode of SIM Iron Chef.

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He then proceeded to watch the re-run with me of what was left ... Ah... Oh... This part was horrible. I wish this was improved and that this was ignored. I can't believe Gordon Simsey would call them out like that...

I then proceeded to ask him: "Why so serious about this show... It's just a competitive Sims Cooking competition..."

From out of nowhere, he then said that he wanted to talk with me on something regarding that show at the dining room table:

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"Was it something I said Zest?", as I proceeded to get something to eat from the refrigerator...

Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2019, 12:38:08 PM »
Zest: Actually... It was nothing you said John... I just have had quite a not-so-memorable experience on that Iron Chef Show. You see, the host before Gordon was likeable... There were people lined up just hoping to get picked for that show! Ratings were up... In my mind, that show was going to last for the long haul... However, the money needing to continue ita popularity was running low... So, from what I understood... They wanted to find another popular person to take over and Gordon was out of a job for a few years due to how he was in Sims' Hills Kitchen. He came to Sims' Iron Chef Show and it was never the same ever since. I got on the show and got an earful from Gordon and decided to step down on my own... No elimination, no nothing...

John: Oh I see... Well, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience but I just got here not what even feels like a week ago... And when I was in the real world, I couldn't cook on a stove or even bake anything! Sure, there was the microwave but say if I wanted to impress a female one day, I'm sure she would like for me to cook something special for her so my goal is to become a successful cook one day...

Zest: I don't agree with this John... I don't want you to get treated the way that I was with Gordon from my past experiences...

John: I get it Johnny. I do. Just the difference is that I'm not you. Sure, any person's past experiences won't be squeaky clean, mine surely isn't but I'll quote a famous quote back where I came from: "Its not how many times you fall down... It's how many times you get back up..."

Zest: You still don't get it Jo-- ah... You know what?! I'm just tired of this... I'm going to leave... No one here in Oasis Springs gets me! Enjoy your stay here John... Don't bother calling me!

Next thing I knew, he slammed the door... I looked through my window and he walked off as if he were on a mission to tell someone off... Maybe he was going to the gym to blow off some steam?

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Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2019, 01:11:26 PM »
Speaking of the gym, as risky as it initially sounded, I decided to go there because if I was to become a great cook, a lot of eating would be involved and I wasn't going to be the type of sim that would just cook salads and healthy stuff like that...

So, off to the gym I went hoping to not run into Mr. Zest...

When I finally reached the gym, I looked up at the monitors outside of the building and saw someone that looked real familar to someone I met early on in my last residential living in Oasis Springs... "It couldn't be, could it?" I thought to myself.

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"Is that... Bella Goth???"

I walked in and rushed trying to find the treadmills and surely enough... After getting a good look at the black haired lady, my curiosity was confirmed... Bella Goth in the flesh!

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John: Hey Bella!! It's me, John! Remember from Oasis Springs? We go way back!

Bella: Hey hold on a second girl... Hey-- uh.. Can I help you sir? Do I know you?

John: Uhmmm... I would think so? I would never think in a million sim years that you would forget any sim person, especially one that was heavily involved with the Caliente family... And last that I read before coming back in again to town is that you and Katrina have been real close over the years...

Bella: Well, yes... This is true but I don't remember any guy by your name... Katrina has never mentioned any guy that was involved with her or her daughters. Not in a few years anyway...

I was thinking to myself: "Did the Caliente family forget who I was as well? Nina, at the very least, could have NEVER forgotten about me... could she?"

Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2019, 03:29:33 PM »
Speaking of Nina... As my eyes scanned the rest of the gym, I noticed Katrina first but then the former love that I developed feelings and a relationship with... Nina.

I races towards them and respectfully said hi to Katrina but then focused my attention to Nina...

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John: Hey Nina!! Do you remember me? We had such good times together... We went out, took you to dinner, and we even had talked about getting married before I left Oasis Spr--

Nina: Hey hold on Mom... Hey there stranger... Well, I do remember a guy a long time ago that looked really similar to how you look... That I had feelings for but.. It's kinda blurry in my mind.. His name started with a "J"

Did she remember who I was?

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2019, 01:48:34 AM »
Nina: Actually... No... Wait... Jo-- John? Is that you???

My eyes glowed as I said... "Yes!! My name is John!! So you do remember me!" Bella had told me about what happened that.. Nor Katrina or any of her daughters remembered any man that have approached them in the last few years...

Nina: Most of what she had said to you is correct. To be honest, here let's actually talk about this in private, just you and me...

Next thing I knew, we were outside and Nina was looking a little playful but serious at the same time... Then, she began to speak in a firm tone:

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Nina: You see, John. Truth is, I never forgot about you... The memories that we had made and everything. Problem that our family was facing, well more like a problem Katrina was having, was that you, from out of nowhere, disappeared into thin air.. After you left, she told me that she didn't want to hear about you ever again and I should just erase any and all memories of what we had... Because she felt like you--

John: That I cheated on you? Is that it?

She nodded in disappointment and said in a light, airy tone: "Something like that...

I then picked her chin up and said:

John: Look Nina. Things did change. I'll be 100% honest with you. No lies. There was a serious malfunction back at the lab when I was transported to Oasis Springs the first time. During those years, I had found a real life woman who I invested some time with and really I didn't feel a need to get back into finding a new lab to transport back to the game because I had eventually found love in the real world and got married. Yeah, she knows I am re-enacting how things were in Oasis Springs. Does she think it's weird, that it's strange? Yes. No doubt. But she knows I would never cheat on her as in marrying a woman in sim world unless it was her and she went as far as to create her own sim in this second go-round so when I meet up with her? That is to be determined because she will live in another city from here because that's how it was when we first dated. I'm sorry I never came back in-game to tell you all this... But if it makes any difference, you filled a void in my life when nothing special was going down til that happened so thank you...

I then looked at Nina and her eyes were teary-eyed. My guess was that she was filled with mixed emotions.

John: I know that its a lot to process Nina... But I hope we can be friends through all of this...

Nina: No... I appreciate you being honest... And honestly, I am full of mixed emotions right now. On the one hand, I am quite happy for you that you found someone in your real world universe but on the other hand, I feel deceived that you didn't tell me what was going on right then and there... I'm sorry John... I know you mean well and are a good guy but this will take some time for me to process. Let's meet again in the future and we can talk this out when I have a more clear mindset, yes?

I shook my head in agreement and with that she gave me a hug and jogged off into the distance...

Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2019, 03:27:29 PM »
I decided on head on home myself as I felt that both Bella Goth and Katrina Caliente didn't really seem too interested in getting re-aquainted with me...

When I got home, I still thought to myself that I wanted to become a better cook but didn't have the necessary tools to get there right away. So I thought how I could speed up the "master cooking" process. I looked through the refrigerator. Nothing. Then, there was a note on the side of it, which read:

"Need help cooking? Why not get assisted help by hiring* a private chef to give you some tricks of the trade!"

*Chef costs €40 simoleans an hour... Max 5 hours a day... Must have an open schedule as our chefs work around the clock*

I, then decided, without any hesitation, cooked them right away. I was available right now! If no one was, then I would try another time.

I was fortunate enough to get through and got the last chef for the day to come over...

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I was in the bathroom at this point as I had some company over already but figured she had left because I couldn't find her anywhere! Next thing I knew, she was done with her entree, plating and everything!

"Wait... I said to her. I didn't learn anything. You just created a dish and then thats it?"

"Yes... Pretty much" she said in reply. Did you honestly expect that I was going to be your private teacher in your own home? For €40 an hour? Really now?

I looked down at the business-looking card, looked back up at her after looking off to the side and nodded: "Well... Yeah..."

"That's for another service we are currently in talks of doing in the future..." She said in reply to me. "If we get enough support then we will do a soft launch at a discounted price for new members... Unfortunately though, we don't have that support yet but if you help spread the word, I'll be sure you'll be first in line!" as she gave me a playful wink at me.

At this point I blushed a little bit and decided to check out what she ended up making... What special concoction she had up her sleeves:

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"Tofu... Tacos?" I thought to myself. I gave a little look of concern at the chef, which she looked at me as if to say "What's wrong?"

I, at that point, looked at her chef's outfit and read "Vegetarian". I mentally facepalmed myself and then it light bulbed right away as to why she was the last one available when I had called...

"Try it.. You'll love it!" She said to me in reply.

"Oohh... Okay!" I said to her

I closed my eyes and took one bite...  *chomp... chomp... chomp...*

"Wow... This isn't half bad!" I said. "It tastes like chicken!"

"Told you it was good!" She said to me.

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I then sat down and noticed that the girl I had over was still there. I could have easily asked where she was hiding but I felt a romantic aura in the air... I looked at my watch and thermostat and both gave off a pink glow... As it said "flirty".

I looked both at the chef and the girl I had over and one winked and the other licked their lips at me!

Deciding to change course a bit I swallowed calmly not to seem too eager beaver and them leaving I asked: "Is... Uh... Ummm.. Anyone hungry for dessert?"

Offline SimNike

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Re: John Alves - My Sim Story! - Oasis Springs... 4 years later!!
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2019, 04:44:08 PM »
Of course I was enjoying the attention! Internally, my whole being was giddy but on the outside I wasn't sure how to handle this situation from getting strange and them both leaving...

The one girl I had invited informed me that she had to get going that it was getting late. So it was just me and the private chef.

I looked down at the time and I realized the five hours were up....

"Darn" I said to myself.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" She said to me.

I looked sad and said to her... "Well according to the time, you were only supposed to be here for 5 hours and it just hit 5 hours... Time flies when you have great company around..."

"Oh is that so?" She said. "Usually, yes... Due to contract obligations we do have to leave the residential or business establishment but I like you John. So ill stay a little while longer..."

Next thing I knew she was eating what looked like a vegan dish... Carameled Apple?

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"Hey!! Where's my desert?" I asked her.

"Well..." She said to me. "There was only one caramelled apple in the frig... Looks like you'll have to do some shopping sweetie... Oh what the heck... I'll share mine with you!"

We enjoyed a half-eaten Caramel Apple and then she had to pardon herself as she had to go... She gave me a kiss on the cheek goodbye and headed out the door.

"Til the next time sweetie!"

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